Babelfish Articles July-Aug 2013 18-8-13

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Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13 Page 1


July 2013 - August 2013


SummaryFacebook Takes On TV-Like Messaging In Prime Time............................................................4

P&G ROI.................................................................................................................................. 5

P&G focuses on ROI................................................................................................................7

Is It Really Time for Your Brand To Be “RTB”–Real Time Bidding?..........................................8

Even Creatives Are Using Real-Time Data.............................................................................10

'All Models Are Wrong, but Some Are Useful'........................................................................11

O futuro da TV chegou e sem hora marcada.........................................................................12

The Rise of Programmatic Buying: Winners & Losers............................................................15

CEOs suspicious of creativity................................................................................................16

Why ROI Is Often Wrong For Measuring Marketing Impact....................................................17

Times Have Changed - and so Should Your Approach to Segmentation...............................19

Programmatic Buying Rises, But Display Ads Decline...........................................................20

Facebook's Video Audience Bigger Than TV, According to Nielsen.......................................21

The Facebook Advertising Ecosystem Explained...................................................................22

Media Usage On Rise Due To Multitasking............................................................................26

Five trends marketers can't ignore.......................................................................................28

Infographic: Data-Driven Marketing Is Heating Up................................................................32

The Truth About Tracking Consumers Across Devices..........................................................34

Which is Better for Agency Talent -- Giant Holding Companies or Independent Shops?.......36

From analog to digital: How to transform the business model..............................................38

Understanding emotions key to marketing success..............................................................43

Data-Driven Marketing Efforts Increase................................................................................44

Findings Validate That Tweets Can Influence Tune-in Rates, While TV Programming Drives Twitter Activity...................................................................................................................... 46

US TV lags in programmatic buying......................................................................................47

Innovation Isn't an Idea Problem...........................................................................................48

Eyes Wide Shut: The Pitfalls Of Programmatic Blindness......................................................49

Agencies Quietly Begin Using Programmatic Platform To Buy TV, Billions Already Served...51

Across Devices/PlAtforms......................................................................................................55

Facebook says it wants to provide a simpler online shopping experience............................59

Social Media in the Boardroom.............................................................................................59

Mobile Takes The Digital Lead As Online Surpasses TV........................................................61

Everything you think about weight loss is wrong..................................................................62

Your Customers Don’t Care About “Touchpoints”; They Care about the Journey..................67

Facebook Mobile numbers....................................................................................................69

Brasil precisa repensar modelo de remuneração das agências, diz Buono...........................70

Content, Context Or Audience?.............................................................................................71

A Man Snaps Into A QR Code...And Someone Actually Tells Him A Good Story.....................72

The 25 things happy people do differently............................................................................73

User Interface Is More Important Than You Ever Thought It Was..........................................74

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ZenithOptimedia Cuts Data Deal To Improve TV Targeting..................................................75

Mercado fatura R$ 11,8 bi até maio......................................................................................76

University of Basel researchers prove 'full moon effect' impacts on human sleep...............77

The Secret to Being an Awesome Marketer? Act Like a Child...............................................80

6 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013: New Research...........................................................82

Who I Am Is Less Important Than What I Do: Identifying the 'Right Data'.............................88

5 Rules for Turning Data Into Insights and Stories................................................................89

Fiat Launches Matchmaking Site to Lure Lonely California Car Buyers.................................91

SKY patrocina shows da turnê mundial do Hanson no Brasil e transmite ao vivo, pelo Facebook, apresentação de São Paulo..................................................................................93

Especial Gamification: A arte e os desafios de fidelizar consumidores pelos games............94

TV most popular for streaming..............................................................................................95

Users of Netflix, Other Subscription Video Services Prefer TV Shows to Movies by a Four-to-One Margin............................................................................................................................ 95

The Data Pool: Adhesive Forms Retargeting Co-op To Move Up The Funnel.........................96

Why Facebook and Twitter are not the most innovative companies.....................................97

14 Things High Schoolers Should Know Before They Go To College.....................................98

How Big Data Is Transforming The Mobile Industry.............................................................101

3 Questions to Ask Your New Digital Analytics Team Member............................................102

The Rise Of Programmatic Direct........................................................................................103

Introducing the Social-TV Ecosystem Chart 2.0..................................................................105

Audiência com Google e Microsoft é cancelada..................................................................106

Convergence Analytics Now: 3 Ways This New Market Changes Everything......................107

It's Not Either/or: TV and Social Advertising Complement Each Other................................108

Google prepara serviço de TV para internet, diz jornal.......................................................110

The Mobile Web Gains Traction in Brazil.............................................................................110

Helped by GE, Ayasdi positions itself at crest of Big Data’s second wave..........................111

Smartphones responderam por 40% das vendas de celulares no Brasil de janeiro a maio 113

Brazil Reaches 100 Million Internet Users...........................................................................113

Why is the Media Industry Falling Behind on Digital Content Planning?..............................114

Forrester: $2.1 Trillion Will Go Into IT Spend In 2013; Apps And The U.S. Lead The Charge............................................................................................................................................ 115

Microsoft reshuffles company structure..............................................................................117

Brasil possui 102,3 milhões de conectados.........................................................................119

Intel Cooks Up Future of TV -- a Potential Mess for Cable...................................................120

Addressable Ad Technology Brings Congressional Privacy Concerns..................................121

Opinião: 20 slides em 400 segundos...................................................................................123

Marketers misunderstand ROI.............................................................................................124

UGC works for loyal consumers...........................................................................................125

Predicta instaura novo modelo de análise de campanhas digitais......................................126

CHART OF THE DAY: The PC Business Implodes..................................................................126

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Facebook Takes On TV-Like Messaging In Prime Time

by Wayne Friedman, Aug 1, 2013, 4:43 PM

TV, meet your new nightly, prime time competitor: Facebook.

The social media giant wants to charge video advertisers up to a big-time $2.5 million for a 15-second spot, according to Bloomberg. Facebook users would see the spot no more than three times a day.

That hefty price tag would be ten times the $250,000 or more that an advertiser typically pays for a big 30-second primetime spot on a major high-rated broadcast network show like NBC’s “The Voice,” CBS’ “NCIS,” Fox’s “American Idol” or ABC’s “Modern Family.”

In terms of raw numbers, each of those shows might pull in 15-20 million viewers for 30 minutes or one-hour’s worth of programming and other messaging content.

Facebook? Its chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, said during the company’s’ recent earnings call that: “Every night, 88 million to 100 million people are actively using Facebook during prime-time TV hours in the United States alone.” Facebook had 198 million active U.S. users in the second quarter 2013.

Facebook is sizing up the move as competition to TV. But admittedly video advertising on Facebook wouldn’t be anything like advertising on prime-time television. The Facebook commercials will initially be sold on a full-day basis and targeted to users based only on age and gender (which does sound like TV advertising).

Some full-day ads could be priced as low as $1 million, with the seemingly high price justified by some people based on so-called active Internet engagement versus passive TV viewing.

Now, you may ask, why is Facebook targeting only on age and gender when digital media sellers tell you that many more data points and consumer preferences can be included in their buys, leading to better ROI?

Because targeting only by age and gender makes it easier for media planning and buying executives to pull the trigger and shift money from -- where else -- the big coffers of their TV media budgets. Helping out Facebook in this vein is new data that goes to the heart of the TV media buying business: a report from Nielsen saying that Facebook attracts more 18 to 24-year-old consumers during prime-time viewing hours than any of the four major television networks.

Commercial breaks are no reason to take a break from anything -- especially if you are a young TV-watching adult. A consumer can be posting or looking at a Facebook page while a commercial is running on “Teen Mom,” “Walking Dead” or “Glee” -- that is, if they’re not doing their social media activity with one hand while fast-forwarding with the other.

That’s the growing, some would say “compelling,” multitasking activity that Facebook will now talk up -- and look to charge TV advertisers a couple of million of dollars to access.

Read more:

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Jul 17, 2013 Author Daniel Laury ADOTAS

The world’s biggest advertiser, Procter & Gamble, is launching a review of how it measures the impact of its $5 billion-plus annual spend. The company has implemented a new system for measuring return on marketing investment and all eyes are on it.

P&G wants to get a better handle on the impact of digital media — including social and search — and explain sales trends. They’re starting relatively small, with five brands, and then expanding the initiative to as many as twenty before rolling out any system companywide.

Given that P&G spent $2.8 billion last year in U.S. measured media, according to Kantar Media, and another $3 billion to $4 billion in trade and consumer promotion, any lessons learned could have dramatic implications for how brands in all industries place and measure digital advertising. Here are four guidelines to improve the impact of your digital marketing.

Match Ad Format, Channel and Audience

Display, mobile, social, local, affiliate, contextual – the opportunities for digital marketing continue to expand. Advertisers in many industries are discovering what some have known for years – digital advertising works. The challenge is to find the best format and channel for your brand.

These days there is no consensus about which type of ad works best. It depends on your product, its sales cycle, and your audience’s online habits, preferences, and needs. No matter what type you choose, one of the most important considerations when placing advertising is understanding where your audience travels online.

I call this the ”digital engagement path.” It’s the virtual path that your customers and prospects travel across the web — from Google search, to web site, to YouTube video, to blog, to Facebook, to Pinterest and back again. Your goal as an advertiser is to connect with consumers in a relevant, engaging, and friendly way that conveys a consistent message and motivates conversion — without annoying or interrupting them.

Message Individuals, Not the Masses

Despite the evolution in formats and data analysis, too many marketers have been applying the same mass marketing techniques used in the offline world to the digital world. Some advertisers are stuck in the broadcast model and don’t understand that the best way to alienate a potential customer is to hijack their browser with an irrelevant ad.

Consumers are tuning out generic, mass-market messages and are choosing which marketing messages they receive – when, where, and from whom. They expect, even demand, interactive and consistent communication across every digital channel.

To succeed, brands must place their focus on individual interactions and the experiences each consumer will have with their brands. Digital advertising is well suited to enable this approach. Digital allows brands to have personalized conversations with consumers, measure ROI across channels and derive value from the vast amount of data available to marketers.

Spend Your Ad Budget Where It Counts

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Advertisers continue to put their money into digital, shifting budgets, in many cases, away from traditional formats.

Overall ad revenues will decline in the U.S. by 0.5% to $176.25 billion as advertisers shift dollars away from local media, newspapers, radio and English-language broadcast network TV to digital (MediaPost).

Domestic digital ad revenue hit $9.6 billion in Q1 2013, a 15.6% increase over the $8.3 billion earned during Q1 2012 (Interactive Advertising Bureau).

Display is the fastest-growing subcategory, with 20% annual growth (Interactive Advertising Bureau).

Online video and social media advertising are each growing at about 30% a year (ZenithOptimedia).

Marketers will continue to invest in digital channels and advanced marketing technology, with 71% of companies increasing digital spend in 2013 vs. just 20% increasing offline spend (Econsultancy).

Over two- thirds of companies are driving more than half of their revenues from digital marketing spend (Econsultancy).

Get Outside the Silo

Success in digital advertising, as in all endeavors, depends on thoughtful planning and the ability to apply the lessons of one campaign to another. One of the benefits of a robust measurement strategy is the ability to understand the cross-channel implications of your media plan. Avoid evaluating each effort in silos that do not take into account consumer behavior and the influence of one channel on another.

Create a measurement plan that involves these logical steps:

Define business success metrics

Identify channel metrics: those that directly support business objectives and those that support channel-specific optimization and performance

Determine what data is needed to feed the metrics

Identify data sources (e.g., third party ad servers, research vendors, media vendors, etc.)

Create company-specific models to understand your ROI

Take a lesson from Procter & Gamble and put understanding digital advertising and its returns at the forefront of your marketing efforts. Understanding your audience, matching its interests with the right ad formats and channels, and thinking outside the silo will help you generate long-term value with customers and prospects across the digital engagement path.

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P&G focuses on ROI

NEW YORK: Procter & Gamble, the FMCG giant, has set a "minimum ROI" level against which to measure all of its US marketing campaigns, as the company ramps up its emphasis on effectiveness.

Speaking on a conference call with analysts, AG Lafley, the firm's recently-reappointed chief executive, reported that it was taking a granular approach to monitoring effectiveness.

"We know brand by brand in the US and in a lot of other markets the range of effectiveness we can deliver, and it's wide. And so we are holding all of the businesses to a minimum ROI," he said.

Alongside providing some vital benchmarks, this initiative forms part of a broader effort to more stringently plan and monitor communications.

"Our problem is not the total amount we are spending. Our problem is the mix, our opportunity is the mix and we are going to get the mix better and better and better and there is a lot of opportunity there," he said.

"We're pounding away on communication effectiveness. We're pounding away on best media," said Lafley. "But it's a brand by brand, category by category, consumer segment by consumer segment set of decisions."

New media, Lafley revealed, is taking a rising share of P&G's budget. "Our digital I think is now up to 35% in the US, roughly. It goes up and down, 25% to 35%," he said.

"We have some businesses and brands where digital is incredibly effective, and we're doing more. We have other brands that are on the learning curve. They've got to get up the learning curve faster."

While predicting that total advertising expenditure levels will rise "pretty significantly" on an annual basis, P&G anticipates that the pace of this expansion will fall 20 basis points behind sales growth.

However, rather than lower levels of advertising, reach and frequency, the goal is to maximise the payback from its campaigns, provide a greater clarity of messaging and cut the costs which consumers "never see".

Looking more broadly, Lafley reported that the organisation may streamline its portfolio if certain brands consistently fail to meet expectations.

"We will continue to focus the company's portfolio, allocating resources to businesses where we can create disproportionate value and continuing to exit those where we cannot," he said.

Data sourced from Seeking Alpha; additional content by Warc staff, 5 August 2013


Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13 Page 7

Is It Really Time for Your Brand To Be “RTB”–Real Time Bidding?

By Randall Beard | Business 2 Community – Thu, Aug 1, 2013 7:30 AM EDT

Any casual reader of my posts would know that I believe the future of advertising is increasingly real time (and RTB). In TV, this usually takes the Is It Really Time for Your Brand To Be “RTB”–Real Time Bidding? image RTB Button 300x240

Is It Really Time for Your Brand To Be “RTB”–Real Time Bidding?

form of copy rotation, given the very real difficulties in changing programming on the fly. In digital, however, it’s a completely different story.

One of the hotter trends in digital advertising is the continued rise of real time bidding (RTB). Rising out of seemingly nowhere just a few short years ago, RTB now represents over 50% of display advertising according to eMarketer and other sources. There’s even an app that tracks RTB adoption—The Rubicon Project.

Is this a good thing for your brand and should your agency be using it on your brand’s behalf?

Real Time Bidding (RTB)—What Is It?

Real time bidding is just what is suggests: the ability to bid on specific digital audiences in real time. Constructed in real time, RTB buys audiences thru bidding based on pre-defined parameters rather than the traditional approach of the media agency developing a digital media plan and then buying specific sites and placements.

RTB combines web browsing behavior, information about consumers thru third party cookies, sophisticated algorithms—enabled by demand and supply side platforms and ad exchanges. Demand side platforms, or DSPs, automate the purchasing of digital advertising on behalf of advertisers. Supply side platforms, or SSPs, manage the publisher’s digital inventory available for sale. Ad exchanges link the DSPs and SSPs together thru software tools that facilitate the purchase of display inventory in real time auctions.

RTB Example–How It Works

Example: You are in the car insurance market and your intended audience is females who recently purchased a car and aged 21 to 45.

The publisher provides its available inventory to the SSP (not all inventory is available for RTB). Your agency’s demand side platform (DSP) bids for individual digital impressions against your intended audience. The ad exchange conducts the auction through an automated bidding system that unfolds in the milliseconds before a webpage is loaded by a consumer.

If the loading web page is being viewed by a female aged 21 to 45 and who recently purchased a car, the DSP places a bid for the ad unit. If the price is right (e.g., your bid is highest), your bid wins the auction, your ad loads on the browser, and is served to the consumer on the publishers site. If your price isn’t right, you lose the auction and your ad isn’t served. And if the consumer isn’t your intended audience, the DSP makes no bid. This process is replicated millions and millions of times and builds your digital media plan in real time.

Real Time Bidding (RTB) Applications

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Audience Profile–The most basic approach with RTB is to bid for specific audiences. Audience profiles can be bought based on demographics, buyer behaviors, and past web browsing behavior, etc. This enables advertisers to be much more precise in buying only the audience that they want.

TV Viewing Behavior—This approach enables you to buy digital audiences to complement your TV advertising campaign. For example, advertisers often want to use on-line to extend reach to consumers who are unlikely to see their TV campaigns. Presto, bid only for audiences who haven’t seen your TV advertising.

Brand Impact—Current digital ad effectiveness tools measure the brand lift of your on-line advertising in real time, so it’s only natural that the DSP’s have enabled these tools to drive RTB. So, if your real time brand lift metrics show that certain sites and placements are performing better than others, the DSP translates this into real time bids for the best performing sites and placements.

Sales—Not surprisingly, on-line direct marketing was an early pioneer of using RTB. Using response based measures, they used RTB to bid for specific audiences, behaviors, sites, etc. that were most associated with sales response. More recently, multi-touch attribution modeling is enabling the same for off-line sales response— and connecting this data to DSPs and the RTB process.

Real Time Bidding (RTB)—Too Good to Be True?

This really sounds like marketing nirvana—the ability to:

Buy only your intended audience without wastage (remember TRPs?).

Buy only those sites and placements with the biggest brand lift.

Buy only the placements which drive the most sales response.

Clearly, the market has voted, with over 50% of display ads now bought via RTB. But it still sounds too good to be true. Is it?

Issues with RTB

Viewability—This is not an issue with RTB per se, but rather a broader on-line issue. Data from Nielsen and other companies show that ~ 40 to 50% of on-line ads are not viewable. That is, they aren’t “above the fold” and in view for at least one second. If an ad isn’t viewable, then it can’t be effective.

Premium Inventory—Initially, publishers placed their remnant inventory into play with RTB. While this is clearly no longer the case, publishers continue to withhold premium display and online video inventory from RTB.

RTB isn’t nirvana, but it’s a pretty big deal. The confluence of audience behavioral data, software, and technology has yielded what should be a classically efficient market: where bidding defines value, buyers and sellers are matched at the optimal bid price and brands should benefit with improved ad effectiveness.

RTB is still young. While not perfect, it’s only going to get better. Keep your eyes on this one.

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Even Creatives Are Using Real-Time Data

by Tyler Loechner, Aug 2, 2013, 3:45 PM

I had the chance to speak with PointRoll CEO Mario Diez the other day about a McDonald's case study which involved turning big data into real-time intelligence. PointRoll worked with McDonald's agency H&L Partners to deploy "dynamic" creative messaging in real-time.

By using real-time data, creatives have a much better chance of delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. You already knew this, but it was funny hearing Diez explain it. "[Marketers] wake up every morning and they realize, 'Holy #%! my creative might be out of date. I just learned something this morning. I spent months building my TV assets and they might be out of date.'"

I asked Diez to define dynamic creative messaging. His response: "Creative messaging that is dynamically build dependent on the data of the marketer's campaign."

So, uh, that's still pretty confusing.

Here's the definition I gathered from the conversation: Changing the creative in ads based on real-time data.

The idea behind dynamic creative is that a single ad template can be placed and run like a traditional display campaign. The difference is that the content of that ad can change in real-time based on who is seeing it.

Using the "dynamic" real-time creative strategy, McDonald's saw overall campaign click-through rates (CTR) increase by 65%. The dynamic campaign had a CTR lift of 112%. Diez asked, "Why wouldn't you do that?"

Diez said that the actual placement of the ads doesn't change, just what happens after the ad has been placed. I also asked him whether or not the publishers care that the ads on their site can change (the advertiser is the same, but the content of the ad is what can change). He said, "There's an approval process for a lot of the publisher to be aware of what's happening on the creative side. When you have thousands of variations of ads, it just becomes unscalable." He added, "[But] we are at a point now where publishers have been working with media clients for a long time and there's a high level of trust."

To me, this seems like a good way to bring real-time data targeting to display advertising without dealing with the exchanges. More importantly, this seems like a good way to let the creatives get a feel for big data. Isn't everyone always saying that the best part of automation is that it frees up the humans to focus on strategy and creative?

2 comments on "Even Creatives Are Using Real-Time Data".

Myles Younger from Canned Banners

commented on: August 2, 2013 at 4:17 p.m.

I can sympathize with Mr. Diaz' somewhat obtuse definition of dynamic ad creative. It's not easy to encapsulate. Once ad creative is made to be dynamic, responsive, and contextually self-aware, there are a practically infinite number of tactics and applications. A tactic might be "let's allow the ad to look up the current weather in the viewer's area," whereas an application might be "now that our ad is enabled with weather data, let's have the ad feature products that are relevant to the

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current weather." I'll add one more thing to Mr. Diaz' quote "Creative messaging that is ... dependent on the data of the marketer's campaign." The creative messaging can also influenced by CONTEXTUAL information that does not come from the marketer (the current weather, for instance). At the end of the day, the pitch should not be that dynamic creative is some esoteric, must-have technology with a confusing 20-word description. Rather, the pitch should be that the dynamic creative vendor will assimilate the advertiser's campaign goals, and then work backwards to reduce an infinite array of options down to a simple mix of dynamic elements that will exceed the performance of static (non-dynamic) creative.

David Haro from

commented on: August 5, 2013 at 8:58 a.m.

What kind of real-time data are we talking about here? Dynamic creative messaging has been around for years. Based on where you've been and what you've done, a creative can be assembled accordingly. As Mr. Younger mentions in his comments, you can layer other data such as weather, even geo. The likes of PointRoll, MediaMind, Mediaplex, and Spongecell have been doing this for at least a good five years.

Read more:

'All Models Are Wrong, but Some Are Useful'

Neil Mason | August 8,

So said the statistician George Box. Clarifying what he meant, Box went on to say, "Remember that all models are wrong; the practical question is how wrong do they have to be to not be useful?" I think he had a point that's worth thinking about a bit.

The increased use of data mining and predictive analytical techniques within organizations to reduce risk and improve decision-making means that managers will be exposed more and more to the results of these approaches. They will be increasingly using them to make recommendations or to decide on courses of action. So, how do you know how wrong the model is and whether or not it can be useful?

All Models Are Wrong

This is a statement of fact, rather than a controversial opinion. After all, the best model of a house is the house itself. A scale model of the house is one representation of the real thing and will give you a 3D perspective but possibly not some of the detail that you're looking for. The set of the architect's drawings will potentially have the detail you're looking for but it may be difficult to visualize what the finished house might look like. A painting of the house set in its landscape will give you a different context. If you're building a house you may end up using all three approaches to make decisions about how the building should go.

It's the same with analytical models. They are all representations of the real thing, simplified to a greater or lesser degree. All of them are "wrong" to a greater or lesser degree. So, how can you tell how wrong they are?

Most models have measures of fit or error of one type or another. There are different ways fit and errors can be measured depending on the type of modelling technique being used. For example, in simple linear regression, which probably most people are familiar with, the R squared or correlation coefficient is a basic measure of the quality of the fit of the model. It broadly explains

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how much of the variation in the data can be explained by the model. But it's only one measurement of how good the model is and modellers will be balancing that measurement with others to come up with the best model for the purpose for which it's intended. That's the art in the science of modelling.

But Some Are Useful

We can construct some notion of "wrong" from metrics and statistics, but how do we develop our notion of "useful"? Whereas "wrong" in this case is essentially an analytical concept, the notion of "useful" is really a commercial or business concept. It's useful if it helps me make better decisions and reduce risks. But the best models are not necessarily the most useful. Here are a couple of examples.

Cluster analysis is often used as a technique for creating customer segments. These segments may be required to drive some type of target marketing activity. Cluster analysis is what is known as an unsupervised learning technique, which broadly means you give it some data, it does its own thing, and then gives an answer. You then have to figure out what the answer is telling you. The technique will give the best model it can from an algorithmic point of view but it may not be that useful. For example, the segments may not add to your existing body of understanding or they may not be that actionable. That could mean that a slightly poorer model may be more useful because you can translate the segmentation into a marketing program you can execute on.

Another example is in econometric modelling. This technique is often used for marketing mix performance analysis where you're looking to understand the impact of various elements of the marketing mix on something like product sales. It's possible to build quite elaborate models that explain a great deal about what drives sales from marketing factors to competitive factors to macro-economic factors. However, the model is difficult to use because if you want to look at different scenarios or forecast the impact of a change, there's so much data that needs to be inputted into it that it becomes a time-consuming and laborious process. In this case a simpler model may actually be more effective because it's easier to use.

So, if you're reviewing some outputs from a piece of modelling work that's been done, it's always useful to keep George Box in mind and ask yourself (or the modeller) a couple of questions:

"How wrong is it?" (i.e., is it robust enough?)

"What can I do with it?" (i.e., is it useful?)

In fact, thinking about it, that probably applies to any piece of analysis.

O futuro da TV chegou e sem hora marcada

Quem não lembra ou pelo menos ouviu falar, das noites de domigo nos anos 70 e 80, quando pontualmente, às 19:00h, as hilárias aventuras lideradas pelo Anti-Herói brasileiro Didi Mocó, começavam e arrancavam gargalhadas das crianças e famílias brasileiras? Quando o Didi nos chamava com a maior intimidade de “Ô Psit?“ e “Ô da poltrona?”, ele parecia ter certeza que a gente estava ali, vidrados e grudados na tela da TV. E estávamos. A gente se distraía ou arranjava alguma coisa pra fazer nos intervalos comerciais, e voltava voando para a frente da TV quando o programa ameaçava retornar. Voltei muito no tempo? Só mais um minutinho.

Quando a TV “controlava” o nosso tempo era mais do que a época áurea da TV brasileira. Era uma distante época de controle sobre o tempo da audiência e o que havia à disposição na grade de programação, na tela da TV. Um tempo de controle total sobre a hora em que a audiência iria

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assistir a programacão. Porque cada dia está mais impossível saber aonde, quando e como a audiência assistirá o seu programa favorito.

O mundo foi reconfigurado: O Futurismo virou Presentismo.

Afinal o que está acontecendo hoje? Viramos zumbis digitais obcecados por tecnologia? A tecnologia tomou conta da Terra e dominou as nossas vidas? Não. Mas parece que email é coisa do passado, que ninguém tem tempo, nem paciência para ler um texto que ultrapasse 140 caracteres, e muito menos para responder. Não toleramos mais o intervalo comercial na TV, e “pulamos” o da web, por ser uma interrupção intrusiva no nosso tempo.

Há quase quatro décadas a nossa relação com o tempo vem se transformando profundamente. Somos imediatistas, apressados, impacientes, dispersivos, etc. Tudo ao nosso redor, na sociedade , na cultura mundial, economia, política, nas corporações, na forma de fazermos negócios e de nos relacionarmos, mudou.

Vivemos hoje uma realidade contemporânea mais do que prevista por George Orwell em seu último romance,”1984”, publicado em 1949, onde o personagem central, Winston, vivia aprisionado na engrenagem totalitária de uma sociedade completamente dominada pelo Estado, onde tudo era feito coletivamente, mas cada qual vivia sozinho. Ao redor, na história, havia uma intensa vigilância do emblemático personagem “Big Brother”, uma personificação do poder.

Alvin Toffler, Marshall McLuhan, Gibson, Pierre Levy e outros sábios futuristas e filósofos, enxergaram há muito tempo um Futurismo de amplas transformações sociais na vida das pessoas. Um futuro que é o nosso presente.

Por exemplo, em “O Choque do Futuro”, livro de Toffler lançado em 1970, uma série de previsões sobre o futuro arrepiaram as pessoas na época, mas se concretizaram ao longo do tempo. Viveríamos um fluxo de mudanças tão acelerado, que influenciaria a nossa sensação de tempo, revolucionando o ritmo da vida cotidiana e afetando a forma como sentimos o mundo ao nosso redor. As pessoas e instituições teriam dificuldade em lidar com essa rapidez, todos se sentiriam obrigados a ter respostas imediatas, ficariam confusos na hora de tomar decisões e sofreriam muito por causa disso. Teríamos uma forte sensação de desorientação e quando tudo começasse a mudar de modo acelerado, muitas coisas se tornariam temporárias e facilmente descartadas. Até clonagem de animais poderia acontecer, segundo o autor futurista.

Toffler sabia que as novas tecnologias nunca surgiriam sozinhas no futuro. Seria um pacote de mudanças tecnológicas, seguidas de mudanças sociais, políticas e culturais. A estrutura familiar seria afetada com a expansão dos computadores. As mulheres sairiam de casa para trabalhar e exigiriam, cada vez mais, o seu lugar ativo na sociedade. As famílias se tornariam menores e haveria uma evolutiva diversificação das mesmas. Enfim, o mundo foi acelerando, se descentralizando e se multiplicando. Os valores e conceitos da sociedade, também.

Barack Obama e a privacidade. Há quarenta anos atrás, por exemplo, o atual presidente dos EUA, Barack Obama, crescia no Havaí, cercado por um amplo e arraigado preconceito racial, uma verdade absoluta estabelecida como realidade, vinda da maioria da população.

Hoje, quarenta anos depois, a tal verdade absoluta e absurda, se tornou a opinião de uma minoria. Ainda bem que nem tudo é tão chocante e assustador, no atual Presentismo que vivemos. Fico impressionada com a reação apavorada e revoltada das pessoas por causa do discurso recente do Obama, sobre ninguém poder viver com segurança e privacidade. Ele não é o Big Brother do George Orwell, como mencionei aqui antes. A sociedade sim se tornou um gigante Big Brother. Não são as redes sociais que causam isso. Nós somos agentes com total responsabilidade sobre a tal sensação de vulnerabilidade e exposição de privacidade que reclamamos. Não somos vítimas. Alguma vez alguém te obrigou a dar um Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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“Check-in” no Foursquare, assim que você chega no trabalho ou na balada?

Lembro então, de um trecho da coluna sempre deliciosamente provocativa e irônica, do filósofo Luiz Felipe Pondé (Folha de SP – 22/07/13) – que na minha opinião é um potente intérprete da Era contemporânea, sobre a atual invasão de privacidade, Obama, e redes sociais: “… por muito menos, vigiamos a geladeira para ver quantos iogurtes tem, os armários da cozinha, as sacolas das empregadas para ver se elas estão levando algum pacotinho de carne… celulares nos avisam quando algo acontece em nossa conta e em nosso cartão de crédito, e isso tudo é muito prático, não?”

Os tempos atuais são também hiperconsumistas e hipermidiáticos, configurados por uma superabundância de informações, de imagens, de ofertas excessivas de marcas, uma imensa variedade de produtos, restaurantes, festivais, músicas, filmes e fatos que podem ser encontrados em qualquer parte do mundo, a qualquer momento. Jamais um consumidor teve tanto à sua disposição e com tanta convicção de que pode escolher e ter no tempo que quiser, quantas vezes e onde preferir . E, é claro, fazer o mundo saber. Nosso jeito de ser multi-tasking (multi-tarefas) se intensifica.

Somos espectadores que participam e produzem na Sociedade do Espetáculo. Ao vivo. Agora. E em tempo real.

Há uma ampla hiperindividualização que configura o quanto nos fechamos menos para o mundo, enquanto a nossa conexão com o grande mundo, só aumenta. Quanto mais as culturas se aproximam hoje, mais se desenvolve uma dinâmica de pluralização, heterogenização e diversidade social. O que ajuda fortemente a mudar a nossa relação com a distância e o tempo. A Terra nunca foi tão pequena. Os grandes acontecimentos históricos ou esportivos são vistos ao vivo, como um conteúdo linear. Todos podem ter acesso imediato às imagens, e os fatos são retransmitidos e amplificados de forma desordenada e não linear. Uma notícia, muitas vezes é reproduzida pela audiência, e é capaz de se espalhar e reverberar pelo mundo, dispersa pela rede, em segundos. Os fãs de seriados não conseguem esperar uma semana para ver o próximo episódio. A ansiedade contemporânea naturalmente provoca e intensifica a pirataria, em diversos segmentos da indústria cultural.

Todos têm acesso imediato às imagens e às informações, de todos os cantos do mundo. Em uma cultura mundial de compressão do tempo e encolhimento do espaço. O “local” está ligado ao “global”. Um intenso sentimento de simultaneidade e imediatismo se faz presente e permite, aos indivíduos afastados no espaço, que compartilhem de uma mesma informação, de uma mesma experiência. E em tempo real. Porque ninguém quer se sentir de fora ou estar por fora de um assunto que acontece agora.

O “Ô da poltrona” sumiu mesmo. Mas ele continua vendo TV e cada vez mais conectado. Porém o controle do tempo foi transferido para ele, E não trocamos a tela da TV pelas telas menores. Adicionamos. As telas convivem e coexistem porque é absolutamente humano ver, curtir, discordar, comentar, e socializar. Algo antigo na vida de todos. A mudança é que a tecnologia enriqueceu e tornou muito mais divertida, e em tempo real, a experiência de fazer várias outras coisas simultaneamente, enquanto vemos TV. Navegar na web, postar, comentar, twittar e pesquisar enquanto vemos um seriado favorito, é incrível. A conexão com o mundo fica melhor, a sensação de sintonia e de estar por dentro é boa, muito boa. Sem risco de ser pego desprevinido por alguém que conta detalhes do episódio daquela semana, na hora em que ele vai ao ar. O uso das redes sociais só ajuda a audiência a voltar para a TV.

SocialTV: A TV se reinventa e tenta sair da “caixa”.

A revolução da tecnologia e do comportamento social continua. A reinvenção do negócio e do conceito da TV flui fora do Brasil, de forma acelerada. O que os americanos chamam de Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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“Consumer Cord-Cutting” é uma ameaça ainda não expressiva, mas real, à TV à cabo. Seriam assinantes de TV à cabo abandonando este sistema, optando por Apple TV, Google, Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, HBO Go, que distribuem sua programação via Streaming. Uma escolha que parece natural e reflexo da sociedade contemporânea, que vive plenamente a liberdade do controle remoto e da grade de programação da TV. Indo além do aparelho da TV. Seria a livre escolha da programação, do conteúdo, do Entretenimento. Não é uma escolha de tela, de plataformas ou de mídia.

Assim como outro fenômeno comportamental, chamado “Binge Watching TV”. Como a humanidade tem pressa, é ansiosa, cada vez mais insaciável, quer tudo na hora e sabe que pode ter, literalmente “mergulha”, se esbalda e, da mesma forma que devoraria de uma vez só um pote gigante de sorvete, ou um bolo inteiro de chocolate, ou uma garrafa inteirinha de Whisky, assiste os treze capítulos da primeira temporada de House of Cards ou Orange is the New Black, em uma tacada, sem parar, em um fim de semana, e quantas vezes quiser. Para o antropólogo e escritor americano Grant McCracken, isso acontece porque o indivíduo cria uma espécie de espaço e tempo paralelos à tensa realidade cotidiana, sentindo um certo conforto e distanciamento, pelo menos por um tempo. Tanto na vida como vendo TV. O “pulo do gato” que a atual líder Netflix usou para sacudir o mercado e superar a HBO em milhões de assinantes, foi exatamente inspirado no comportamento, sintonizando o serviço e o conteúdo com a audiência, com a forma contemporânea e super humana de ver TV. A Netflix financiou a produção de três seriados originais e disponibilizou a 1a temporada para os assinantes, de uma vez só.

O futuro da TV tradicional chegou e vai continuar a evoluir. Mesmo que demore um pouco no Brasil. Os concorrentes da Netflix no mundo, são potentes gladiadores tanto pelo conteúdo próprio e excepcional (HBO) que produzem, como pelas inovações tecnológicas que ainda surgirão na tentativa de alcançar e capturar a audiência. Uma audiência com muito poder.

Patrícia Weiss, Brand Strategy Consultant (Brand Culture & Branded Entertainment) e Chief Strategy Officer da Wanted

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The Rise of Programmatic Buying: Winners & Losers

BOTTOM LINE: With last week's weak operating results at Yahoo (YHOO, Hold) punctuated by commentary about the negative effects of programmatic buying on the their results, we thought it worth reviewing how ad tech and changes in advertiser preferences towards programmatic buying are causing what we characterize as a permanent decline in traditional premium display advertising, an area in which Yahoo has been a leader.

Key points highlighted in this report include:

• Online display advertising is a structurally weak business for most media owners.

• Some digital media owners are partially or fully immune from this trend.

• As the company which drives most of these trends, Google (GOOG, Hold) is arguably the primary beneficiary of the transition away from premium display.

• Changes to digital media planning and buying preferences and processes is the driver of the weakness in publishers' fortunes, including an increasing focus on automation to drive costs

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out of processes paired with an increasing focus on "audience" and efforts to include more data into media buying practices.

• The shift towards programmatic buying worsened a negotiating dynamic that was never going to be particularly favorable to digital media owners.

• Who has credible ability to walk away from a negotiation between buyers and sellers makes a difference in assessing an industry, and this advantage is amplified in digital media with programmatic buying.

From all of this we can see several winning and losing business models. First, any aspect of the process with relative scale when compared with competitors is durable, largely because this results in an entity with more data that can be better put to use in driving efficiencies in the rest of the system. Second, relationship-driven parts of the process which remain relationship-driven can be relatively durable.

Unfortunately, many digital media owners who focus solely upon creating value for consumers and improving ad products as ends unto themselves will probably need to develop new business models. We see a false notion around the premise that products which are inherently valuable will be monetized well, independent of industry structure and negotiating conditions. For those publishers, the experience of the newspaper industry may be most appropriate. Many were seemingly taken by surprise at the state with which their advertising base deteriorated. They, too, could point to a product which was inherently valuable, but it arguably didn't matter. Their biggest problem was that advertisers explored alternatives, and eventually cut spending to a significant degree. The same is increasingly true when it comes to their choices to buy advertising programmatically on the web. New business models are gradually emerging for the newspapers, such as paywalls, and new forms of monetization will similarly have to emerge for many of today's leading digital media owners.

Overall, there will be many exceptions to our conclusions, but the industry data which highlights tepid growth for almost everyone other than Google, Facebook and a handful of others seems to reinforce our views.

RISKS. Three core risks for all web publishers relate to: 1) high degree of rivalry given an absence of barriers preventing new competition from emerging 2) overly high and increasing capital needs to remain and 3) government regulations and consumer pushback related to management of consumer data and respect for privacy.

CEOs suspicious of creativity

LONDON: Most chief executives think advertising and media agencies are too focused on creativity and not enough on business results, a new survey has found.

The Fournaise Marketing Group, a performance measurement and management company, interviewed more than 1,200 chief executive officers and decision makers around the world for its 2013 Global Marketing Effectiveness Program.

It found that 78% thought agencies were not performance-driven enough and did not focus enough on helping to generate the business results they expected their marketing departments to deliver.

In addition, 76% felt agencies talked too much about "creativity as the saviour" while not being able to prove or quantify it. Indeed, they believed that agencies were frequently opportunistic in

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claiming credit for results that could be attributed to other factors such as the product, sales force, channel or pricing.

Trust was further eroded by the realisation by 72% of CEOs that agencies were not as data- and science-driven as they had expected. There was too much reliance on gut-feelings, hearsay, wrong methodologies and questionable information.

Money was another issue, as 70% of chief executives thought agencies claimed inadequate budgets or slow payment times as excuses for an inability to deliver expected business results.

Jerome Fontaine, Global CEO & Chief Tracker of Fournaise, said that chief executives saw two types of agency, one performance-driven and trustable, the other pretending to be performance-driven and not trustable.

He anticipated that the pretenders' reaction to the survey would be to attack the findings, questioning their accuracy and ensuring their views were heard in the media.

"The 'performers' will smile, nod and will continue doing what they've been doing best: constantly tracking their creative/media performance and delivering (real and P&L-quantifiable) business results for their clients, week in, week out," Fontaine concluded.

The overall picture could change, however, if agencies were willing to move to a payment-by-results business model, as the survey revealed that 89% of chief executives saw this as a way of forcing agencies to focus on what CEOs actually expected from them.

Data sourced from Fournaise Marketing Group; additional content by Warc staff, 12 July 2013


Why ROI Is Often Wrong For Measuring Marketing Impact

7/09/2013 By Daniel Kehrer, Director at MarketShare

ROI is seductively simple. But is it what you really want?

Marketers beware, this might hurt: Using ROI to gauge impact can severely distort the true value marketing is delivering for your organization. Oh-Oh! Sure, it’s hard to have a marketing conversation these days without hearing ROI-this and ROI-that. It is, after all, one of today’s most beloved business buzz terms. And of course top management wants the “bottom line” on marketing’s contribution to business goals, and ROI is a handy yardstick.

But is “return on investment” an accurate way to measure marketing effectiveness? Sadly – and perhaps even shockingly to some – the answer is no.

It’s not that the notion of ROI is evil or anything. After all, linking marketing to financial performance is absolutely critical. It’s just that most people who use ROI in a marketing context probably aren’t applying it correctly, or really mean something else, says Dominique Hanssens, professor of marketing at UCLA Anderson School of Management. ROI’s roots are in evaluating one-time capital projects. “But is marketing a one-time capital project?” asks Hanssens. Clearly not.

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We might (and indeed do) talk about marketing “investments” all the time. But marketing expenditures are technically an expense, as opposed to an investment, and that’s an issue here. In finance-speak, marketing costs are a P&L item, not a balance sheet item.

In the video above, Prof. Hanssens discusses how marketing measurement is adapting to a changing world.

As a result, notes Hanssens, who is also co-founder of MarketShare, marketers rarely mean ROI when they say ROI. “Plain” ROI is certainly an important metric for managers. But it falls well short of helping us understand marketing’s contribution to business goals, or how those contributions can be improved. ROI is too limited. To gauge and improve marketing effectiveness, for example, we must factor in the strategic intent of all marketing investments a company makes.

The Rub over ROI

We’d all love to quantify marketing performance with a single number. But ROI is a ratio, and ratios are not what matter here. Net cash flows are what really matter, says Hanssens. Performance measures such as net profit, for example, are derived by subtracting various costs from revenue. ROI is different. You get it by dividing net revenue by cost.

Question is, how can a CMO compare the ROI for different marketing investments, such as a television ad campaign versus a paid search campaign? As it turns out, you can only make an ROI comparison if the spending amounts are the same.

And it’s also critical to know that maximum ROI does not necessarily produce maximum profit. Oops! Blame the Law of Diminishing Returns. Many marketers might think that the highest ROI corresponds to the best spending level. Unfortunately, that’s not so. For example, should you stop spending when ROI drops, even if you continue to produce bigger profits? Most likely not. The point at which you’d stop or make a change depends on the return of the last incremental amount spent, not the overall ROI.

This is also what’s known as “return on marginal investment” – or ROMI. And “marginal” return vs. an average is what makes all the difference for accurately interpreting results and making decisions on future spending. So if you must use a return measure to gauge marketing effectiveness, use ROMI.

ROI, you see, changes at different spending levels. It is not only a function of the medium, but also of the investment in that medium. The only thing you really need to know is whether ROMI is positive or negative. Or, put another way, are you underspending in a given category…overspending…or getting it “just right” (where ROMI is zero)? And the determining lever is how much you spend.

Tracking Complex Interactions

What’s more, a good ROI around a specific activity means nothing if broader marketing goals aren’t being met. Focusing solely on dollars-in (“I”) compared to dollars-out (“R”) ignores a complex web of interactions that happen in between. Only by analyzing as many of those intermediate processes as possible can we gain insights into what’s working and what’s not, and alter allocations to achieve better results. (This video on the “Essentials of Advertising 2.0” explains further.)

The core takeaway bears repeating: If you settle for a seductively simple measure such as ROI, you may severely distort the true value that marketing is delivering for your organization.

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Daniel Kehrer, a long-time business & financial journalist, columnist and editor, is the author of seven books and earned his MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Times Have Changed - and so Should Your Approach to Segmentation

Katrina Conn | July 23, 2013

As marketers, we've aptly armed our consumer base with an unlimited amount of options when considering how each varying audience group might choose to receive our communications and related marketing information.

As we look beyond some of the most humble beginnings of direct marketing and to what's now become commonplace for other channels, the usual suspects (i.e., the strategies that have led to the marketing efforts behind them) are driven by the fact that from one recipient to the next, the desired method of receipt is more times than not - different. One might have a preference for receiving communications via email, SMS messaging, or deals that can be shared with friends and family across a wider social platform. When thinking about communicating across any of these mentioned channels to an audience, how are brands handling segmentation?

Segmentation for Email

Segmentation for email as a channel across industries still continues to grow leaps and bounds. As consumers, we have demanded and come to expect our marketers to segment and create better message experiences based on things like brand affinity and registration activity down to our account details (e.g., balance statement summaries, member level exclusivity messaging, etc.).

One great achievement with segmentation in email stems from the beauty of progressive profiling. It's not entirely a new concept, but definitely gaining traction more and more. Providing the sensibility to allow any subsequent pushes to recipients based on a previous consumer-instigated action is not only reasonable, it's logical, as well as expected by your consumers. This focus helps the next iteration of communications seem more personalized and less like an unsolicited marketing effort.

Segmentation for Mobile

Quick, easy access is undeniably hot right now. Even those of us who are historically slow to catch up with technology bank on the fact that we have access to email, financial accounts, and other information at the touch of our fingertips. It's just convenient.

Companies are no longer denying the fact that more and more users are accessing their information via their mobile devices, and in turn have begun taking steps to make the user experience more readily accessible by optimizing creative and marketing communications for mobile devices.

Much like email, in the future, as more thought is being placed into segmentation for mobile, consumers can look to communication preferences being explicitly mapped to the following areas (if not already taking place): area code, country, region, geo-location, carrier, brand, model, OS, etc.

Segmentation for Social

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Which social networks are your active audience segments currently a part of? Does your brand have a social presence of any kind? Do you care about social marketing and what value has your organization placed on it? What vested interest has your company placed on social marketing and to what degree does that level of interest play into the overall goals across channels? OK, now that we've gotten the "first date" questions out of the way...

Do you currently capture data values from your audience segments that give any visibility into their preferred social networks? Some may not see or feel there is a need in doing this well - if at all. However, there are those who have made concerted efforts in this regard. They've gone further than simply regurgitating marketing or promotional email messages onto distinctive brand social pages. The more progressive marketers have even begun to think more intuitively. Questions about segmenting - socially - are posed among the decision-makers of the organization. Which segments have an affinity for LinkedIn? Which brand loyalists are merely communicating via Facebook or Twitter? How can we make note of our followers' "interests" or "likes," and message more appropriately to them?

Socially, it is reasonably understandable that for any audience segment, a company's social presence has to make sense. An even better strategy is to look at building a segment of a company's top influencers, making an effort to incentivize those loyalists, and giving them reason(s) to be the quintessential brand advocate. Realistically though, this might not be so wise if an overwhelming majority of a database has no social activity at all. Reiterating that first point, it has to make sense to even play in the social sandbox.

The Recap

At the very least, creating a holistic experience for any particular market requires a segmentation strategy that if done well (and deemed appropriate) would provide overarching, cross-channel direction that is explicit and tailored in nature. In our efforts to learn more about our consumers, we've gone to such great lengths to capture various data points, and yet so few are actually pausing to take a step back and look at the obvious: to see if there's a propensity for one channel over another or what the preferred format might be. The more intuitive stance to take would be to interact with our associated audiences based on data-driven activities and preferences. What harm could come from that?

Programmatic Buying Rises, But Display Ads Decline

by Laurie Sullivan, Jul 24, 2013

The rise in programmatic buying continues to drive the decline in premium display ad sales, according to an analyst report published Tuesday. The findings cite Yahoo's weak operating results and commentary by CEO Marissa Mayer during the company's Q2 2013 earnings report.

"Our display business has felt some negative impact, particularly due to the shifts around programmatic buying," Mayer said during the call with analysts and investors, citing issues around premium sell-through rate as opposed to non-guaranteed and with pricing in the exchange. "We need to do a much better job here in order to reverse these trends."

Yahoo's plan to "fix it" might not work, given the problem digs deeper into a morphing display ad industry. Pivotal Analyst Brian Wieser believes online display advertising remains a "structurally weak business for most media owners." In the lengthy research report, he explains how media owners AOL, WebMD, and other traditional publishers with large digital advertising businesses like the New York Times Co. are exposed to negative secular trends hurting premium display advertising that limits the prospects for organic revenue growth and more susceptible to declines.

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Most publishers are experiencing "negative underlying trends" as a result of programmatic buying, which Wieser asserts amplifies the buyer's advantage. In the coming year, he estimates that media owners with arbitrage-based businesses like Millennial Media, and Tremor Media, operating outside of traditional PC-based display inventory could experience the same impacted.

While Wieser notes exceptions to the conclusion, he explains how industry data highlights tepid growth for nearly every company other than Google, Facebook and a handful of others. He also cites risks for all Web publishers as a high degree of rivalry, given an absence of barriers that will prevent new competition, overly high and increasing capital needs, and government regulations and consumer pushback related to management of consumer data and respect for privacy.

Can relationships save the premium display advertising biz? While programmatic buying continues to "suck the demand" out of the market, as MediaPost Editor in Chief Joe Mandese describes it at the OMMA Premium Display conference in Los Angeles, Wieser notes that proving relationships remains one strong area for publishers -- either personal or professional.

Technology will become commoditized, so relationships help the company stand out -- especially from the sales side, said John Tuchtenhagen, vice president, group director of media, Digitas. The relationships need to bring together publishers, brands and media agency.

Read more:

Facebook's Video Audience Bigger Than TV, According to Nielsen

Caitlin Rossman | August 1, 2013

A new Nielsen study commissioned by Facebook found that for certain age groups, especially younger demographics, Facebook can contribute incremental reach to major TV networks.

The report, titled, "Running Digital Audiences, Walking Advertising Dollars," looked at the reach of four different television networks within specific gender and age groups, during different times of day. This was then compared to the reach of Facebook's digital network.

The results showed that TV is most effective at reaching consumers during primetime, but Facebook has consistent reach for both daytime hours and primetime.

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The study also found that in the weekday daytime, Facebook has a higher reach than the four TV networks for consumers under 55 years old. But during primetime, each TV network had a higher reach than Facebook in every age group except ages 18 to 24.

For consumers ages 25 to 34, Facebook added up to an incremental 41 percent reach to the TV networks during the daytime. For these same consumers during primetime, Facebook contributed up to 36 percent duplicated reach to the four TV networks.

The study concludes that Facebook can be a very effective vehicle to extend brand reach, especially among younger age groups.

The Facebook Advertising Ecosystem Explained

Business Insider Jul. 30, 2013, 11:52 AM 8,069

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Facebook is a daily destinations for millions and millions of consumers. Increasingly, their ad products offer targeting according to specific demographics, social connections, interests, and habits. 

Advertising on Facebook has become more sophisticated, varied, and data-intensive. Facebook has rolled out a spate of new ad formats in the past year and now offers at least seven major ways to advertise.

In a new report from BI   Intelligence , we analyze the state of social media advertising and where it is heading, offering a comprehensive guide and examination of the advertising ecosystems on Facebook and Twitter, analyzing each of their principal ad products and concepts behind them, offer a primer on Tumblr as an emerging ad medium, and detail how mobile is an important part of this story as mobile-friendly as native ad formats fuel growth in the market.

Here's an overview of the Facebook advertising ecosystem:

Facebook has rolled out many different ad products over the last year: Facebook now offers at least seven major ways to advertise, including brand pages, display ads, sponsored stories (which are being phased out), promoted posts, page post ads, mobile app install ads, and log-out screen ads. Each of these ad products has their own benefits, but there are a   handful of additional products and concepts that are key to understanding Facebook's advertising ecosystem, including...

Custom Audiences: Marketers can use the offline customer data they already have to find past or existing customers on Facebook. Then they can target these consumers on Facebook with ads. An extension to Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, uses the same data to help companies find prospective customers on Facebook. 

Partner Categories: This is another tool that helps marketers leverage offline data. Let's say you are a mom-and-pop shop and don't have your own data to use Custom Audiences and make a highly-targeted ad buy. Facebook   offers the third-party data of a few vendors   to help you find your target audience on Facebook.  

CPA: This acronym means Cost-Per-Action, which is a new pricing method Facebook introduced last month. Instead of paying in the standard ways for per-click, or an impression basis, advertisers can pay for a certain number of Likes, Link Clicks (these are clicks on a specific link, not the whole ad), or Offer Claims. Along with Custom Audiences and Partner Categories, CPA is meant to help attract performance-oriented marketers to Facebook   — as opposed to brand marketers, who often simply go for reach.  

FBX: Facebook is moving steadily into the world of data-enriched, real-time digital ad sales.   Facebook Exchange or FBX is an ad exchange   that allows advertisers to serve ads to users on Facebook based on past actions they have taken online, like shop for an airline ticket.

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Media Usage On Rise Due To Multitasking

by Gavin O'Malley, Aug 1, 2013, 3:41 PM

From day to day, how much content can consumers handle? There must be a limit, but, as new research shows, multichannel multitasking is pushing it higher than ever.

This year alone, the overall time that people spend with media each day will rise from 11 hours and 39 minutes in 2012 to 11 hours and 52 minutes, according to new estimates from eMarketer.

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“It’s clear that time spent with media is still increasing as a result of multitasking,” said Clark Fredricksen, vice president and researcher at eMarketer.

Overall, average time spent with digital media per day is expected to surpass TV viewing time for the first time this year. The average adult will spend over 5 hours per day online, on non-voice mobile activities or with other digital media this year, eMarketer estimates -- compared to 4 hours and 31 minutes watching television.

Thanks to mobile, daily TV time will actually be down slightly this year, while digital media consumption will be up 15.8%. Time spent with mobile has come to represent a little more than half of TV’s share of total media time, as well as more than half of digital media time as a whole, eMarketer finds.

“The continued adoption and increasing time spent using portable devices like smartphone and tablets, which are easily used while also consuming TV or radio, supports the idea of continued increases in multitasking,” Fredricksen explained.

But how much content can consumers take? No one knows for sure, but, said Fredricksen, “it would be a surprise if [increases in overall media consumption] didn’t continue into next year.”

“Still, the growth in overall time spent with media is not as fast as last year, so there may be a threshold for consumers’ multitasking ability,” Fredricksen added. “At this point, consumers are shifting behavior across devices so quickly that it’s difficult to say when we’ll reach an equilibrium state.”

The bulk of mobile time is spent on smartphones -- at 1 hour and 7 minutes per day -- but tablets are not far behind. Feature phones account for relatively little time spent on non-voice mobile activities, since few have robust mobile internet capabilities.

To develop its time-spent with media figures, eMarketer said it analyzed more than 400 data points collected from more than 40 research institutions. As a percentage of time spent with all media, eMarketer’s estimate of adults’ average time with TV is roughly in line with other firms’ for this year.

Temkin Group is at the low end of estimates among all adult consumers, while MagnaGlobal and GfK figures are more similar to eMarketer’s.

Estimates of TV time among Web users only are somewhat lower as a share of all media -- with the exception of a USA Touchpoints data point -- suggesting Internet users may devote somewhat less time to TV compared to online media.

2 comments on "Media Usage On Rise Due To Multitasking".

Douglas Ferguson from College of Charleston

commented on: August 2, 2013 at 11:29 a.m.

Given that the frontal lobe cerebral cortex is a serial device, only capable of processing one thing at a time, the multitasking argument is a ruse (or delusion). Using some pretty standard tests, I delight in doing classroom demonstrations showing that even young college students cannot do two things at the same time as well (or as quickly) as they can do the same tasks one at a time sequentially.

Gordon Plutsky from King Fish Media

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commented on: August 5, 2013 at 9:44 a.m.

I wrote about this new study, it has big implications for marketers, especially those that depend on advertising. As Douglas points out above, it is very hard to pay attention to two things at once. I'd surmise that that traditional ads will be ignored and skipped as consumers focus on the content they care about.

Read more:

Five trends marketers can't ignore

Andrea Sophocleous

Ekaterina Walter made her name during a five-year stint as social media strategist and innovator for Intel, the tech giant. Her achievements included building the firm's presence on social media and serving as the driving force behind pioneering programmes like "Intel Innovators", which saw the company engage young scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs.

In May 2013, she joined Branderatti, a marketing firm specializing in advocacy and influencer relations, as chief marketing officer. Given her background and influence in the global tech community, Walter's keynote presentation at ad:tech Melbourne, held in July 2013, generated a healthy dose of chatter, as she outlined the five trends marketers shouldn't ignore in a constantly-evolving marketplace.

The power of the millennial generation

The much-maligned Generations Y and Z now make up 50% of the world's population, but most companies and brands don't know how to talk to them, according to Walter. Unlike previous generations that stuck with brands they know, "millennials" can tap in to unlimited sources of information to make buying decisions, and regularly switch between competing brands.

"As marketers, we have no idea how to market to this generation, because we are so used to doing things a certain way," Walker said. "Digital natives are an absolutely different generation. They're sophisticated; they're educated; they're global; they know no limits. And they have a high BS radar. So they know when you're not being authentic."

Walter described millennials as the "chief technology officers" in their households. "They influence the buying decisions of a lot of baby boomers and the younger generations around them," she said.

With 1.7 billion millennials around the world – and 20.5% of Australia's population under the age of 30 years old – marketers must become better at talking to their future customers. "Their collective buying power is growing … and they are making more money than other generations," Walter said.

She then cited a number of findings from various studies to paint a picture of Generations Y and Z.

Peer influence is twice as important as advertising: 62% of the decisions millennials make are influenced by their social circle.

Cause marketing works: if a brand doesn't have a history that shows it is responsible, young shoppers are not going to engage with it.

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Market with them, not to them: crowdsourcing and elements of co-creation should not be ignored. Allowing the youth audience to express themselves is essential. Walter pointed to the success of Intel's "Museum of me" as an example of effective personalisation.

They're stimulation junkies: target millennials by evoking happiness, adrenaline-provoking thrills and positive surprises, offline as well as online.

Help them succeed: as an entrepreneurial generation, millennials respond well to programs that help them prosper. "Intel Innovators" did that by creating an online platform where 18-24-year-olds could share their business ideas, receive real-time feedback and gain votes to win $100,000 in funding for their start-up.

The convergence of paid, owned and earned media

Brands need to integrate paid, owned and earned media for a bigger impact, Walter told the ad:tech audience. Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are now paid, owned and earned media all at the same time, so brands need a similar convergence of "mindsets and departments".

"Integration needs to go way beyond 'we leave it to chance'. It needs to happen first," Walter said. "There also needs to be a convergence of tools and analytics, and that's the biggest problem. Our whole industry is so fragmented. If you look at how I measure ROI for all my efforts across digital, I probably used, at Intel, about ten to 15 tools to do that. We need to look at new ways to measure what's important to our brand and that will create a holistic story."

Furthermore, Walter argued, data show that combining social media with PR delivers greater ROI. "Earned media is not enough. Brands must leverage paid and owned to drive sales," she said.

Real-time marketing

Walter argued that while everything now happens in real time, big advertisers still tend to plan their paid media schedules a year ahead, without factoring in more rapid responses.

"Real-time marketing is becoming either a really good advantage for you or a big challenge for you as a brand," she said. "To be effective, you have to have a sense of urgency, you have to produce content on the fly. Gone are the days that it's going to take you six months, even six weeks, to produce a TV spot. You have to react immediately."

Operating in a real-time environment affect a company's brand strategy, content marketing efforts, media optimisation, customer service and even product development, Walter said. Brands must, therefore, engage in social listening through command centres, and empower their employees and agencies to respond quickly. Having a flexible budget with in-built room for real-time responses is equally vital. "You need to think and operate like a publisher," she said.

One example of this is a conversation sparked by a Twitter user who tweeted: "Saw a bird had crapped on a Smart Car. Totaled it." In response, smart USA tweeted back an infographic showing that it would take a combination of 4.5 million pigeon poops, 360,000 turkey poops and 45,000 emu poops to "total" one of its vehicle, sparking digital chatter and positive sentiment in the process.

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smart USA's response on Twitter

The rise of visual marketing

The rise of visual social media is one of the most significant current trends, according to Walter. "Here's why," she said. "The amount of information that is being created every 48 hours today is the same amount of information that was created from the beginning of time until 2003."

This explosion of information favours visual and video content, Walter said. And images transcend cultures and languages – an essential consideration for global brands. "Today's storytelling requires visual storytelling. You need to recalibrate your content strategy to include visuals," she added.

Walter cited data from Facebook showing that photos and videos drive the most engagement on brand pages, measured in comments and shares, with timely visuals, such as a picture of flowers on Valentine's Day, delivering 90% higher engagement than text updates.

She also singled out Pinterest, saying it "is one of the best traffic drivers and one of the best sources for making a decision on which brands to buy." Intel covered this area with its popular "Fan love" board, where it "pins" images created by fans.

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Intel's "Fan love" board on Pinterest

The age of advocacy

Walter's final trend addressed the issue of advocacy, where brands build relationships with "a smaller number of people, but in more meaningful ways".

"Because we live in the age of 'infobesity', people are looking for additional filters," she said. "Not only content filters, but personal filters. And the best personal filter is the person who used that product, who used that service before, and they tell you about it. It is all about advocacy. Right now, advocacy is the new influence."

If something bad happens to your brand, advocates will stick up for it, said Walter. "They will be a huge marketing tool and crisis-management wall for you," she continued, using as an example an incident three years ago when Intel's website was hacked, but its fans stuck by it.

"If you get your brand to that level of protectiveness and advocacy, you don't need a tonne of money for marketing. You don't need to reach out to consumers. They will bring them to you," Walter said.

Chief marketing officers should see building a community of advocates as a top priority, Walters concluded. "We need to start building movements. We need to stop creating campaigns and short-term buzz. Do you want sustainable brand love? Do you want people to bond with your brand, or do you not?" she asked, without needing to wait for an answer.

About the author

Andrea Sophocleous is a freelance journalist. She can be contacted at

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Infographic: Data-Driven Marketing Is Heating Up

Adotas  | Aug 2, 2013 

ADOTAS – BlueKai recently released its second Data Impact Report, which revealed that brands are dramatically increasing their reliance on data to power their marketing efforts. According to the new study, 36% of respondents indicated that at least a fifth of their marketing budgets were “data-driven” vs. only 11% cited in the company’s report in December 2012, showing a staggering 227% increase over the last 6 months. This shows a rapid and dramatic increase in the power of data to drive results across more than just display targeting. Furthermore, many marketers were seeing positive impact from data-driven initiatives including an increase in performance, interaction and media efficiency.

The full report is available for download at

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The Truth About Tracking Consumers Across Devices

Joshua Koran Thu, 01 Aug 2013 10:00:00 -0400

As mobile advertising dollars race to catch up with consumers' evolving behavior, a number of startups have emerged with a tempting proposition: target the same user across both his mobile and desktop devices. It sounds logical: one core driver of advertising performance is frequency of

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exposure, so increasing this frequency across devices should help. After all, a consumer doesn't undergo a change of identity when he closes his laptop and opens his smartphone, right?

Yes, but it's not that simple. Consumers do exhibit different mindsets and behaviors as they use different devices. Though a person remains the same person as he watches prime-time TV, searches for a product on Amazon or checks his Facebook feed, he has a different level of receptivity to advertising in each of these contexts. We can't effectively use cross-device advertising without taking this into account.

From a retention standpoint, it sounds intriguing to be able to identify the same consumer as he navigates from one device to another. Sending the wrong catalog to someone's house is very expensive. Accordingly, customer-relationship management uses purchase data and other information to improve return by cross-selling or upselling to identifiable customers across multiple channels (voice/call centers, in-person/customer service, digital/email and print/direct mail). Retention and win-back marketing tactics personalize different offers to high and low-value customers. This may require identifying the same customers across multiple devices, often with personally identifiable information.

On the other hand, acquisition marketing relies primarily on anonymous identifiers to attract new customers (since by definition these consumers don't yet have a relationship with the advertiser) and does not require identifying the same user across multiple devices. The only reason such a technical feat would be useful is if it drove down acquisition-marketing costs. However, since the reach is diminished and the cost increases with the technologies that try to stitch the same user across multiple devices, marketers should treat this new tactic with caution, beyond any concerns with privacy.

Tracking device-to-device activity for the same individual means you'll have to limit the size of the targeting pool to the specific audience that you can trace across these multiple channels (PC, smartphone, tablet, TV, radio or out-of-home). Imagine the Venn diagram showing the overlapping audience holding those devices. And imagine the smaller and smaller subset of those individuals who fall into the middle. Since there are techniques to target the people who closely resemble the very same people on all these devices -- but with a much wider net -- why pay more to reach far fewer?

Furthermore, much ad spending would be wasted using cross-device tracking to send a similar message to someone whose attention is very different, depending on which device he's using and his current activity.

Given relatively low call-to-action response rates on acquisition marketing, it stands to reason that the optimal approach would be to target advertising at a wide array of those who best reflect clearly observed behavior and interests that would most resonate with the advertiser's products and services.

To target consumers across devices, it is important to evaluate whether the reach and ROI of tactics are being applied to the right marketing goals. Because of limitations and privacy implications, tracking the same individual across devices is best for retention marketing.

Acquisition marketing can benefit from cross-device analytics and planning. However, given the different mindset with use of each device, and the huge number of consumers targeted by acquisition marketing, the best approach is to take advantage of the channel-specific targeting abilities of each device rather than trying to cobble together techniques to find the same user on each of his devices. Marketers should use techniques to analyze all of the channels at their disposal – and not be singularly focused on trying to connect the mobile and desktop experiences.

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By: Fred Ackourey Sun, 04 Aug 2013 22:03 EDT

Your last paragraph sums it up nicely Joshua, "Marketers should use techniques to analyze all of the channels at their disposal". The most effective marketing today is cross-channel where content and messaging are "harmonized" to increase revenue and reduce conversion costs. This blog post spells this out in a simple and understandable way.

By: Anna Gunnerman Fri, 02 Aug 2013 09:42 EDT

By: Brehndan Botha Fri, 02 Aug 2013 02:52 EDT

If the marketing strategy is incisive and targeted, there would be a clear point of optimal connection. There is a big strategic difference between recency and engagement and one campaign shouldn't try to do both off the same audience base.

Which is Better for Agency Talent -- Giant Holding Companies or Independent Shops?

David Armano Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:00:00 -0400

The mega-merger between two already-giant agency holding companies, Publicis Groupe and Omnicom Group , is swelling the support for independent shops. Agencies that don't answer to multinational holding companies are more agile, the argument goes. They can be more creative, move more quickly and display more entrepreneurial spirit. So they're clearly better places for talent, right?

Having worked on both sides, though, I can tell you that one mode is not better than the other. They are just different.

I have spent approximately half my career working under the banners of Publicis and Omnicom, and more recently have had the experience of working at Edelman , a global but independent company.

I started at the now defunct in 2000 at the height of the dot-com bubble. Three years later Omnicom bought us. In spite of a lot of hype and its share of negative headlines, had some really smart and innovative people working there. One of my colleagues there, Charles Adler, even went on to co-found Kickstarter -- you don't get much smarter or talented than that.

So why did I leave? Something ultimately seemed different. We had stopped innovating and we weren't winning like we used to. And there was a slow but steady drain on the talent. One day, you looked around and realized that the people who really made you think or want to push yourself to the limits weren't there anymore.

Did Omnicom kill It was likely a combination of things, but my guess is that Omnicom tried to make a more fiscally viable business and, in the process, something else gave. After nearly six years, it was time for me to try something else.

I then went to Digitas -- a shop I kept hearing wanted to build its talent. It was the challenge I was looking for. I grew in new ways. And then Publicis Groupe, a holding company in a similar vein of Omnicom, struck a deal in December 2006 to buy the agency for $1.3 billion. I wondered to myself if it was going to be deja vu.

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In retrospect, and with history on my side, it turned out not to be: Digitas, a respectable player in the space is still alive and well.

But the agency had felt big enough prior to being acquired and after the acquisition it felt like it was going to get even bigger. I recall agency-wide e-mails with updates from leadership making regular references to "Maurice" and Publicis where it was once simply Digitas.

This new agency, as part of a holding company, wasn't for me. So I made the choice to move on.

That brought me to Critical Mass , a Canadian digital shop that had sold a 50% stake to Omnicom years earlier and kept half ownership for itself. If this story had bears and porridge in it, I would have thought this mixture was "just right." And in many ways it was, letting the agency maintain its strong culture and scrappy bent.

During my time there, I got to work on an initiative where multiple Omnicom agencies joined together to pitch global responsibilities for Adidas under a loosely formed sub-agency we named Riot . We won the business, but Riot faced questions about where it would go from there.

We felt we were doing the exact right thing in bringing together people from different agencies to bring together the most relevant talents. But we all knew how difficult the prospect would be in practice, working at separate agencies that often competed with each other in the real world. I left shortly after. The call of the social-digital revolution seemed too strong and I wasn't sure if I was in the right place to capture it.

It feels different to not be connected to a holding company at my current job. There's Richard Edelman, there's a leadership team -- and that's it.

When I worked under a holding company infrastructure, there was the regional leadership, the agency leadership and the mothership of the holding company, which I always felt looming above the agency. I never really knew exactly who was calling the shots.

But the biggest difference between working under a holding company and working at an independent is the bigger presence here of "intraprenuers" -- entrepreneurial spirits who build businesses but do it within the walls of Edelman.

Despite all that, and despite this week's paeans to life at independent agencies, I don't recall my experiences under holding companies as undesirable. They did offer a sense of scale and it always piqued my interest when I'd hear our managing director talk about his role in Omnicom's "DAS," meaning its Diversified Agency Services. I remember always thinking it sounded mysterious, like an invite-only part of the organization.

I can't really tell you if holding companies or independence is a better model. It's a personal choice. But there is one thing I am sure of given my time spent in this industry.

Change is coming, fast and hard. If you want to work in marketing today, be prepared for long hours fighting for every dollar earned and dealing in brain-bending complexity. So what's an agency prepared to offer an employee in return for all this? Every agency, independent or not, should be thinking hard about ways to attract, engage and retain the best talent.

An agency, no less than a global agency holding company, is only as good as the people who make it.

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From analog to digital: How to transform the business model

June 2012 Accenture

In a world of growing digital empowerment, consumer-facing businesses have had to become quick studies. Frontline managers see that digital technologies offer the promise not just of more cost-effective ways of doing things but of more meaningful and valuable relationships with customers. Richer communication channels and a wealth of customer data enable a new connectedness, and there’s a powerful impetus to make the connections before a competitor—perhaps an entirely new one—does so.

Ironically, perhaps, these initiatives in digital marketing, social media and the like are often the work of pioneering units at organizations still largely anchored in the analog age.

As it happens, these digital efforts are ramping up just as another major trend is peaking. For most of these same companies, the focus over the last decade has been on globalizing the business model and its constituent processes and services, from finance to HR to supply chain management. Migrating from local to regional to global models, they’ve reaped big benefits in operational efficiency and scale.

Now the stage is set for a major convergence, whereby the globalized business model meets a digitized, increasingly customer-connected value chain. Instead of treating new digital efforts as isolated projects, companies have begun working toward a holistic, integrated global digital business model, with shared digital assets and platforms and an overarching digital approach that clearly supports the business strategy.

For those most adept at implementing it, the model will deliver significant competitive advantage in the form of scale, speed to market, agility and closeness to the customer.

Imbalance of power

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Two main drivers give this transformation urgency. Call the first a digital arms race: More and more companies are striving to put the large amounts of customer data they now possess to strategic use. Automakers, for example, through the use of the GPS devices installed in the cars they sell, have been able to collect and monetize a wealth of data on customer driving habits.

Even more significant is the rapid shift of the technological balance of power toward the consumer. At the turn of the millennium, companies spent twice as much on IT hardware per employee as consumers spent. By 2008, the two sides had reached parity.

The explosion of social media has underscored this shift. There are now more than 1 billion social media users worldwide, including 256 million in China alone. And that has serious implications for business. A recent study by market research company AYTM showed that 58 percent of Facebook users have “liked” a brand, and that 39 percent of Twitter users have tweeted about one. Given the millennial generation’s proven enthusiasm for social and mobile media, all those metrics are likely to rise.

Yet whatever the urgency, it is no small task for an established organization to thoroughly internalize a highly disruptive technology. Large, consumer-facing companies of every kind—in consumer products, retail, financial services, healthcare and beyond—are facing a journey unlike any they’ve experienced in the past. As they embark upon this journey, they’ll need to keep three key success factors, none of them technological, in mind.

First and foremost is leadership. Given the scope of this transformation, and the stakes involved, leadership must come from the C-suite. Though this may not be easy for senior executives who are still more at home with highly sequential, large-scale tasks than with the measure-test-learn dynamic of a digital culture, it’s a challenge that must be met. The CEO, CIO or whoever else takes the lead may delegate day-to-day management of the effort, but he or she must be invested in, and accountable for, its success.

Culture shock

Then there is the ability to attract and retain digital talent. Employees at the fast-moving companies that lead in the application of digital technologies tend to want different rewards from their jobs than those at analog ones. The differences have less to do with money than with culture, and extend from attitudes toward innovation to the quality and flexibility of the work environment to what sorts of devices employees can use to do their work.

For traditional managers, opinionated, high-energy digital talent—often part of the same tech-savvy millennial cohort that’s driving change on the consumer side—can be difficult to direct. Many managers need to be retrained to understand digital metrics and the levers that can be pulled to drive a digital business.

Finally, leaders must understand the dynamic nature of the digital business model transformation, which is very different from the decade-long, enterprisewide ERP transformations that are still a point of reference for many. Since digital technology evolves rapidly, so must the model. Organizations need to think big but start small, using the measure-test-learn/proof-of-concept techniques favored by the likes of Google and Facebook, amplifying the impact of digital evangelists around the company as they accumulate their successes.


By this time, most consumer-facing businesses have some experience with the basic issues. The talent management challenge in particular transcends sectors. But it’s also the case that each sector has its own dynamics, and that different companies within them are at different stages in the journey to a digital business model.Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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Among the most advanced sectors is consumer products. Here, the long-established multinationals that dominate the industry have been leaders in the move to drive common processes at a global level, particularly in the back office, so it makes sense for them to look at driving a common approach in the front office as well. Their global footprints and global brands position them to get value out of digital technologies at scale more quickly than companies in many other industries.

Consider Procter & Gamble. The consumer products giant has made significant investments in digital technology, in the internal and external networks through which its people access it, and in the delivery model through which they deploy it. It’s a commitment that starts at the top, with CEO Bob McDonald’s push to create a fully digitized company and his designation of P&G’s Global Business Services group as the company’s “transformation organization.”

The GBS group has moved beyond back-office processes and into the delivery of what P&G calls commercial services, which directly help win customers. A prime example: the virtual reality centers used by P&G teams around the world to create, test and optimize packaging, shelving and store designs. The centers feature life-size, high-resolution screens, and consumer focus groups use them to assess virtual product representations. Sophisticated software creates a real-time record of how participants react to product placement, shapes, colors and designs.

The combination of virtual research with physical quantitative research enables P&G teams to understand consumer expectations and design and deliver products accordingly. Equally important, P&G shares the research with its retail partners, so together they can make smarter and faster decisions about what products and quantities are needed on store shelves. The company also uses its virtual-reality centers to build virtual 3-D store environments, through which retailers can see how products or displays will actually look in their stores.

P&G isn’t just saving money and reducing cycle times for select products. The company is also embracing an approach to innovation that’s more like that of a software company. Google, for example, talks about its “fail fast” mentality and being “always in beta.” It isn’t possible to do this if you have to make physical prototypes and test them in real stores—but it is in the virtual environment.

Competitive pressures

Retailers, for their part, face their own sector-specific issues on their digitization journey. For the big brick-and-mortar merchants, competitive pressures from pure-play online retailers (notably pose a tough question: How do you move rapidly on the digital front without endangering the seamless, consistent customer experience that helps make the best dual-channel retailers—Apple being the paramount example—so successful?

Many retailers have treated digital as a separate channel, with separate leadership, a separate organization, separate capabilities and separate technologies. The approach is not without some advantages, with @WalmartLabs, the Silicon Valley-based digital unit of the world’s largest retailer, providing perhaps the most dramatic example.

After a comparatively slow start in online retailing, Wal-Mart Stores has considerably augmented its digital marketing capabilities and talent pool by acquiring small firms focused on social media and mobile applications, among other things. In early 2012, for example, it bought Small Society, a Portland, Oregon-based mobile agency whose past successes include an iPhone app that enables Zipcar customers to quickly find and reserve a car. The challenge ahead (and not just for Wal-Mart) will be to manage the total customer experience as mobile devices enable shoppers to link the physical and digital channels in real time as they compare prices and read recommendations while standing in the physical store.

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In general, it is in the marketing and fulfillment functions that retailers have made the most progress in moving to unified digital processes. In areas such as shopper experience, merchandising, demand forecasting and content management, there’s still much work to be done.

Global expansion adds additional complexity for retailers. Initially, the favored model combined central management of the digital channel with local management of the physical one, but this tends to fracture the shopping experience. Several retailers—Wal-Mart, for example—have since moved to a regional model for both channels, giving up some process efficiency to improve the customer experience. Over time, the retailers will likely sort out which digital processes can be centralized and which require a regional touch.

Companies in life sciences encounter a different set of sector-specific complexities when making the transition to a fully digitized business model. The phenomenon of digitally empowered consumers is much in evidence, with healthcare information sites such as WebMD among the most popular on the Internet. At the same time, pharmaceutical companies are part of a healthcare ecosystem that also includes doctors, payors, providers, med-tech companies and government.

Digital technologies offer life sciences companies the possibility of deeper relationships with all these key stakeholders as the connections among them strengthen. The consumer relationship holds particular promise, presenting an opportunity to engage in a dialogue that goes deeper than a discussion of a particular product.

So far, this trend is most in evidence in the over-the-counter realm, where regulatory rules permit a freer exchange. A case in point is, a recently launched website sponsored by Pfizer’s Centrum multivitamins unit. The content goes far beyond vitamins, ranging from expert commentary on nutritional issues to relevant material from WebMD and the Mayo Clinic to a nutritional diagnostic test. Consumers can get a wealth of information about personalized nutrition. Pfizer, meanwhile, gets a wealth of information about what its customers want.

Though a few life sciences companies have moved from a local, siloed approach for digital projects to a more centralized and coordinated one, many more have yet to do so. As initiatives like prove their worth, however, that is likely to change.

Getting started

While the journey to a digital business model will vary by sector and company, there are important commonalities as well. No matter what business you’re in, managing multiple platforms, negotiating with numerous software vendors and dealing with compatibility issues will consume time, money and energy. Hence, those companies that effectively embed digitization into their business model, view all processes as being candidates for digitization and enable the fast deployment of solutions at scale will have a key competitive advantage.

Businesses looking to gain this advantage will need to clearly define how they will innovate, implement, manage and monitor the application of digital solutions throughout the organization—a significant change from working on separate solutions in various parts of the business.

Before beginning this journey, businesses first need to take a step back and understand what their current digital portfolio looks like when matched against their strategy and the capabilities required to execute it. Once this fact base has been established, it will be possible to take an objective look at all business processes and decide which of them can benefit from digitization. This holistic approach should make it possible to find a balance between creating synergies from integration while also staying relevant to digitally empowered consumers around the world.

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What isn’t possible is to design the perfect end state at the outset. Indeed, planning a companywide transformation and locking in decisions such as platforms, software and providers too far in advance is a mistake. Learning through iteration will yield better returns than orchestrating a huge and complex transformation that may stay relevant only for a short time.

Given the speed of innovation and technology change, the principle to adopt is being fast to failure. Begin by identifying appropriate pilots and applying proof-of-concept techniques to test different options. This concept of continuous beta versions is what helps digital companies learn quickly and remain agile, and it can do the same for analog organizations that wish to digitize.

Continuously harvesting quick wins while keeping an eye on the framework you’re building for the midterm and for the long term is challenging, to be sure. But it will prove important for consumer-facing businesses wishing to stay at the forefront of the digital revolution.

Sidebar 1 | The digital journey

As they shift toward an integrated digital business model, most companies move through four stages.

Ad hoc solutions. Management is still unaware or unconvinced of the benefits digital could bring to the business. The extent to which digital is adopted depends on each department’s needs and the personal preferences of key opinion leaders. Examples of digitization are scattered throughout the business, in discrete processes within some departments or business units. Compliance and data management applications tend to be the first to be implemented.

Digital business processes. The second stage still shows a fairly disconnected, tactical and unplanned evolution of business processes. By this point, a few pioneer departments have likely realized the benefits that digital can offer and transformed part or most of their business processes—for example, virtualization, social media and Internet applications. However, there is still no overarching strategy coordinating these efforts, so redundant functions, systems and platforms are common.

Cohesive digital platform. By the third stage, management has seen the light to some degree and has deployed people and money to drive the change, though the destination is not always clearly defined. Here, companies have developed an overarching platform that supports and coordinates the once-isolated digital processes in the business. Cross-functional processes like new-product development or asset management, for example, can now benefit from cross-enterprise synergies.

Digital business model. Depending on their particular business model and strategy, some businesses have decided to take one more step toward developing a fully integrated digital business model. In this case, instead of waiting for digitization champions to drive change from the bottom up, the business implements a holistic transformation. Every business process is screened and, where it makes sense, moved toward digitization.

In most cases, a delivery organization is created to, first, drive this change and later provide the administration and maintenance that the new systems will require. That organization reaches out to internal business units to understand their current needs and to the wider business network to understand the needs of the future—and it executes in market at scale with speed.

Sidebar 2 | The digital business model: Getting started

Identify a senior C-level leader to sponsor and drive the process

Document and define all current digital projects and map them against the key capabilities required to enable the business strategyBabelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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Identify projects to act as proof of concepts to kick-start the process

Manage services operated by multiple providers (both internal and external) to the business

Maintain strategic ownership and management of digital processes and unify services for end users

Ensure accountability as a service provider to the business (to drive down costs and improve service)

Monitor and measure the performance of service providers and proactively manage the mix

Provide a consistent management framework across digital services and service providers

Drive digitization for key cross-functional processes

About the authors

John Jackson is a senior executive in Accenture Strategy. He is based in London.

Oliver Grange is a London-based senior manager in Accenture Strategy.

Kevin Millan is a London-based manager in Accenture Strategy.

The authors would like to thank Keith Barringer and Marco Ryan for their contributions to this article.

Understanding emotions key to marketing success

8 August, 2013

Marketers need to put more emphasis on and investment behind research to really understand the emotions that affect purchase behaviour in their category, argued Forethought Research.

Rachel Edwardes, director of marketing and international at Forethought, said “research is sexy” and that investing more in the area would make brands media spends more effective.

“An evidence based approach to marketing and the language of evidence based marketing will get us a longer way,” Edwardes said at Marketing Women Victoria event in Melbourne earlier this week.

“Marketing is a young profession and it still has a long way to go in terms of earning the respect it should have at the executive leave.

“I think whilst we have intuitive marketers doing things on gut feel, we are going to be setting ourselves back.”

Edwardes was presenting a case study on Kmart’s ‘Bom Bom Bom’ campaign and the challenges facing the discount department store’s ‘everyday low price’ strategy.

Kmart worked with BWM and Forethought to change consumer’s attitudes to the brand using the ‘Bom Bom Bom’ and ‘1,000 Mums’ work based on the emotions that drive consumption behaviour.

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Those nine emotions are: surprise, happiness, love, contentment, pride, shame, anxiety, sadness and anger.

“These emotions affect different categories, different segments, different communication strategies differently,” Edwardes added.

“But we are not 100% emotional in how we choose brand ‘a’ over brand ‘b’, it’s a mix and it depends on time, circumstance, category.”

The way to use those emotions also changes depending on whether the brand’s marketing team is out to attract or retain customers.

Brands should not be afraid of the emotions on the negative end of the scale, according to Edwardes who referenced the ANZ Bank’s ‘Barbara’ campaign as a good example of eliciting negative feelings to the brand’s advantage.

“ANZ’s ‘Barbara’ does something clever. It activates with existing ANZ customers pride, really strongly. And with none-ANZ customers it activates anger.

“Anger is known to activate impulsive behaviour so the ‘Barbara’ campaign generated over 22,000 new accounts – people switching out of their existing account to go over to ANZ.”

Edwardes’ ideas worth sharing:

“Understand the rational and emotional drivers of consumption in your category first and foremost.”

“Understand where your brand strength lies on the rational, and if you own the important rational drivers therein lays your value proposition. Not in what your executives want it to be, but in what your market is telling you is important to them and you are doing well at.”

“Understand which emotions your brand activates and ask, are they the right ones to drive consumption in your category?”

Data-Driven Marketing Efforts Increase

AUG 6, 2013

Marketers seek to widen their use of data in campaigns

Big Data has become a routine talking point for digital marketers, but are they merely paying the subject lip service, or shifting dollars as a result of their analysis? According to data management platform provider BlueKai, data-driven marketing has seen a 227% increase over the course of H1 2013. BlueKai surveyed marketing executives and media buyers worldwide in June, finding that 91% of respondents agreed that the use of data figured prominently into segmentation and targeting strategies.

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Marketers also indicated that they were letting data influence the allocation of their resources. One-third of respondents said data influenced 75% to 100% of their digital marketing budget, while another third said it affected 50% to 75% of outlays.

Email was the marketing area most often influenced by collected data. But marketers also indicated it was having a sizeable influence on retargeting, display targeting and creative optimization, among other strategies.

Fully 87% of marketers said they relied on first-party data—that is, data gleaned from direct contact with customers, such as forms and website traffic—in making marketing decisions. The most frequently used type of first-party data was website data (83%), followed by customer relationship management (CRM)/registration data (79%), email data (72%), digital campaign data (67%), search data (45%) and mobile site or app data (28%).

Marketers were also using third-party data in their decisions, but to a lesser degree. Less than three-quarters of respondents said they relied on such data in marketing efforts.

Read more at 

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Findings Validate That Tweets Can Influence Tune-in Rates, While TV Programming Drives Twitter Activity

New York, NY – August 6, 2013 – Today Nielsen released findings, which, for the first time, provide statistical evidence of a two-way causal influence between broadcast TV tune-in for a program and the Twitter conversation around that program. Nielsen’s Twitter Causation Study included time series analysis to determine if Twitter activity drives increased tune-in rates for broadcast TV and if broadcast TV tune-in leads to increased Twitter activity. This latest study follows research released earlier this year that quantified the correlation between TV ratings and Twitter.

Analyzing minute-to-minute trends in Nielsen’s Live TV Ratings and Tweets for 221 broadcast primetime program episodes using Nielsen’s SocialGuide, the findings show that Live TV ratings had a statistically significant impact in related Tweets among 48 percent of the episodes sampled, and that the volume of Tweets caused statistically significant changes in Live TV Ratings among 29 percent of the episodes. The time series analysis methodology used for this study was developed by Nobel Prize-winning economist Clive Granger, and is widely used in the fields of econometrics, physics, and neuroscience, among others.

“Using time series analysis, we saw a statistically significant causal influence indicating that a spike in TV ratings can increase the volume of Tweets, and, conversely, a spike in Tweets can increase tune-in,” said Paul Donato, Chief Research Officer, Nielsen. “This rigorous, research-based approach provides our clients and the media industry as a whole with a better understanding of the interplay between Twitter and broadcast TV viewing.”

This is the first study to quantify the extent to which higher levels of tweeting may cause additional viewers to tune in to programming. The results also demonstrate what many industry observers thought to be true – that increases in TV ratings during an episode cause more people to tweet more often. This may be because there are more people available to tweet about a show, or because more compelling content drives people to tweet more often.

“These results substantiate what many of our TV partners have been telling us anecdotally for years: namely, that Twitter drives tune-in, especially for live, linear television programming,” said Ali Rowghani, Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer. “As the world’s preeminent real-time social communication medium, Twitter is a complementary tool for broadcasters to engage their audience, drive conversation about their programming, and increase tune-in.”

“Media companies and advertisers have already made investments in social media outreach as a means of engaging more directly with consumers, and we believe there are worthwhile opportunities for Nielsen to conduct additional research that can help quantify the relationship between television and social media activity,” said Donato.

Nielsen’s Twitter Causation Study was conducted independently as part of a broader body of research to better understand and quantify the relationships between media consumption and related social media activity.

Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer, Ali Rowghani has also released this statement.

These results substantiate what many of our TV partners have been telling us anecdotally for years: namely, that Twitter drives tune-in, especially for live, linear television programming. As the world’s preeminent real-time social communication medium, Twitter is a complementary tool for

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broadcasters to engage their audience, drive conversation about their programming, and increase tune-in.

US TV lags in programmatic buying

CAMBRIDGE: European broadcasters are better

positioned than those in the US to lead the way in the development of programmatic buying of TV advertising, thanks to a fragmented media landscape, a leading industry analyst has said.

A new report from Forrester – Convergence Disrupts Europe's TV Ad Market – identifies five trends across the region, including on-demand viewing, TV anywhere, online professional content, addressable advertising and programmatic buying.

Author Jim Nail said these trends would result in the disruption of established buying practices over the next three to five years and that marketers would have to adopt new tools and strategies in order to achieve the desired reach and results from their video advertising.

He told Ad Exchanger that the whole idea of programmatic buying remained "nascent" in both the US and Europe, "but the hurdles to accelerating programmatic in TV within Europe versus the US are much lower," he added.

He pointed to the range of technological and regulatory practices across the continent and argued that this had allowed greater flexibility and a willingness to experiment.

"So Europe will likely point the way for development of programmatic TV buying in the US," he concluded.

More specifically, Nail expected the biggest changes to happen outside primetime viewing in areas of low demand.

"The nice thing about niche cable and local avails, there is a lot less risk for marketers buying spots in those areas, as opposed to the difficulty in changing the way they buy primetime," he said. "That's where programmatic TV will emerge."

And once it proved successful, he anticipated "its use will expand and accelerate upward across the different tiers of value".

He warned, however, that marketers needed to craft different messages for different audiences according to device, mindset and time.

"If it's an insurance company, and the target audience is older, you probably don't need to extend that TV ad to mobile, where the audience tends to be younger. So that thinking has to change before programmatic TV can truly take hold," he said.

Data sourced from Forrester, Ad Exchanger; additional content by Warc staff, 14 August 2013


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Innovation Isn't an Idea Problem

by David Burkus | 8:00 AM July 23, 2013


When most organizations try to increase their innovation efforts, they always seem to start from the same assumption: "we need more ideas." They'll start talking about the need to "think outside the box" or "blue sky" thinking in order to find a few ideas that can turn into viable new products or systems. However, in most organizations, innovation isn't hampered by a lack of ideas, but rather a lack of noticing the good ideas already there.

It's not an idea problem; it's a recognition problem.

Consider some well-known examples from history. Kodak's research laboratory invented the first digital camera in 1975 but didn't pursue it. Instead they paid virtually no attention as Sony developed a different prototype and stole the future of digital photography out from underneath them. Xerox developed the first personal computer, but didn't invest enough in the technology and allowed Steve Jobs and Apple to snatch the opportunity away. The US Navy rejected 13 submissions from William S. Sims regarding an innovative new firing method. It wasn't until Sims appealed to President Theodore Roosevelt that his improved method was recognized.

These aren't just fun examples of smart people and established companies being hilariously wrong, they actually reflect a bias we all share — a bias against new and creative ideas when we're faced with even small amounts of uncertainty. That's the implications of a study published last year by a team of researchers led by Wharton's Jennifer Mueller. The research team divided participants into two groups and created a small level of uncertainty in one group by telling them they would be eligible for additional payment based on a random lottery of participants. The researchers didn't give many specifics around how their chance for additional payment would work, just that they would find out once the study was completed. It was hardly an earth-shattering proposition, but it was still enough to yield some feelings of uncertainty within the group.

The participants were then given two tests. The first test was designed to gauge their implicit perceptions about creativity and practicality. Participants were shown two sets of word pairs and asked to select their preferred phrase. The pairings were created by combining words that reflected creativity (novel, inventive, original) or words that reflected practicality (functional, useful, constructive) with words that conveyed a positive (good, sunshine, peace) or a negative (ugly, bad, rotten). So in each round, participants would chose their preference from phrases like "good original" or "bad practical." The second test was designed to explicitly survey their feelings toward new, creative ideas. In this test, participants were simply asked to rate their feelings toward creativity and practicality on a scale from 1 to 7.

The researchers found that those exposed to a small amount of uncertainty said they valued creativity, but actually favored the practical word pairings over the creative pairings. In a follow-up experiment published in the same paper, participants in the uncertainty condition were even presented a prototype for an innovative new running shoe and rated it as significantly less viable than the control group.

If such a negative bias against creativity is present in times of uncertainty, it might explain why so many notable innovations were initially rejected. The implications for today are particularly relevant, as few executives would claim that they're not working in an uncertain industry. The same uncertainty that triggers the need for companies to innovate may also be triggering Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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executives to be rejecting the discoveries that could help them gain a competitive advantage. The ideas that could keep company alive are being killed too quickly.

One possible solution to this "idea killing" problem is to change the structure ideas have to move through. Instead of using the traditional hierarchy to find and approve ideas, the approval process could be spread across the whole organization. That's the approach Rhode Island-based Rite-Solutions has taken for almost a decade. Rite-Solutions has set up an "idea market" on their internal website where anyone can post an idea and list it as a "stock" on the market, called "Mutual Fun." Every employee is also given $10,000 in virtual currency to "invest" in ideas. In addition to the investment, employees also volunteer to work on project ideas they support. If an idea gathers enough support, the project is approved and everyone who supported it is given a share of the profits from the project. In just a few years, the program has already produced huge gains for the company, from small incremental changes to products in whole new industries. In its first year alone, the Mutual Fun accounted for 50 percent of the company's new business growth. More important than the immediate revenue, the idea market has created a culture where new ideas are recognized and developed throughout the entire company, a democratization of recognition.

In addition, it's a system based on the assumption that everyone in the company already has great ideas and the market just makes them better at finding those ideas. It's not an idea-solution; it's a recognition-solution.

David Burkus is the author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas. He is also founder of LDRLB and assistant professor of management at Oral Roberts University.

Eyes Wide Shut: The Pitfalls Of Programmatic Blindness

Aug 14, 2013 Jason Burke ADOTAS

We all recall with frustration our failed swings at the birthday piñata, and then the triumphant scrambling for sweets when we finally connected with the papier-mâché dragon. In the early days of ad exchange buying, marketers had similar experiences as they blindly reached for inventory through programmatic buying on ad exchanges, without knowing the details of the inventory they were bidding on.

Some aversion to transparency in the exchange-based media sales world is understandable: Publishers have long-feared the cannibalization of their own direct sales efforts and would provide no insight into the identity of the audience or the domain on which the opportunity lived. Buyers want this data to help them decide whether to purchase and how much to bid on the ad slot. But they too carry their own secrets: They do not want to expose their “max valuation” to the supplier.

Because an exchange or marketplace should be, by definition, a neutral facilitator of media sales transactions between inventory owners and marketing platforms, it needs to have a view on transparency that differs from those of its partners on either side of the marketplace. Because it is clearing the transactions, it holds the keys to auction dynamics, which can yield huge benefits if exposed to players in the marketplace.

Blindness in the market is inefficient

Imagine the Parisian homeowner who is looking to offload his condo in the hot real estate market. Because the seller can’t reach all prospective buyers, and foreign home hunters can’t visit the home directly, the unit is listed through an agent. What if this agent has the data required to make a purchase decision, but doesn’t expose this to the buy-side other than say general location of the

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home and the color of the shutters? No buyer would ever blindly purchase a property without detailed information. If he does, he’ll offer far less in a hedge to cover the unknown. The seller who doesn’t have real estate sales data to properly price his property might balk at listing his condo.

This scenario has played out many times in the advertising world. As exchange-based media trading becomes ubiquitous across various channels, including display, mobile, video and more recently, television, lack of pricing transparency is holding back spend in this otherwise efficient market.

Visibility into auction dynamics is something that the middleman marketplace has access to and has an obligation to provide. By exposing this information through marketplace product tools, it can disseminate this insight to buyers and sellers, making for a win-win offering.

Marketplaces can help spill the beans

Fast-forward to an ad exchange where the bidding landscape is exposed to sellers. This would allow them to understand the relationship between the bidding activity and the close rates on their segmented tranches of inventory. Might they then tweak their sales strategy by modifying advertiser blocks or changing bid floors, which are now limiting their upside?

In this same world, buyers would gain insight into aggregate bid ranges and clearing prices, sliced across audience and content. They’ll be empowered to adjust their bidding strategies to reduce wastage and drive effective performance for their marketing plan.

This is not an all-or nothing operation. Do publishers need to know which buyers are bidding and what the aggregate bid range looks like? Yes. Do they need to know how much individual buyers are bidding? No. Do buyers benefit from insight into the competing bids? Yes. Do buyers need to know exactly who they’re competing against and how exactly those individual marketers are valuing the inventory? No.

However advantageous these solutions might be, they don’t happen overnight. But marketplaces, which have visibility into all of this data, can make these dreams a reality over time, with a product that summarizes and details auction results at appropriate levels of granularity. While, at present, this level of transparency is but a twinkle in the eyes of buyers and sellers, the creation of it will pioneer a shift in the ways that programmatic media buying will be transacted.

Show me yours, and I’ll show you mine

As advertising marketplaces begin to provide data transparency, publishers will put higher volumes and qualities of their inventory into these exchanges and buyers will respond with more dollars.

Understandably, buyers and sellers will sometimes be unwilling to provide transparency. But they should be aware that in order to get transparency, they must also provide it.

Transparency will improve the market for all

Markets both ingest information and generate it. The lack of information by either side is a self-defeating prophecy: Buyers will submit minimum bids, and sellers will either withhold valuable inventory or overprice Simply stated by Gresham’s law, “Bad money drives out good.” In ad exchanges where buyers are underpaying, publishers will take their prime cattle to a different market.

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More transparency in auction pricing and bidding patterns will also create a stronger, more liquid market. Access to auction pricing detail does not allow suppliers and marketers to operate on autopilot. The intelligence of the supply and buy-side platforms that empower the publishers and marketers, respectively, will still be necessary in the programmatic buying world, but access to this data is imperative. All will benefit as more players in the space recognize the benefits of transparency. At least then we’ll be swinging at the piñata with an eye patch rather than a blindfold.

Agencies Quietly Begin Using Programmatic Platform To Buy TV, Billions Already Served

by Joe Mandese, Aug 8, 2013, 9:25 AM

In a development bound to send ripples across both Madison Avenue and the television industry, a new “audience-buying” platform has quietly rolled out an automated system enabling agencies and their trading desks to serve ads into the most premium network television inventory. Since it went live in January with a beta being used by the trading desks of at least two of the biggest agency holding companies, the new platform, dubbed AudienceXpress, has served nearly 2 billion ad impressions to network TV viewers nationwide -- all below the radar of most of the TV advertising industry.

The system, a spinoff of targeted TV ad server Visible World, has managed to pull off what big players ranging from Google (Google TV Ads), Microsoft (Navic) and startups like Spotrunner (Malibu) and a host of failed dot-com era ventures, essentially failed to do: Convince a critical mass of TV industry suppliers to put enough advertising inventory into an exchange that would create enough scale for big agencies and advertisers to use it.

Because of its implications for the overall media marketplace, the rapid rise of programmatic trading in the online display advertising marketplace has been one of the most closely watched developments of the past couple of years, splitting Madison Avenue and its media supply chain into two philosophical camps: Those that want to preserve the world of old-school media-buying based on relationships, sales hype, marketing spin and person-to-person negotiations; and those who want to shift to a new world of “audience-buying” based on scientific, real-time programmatic technology enabling brands to reach the audiences -- and just those audiences -- they are seeking to reach with their precious ad budgets at that exact moment in time.

The secret behind that success, says Walt Horstman the long-time Visible World exec who developed and manages the AudienceXpress platform, was convincing the supply side that they were 100% in control of how, when, to whom and for how much their advertising inventory got sold.

“The inventory partners we work with are extremely sensitive,” Horstman explained in an exclusive briefing with MediaDailyNews. “If there is one thing folks in the TV business are incredibly sensitive about, it’s protecting the value of their inventory.”

In fact, it has been the fear of losing control over the value of advertising inventory that has been the major impediment to programmatic exchanges in the online business, but that hasn’t stopped the online display market, and now even highly coveted social media like Facebook’s Exchange, and even emerging mobile DSPs from developing a marketplace based on sell-side machines trading with buy-side ones. While supply was a big factor in the success of programmatic trading online, other big factors including the needs for agencies to improve their margins by utilizing technology to automate the way they buy in an increasingly fragmented media marketplace, as well as their philosophical shift from old school “media-buying” based on the seller’s inventory to

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the new world of “audience-buying” based on reaching the consumers -- and only those consumers -- that their clients’ brands want to reach with their ad messages.

It’s not clear exactly how much of Madison Avenue’s media buys are actually traded this way now. According to the most recent estimates from Interpublic’s Magna unit, programmatic buying of media currently represents about 25% of online display buys, and is growing fast. Magna predicts it will grow to 43% of online buys by 2017. Magna has not forecasted how programmatic trading will impact other media, because with the exception of social and mobile, the rest of the supply chain has been slow to adopt automated trading technology, but last week a top Magna media-buying exec, Executive Vice President Todd Gordon, told attendees at a Nielsen event produced by Beet.TV that programmatic buying would represent the vast majority of the way its agencies buy media within three years.

The big trick, says AudienceXpress’ Horstman, is ensuring that the sell-side -- especially extremely inventory-sensitive suppliers like the TV industry -- have control and can understand the upside of trading that way. One of the ways that AudienceXpress has done that is by giving TV suppliers complete, real-time transparency on the supply-and-demand of their inventory, including the exact pricing and yield they fetch when they put their inventory into AudienceXpress to be traded programmatically. Horstman admits that the system was designed initially to give those optics mainly to the sellers, but he says it is rapidly refining its “front-end” systems so that agencies and their trading desks can get a better view of the value of the audiences they’re looking to buy from those suppliers. He says the goal is to integrate both those front-end interfaces and the back-end trading systems to have what people in the ad tech world call a complete “end-to-end” system sometime this year.

In the meantime, that has not stopped at least two major agency trading desks from processing nearly 2 billion impressions through the system in the six months it’s been up-and-running. Horstman would not disclose the names of the agency trading desks using it, but they are known to be two of the most active and aggressive developers of programmatic trading. He also would not disclose the identities of the suppliers placing their inventory into the programmatic trading platform, but he said they are among the major cable TV operators that Visible World has integrated its target ad serving technology with, and that it is that infrastructure that is enabling the automated trading to happen.

Visible World claims it ad serving technology is integrated into systems representing about 80% of U.S. cable TV households. Based on the number of systems actually trading through AudienceXpress’ platform, it currently reaches 50 million homes, but a spokesperson said the company is “onboarding new partners each quarter.”

One reason those cable operators are moving so quickly to utilize the system is it gives them an incredibly efficient means of selling their TV advertising inventory to national advertisers in a way that does not cannibalize on the local and regional buys sold by their direct, in-house sales organizations or their reps.

And if there’s a rub in AudienceXpress’ system, this is where it most likely is, because the system essentially enables local cable operators to efficiently and automatically pool the local TV advertising avails they split with their cable network partners into an audience trading platform that taps the budgets of national advertisers. In other words, it enables local cable TV operators to compete directly for ad budgets with the national advertising sales organizations of their network affiliates. Generally, national cable TV networks give two minutes per hour to cable systems to sell as part of their distribution agreements. The language stipulating how those ad units can be sold is said to be somewhat vague, and there are also times when national TV networks segment their inventory to regional or local advertisers that create conflicts on the local side of the ledger sheet too.

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It’s unclear how and when national TV network will play directly in the programmatic exchange business. Attempts by other platforms to convince them, including Google’s, Microsoft’s and others have largely failed, because they did not want to lose control over how their inventory was priced, even though many of those systems were designed as “private exchanges” where sellers controlled the “floors” or minimum price that their ads got sold at. The most successful previous attempt, Google TV Ads, mainly aggregated unsold, “remnant” local TV inventory that was wildly popular among direct response TV advertisers and agencies, but failed to scale with big brands and media-buying shops.

But programmatic trading has matured significantly on Madison Avenue, and every major agency now has its own trading desk, or works with an array of independents. Almost all of them claim to be either currently buying or close to developing a solution for buying TV advertising inventory through their systems. According to Horstman, at least two are doing so significantly now.

That said, he emphasizes that everything about the way AudienceXpress works is designed to benefit the sell-side of the TV marketplace, and that everything it does to make it easier, automated, more efficient and scientific for agencies and brands to use is simply to the benefit of its cable TV partners. The benefit to Madison Avenue, he says, is a byproduct of that.

“We are an SSP,” Horstman finally conceded after being pressed by MediaDailyNews to categorize AudienceXpress among the litany of ad tech acronyms. An SSP, or “sell-side platform,” is an ad tech platform that is built to give as much control to the seller of media inventory as possible. It is the yin to the yang of the so-called DSPs -- or demand-side platforms -- that agencies and brands use to make their “bids” for inventory on audience exchanges.

“We are not an exchange. This is not an auction. This is not RTB,” he said, referring to another acronym for “real-time bidding” that is an auction-based audience-buying model that is popular among agencies and DSPs, but has been one of the major emotional impediments to premium media sellers like TV outlets to participate in the programmatic marketplace.

“In the minds of TV folks, that means devaluing your inventory,” he explains. “Our value proposition to the entire ecosystem is to provide liquidity -- largely for the sell-side -- and the way we provide liquidity is by creating ease of access for the buy-side. We’re doing that by using the technology we have on the back-end and the front end, and then applying audience data to it that increases the value of that inventory to advertisers.”

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5 comments on "Agencies Quietly Begin Using Programmatic Platform To Buy TV, Billions Already Served".

Mike Einstein from the Brothers Einstein

commented on: August 8, 2013 at 9:56 a.m.

I love this stuff. We jump on our soap boxes to rail against becoming nothing more than a mere commodity, and then do everything we can to commoditize things. The lunatics are indeed in charge of the asylum.

Darrin Stephens from McMann & Tate

commented on: August 8, 2013 at 10:51 a.m.

May I give a little perspective to the semi-sourced claim that AudienceXpress "served nearly 2 billion ad impressions" since January? According to Nielsen Adviews, on July 1 2013 the CBS television network alone "served" nearly 1.9 billion ad impressions on a singular lazy summer Monday.

Bobby Campbell from Adkarma

commented on: August 8, 2013 at 12:01 p.m.

In the end is there a point to this.. the old distribution model is going to break down sooner than later and these ads will be served via connected devices via ad servers that are better adapted to the changing consumption patterns we are seeing. Bobby from Adkarma

Bob Gordon from The Auto Channel

commented on: August 8, 2013 at 5:19 p.m.

Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13 Page 54

Good article... for over 18 years I have been trying to sell our space by describing it as Just-in-time advertising...a right message delivered within sought-out by the viewer editorial content. Ads placed using this criteria generate both attention and results. As an example; the click rate for relevant banners on The Auto Channel average over 1.4% with some as high as 8%. For the past 18 years I have been fighting the fight to get grown-up attention from advertisers (and their agencies) unsuccessfully so far, there is lots of bla bla about changes coming but single subject content sites continue to be invisible to advertisers and have to rely on undervalued revenue from ad networks, because our puny audience of 500,000 or so in-market auto shoppers get lost in the billions of banner impressions available every day. In the old days there was a living breathing (and sometime beautiful) media buyer who I could take to lunch, ply with martinis and a good bottle of wine (or two) and actually discuss my media offerings and how they could benefit the client, just try that today. Talk about a virtual reality...programmatic buying contributes to the lack of success of most on line advertising, too bad because the technology exists today that allows smart advertisers to ultra-target their messages within relevant content at exactly the Just The Right Time to succeed.

Robert Brill from Fulcrum5

commented on: August 9, 2013 at 2:19 p.m.

We’re thrilled to see innovation that merges the benefits of programmatic buying with the scale of TV. Now, it’s a matter of navigating the tenuous relationships across TV networks that place sufficient control in the hands of content owners. Ultimately, the fits and starts of programmatic TV will result in a robust ecosystem that synthesizes technology, audience information and the abundance of TV ad inventory. TV ad sellers will realize the efficiency of lower operating costs in fewer sales people and more streamlined selling practices. Technology will have a greater impact in the way TV is bought and sold. Advertisers will realize the benefit of more robust targeting than the GRP / TRP paradigm. Soon we can move past the point of TV campaign success being measured by reach to a proxy user base (think W 25-54), and into more category specific measurements, such as the reach for in-market car buyers or the engagement with this same audience. The challenge with this specific solution ultimately is the availability of a scalable self service interface. Today savvy agencies, media activation units and trading desks crave hands on control of the media they are buying. The expertise and value proposition is in knowing a variety of buying platforms and being able to use them to deliver advertiser specific outcomes. If there is no self service interface then handing over the execution of the buy removes a very important value driving component from the equation.

Read more: Content ConsumptioN Data

Across Devices/PlAtforms

Aug 8, 2013 Mike Daly ADOTAS

Outbrain has culled its international network of over 100,000 publisher sites that generate more than 100 billion clicks per month and have come up with a revealing infographic illustrating not only how content consumption rates differ across different devices (from desktop to mobile to tablet), but also what kinds of content performs best across each device

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Facebook says it wants to provide a simpler online shopping experienceLast updated 16/08/2013 06:35 BRTFacebook, the world's largest social networking company, is planning to test a new mobile payment feature.It will use payment details added by users to their Facebook account to automatically fill in forms when they make purchases on mobile applications.Various companies have been looking to tap into mobile payments markets.However, Facebook said the feature would not involve moving the payment processing away from an app's current service provider."This product is simply to test how we can help our app partners provide a simpler commerce experience," Facebook's spokeswoman Tera Randall said in a statement.She added that the firm has a "great relationship" with PayPal, one of the biggest processors of online payments.'Fantastic move'Facebook has more than a billion members and half log in daily. Its popularity has seen it attract advertisers keen to tap into the potential consumer pool.According to the its latest earnings report, it generated advertising revenue of $1.6bn (£1bn) in the April to June quarter this year.Analysts said that if the site does eventually launch the payment feature it will help it track how many of its users actually purchased items from partner applications."Facebook does not want to remain just a platform for brand promotion and lead generation, but it wants to become the place where ecommerce deals actually happen," Manoj Menon, managing director of consulting firm Frost & Sullivan told the BBC."This feature will help them demonstrate to the advertisers the effectiveness of its platform in driving revenue. It is a fantastic move by Facebook," he added.However, some analysts were sceptical if users would trust a social networking site with their financial information."Consumers want safe, seamless and convenient mobile payments and there are a growing number of competitors that consumers trust more, such as PayPal, Visa ( and others,' said Denee Carrington, an analyst with Forrester Research.BBC © 2013

Social Media in the Boardroom

Jasmine Sandler | August 14,

Traditionally, the C-suite and advisory boards of larger corporations have not been directly involved in their brands' social media voice and community engagement. Social media conversations are happening about your brand right now. If you are not monitoring what is being said and responding to these comments appropriately, your organization's reputation may suffer. Furthermore, your competition could engage away your target customers in social.

These days, decision-makers are doing their due diligence and reading online reviews and case studies of your business. You know that you need to be present and leading positive conversations in social, but you may be facing resistance or fear from upper management. To build your case, there are steps you need to follow.

Show Management How Brands Are Delivered in Social Media

It is crucial that upper management understand that brand delivery in social is unlike delivery in direct response. To maintain credibility in social, the brand must constantly offer engaging messaging and content, driven by a keen understanding of the content needs of the audience. The marketer must have expertise in representing the brand through social media marketing opportunities such as social advertising, content marketing, group and forum participation, and

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real-time customer service engagement and acceptable response times. The most important duty here is to remain authentic and provide thought leadership.

Show Client Engagement by the Numbers

Besides brand lift and increased awareness in social, executives want to see qualified lead generation and online sales driven from social media activity. Of course, this is the Holy Grail for online marketers. Walking into the boardroom with a report that clearly shows an increase in leads and sales from social media activity will certainly sell the case.

Learn From Your Competitors' Success in Social

Social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube make it fairly easy for you to review your competition's social activity and engagement strategy. Share competitors' volume of activity, social media fans, content strategy, and engagement levels with the executive team.

Illustrate Where Your Organization's Online Brand Sentiment Sits (Positive/Negative/Neutral)

Understanding whether your engagement in social media results in a positive, neutral, or negative response with your target audience is crucial when developing your brand via social media marketing. Track sentiment using specific brand keywords, and assess sentiment by content type, time, and industry.

Use SEO Factors as a Selling Point of Social Media Marketing

Executives want to know that their online brands are gaining top Google exposure. What they do not necessarily know are the social factors that influence organic search rankings. You need to show management where social positively influences brand position in the major search engines. SEO and social are increasingly becoming paired, and key executives investing in SEO need to understand this.

Create an Itemized Breakdown of Social Media Costs and ROI

Social media marketing is more than a full-time job for one person (the social media manager, if you will). It requires buy-in on messaging, content, measurement, and goal setting across the marketing, sales, and C-suite teams. The ROI of social, when measured with advanced social media monitoring tools, is clear. Present to management a line-item breakdown of how to budget for social effectiveness on an annual basis.

This column was originally published in SES Magazine, Toronto 2013.

Jasmine Sandler is a veteran in online marketing. She has over 15 years client experience in helping companies, both large and small, use the web to develop and grow business. Miss Sandler has provided interactive solutions for such clients as: Citibank, ISO, Diamonds International, Doublerock Corporation, Loews Hotels, CityLights Cruises, and hundreds of small businesses and start-ups.

Miss Sandler has expertise in the areas of using LinkedIn to grow business, B2B social media marketing strategy, search marketing strategies for sustainable online visibility, website effectiveness for user engagement, and digital strategies for small businesses. She is a published author of "Branding & Sales: The LinkedIn Way," available on Amazon and in paperback.

Jasmine is a frequent speaker for The Association of Strategic Marketing, The Association of Ghostwriters, Search Engine Strategies, Small Business Technology, and New York Business

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Expo. Miss Sandler is a contributing monthly writer for, Search Engine Watch, The New York Enterprise Report, and LinkedIn Original Content.

Jasmine is CEO and founder of Agent-cy Online Marketing, an online branding agency in NYC with a team in digital strategy, web design and development, search marketing strategy and management, social media marketing, and online PR.

Miss Sandler provides LinkedIn Corporate Training and individual executive work as well as digital planning as a consultant to enterprise level organizations globally. Her consulting work and published content can be found at

Miss Sandler holds a dual MBA in Marketing and Technology from the University of Miami and is a very active supporter of LinkedIn and runs several business owner groups on the site. Prior to developing a career in web marketing, she held the position of Director of Managed Data Networking Sales at IBM Global Services for a period of seven years.

Mobile Takes The Digital Lead As Online Surpasses TV

by Steve Smith, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013

The headline from eMarketer this morning was that time spent on digital media was on track to surpass TV this year for the first time. But the real story within the story is that mobile is leading that charge.

According to the research company’s projections, of the 5 hours and 9 seconds that people spend daily online (vs. 4:31 with TV), 2:21 will be with smartphones and tablets, while 2:19 will be with desktops and laptops. This is the first time that eMarketer has broken out mobile in detail in their media mindshare projections, and it shows just how much impact mobility has had on migration away from the desktop as well as the inflation of overall digital engagement.

The amount of time spent with mobile media has gone up dramatically in just the last year, eMarketer contends. In 2012, we were spending about an hour and a half a day with media on portable devices, showing an increase of almost an hour in just a year’s time. eMarketer is measuring simultaneous use as well, so in overall and overlapping media usage we are seeing a steady expansion of media consumption -- now at 11:52 per day, up from 11:39 last year and 10:46 in 2010. Mobile has been the key driver in that expansion, consuming less than half an hour of our media time only three years ago. Granted, including tablets in the “mobile” mix muddies the view a bit, since these devices tend to behave more like laptop replacements. Still the migration is staggering.

eMarketer has broken down the mobile category into smartphone, tablet and feature phone. In all, they are looking only at non-voice media consumption. For the mobile use category, however, smartphones and tablets are about even, with the former at 1:07 per day and the latter at 1:03. It is increasingly important for “mobile” to be broken down this way as the platforms mature.

One of the ironic negative consequences of the mobile migration is the tendency to begin thinking of devices as an extension of the Web -- platforms where you simply can “reach” users in new nooks and crannies of their existence. Getting marketing closer to the point of sale is the particular preoccupation of mobile marketers, and for obvious reasons. Somehow lost in the mad rush to the new platform is the unique power of mobile as an activation of other media. Understanding the use cases and physical contexts of these portable screens is especially important in the process of integrating them with the rest of the media plan.

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The big losers in all of this, of course, have been print. TV has only seen an incremental decline of a few seconds a day over the past two years. Time spent with print each day has declined overall from 50 seconds to 32. Attempts by newspapers and magazines to recapture on devices some of that lost attention have been mixed. Magazines in particular had hoped that digital editions of their print wares would help save them from the diffusion of attention that had occurred in the first migration to digital. Many magazines traditionally enjoyed monthly time spent rates of an hour or more per issue, which digital literally decimated -- often down to 10 or 15 minutes a month with branded magazine sites. Initially, publishers were seeing people spend almost as much time with digital editions of magazines as they did with print versions, which justified the large investment in tablet versions.

But consumer uptake of digital versions of magazines has been slower than hoped. In some sense, the magazines are caught between legacy and new platforms here. They want to preserve in virtual form that slow and engaging page-flipping ethos of traditional reading. But the monthly issue drops and ghetto-ized newsstand merchandising structure on tablets misses out on much of the opportunity of digital media.

We are beginning to see some innovations now from titles like Esquire and Atlantic (which launched weekly tablet editions) and New York, which has an interesting hybrid app combining magazine and Web site content. But the struggles here are indicative of a larger lesson of mobile migration. These devices -- and the mobility and portability they embody -- require a rethinking even of the digital forms we have been cultivating on a Web that spent 15 years anchored to desktops.

Steve Smith is the editor of Mobile Marketing Daily at MediaPost where he covers all aspects of the mobile landscape and writes the daily MoBlog and regular Mobile Insider columns. He also programs the OMMA Mobile/Display/Data and Behavioral series of shows and the Mobile Insider Summits. A recovering academic who taught media studies at Brown and University of Virginia, he spent the last decade as a digital media critic for numerous publications and as consultant. He also writes for Media Industry Newsletter and eContent magazine. Contact him here.

Mobile Insider for Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013:

Everything you think about weight loss is wrong

Mayrav Saar New York Post August 05, 2013 10:22AM

THINK there's a great secret to losing weight? Fat chance.

Recent research and books have delved into our collective "wisdom" about weight loss and found that some of our more widely held beliefs are based on pretty skimpy science.

From the "caveman diet" to green-tea extract to cleanses, we cling to whatever the latest craze is in weight loss and are then shocked when we can't shake the pounds.

But now even the most firmly held, physician-given advice about diet and exercise is proving it can't hold up to scrutiny either. A lot of the advice being offered to the 33% of adults who are obese - and the countless others with a little too much extra around the middle - is misleading or even pointless.

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Simply skipping your daily donut and exercising a few times a week might not be enough to shed weight and keep it off. This worries researchers who wonder if we won't all be too discouraged to even try.

"We need to get serious as a country. We're way off the tracks here," said Dr. James L. Hardeman, author of "Appears Younger Than Stated Age." "One of the things I tell my patients is that it may be difficult, but compared to being a patient in the ICU, it's a walk in the park."

To counter an obesity epidemic that only seems to be growing, researchers and doctors like Hardeman are trying to set the record straight about weight.

Myth 1 - A 30-minute workout a day, three days a week will help you lose weight

For decades doctors swore that if you just made time in your busy schedule three days a week for a 30-minute workout you'd lose weight.

Studies now show that exercising for a total of an hour a day, five to seven days a week, is necessary for maintaining your ideal weight.

"We're still telling people three days for 30 minutes, and I think that's because the doctors feel that that's a good place to start," said Mary D'Avila, a registered dietitian at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, Calif.

Concerned that people will be so discouraged they'll just stay on their couches, doctors still cling to the "every little bit helps" myth.

The idea behind the miracle of moderate exercise is that if someone burns 100 extra calories a day, he or she will lose a half a kilo every 35 days. Over five years that person should lose around 20 kilos. But studies have shown the true weight loss over five years is around five kilos, according to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine in January.

Among the biggest exercise whoppers is a reliance on Rover. Walking doesn't burn as many calories as running, and walking your dog won't help you shed pounds - unless Rover is a power-walker.

D'Avila advises people who are trying to lose weight to adhere to the "walk and talk" rule. If you can talk with some effort while walking, you're doing great. If you can sing, you're not exercising; you're sauntering.

And nobody ever lost weight by sauntering.

Myth 2 - Eating after 6pm makes you gain weight

This myth was derived from the idea that your metabolism slows to a halt while you sleep. So the later you eat, the less time your body has to burn those calories.

This makes sense, until you realise that our bodies don't work like light switches, turning on when we're awake and off while we sleep, D'Avila said.

"While your metabolism slows down when you go to sleep, it doesn't go away," she said. "I have a lot of patients who are starving because they stop eating after 6pm, when there has never been any scientific evidence that suggests that this is something that should be avoided."

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"Look at Spain, where they eat dinner at 9 or 10pm and they don't have the obesity problem we have here," she said.

Instead of watching when we eat, D'Avila suggests we watch what we eat - and how much. A dinner of fish and veggies consumed at 10pm is far more nutritious and less fattening than a bag of Doritos inhaled in front of The Morning Show.

Also, consider how many calories you've consumed already that day before reaching for the pantry. If you're eating because you're hungry, that's one thing; but if you're just bored, maybe it's time to go to bed.

Myth 3 - Rapid weight loss is unsustainable

Any measure that results in quick, drastic weight loss is almost always referred to as a "yoyo diet." The general consensus among weight-loss experts is that if your weight plunges suddenly, it's going to come back up with a vengeance.

We all know this to be true. Except it's not, said Dr. Arne Astrup, co-author of a New England Journal of Medicine article published in January that analysed a number of commonly held dieting beliefs and found many of them scientifically lacking.

"This belief implies gradual changes in diet and lifestyle should be permanent, and are better maintained long term when introduced gradually," said Astrup, who also heads up the Department of Human Nutrition at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. "A number of observational studies and randomised clinical trials show the opposite is true."

Astrup and his colleagues were criticised by some in the nutrition field who found the study's commendation of bariatric surgery and diet pills unsettling. Even so, many were intrigued by the authors' examination of clinical trials and scientific studies that found that greater initial weight loss is associated with greater long-term success.

"To warn people against rapid weight loss will take away the success of many people, and is therefore counterproductive for public health," he said.

Myth 4 - Weighing yourself daily will discourage you from losing weight

Respected weight-loss experts have long cautioned us to stay away from the scale. According to the going theory: Like the groundhog scared away by its own shadow, the crushing disappointment a dieter might experience when he steps on the scale will make him give up the fight altogether.

But science suggests otherwise. A study of more than 4,000 women aged 40-65 published in Preventive Medicine found that weighing yourself more frequently is associated with greater weight loss.

Subjects in the study who visited the scale daily lost twice as much weight as those who only weighed themselves weekly. Those who didn't weigh themselves at all gained weight. And people who changed their weighing behaviour during the study gained or lost weight depending on whether they decreased or increased their frequency of weighing themselves.

One thing to keep in mind before stepping on the scale, however, is that it pays to be consistent: Weigh yourself at around the same time every day, as your weight can fluctuate by a few pounds in a single day.

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Also, pay attention to only one scale. If you're being weighed by your doctor, stepping on the scale at the gym and weighing yourself at home, you might be surprised to find that all three scales vary. Which one is right? The one in your own bathroom.

"It's the one you have access to more often," D'Avila said.

Myth 5 - Drinking eight glasses of water a day will curb your appetite

Even children know that you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. It's good for your health and it can help fill you up so that you don't gorge on a whole packet of Tim Tams. Right?

An article published the upcoming issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the common wisdom spouted about your tap reducing your waistline just doesn't hold water.

"Drinking water is often applied as a dietary means for weight loss and overweight/obesity prevention, but no evidence-based recommendation exists for this indication," the authors wrote.

One reason for the pervasiveness of this myth may be that people who drink water during a meal are less likely to drink higher-calorie beverages - and therefore would lose weight compared to their soda-guzzling friends. But it's not clear if that theory is true, and it also doesn't mean water makes us too full for that plate of fries.

As for the amount of water we're advised to drink, if you're curious as to why we've always been told eight is the magic number, you're not alone.

"We don't have any standards. There has been no scientific evidence that supports six is better than four or eight is better than six," D'Avila said.

In reality, the number of glasses of water needed per day varies from person to person.

"The important thing is to stay hydrated," D'Avila said.

Myth 6 - Snacking affects weight gain

A 2011 study of 257 women found that frequent snacking helps keep pounds away, while a study the following year suggests that removing all snack foods from your home can help you stay skinny. So, which is it?

The answer is both. And neither.

While it is possible that eating small meals and a few snacks could rev up your metabolism, weight loss really comes down to the number of calories you eat in a day and how sated you feel, D'Avila said.

"When we don't eat, our bodies will conserve the calories so we don't lose weight, but most people don't consider their snacks as calories," she said. "If you're going over your daily caloric intake, you're going to gain weight."

Monitoring your snacks is not enough: One of the reasons we're such a fat nation is that we consume too much food. Not a little too much. Ridiculously, embarrassingly too much.

The average American ate 530 more calories a day in 2000 than in 1970 - a 24.5% increase. The idea that cutting out your afternoon pastry or ordering your burger without the bun is going to be enough to slim down is missing the point. The average daily recommended calorie intake is 2,000

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(though it varies per person). This means we are overeating, on average, an entire meal's worth of calories.

So go ahead and snack. Or don't. But unless you take stock of your entire caloric intake, you're not doing your body any favours.

Myth 7 - Weight gain is inevitable with age

Metabolism slows with age, but that is no excuse for sporting a large gut.

A 2011 study out of Harvard suggests that a range of lifestyle choices, from the kinds of foods you eat to the amount of exercise you do influence your weight as you age.

The study tracked more than 100,000 men and women for up to 20 years and found that people who ate more vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains were less likely to pack on pounds than people who ate a lot of potato chips, processed meats and unprocessed red meats.

Sleep also factored in. Weight gain was lowest among people who slept six to eight hours a night and was higher among those who slept less than six hours or more than eight hours.

"Casually accepting some weight gain can lead to massive weight gain over time, considering our largely sedentary lifestyles and the easy availability of quick, fatty meals," said Hardeman who says he weighs the same now, at age 61, as he did when he was 18 (74 kilograms).

"Weight gain is not 'normal,' and it's going to have a big impact on the rest of your life," he said.

Hardeman advises if you find at age 40 that you can't quite eat the same things you did when you were younger, then stop eating them. Same goes for when you realise that you have to work a bit harder at the gym.

"It's not like you wake up one day and find you've gain 15 kilos. It's an insidious process," he said. "Then you start getting arthritis or have a stroke and that makes you more sedentary. Before you realise it, you've dug yourself into a hole, and you're 75, overweight and using a cane."

Myth 8 - Diets work

Whether you consume nothing but fruit juice or only eat foods readily available to our caveman ancestors, your diet isn't going to work. Not in the long run, anyway.

"Going on a diet is one of (our) favourite pastimes. Diets typically entail temporarily altering eating patterns, losing a bit of weight, and then going back to old habits," said Hardeman, a pulmonary and critical care physician in Fullerton, Calif. "Really, it all boils down to intake and output. People who stick to Atkins, South Beach and the Sugar Busters diets lose weight because they limit the intake of calories."

But ultimately these magic-formula diets fail because they are unsustainable.

"The special diets are difficult to adhere to because they typically eliminate food groups (breads, rice, pasta, dairy, etc.) which make the diet incompatible with a modern food culture," Astrup said. "So, for those who can live with these limitations it is fine, but for the majority of people we need something that is effective."

Astrup said the reason diets that rely heavily on meat tend to work in the short term is that protein stimulates the satiety hormones released from the small intestine. He recently co-authored

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another study in the New England Journal of Medicine that found people were able to lose weight - and keep it off - if they increased their protein intake and decreased their carbs by modest amounts. Because, again, man cannot live on protein burgers alone.

"A lot of these magic formula diet books promise temporary change. It's almost as if people don't want to believe that doing more activity and adjusting their diet - it's not a way, it's the only way," said Hardeman.

"Just because you're sick of hearing about gravity doesn't mean you won't come down to earth when you jump in the air."

The article first appeared on the New York Post.

Read more:

Your Customers Don’t Care About “Touchpoints”; They Care about the Journey

David Edelman

I went on a holiday recently and wanted a phone that worked internationally. Simple enough, right? I got the phone but it didn’t work so I called customer service. They were very friendly and helpful, and got my phone working. Later I went to the site to check about the billing process. The information was there, but it took me a while to find it. When I returned the phone, I got a bill that I hadn’t expected so had to call customer service again. And again, the person was very helpful. Each interaction was good, but fundamentally I was dissatisfied with the service and, therefore, the brand. Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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My experience, in a nutshell, is an issue some colleagues of mine recently explored in a great piece in the Harvard Business Review – “The Truth About Customer Experience.” While companies rightly focus on individual interactions with customers – the call center, the sales rep, the web site, etc. – what matters more is the overall customer experience journey. That’s because customers don’t think “That touchpoint interaction with the brand was great.” They think “Setting up this service is a pain.”

Thinking about customer journeys isn’t just about improving customer satisfaction scores; it’s about fundamentally improving the business and bottom line performance. Here’s the data that backs that up:

• In measurements of customer satisfaction with companies' most important journeys, performing one point better than peer companies on a 10-point scale corresponds to at least a 2% point outperformance on revenue growth rate.

• The gap between the top- and bottom-quartile companies on journey performance was 50% wider than the gap between top and bottom-quartile companies on touchpoint performance (in one of the surveyed industries).

I cannot overemphasize the importance of this idea of journeys. Customers don’t go down a reductive “funnel” when deciding what product to buy. They go on a decision journeywhere they compare products, add and remove brand choices, and get recommendations. Customers don’t have interactions with brand “touchpoints” when they’re installing a service or using a product. They go on a journey where they have multiple interactions to achieve a specific goal. Yes, touchpoints are important. But if companies want to win in today’s business arena, they need to win journeys.

There are, of course, important implications to becoming a journey organization. Here are a few of them:

Organize for journeys. Many journeys involve a complex series of internal hand-offs (e.g. customer service needs to send the installation time to the installer in the field). Unfortunately, most organizations function in silos around each touchpoint and don’t have people responsible for the journey overall. That requires pulling together teams of people across functions to understand their roles in the context of the journey overall, and developing new ways of managing the journey. You’re going to need to get creative. One telecom company redeployed senior executives to become “chain managers” with responsibility for overseeing specific journeys. It also created war rooms where the chain managers could monitor journeys and meet with the functional teams involved.

Create incentives for journeys. This point is obviously related to organizing for journeys above, but it’s so important I wanted to highlight it specifically. If sales reps are rewarded for closing sales or customer service representatives for keeping calls short, then that’s what they’ll do. You’ll need to create incentives tailored to specific journeys you’ve identified as important. Back-office employees, for example, should be rewarded for the accuracy of order tickets rather than just the number of them. Customer service personnel should have incentives for identifying root cause issues when customers call. All those involved in a given journey should be rewarded for the completion of a successful journey.

Measure journeys. It’s a truism that you manage what you measure – are you measuring the right things? If it’s just “call duration” or “number of sales generated online”, you’re focusing just on success at the touchpoint level. Dashboards and metrics need to measure the entire journey with an emphasis on those journeys that matter the most (to the customer and the business) and identifying. This isn’t just a continual process; it’s continuous, e.g. you need to monitor journeys

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constantly, make adjustments, and build feedback loops from the frontlines so that your metrics drive on a daily even hourly basis decisions.

Is your organization ready for the journey? Please share your stories of companies who provide not just great touchpoint interactions, but great customer experience journeys.

Learn more about the Customer Decision Journey and customer experience topics on McKinsey's Chief Marketing & Sales Officer Forum site, and follow us on Twitter@McK_CMSOForum. And please follow me on Twitter @davidedelman.

Facebook Mobile numbers

Mais da metade dos usuários do Facebook no Brasil, no México e na Argentina usam celulares e tablets para acessar a rede social, disse nesta quarta-feira (14) a empresa norte-americana, que aposta cada vez mais na monetização das plataformas móveis.

Segundo estatísticas do Facebook, às quais a Reuters teve acesso, o Brasil era o principal mercado latino-americano, com 76 milhões de usuários ativos mensais em 30 de junho, e 57,9% deles se conectava tanto a partir de computadores como por dispositivos móveis.

Facebook é usado por mais de 40% dos americanos todos os dias

O último dado que a empresa havia liberado era de março, quando havia 67 milhões de usuários (crescimento de 13,4% em três meses).

Segundo dados de julho da Anatel, há 77,4 milhões de usuários de internet no celular no Brasil.

O país é seguido pelo México, com 47 milhões de usuários mensais, sendo que 74,5% deles conectados também por celulares e tablets. A Argentina tinha 22 milhões de acessos, dos quais 59,1% a partir de dispositivos móveis.

"Esses números têm uma força muito grande em termos de marketing", disse à Reuters o vice-presidente do Facebook para a América Latina, Alexandre Hohagen. "Queremos conscientizar as empresas de que existe uma oportunidade incrível".

Paulo Whitaker/Reuters

Alexandre Hohagen, vice-presidente do Facebook na América Latina

Esta é a primeira vez que o Facebook divulga cifras de usuários, em um esforço para ajudar os anunciantes a compreender melhor o alcance de sua plataforma e competir mais de frente com a televisão.

E os números sugerem que a América Latina --com cerca de 200 milhões de usuários ou 18% da base global-- é uma região de acelerado crescimento para a companhia de Menlo Park, Califórnia.

Todos os dias, 61,4% dos usuários ativos mensais nos três maiores mercados da região conectam-se à rede social. Isso representa uma audiência de 47 milhões de brasileiros, 28 milhões de mexicanos e 14 milhões de argentinos.

"A porcentagem é significativamente mais alta que a média dos outros países", disse Hohagen.

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"Em termos de construção de marca para nossos clientes, isso tem uma relevância enorme", completou. "Não há outro meio que tenha essa capacidade de chegar a tanta gente em um só dia".

Segundo dados divulgados na terça-feira, os Estados Unidos têm 179 milhões de usuários ativos mensais e 128 milhões diários. Os números mostram também que a Índia tirou o lugar do Brasil como segundo maior usuário global do Facebook, com 82 milhões, mas apenas 34 milhões se conectam diariamente.

O Facebook registrou um forte aumento de seu lucro no segundo trimestre, graças à venda de publicidade em suas aplicações para dispositivos móveis.

Os resultados acalmaram o temor dos investidores de que o Facebook não soubesse como monetizar sua base de 1,15 bilhão de usuários, um drama típico das empresas de internet.

Hohagen disse que o horizonte para a publicidade móvel do Facebook é imenso também na América Latina. A região tem menor penetração de internet que outros mercados mais saturados como Estados Unidos e Europa, a classe média emergente compra cada vez mais smartphones e ainda há espaço para que caia o custo dos planos de dados.

"As empresas começam a entender a importância das plataformas móveis para suas marcas", disse o executivo.

A consultoria de análises comScore calcula, por exemplo, que na América Latina apenas 8,1% das páginas são hoje abertas às pequenas telas dos dispositivos móveis. Apesar de a porcentagem ser duas vezes inferior à dos Estados Unidos, é três vezes maior que no ano passado.

Além disso, as vendas de smartphones ou telefones avançados nos quais o Facebook baseia sua estratégia comercial, crescem sem parar.

Neste ano, 42,5% dos 188 milhões de celulares comercializados na América Latina serão smartphones, segundo a empresa de inteligência de mercado IDC. E em 2014, superarão pela primeira vez os telefones celulares convencionais.

Brasil precisa repensar modelo de remuneração das agências, diz Buono

14 de de 2013 ·

Luiz Buono, VP de Planejamento e Atendimento da Fábrica, agência com DNA de relacionamento, teve a difícil missão de resumir o Festival de Cannes 2013 em uma palestra durante o Cannes Winners realizada ontem, 13, no Hotel Renaissance, em São Paulo. Buono não só sintetizou o evento que acontece na Riviera Francesa como comentou alguns detalhes importantes.

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Organizado pela PS Carneiro com o apoio do Estadão, o evento começou com a apresentação de Buono. De acordo com o VP da Fábrica, o Festival de 2013 forneceu ao mercado um belo insight: o publicitário pode criar anúncios, mas o ideal será criar mundos, como disse a SapientNitro em sua apresentação que aconteceu na França em junho. Infelizmente, diz Buono, o mercado brasileiro ainda está preso a amarras que dificultam tal desenvolvimento.

“Hoje os criativos podem começar do zero”, diz o publicitário. Para ele, o que ocorre atualmente é que é possível compor uma estratégia de comunicação do zero e pensar em mídia neutra, já que nenhuma é hegemônica. No Brasil, alerta, isto não é bem assim. O modelo de remuneração das agências cerca o mercado quando ele “deveria estar mais aberto”.

Quando tudo isso mudar, Buono analisa que os cases de 2013 podem servir como referência. Um deles, por exemplo, da campanha "Why Wait Until it's Too Late?", feito para a seguradora de assistência funerária DELA, da Holanda, que faturou o Grand Prix de Media, permitiu que pessoas dissessem o quanto amavam seus entes queridos antes que eles falecessem. Tal ato geralmente acontece depois da morte (relembre aqui). A ação criou uma plataforma gigantesca para promover a empresa. A Ogilvy & Mather Amsterdam assina a criação.

Outro case destacado por Buono é o “Small World Machine”, que juntou Índia e Paquistão com a ajuda de uma vending machine da Coca-Cola. “Uma aula de branded  content”, ressalta (reveja aqui). O projeto é da Leo Burnett de Chicago e Sydney

Buono também revela que é preciso entregar o que o consumidor quer e utilizar as informações de Big Data com inteligência para, cada vez mais, criar engajamento.

Content, Context Or Audience?

by Rich Routman, Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013

As time spent on digital platforms, with a focus on video, begins to surpass time spent on television, what’s the best sell-side and buy-side approach? Content, context and audience all carry some value in the assessment of digital video opportunities, but much like measuring television, captive audience is still the most reliable valuation metric.


Premium digital video content often lacks scale and in most cases, remains overpriced when sold by portals on a CPM basis. However, the perfect content and brand alignment can provide lift to both parties -- lift that cannot be measured by CPM efficiencies. When movie companies work with sports cable properties to integrate action film trailers into top moments from a live event, a richer media experience comes to life. Conversely, content can go completely in the wrong direction for both the brand and the content producer, with TV show “Undercover Boss” feeling the brunt of this burden on several occasions (one example here).


Some would refer to “in context” as product placement. However, digital video has changed the nature of this definition, with innovation and rich media executions that TV cannot seem to duplicate. CPG brands have far surpassed other vertical categories when it comes to in-context advertising, leveraging video metadata and page level data to tailor custom messaging to audience segments. This is particularly successful when the brand’s contextual alignment has purpose and is entirely authentic. For example, Dove for Men (a previous client) “Comfort Series” ads, run during sports programming, featured well-known sports talent sharing contextually relevant experiences (e.g., nervous, sweating moments) from crucial moments in their lives.

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However, the opposite can be said about a recent Ad Council / US Army initiative, where spokesperson Lebron James urged kids to stay in school. It would have created a more fluid alignment by using an athlete who actually grinded his way through college like LeBron’s Miami teammate Shane Battier, who graduated from Duke University with a 3.5 GPA.


How many times have we seen great pilots on television tank due to lack of audience engagement? And, how many times has the perfect reality show concept (with heavy marketing partner participation) shut down after 3-5 episodes? Video consumption is a world where numbers do not lie. Those properties capable of delivering quality and scale stand at a significant advantage in all video discussions. Simply put, audience drives the video advertising business -- and, when executed properly, content adjacency and contextual alignment serve as the perfect forms of added value.

Rich Routman is the EVP/GM of Season, a division of Silver Chalice, providers of digital sports video.

A Man Snaps Into A QR Code...And Someone Actually Tells Him A Good Story

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013by Steve Smith,

I admit I am jaded about the underwhelming overuse of QR codes that lead to meager payoffs. But to be fair, on this issue I am closer to the disillusioned idealist who turns cynic than I am a blind detractor. After all, this is the guy who programmed a panel at the first OMMA Mobile show back in June 2007 called “A Clickable World.” The prospects of activating the physical realm with mobile devices in much the way we click on Web objects still swarms my imagination with possibilities. All of those decades of digital content up there in the cloud now able to focus on a spot and enhance every real world experience with layers of other information and interactivity. Delicious. This opportunity is too rich to squander.

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So perhaps it is because such sugar plum fairies dance in my head that I am so let down when clicking a code or AR target only to get a Web home page or a video. I know that videos have a certain luster, but I am not sure when a small chunk of streaming media became a payoff of some kind for getting a user to take an action. I mean, really, it isn’t as if there is a shortage of that stuff.

There is a shortage of good creative experiences -- genuine extensions of a brand promise and identity. So I was heartened when I snapped the QR code on the back of our latest Land’s End catalog that actually made good on its modest but detailed promise: “Scan this code and be transported to our blog. Find fun stories, helpful tips. New: the iconic white shirt.”

And it turns out that the Land’s End blog “View from the Lighthouse” is a charming destination. The blog is neatly sculpted for mobile use. A carousel of feature stories is on top with a drop-down menu that parses the content into posts about heritage, stories, style, people. In fact they don’t even try to push you into the m-commerce experience until the end of the menu. It is all about deep brand storytelling.

And it works. I spent more time exploring the dimensions of this brand on my phone than I ever would in a minute video clip or a set of product details. There is nothing inherently mobile about this. It is just a mobile-friendly lens into the general site log. But it is a wonderful piece of branded content that works, and a mobile activation piece allows Land’s End to open a new distribution channel for it. It reminds us of the enormous wealth of content that many marketers already have that actually could be channeled in interesting new ways via mobile. For over a decade, all of those different pieces of content have been poured into the homogenous container of a Web site accessible from a desktop. Mobile distribution allows the marketer to take that flat pool of content and rethink how it might be distributed more acutely into specific contexts. After all, if I am a happy Land’s End catalog recipient I probably am spending part of the evening flipping through the pages at leisure. This is the right time and place to tell me a story about the people and heritage of the company.  

I am sure that activating product reviews, nutrition information, price comparisons, and (lord help us) more videos all have their place at the other end of some mobile activation codes. But there really is an opportunity to captivate people by contextualizing the content that has been sitting in silos and deep forgotten Web pages. We like to say that mobile will help us target that “right message to the right person at the right time.” Yeah, yeah. But a better way of thinking about it more broadly is to say that mobile lets the right stories find people in the places and situations where they most want to hear them.  

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The 25 things happy people do differently

Shannon Kaiser, August 07, 2013 12:00AM

Align yourself with happy and successful people. Picture: Megan Slade.

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WE all experience moments of insecurity, frustration, stress and even depression, but for some of us, these moments last longer than others, writes Shannon Kaiser.

Like many people, I've gone through some major life changes over the past few years. I was stuck in depression tied to my corporate job. My breakdown turned into a breakthrough, which gave me clarity to follow my heart and change direction in my life. I moved across the country to live my soul's purpose: to be a travel writer, life coach and public speaker.

One important step I took in my transition was to align myself with happy and successful people. I studied their behavior and learned that there's a clear system and pattern in place to tap into true happiness. Through difficult life changes, we can learn a lot about ourselves as we grow into the people we're meant to be.

I used to be sad, depressed, and insecure. Today my life is much different; I'm happy, healthy, fulfilled, and I love every second of my life. I attribute my newfound freedom to this magical list of habits of highly happy people.

Whenever I feel out of alignment, I return to this list and it gets me back on track. These are the steps of highly happy and successful people, but I reframed it to be in the present tense, so it becomes a go-to list to pull anyone into a happier state. Maybe it can help you through a tough time.

1. Stop worrying, if it is supposed to happen it will.2. Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.3. Don't let your happiness depend on anything outside of yourself.4. Stay close to everything that makes you feel alive.5. Listen to your body, it will lead you to unlimited health.6. Surround yourself with people who see your greatness.7. Make peace with your past.8. See all setbacks as growth and expansive opportunities.9. Comparing yourself to others will hurt your health and steal your joy.10. Don't give up, EVER.11. You always have a choice.12. Stop chasing what’s not working.13. Believe wholeheartedly in miracles.14. Don't postpone joy.15. Trust the universe, there is a plan greater than yours.16. Wake up every morning with a grateful heart.17. Remember things take time.18. Always trust your gut.19. No need to change people; just love them for who they are.20. Don't resist change.21. Forgive yourself.22. Your life is a creative adventure.23. Release expectations and enjoy the journey, there is no destination.24. Just do you.25. You're not broken or damaged. You are perfect just the way you are.

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User Interface Is More Important Than You Ever Thought It Was

By Kaila Colbin Friday, July 26, 2013

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Two aspiring young entrepreneurs sat across from us. College students, fresh-faced and wide-smiled. They told us about their product, their market research, their monetization strategy, their global ambitions. And then we asked if we could see it.

“Well, um, not really,” they said. “It’s just purely functional at the moment. It doesn’t look very good.”

Ah, we said. Had they given any thought to user interface?

“Oh, yeah, sure,” they said, nodding enthusiastically. “One of our mentors is from an ad agency. He said he could give us some feedback on how it looks when we’re ready to pretty it up.” Then they flashed us their wide, college-student smiles.

It’s easy to poke fun at college students, or programmers, or executives, or just about anyone, really. But this mentality -- this idea that the interface is the “prettying it up” bit that happens at the end -- is actually astonishingly pervasive. Ask any designer. Far too often, the brief goes like this, “We’ve already built it all. Can you make it look good?”

And that approach is categorically, unequivocally, flat-out wrong.

The purpose of design and user interface isn’t to make your product look good. It is to make people feel good when they use it.

If your site is badly designed, your customers won’t be able to figure out what they’re meant to do. And if they can’t figure out what they’re meant to do, they will feel stupid. And, since nobody likes to feel stupid, they probably won’t remain your customers for long.

A well-designed interface, on the other hand, is intuitive and delightful. It makes your customers feel smart, because they always know exactly what they’re meant to do and the way to do it is obvious. It is a key component of the product. It doesn’t sit on top of your back-end programming; it is built alongside and in conjunction with your back-end programming.

Good design is a simple search bar, and nothing else on the page. It’s Airbnb asking you, “Where do you want to go?” It’s Wix’s invitation to “create your free stunning website,” with a giant purple button inviting you to start now.

This kind of design doesn’t come from prettying up the functionality. It comes from deep empathy, from asking some powerful, important questions:

• Who is seeing this page?• What do they want to do?• How much information do they already have?• What do they need to know?• What is the cleanest and clearest way of communicating this accurately?

These questions don’t just apply to websites or apps. They apply to any kind of information design. Larry Lessig’s great TED talk is designed to take a hideous and complicated topic, campaign finance, and make it insanely clear. Politizane’s video detailing wealth inequality in America uses tidy graphics to communicate the full depth of the issue. Videos like these make us feel smart when we watch them, even if we weren’t particularly knowledgeable when we started. It feels good to feel smart, so we share these videos more widely: a million views of Lessig’s video, 6.7 million views of Politizane’s.

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This is what we told the college kids: Your user interface is not about “prettying up” the real work. It is an essential part of the real work. It can literally make the difference between success and failure in your venture, the difference between whether people want to use your site or don’t. And the answer to when you’re “ready” to start working on the interface is always… now.

ZenithOptimedia Cuts Data Deal To Improve TV Targeting

by David Goetzl, Yesterday, 5:04 PM

ZenithOptimedia has a deal to gain proprietary access to data from digital ad company Collective that could help the agency group better target TV viewers, based on their online behavior. Analytics opportunities include finding TV content favored by people who are in the market for a particular product or have done something specific online.The mission has roots in Collective’s TV Accelerator product that targets viewers online who were exposed to a particular TV message. The product was launched in 2011, and Collective has debuted a follow-on TVA Analytics product. Set-top-box data helps inform the TV viewing aspect.The ZenithOptimedia deal covers access to TVA Analytics for specific ad categories. The agency group will look to use the data access in conjunction with its LIVE ROI initiative to monitor ad effectiveness in real-time.John Nitti, president of activation at Zenith, stated that Collective offers “the ability to optimize a specific daypart, network or program based on multiscreen data at scale that has immense power and immediate benefit for our clients.”

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Mercado fatura R$ 11,8 bi até maio

Resultado do Projeto Inter-Meios aponta um crescimento de 1,79% no faturamento da mídia nacional em comparação ao mesmo período de 2012

BÁRBARA SACCHITIELLO 24 de Julho de 2013 • 17:35

Entre os meses de janeiro e maio deste ano, os investimentos em mídia do mercado publicitário brasileiro alcançaram o montante de R$ 11,87 bilhões, quantia 1,79% maior do que a registrada nos cinco primeiros meses de 2012. Os dados foram extraídos do mais recente relatório do Projeto Inter-Meios e apontam uma estabilidade da indústria em comparação ao ano anterior, quando os investimentos em mídia, até o mês de maio, haviam alcançado o montante de R$ 11,66 bilhões.

O meio com melhor desempenho no período foi a mídia exterior, que encerrou os cinco primeiros meses de 2013 com faturamento 10,16% maior do que o registrado no mesmo período do ano anterior. Esse bom desempenho já era esperado pelo mercado por conta, sobretudo, do retorno do mobiliário urbano na cidade de São Paulo, que reativou a comercialização publicitária de alguns espaços públicos, movimentando o setor.

Na sequência, os meios com melhor desempenho neste relatório do Inter-Meios foram o Rádio, com 7% de crescimento, Cinema (com alta de 6,7% em seu faturamento) e TV Aberta, com 4,6% de alta. A TV por assinatura também registrou uma ligeira alta de 2,7% em seu faturamento nos primeiros cinco meses deste ano.

Todos os demais meios, no entanto, tiveram uma retração em seu faturamento, na comparação com o mesmo período do ano de 2012. A queda mais expressiva foi percebida na categoria Guias

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& Listas, que apresentou redução de 25,2% no faturamento. O meio Internet também teve uma retração, diminuindo seu faturamento em 14,2%. Jornal também recuou (-4,6%), assim como Revistas (- 8,5).

Não houve mudanças significativas em relação à participação dessas mídias no bolo publicitário. A TV aberta continua na liderança absoluta do setor, angariando 66,8% de toda a verba de mídia. Na sequência aparecem os Jornais, com participação de 11%, Revistas (com 5,3% de participação), Internet (4,28%) e TV por Assinatura (4%).

O Projeto Inter-Meios é um relatório de investimento em mídia realizado pela PricewaterhouseCoopers com exclusividade para o Meio & Mensagem, que coordena a iniciativa. O relatório mede, mês a mês, os investimentos em veiculação feitos pelos anunciantes na mídia brasileira, a partir de informações dos próprios veículos.  

Leia Mais:$+11,8+bi+at%E9+maio#ixzz2aA1KczWy 

University of Basel researchers prove 'full moon effect' impacts on human sleep

Kieran Campbell Reporter News Limited Network July 26, 2013 2:30AM

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Doctor Gordian Fulde, Head of the Emergency Department at St Vincents Hospital in Darlinghurst, Sydney.

SCIENTISTS say they've proven what paramedics have claimed for years - evidence that shows people go a bit nutty when there's a full moon.

Dr Gordian Fulde has been the director of the emergency department at Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital for 30 years and says throughout his entire career he's known "people really do behave more strangely than they normally do" at the peak of the lunar cycle.

"It's a very firm belief because it's just been like this for years, decades and centuries," Dr Fulde said.

However, science has only just caught up.

Dr Christian Cajochen, at the University of Basel in Switzerland, believes his study of sleep patterns has proved the size of the moon makes a difference and people like Dr Fulde should feel validated.

His research showed the rate of deep sleep dropped by 30 per cent around the full moon, people took five minutes longer than normal to fall asleep, and they slept for 20 minutes less overall.

"The lunar cycle seems to influence human sleep, even when one does not see the moon and is not aware of the actual moon phase," Dr Cajochen said.

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A full moon rises above apartments in Minsk, Belarus, 2008.

Sydney psychologist Adam Fitzpatrick, of Essential Psych Solutions, said he could predict the clients he would see in any given week based on the size of the moon.

He said some patients were less in control of their emotions while others just felt "not on their game" when there was a full moon.

"I know at my own practice I see a lot more emotional distress, relationship problems, communication problems around the time of the full moon," he said.

"People are a lot more emotional, a lot more needy, they just can't handle their impulses (as well as they normally can)."

He said his advice to people who felt particularly vulnerable around the full moon was to "batten down the hatches" and ride the storm.

Health Services Union secretary and former paramedic Gerard Hayes said he was warned when he first started as an ambulance officer that "a full moon would bring out some interesting behaviour in people".

"(Older paramedics) would say to you, 'Mate, brace yourself, it's a full moon'," Mr Hayes said.

"I guess you could generalise it as really quite erratic behaviour, and more of it."

Dr Cajochen said while there was finally evidence to support what medical professionals have always claimed, there needed to be more research to establish how closely sleep was aligned with the lunar cycles.

His research used the results of a completely separate study of the sleeping patterns of 33 patients at the university a decade ago.

Each patient was originally studied under "very controlled conditions" for a period of four days each.Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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Dr Cajochen and his team retrospectively matched up when each patient was studied and what the lunar cycle would have been at the time.

He said the fact his research used results from a separate test strengthened his findings because it meant the subjects were not influenced by knowing they were being studied for how their sleep was affected by the moon.

A full moon over Manly on Sydney’s north shore.

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The Secret to Being an Awesome Marketer? Act Like a Child.

by Michael Reynolds July 23, 2013 at 8:00 AM

When's the last time you heard that? Most likely it was when you were growing up and your parents were trying to get you to stop throwing temper tantrums or tormenting your little brother. But even as adults, we sometimes get admonished for being immature. After all, no one wants to work with someone who acts like a child, right?

Not so fast. Being childish can, in many ways, be a bad thing. However, did you know that it can also help you be a better marketer? It can even help you grow your company’s sales and revenue.

While we’re not suggesting that you draw on your office walls with crayons (unless you work at Crayola), there are many ways that a little bit of childishness can help you be awesome at marketing your company.

Children Are Fearless

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Ever notice how a three-year-old will try anything? They have no fear. Children have not yet developed that inner recording that plays through all the terrible things that could go wrong when considering something new. They just do it.

Adults often see a new idea and think, “What if this happened, and that happened, and this went wrong, and my boss found out, and oh my goodness ... this sounds way too scary to start working on!” While you and I are busy making spreadsheets analyzing the risks involved with a new idea or project, your toddler would have completed it and moved on to three new things.

How does this apply to your role in marketing? Inbound marketing is all about balancing the creative with the analytical -- the “art” with the “science.” Don't get me wrong, following proven recipes and using data is critical to a successful campaign, but some of the best marketing concepts come from off-the-wall ideas that may seem silly at first.

Take HubSpot’s “Inbound Style” parody video that got over 200,000 views. Does something like this happen in a boardroom with careful analysis? No ... it happens because someone says “Hey! This sounds like fun!”

Being creative in inbound marketing takes a willingness to try new things without fear. Sometimes you succeed and sometimes you fail, but you move forward faster than those who let the “I’m scared” recording hold them back.

Children Are Exhaustingly Curious

What are the most commonly-used words in a child’s vocabulary?

If you said “why” and “how,” you win a cookie.

Kids ask questions all the time. They want to know why things happen and how things work. As an adult, this can be exhausting at times -- especially after answering questions all day. But this is how kids learn. They are inexperienced at dealing with the world around them and have not yet acquired the same knowledge that you have.

This very same attitude can help you become a master at delivering content to your customers and prospects. You and your team are experts at what you do. Whether you work in healthcare, finance, manufacturing, consulting, technology ... whatever ... your company has deep expertise that makes you good at what you do.

Guess what? Your customers and prospects don’t have this knowledge. This is your opportunity to step back and channel your inner 3-year-old. Look at your company’s products and services and start asking “why” and “how” things are done.

After doing this for a while, you’ll find yourself with an unending supply of blog topics, ebook ideas, video concepts, and other content ideas that can provide powerful fuel for your inbound marketing campaigns. What’s even better is the fact that you will be answering questions that your customers and prospects are actually asking.

So while your competition is busy writing boring articles that no one reads, you’re delivering interesting, relevant, and easy to read content that actually helps and inspires people.

Children Are Good at Breaking Things

Kids destroy things. Give your brand new smart phone to a toddler and see how long it lasts.

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In all fairness, it’s not really their fault. (See points #1 and #2 about being fearless and curious.) Taking things apart and exploring all the possibilities is how they learn. Ask any talented engineer how they got started and chances are they will tell you how they took things apart as a kid just to see how they worked.

Your work in inbound marketing is not so different. Are there things about your company’s processes that you can try to “break,” and then sit back to see what happens? What are some of the flaws in how your customers implement solutions or use your products? What are some “broken” aspects of your industry that need to be exposed?

These are all terrific opportunities to help people. It’s also a great opportunity to create some controversy. Both can be excellent tools for generating traffic and authority for your company.

Whether it’s uncovering inherent flaws in SMART goals or pointing out how bad marketers are at communicating with CEOs, don’t be afraid to break stuff and then explain how to fix it.

Children Tell the Truth

Ever been embarrassed by how “honest” your kid can be? I’m sure your 4-year-old didn’t mean to call that lady fat ...

While this unflinching honesty can be embarrassing, telling the blunt truth can also help you promote your company better.

Take Keith Frankel's recent blog post “Your Designers Are Not Artists, and You Need to Stop Thinking That Way.” This post points out a bold fact about the industry that no one really talks about. It tells the truth about designers and helps correctly frame how business leaders should think of their team members in the design department. And like any honest conversation ... it was a little bit uncomfortable for people to say, and to hear.

What are some potentially scary, little-known, or controversial truths in your industry that no one is talking about? Be bold and start a conversation about it. After all, your competition is probably too scared to do it.

Don’t Grow Up Too Fast

You’re a professional. You need to show leadership and demonstrate good judgment. Those are all important qualities of someone making good use of the power of inbound marketing.

But don’t be afraid to act like a child, once in a while.

Try new ideas without fear of failure. Ask lots of questions. Uncover what’s broken, and be bold about telling the truth when you find it. With this attitude, you will enjoy a never-ending flow of content ideas, campaign concepts, grateful followers, leads, and customers that trust your brand, and of course, lovable marketing.

Now get out there and play!

Michael Reynolds is President/CEO of SpinWeb -- a digital agency and HubSpot Gold Partner located in Indianapolis, IN. In addition to his obsession with marketing and technology, Michael devotes part of his brain to ballroom dancing and classical music. Prior to earning degrees in both Cello Performance and Management Information Systems from Ball State University, Michael studied the cello with a real live Klingon and still plays regularly in church and the occasional

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chamber music gig. For more information about booking Michael for a speaking engagement, visit his speaking site at

6 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013: New Research

By Patricia Redsicker Published July 23, 2013 

Are you looking for the latest marketing trends?

Wondering how the wide choice of devices and platforms are impacting marketers and consumers?

According to the 2013 Infinite Dial Report by Edison Research, media usage is not a zero-sum game.

Consumers want to use all channels simultaneously, and as a marketer, you have to keep up by tracking them down wherever they go.

To do that, you’ll need to understand these 6 emerging trends that will have a significant impact on your marketing strategies.

#1: Media Fragmentation

Consumers are everywhere, all at the same time. According to the Edison report, there are 256 million U.S. users on TV, 243 million on radio, 232 million on the Internet, 182 million connected at home via broadband, 177 million connected at home via wi-fi, and 139 million smartphone users.

Media multitasking is the new normal.

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In this age of multimedia consumption, consumers are using more devices across a common set of platforms to do more things than ever. That means marketers have to play catch-up and shift away from strategies of the past. Today, the “e” in ecommerce means “everywhere.”

Your goal as a marketer should be to distribute content across as many types of media and platforms as your budget can allow. Make fast, confident decisions that give digital consumers opportunities to buy.

Keep in mind that capturing your customers’ attention will become harder as media multitasking becomes the new normal. Your digital content will need to be smarter, more creative and more visual to connect and engage today’s audiences.

#2: Smartphone Device Adoption Has Reached Half of U.S. Population

With 139 million (53%) of Americans owning smartphones, mobile use has reached critical mass in the United States.

Research by eMarketer shows the amount of time people spend on a mobile device is growing at 14 times the rate of desktop usage. The same research indicates thatmobile is becoming a more prominent channel for commercial transactions.

In the second quarter of 2012, mobile sales accounted for 15.1% of total B2C retail ecommerce sales, compared to only 1.9% for social ecommerce sales.

Smartphone usage has reached critical mass presenting unparalleled opportunities for digital marketers.

What this means for marketers is that a mobile-first strategy is the new priority.

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The significance of location-based marketing, which has been around for a couple of years, will only continue to grow in importance.

Finally, with a growing number of users downloading apps on their smartphones, a focused app strategy will help ensure that your brand remains forceful and relevant.

Post social media content that is easy to consume and interact with on the go; for example, more images, brief posts, easy-to-execute calls to action.

#3: Content Marketing Is Still King

There’s no argument that content is still king. A 2012 survey conducted by Outbrain and research firm eConsultancy showed that 91% of in-house marketers use content marketing to sell their products and services. Additionally, 90% of all digital marketing professionals believe content marketing will become even more important over the next 12 months.

Digital marketers believe content marketing will become more important than ever.

The same research pointed to the top 3 types of content that are working best for marketers: social posts and updates (83%), email newsletters (78%) and news or feature articles (67%).

Focus on content marketing rather than advertising because consumers interact with content first, giving brands ideas or insights about what is important to them. Brands can then use these insights to craft their ads.

#4: Facebook Is Still Dominant

Despite all of the changes that continue to take place on Facebook such as Graph Search and hashtags, the number of users on Facebook is rising, giving marketers opportunities to interact with audiences in innovative ways.

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Despite constant changes to the platform, Facebook remains top dog among social networks.

Brands that use hashtags in their posts may have slightly higher reach than brands that don’t use them, according to Edgerank Checker. Hashtags will also open up new advertising opportunities for marketers, including the ability to advertise directly to users who have used or clicked on a particular hashtag.

On the other hand, Graph Search is a valuable tool for helping you find people who like your Page. If you’re a local business this means you can create content, ads or free giveaways just for fans in your geographical location, thus encouraging a more vibrant local community.

To stay ahead of the game, marketers must learn and master the Facebook environment in spite of unexpected and often frustrating changes to the platform.

#5: Users Notice More Branded Content on Their News Feed

A majority of Facebook users (62%) noticed more branded content on their news feed. Most users don’t visit a brand’s Facebook Page. They interact with brands on their news feed, which is where opportunities and challenges lie for marketers.

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Branded content on users' news feeds presents significant opportunities and challenges for marketers.

On the bright side, users who want to interact with brand content will be more engaged and open to brand messages. The opposite is true for users who just want to hang out with their friends. They’ll simply hide any brand content they don’t want to see (especially if those posts are frequent and intrusive).

We know that photos already make up 50% of news feed stories, and that images will continue to grow in importance. To get consumers to interact with branded content on Facebook, marketers should make posts more visual and provide interesting yet relevant insights about your company.

Invest in eye-catching, high-quality photos that will be pulled into users’ news feeds when they interact with your Page.

#6: Twitter Getting More Popular

Although Facebook is at the top of the social media world, the Edison report shows that Twitter is getting more popular. Notice that only 11% of Americans “Have not heard of Twitter,” which means 89% have!

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The hidden potential of Twitter is bigger than most people think.

You might say, “But only 15% of Americans actually use Twitter!” (See Fig. 4). True. However 44% hear about tweets on other media “Almost Every Day” and 84% have seen or heard of tweets in other media at some point (green, plus blue, plus yellow, plus purple slices = 84%). This means that an overwhelming majority of Americans have been exposed to Twitter via multimedia consumption.

This statistic justifies the conclusion that Twitter is a much bigger platform than most people give it credit for, and marketers should be the first to recognize its hidden potential.

Take advantage of the current Twitter-friendly multimedia environment andpromote your brand among non-Twitter audiences. Encourage them to talk about you online using tweets, and in particular, using your brand’s hashtag.

Quick Wrap Up

The biggest takeaway from the Edison and eMarketer research is that audiences are dispersed across multiple channels and platforms. This presents its fair share of challenges for digital marketers as we try to keep up with omni-channel consumers.

If you know how media fragmentation works and how to engage with consumers across multiple channels and devices, you’ll maximize value for your brand.

Your Turn

What do you think? Which of these digital trends have you already experienced? How are you responding to them? Please leave your questions and comments in the box below.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR, Patricia Redsicker

Patricia Redsicker writes research reviews for Social Media Examiner. She's a content marketing expert, helping business owners to craft content that sells. Her blog provides content marketing advice to healthcare industry audiences.  

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Who I Am Is Less Important Than What I Do: Identifying the 'Right Data'

Stephanie Miller | July 22, 2013

What data is important to your data-driven marketing? It's the central question of our age. Modern marketers who are able to determine the key elements of data that make a difference in response, ROI, and business performance are the ones who will earn a market advantage. The good news is that automation software can help you make the right decision.

First, a quiz. What data is important to the ultimate goal of right message, right person, right time?

A. Gender

B. Household location

C. Presence of children

D. None of the above

The right answer is "D." Who I am is less important than what I do. When we select the data that is most important to achieving our key business indicators (KPIs), we must focus on the data that drives the next action - hopefully the one that we are nurturing, or that moves the relationship to a richer, more interactive, and profitable place. How many times do we hear from customers (or say ourselves), "They think I'm a man!" or "They think that just because I have kids that all I buy is children's stuff!"? (Put aside the fact that consumers gleefully boast when they think they've fooled a company about their identity or preferences.) In fact, it doesn't matter if the person has children; what's important is that I research, share, purchase, or demonstrate intent to buy children's stuff.

Most customers are people, with a personal life and a business life and a digital life - all mixed together in a crazy, modern goulash. We are all multi-dimensional. So at any given time, one customer might fit into several buying behaviors. How can marketers keep up, and stay relevant?

The relevancy sweet spot is the intersection of "the customer cares" and "what the marketer has to say." With multiple consumer behaviors and thousands of marketing offers, the matrix of what is right for right now in this particular channel gets to be a complex matrix. This is where automation tools can be very helpful.

As everyone in B2B well knows, scoring is a methodology for ranking potential customers in terms of readiness to purchase. There are typically three factors to a score - fit, interest, and buying intent. In the past, someone seriously looking to buy and someone just surfing around the web looked the same to the marketing database. Sophisticated scoring has changed all that. However, be careful. Interest is not enough. Interest is passive engagement. It requires some sort of spark to bring behavior up to the buying level. Buying intent is active engagement. It's when you see a customer behaving with buying intent that you put the offer in front of her, or send her to the sales team.

The key is being able to detect the behaviors that matter from those that don't matter. Someone with a very low score, perhaps even her first visit to your site, if she takes an action that really signals buying intent, should be escalated to an immediate buying action - give her the commerce button or call her right away. Don't wait. Emailing the offer or calling three days later will miss out to competitors, or encourage lethargy.

Buying intent can be varied for your business. Even sharing content could signal buying intent, in both B2B and B2C. Plus, social has the power to get the people you know to share your content

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with the people you don't know. Intent could also be a combination of actions in a certain timeframe. Reviewing 10+ pages of product info and downloading a white paper may signal intent, while just downloading the white paper off an email promotion will not. Similarly, a visit to online product pages just after a catalog purchase may be a sign of intent. Recency raises the score.

A challenge is moving people from anonymity to known status. However, automation tools today are adept at tracking actions in the anonymous phase, so that when something occurs that is so compelling that people fill in the form, sign up for email, and otherwise introduce themselves, then all that collected back data lights up.

The more data you have, the more tempting it is to use it all. However, this is a quality, not quantity game, despite the advanced processing power of many marketing tools. Marketing gets creepy when we fail to recognize consumer choice and preference. Modern data governance approaches and tools make it an achievable imperative to be evermore responsible and trustworthy. Customers are too smart to trust companies with data without evidence of that governance and respect.

Marketing is now the art of being found. No one wants to be targeted. Engagement is a combination of customer-initiated dialogue and the availability of data-driven, customized experiences.

Please comment and let me know how your company is identifying the right data to create satisfying customer experiences.

5 Rules for Turning Data Into Insights and Stories

Kristin Kovner | July 23, 2013

With the advent of big data and the ability to track everything, I'm reminded of Einstein's old adage, "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

Today, we have so much data, so few insights.

Turning data into stories and insights is one of my favorite parts of digital marketing. I recently gave a talk on this topic at Digital Day for one of my clients. Over the years, I've delivered this talk as a workshop, as a half-day training, and as a straight presentation - it always gets great feedback. So this week I've reworked it as a column for you all.

Here are five rules for turning data into insights and stories:

Make it real. Back when I was at YouTube, we struggled with how to explain the scale of our audience growth and just how much content users were uploading to the platform. It was huge. To help our audience understand the scale and speed of growth, we compared it to platforms they were familiar with:

If YouTube's audience were a country, it would be the #3 largest in the world.

Every minute, 26 Lawrence of Arabia's are uploaded to the platform.

Every day, users watch the equivalent of all the TV programming that's been created over the past 40 years.

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Give your audience something concrete and familiar to think about when you're explaining new or abstract concepts.

Context is king. In digital media, we deal with huge numbers every day. To turn data into stories, you not only have to make them real - you also need to give your data context.

For example, "We have 45 million users" is a stat. A big stat, but a stat just the same. "45 million users, up from 35 million last year, with 90 percent of the new users accessing our content via mobile" is a story. It gives insight into how your audience is growing, shifting, and changing its behavior.

Give your audience enough context to understand why they should care about the data you're sharing.

It's all in the details. Think about your favorite authors. When you read their books, you probably feel like you're part of the world they've created. You probably feel like you "know" their characters. Marketers are storytellers, too. And good storytelling is all about the details.

So, if you're doing a case study about a campaign you helped optimize, don't just tell me that a client used your agency and saw a 20 percent lift in conversions. Instead, tell me about the creative they used, and how you tweaked the copy. Tell me where you were when you had the bright idea to target their media differently. Tell me what sparked your new idea in the first place. Tell me whether the uptick in conversions was immediate, or if you were biting your nails as you waited to see if the new approach would work. Tell me what the client said - the actual words they used - when they saw the results. And tell me what you learned from the experience.

Find the nugget. Every good journalist knows you need a strong lede - one anecdote that encapsulates the entire story you're trying to tell.

Back at AOL, we used to explain the power of Patch (the company's local network of websites) through stories about its users. This sprang from the insight that while other local sites might have national news organizations behind them, Patch's brand celebrated the individual and the communities it serves.

For example, I'll never forget the time a Patch mom in Darien, Connecticut posted to the site that her beloved family cat, a tabby with white feet named Marjorie, had gone missing. Marjorie had been playing out back with the woman's son, Austin, but had disappeared from the family's yard. Despite spending three hours driving around the neighborhood, they couldn't find Marjorie and were desperate. The mom posted a plea for help to her local Patch, and within a few hours another community member had found Marjorie, safe and sound, though a little scared, hiding under her porch.

The power of the Patch sites is the emotional connection and engagement they foster. If I told you how much time was spent on Patch sites - the traditional measure of "engagement" - you'd probably be impressed…then promptly forget it. But I bet you'll remember the cat's name tomorrow.

No asterisks. Strong data and insights should be sourced, easily found, and replicable. Good data does not have an asterisk explaining that the stat was a one-day high, an all-time record, coming from a sample size of seven, or only true on Tuesdays when there's a full moon. So look for the big, brag-worthy numbers, but make sure they're representative and honest.

How do you turn data into stories and insights? Let me know in the comments below.

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Kristin will be on vacation in August. Her columns will resume in September. In the meantime, she can be reached @kristinkovner.

Fiat Launches Matchmaking Site to Lure Lonely California Car Buyers

Lisa Lacy | July 24, 2013

Christians have Christian Mingle, singles over 50 have Our Time, and now California car buyers looking for love in their garages have, a "matchmaking site" that intends to pair them with Italian imports. Or, rather, the site was created to introduce the all-electric 2013 Fiat 500e.

According to Fiat, has the "fun and flirty feel of a matchmaking site" complete with fictional profiles, a Mad Libs-style questionnaire, scripted videos, and what Fiat calls a "sexy" theme song.

The site is geared toward providing consumers in California with information, such as how to select the right vehicle, what potential rebates they may be eligible for, and where they can find charging stations.

The Fiat 500e arrived at California Fiat studios this summer. The brand has no plans to sell the model outside of California.

"We wanted to create an aspirational campaign that spoke to our California consumers. We wanted to give the site a very 'Italian' feel, while also speaking to the car's eco-friendly attributes," says Jason Stoicevich, head of Fiat brand in North America in the Chrysler Group.

Fiat says the 500e is promoted through "cleverly disguised 'testimonial videos.'" One such video is from "Kimberly," who says she met "Fabrizio" on the site:

It has 9,700 views as of Monday.

"Our goal is to simplify the decision-making process on the purchase or lease of a 2013 Fiat 500e by arming consumers with information that is not only informative, but conveyed in an easy-to-understand manner," Stoicevich says. "The Fiat 500e is not your typical battery-electric vehicle; it's

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innovative, stylish, fun to drive, and affordable. It was essential to design a site that would match the vehicle's persona."

Jake Wheeler, creative director at interactive agency SapientNitro, who worked with Fiat to develop the site, says electric car ownership has obstacles - like home ownership for charging stations, as well as legal considerations like rebates - and education about said obstacles is typically done in a very dry way.

"In our view, the FIAT 500e seemed a very rare find: a super sexy car that was all good under the hood and had an attractive price. Kind of a dream match if you were into electric cars, but hadn't found much on the desire scale in the past," he says. "Putting this together with the necessary education process made us think - finding the match of your dreams, but having to be informative, flirtatious, and captivating - well, it all kind of sounded like another big pop culture trend - Internet dating. And thus, was born..."

Stoicevich says the brand has seen "great engagement" via social media, including its "Sexy People (The Fiat Song)," from Italian singer Arianna, which has 13.4 million views.

The site launched in June.

Fiat is part of the Chrysler Group.

In addition, on July 19, Fiat U.K. launched You Wear, a Facebook app that analyzes a user's tagged Facebook photos to reveal what color he or she wears most and what color Fiat 500 he or she is best matched with. According to Fiat U.K., the Fiat 500 is "known for having more than half a million custom specification combinations and recently the city car has been made available with even more due to the launch of the Fiat 500 Spring/Summer collection range."

The app can be found on Fiat U.K.'s Facebook page or at It scans the user's 25 most recent Facebook photos and produces a personality analysis and a car color match. It also publishes the results so friends can see and be invited to play. Fiat says it will also be discussing the app with users on Twitter with the hashtag #Fiat500YouWear.

Fiat U.K. has 763,000 likes. Fiat USA has 661,000.

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Tags: FiatPrint Email a friend Contact Lisa Contact Editors SubscribeSES San Francisco Bringing Together Paid, Owned and Earned MediaSept. 10-13, 2013: With a newly announced, completely renovated agenda, SES San Francisco could be the most valuable online marketing conferenceyou attend this year. Register today and save up to $400!*Early Bird rate expires August 15.

SKY patrocina shows da turnê mundial do Hanson no Brasil e transmite ao vivo, pelo Facebook, apresentação de São Paulo


Operadora fará ações no Rio e em São Paulo para gerar experiência do público com a marca

A SKY, maior operadora de TV por assinatura via satélite do País, patrocina este mês os shows do trio norte-americano Hanson no Brasil, que serão realizados no Rio de Janeiro (Citibank Hall) no próximo dia 20, às 22h, e em São Paulo (Credicard Hall), no dia 21, às 20h. A apresentação de São Paulo terá ainda transmissão ao vivo, feita pela Livebiz na fanpage SKY Live, plataforma de patrocínios de entretenimento ao vivo da operadora no Facebook. Para assistir ao show, os fãs da banda só precisam curtir a página

“As exibições pelo Facebook permitem que as pessoas que não puderam ir ao show tenham também a oportunidade de vê-lo. O objetivo da SKY é intensificar cada vez mais as transmissões via Internet pela plataforma SKY Live”, explica o diretor de Marketing da SKY, Marcelo Miranda.

Além do contato com a marca por meio da exposição de diversos materiais como banners, totens e infláveis, nos shows o público também poderá participar de ações especialmente desenvolvidas, por intermédio da agência Mix Brand Experience, com o intuito de aproximar a marca dos fãs da banda e, ao mesmo tempo, alimentar a fanpage SKY Live. Um backdrop temático estará disponível para quem quiser ser fotografado de forma divertida, e as fotos serão disponibilizadas na hora na fanpage e poderão ser curtidas e compartilhadas pelo Facebook.

Os shows do Rio e de São Paulo fazem parte do lançamento do sexto álbum dos irmãos Hanson, “Anthem”, que também dá nome à turnê mundial do trio. O grupo, formado por Isaac, Taylor e Zac, fez muito sucesso em 1997, quando lançaram o hit “MMMBop”. Desde o início da carreira os Hanson já venderam mais de 16 milhões de álbuns em todo o mundo.

Transmissão ao vivo pelo Facebook SKY Live – Hanson

A transmissão ao vivo do show dos irmãos Hanson em São Paulo na fanpage SKY Live é possível por meio da parceria que a SKY mantém com a Livebiz, empresa que desenvolve plataformas musicais no território digital com conteúdo exclusivo.

“Os fãs que cresceram com a banda não conseguiam chegar com facilidade a eles nos anos 90, pois a internet engatinhava. Hoje essas pessoas consomem músicas pela rede e dominam as redes sociais. A SKY dará esse presente para a nova geração e para os antigos fãs da banda”, comenta Gustavo Marques, CEO da Livebiz.

Somente este ano, a SKY já realizou três transmissões ao vivo, o pocket show Studio SKY Live com Claudia Leitte, a apresentação da turnê “Mais Uma Página”, da cantora Maria Gadú, e o show da turnê mundial “Eletric”, do duo britânico Pet Shop Boys. Até o fim do ano, outras dezenas de apresentações deverão acontecer, sempre com conteúdo transmitido via web.

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Em 2012, a SKY transmitiu ao vivo pelo Facebook, direto do Teatro Positivo em Curitiba, o show da banda Jota Quest. Além disso, fez a transmissão do pocket show do RPM do próprio estúdio da promotora da banda, que recebeu o nome de Studio SKY Live RPM.

A Livebiz conta ainda com a parceria da Ampfy, responsável pela ativação social do show, e da AgênciaClick Isobar, que cuida do planejamento de mídia da transmissão, além do site da SKY Live (, plataforma que realiza a transmissão simultânea à fanpage, para usuários de smartphones e tablets.

Especial Gamification: A arte e os desafios de fidelizar consumidores pelos games

19/07/2013 15:36 proxxima

Primeira vídeo-reportagem do especial traz opiniões de especialistas no assunto para desvendar os mecanismos e o cenário da gamificação no Brasil e no mundo

Especial Gamification: A arte e os desafios de fidelizar consumidores pelos games

Nesta semana, entre os dias 22 e 26 de julho, a ProXXIma traz uma série de vídeo-reportagens que irão mapear as estratégias e mecanismos do mercado da gamificação no Brasil e no mundo. O “Especial Gamification” conta com cinco matérias exclusivas que mostram como marcas e agências estão utilizando os recursos lúdicos da gamificação para engajar os consumidores e disseminar ações de marketing.

Nesta primeira vídeo-reportagem, especialistas sobre o assunto fornecem um panorama geral deste mercado, e relatam como ele está se espalhando cada vez mais dentro do ambiente digital. A matéria conta com a participação do professor, economista e pesquisador da Universidade de São Paulo, Gilson Schwartz e com o CEO da agência Hive, Mitikazu Lisboa.

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TV most popular for streaming

July 18, 2013

NEW YORK: Subscribers to video streaming channels are four times more likely to watch TV shows than movies and are as likely to view classic shows as they are episodes first broadcast within the past year, according to a new survey.

The report, from market research firm GfK, analysed the viewing habits and preferences of 500 subscribers to Netflix Watch Instantly, Amazon Prime Instant Video and Hulu Plus – all video-on-demand services.

Overall, TV shows were found to account for 81% of the 2,300 viewing segments tracked by the study, compared to 19% for movies. In all, 77% of Netflix subscribers preferred TV shows compared with 79% of users of Amazon Prime while, at 96%, Hulu Plus viewers watched TV shows almost exclusively.

The survey also found that streaming encouraged "episodic, niche viewing" with no particular TV show dominating preferences. Instead, users opted for a wide range of programmes.

For example, even though the "Star Trek" TV series catalogue received the most mentions, it still accounted for only 4% of the viewing segments measured. TV drama series "Breaking Bad" and "Mad Men" were both mentioned in 3% of segments with all other programmes at 2% or below.

David Tice, Senior Vice President of GfK Media and Entertainment, said that, until now, there has been little information about content watched and other key variables for subscription streaming despite it being recognised as a major factor in video use.

"We see that, contrary to broadcast TV's 'mass' audience model, streaming services generate episodic, niche viewing – more broad and unpredictable than even the 200 channels on your cable TV menu," he added. "These services provide the control and multiplicity of choice that consumers crave, and the result is very individual behaviour."

The report also found that about half of the streaming segments were watched on a TV set connected to the internet.

Data sourced from Business Wire; additional content by Warc staff , 23 July 2013


Users of Netflix, Other Subscription Video Services Prefer TV Shows to Movies by a Four-to-One Margin

New GfK report provides rare insights into levels of use – showing that few programs attract large audiences

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Subscribers to major subscription video services watch four times as many TV shows as movies – and they are just as likely to gravitate to old “Star Trek” episodes as something from the past year.

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“Though subscription streaming is now recognized as a major factor in video use, there has been scant information about content watched, circumstances of viewing, and other key variables”

These are among the findings of a new GfK report that defines the actual viewing habits and preferences of subscribers to Netflix Watch Instantly, Amazon Prime Instant Video, and Hulu Plus. Over 500 subscribers to one or more of these services agreed to recount their use of streaming video once a day for seven days.

About 81% of some 2,300 viewing segments mentioned were for TV shows, compared to 19% for movies. While Hulu Plus viewers watched TV shows almost exclusively (96% of their segments), Netflix users preferred TV shows by a three-to-one margin (77% versus 23%), and Amazon Prime by about four to one (79% vs. 21%).

In terms of total viewing time, TV dominated movies by a factor of two to one. Even though the average time for each movie was much greater, this was more than offset by the much higher number of programs viewed.

Among the specific TV shows cited as having been watched, there was very little overlap; only a few received more than a handful of mentions, and four of the top seven programs have been cancelled for at least three years. The combined “Star Trek” TV series catalog got the most mentions, at 4% of all segments; after that, only “Breaking Bad” and “”Mad Men” rose to the 3% level – with all other programs at 2% or below.

The 10 most-watched movies were mainly drawn from the past one to two years, but featured a quirky array of titles – from “Mission: Impossible” movies to “A Dark Truth” to “Thor.” Of the top 10, only “The Hunger Games” (at 7%) broke the 2% level.

“Though subscription streaming is now recognized as a major factor in video use, there has been scant information about content watched, circumstances of viewing, and other key variables,” said David Tice, Senior Vice President of GfK’s Media and Entertainment team. “We see that, contrary to broadcast TV’s ‘mass’ audience model, streaming services generate episodic, niche viewing -- more broad and unpredictable than even the 200 channels on your cable TV menu. These services provide the control and multiplicity of choice that consumers crave, and the result is very individual behavior.”

The new report also shows thatabout half of the streaming segments were watched on a TV set connected to the Internet – through a game console, Blu-ray player, streaming box, or a built-in connection

streaming services do not seem to be eroding cable or satellite TV subscriptions – but they may be eating into viewing time and thus ad exposure

almost three quarters of streaming viewing segments are accompanied by some other activity – eating, talking, or using another digital device

The Data Pool: Adhesive Forms Retargeting Co-op To Move Up The Funnel

by Steve Smith, Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's odd to hear one of the leading spokesmen for the retargeting model in recent years claim now that the field has become “commoditized” -- but that's exactly how Chad Little, founder of Fetchback, starts his pitch for a new model. The level of competition in the field has helped make it

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so, and has left companies playing at the margins to layer in and leverage some different types of data to enhance performance. But the larger question around retargeting, he argues, is whether it is mainly a retention tool now. The technique clearly works to get second at bats to site visitors, but “no one knows how much of this is incremental to conversion or just retention.”

His new company,, is hoping to “move up the sales funnel to that brand-new person” and enhance acquisition. The retailers who have the kind of data other retailers want are not motivated by revenue to sell that data on the market -- but what does interest them is getting a new sale.

Adhesive tries to combine these interests, serving retention but also promising to reach new customers for companies that agree to share data with one another. The co-op model has member companies pool their data, and in exchange get both bottom dollar retargeting campaigns ($.50 CPM -- “the lowest price in the industry,” the site boasts) on their own data as well as access to co-op data in order to advertise to customers who have never been to their site. “We co-op the data to use that as a pricing preference mechanism as well as separating retargeting from co-op-based campaigns that are going against customers who have never seen you before,” says Little. People outside of the co-op who are not contributing data, can get access to the data pool but at a higher price.

Co-op campaigns that are not merely retargeting are purchased on a CPM basis determined in part by segments as well as by the member’s level of participation in the co-op pool.

Like any co-op model, of course, the power come from a diverse and varied mix of participants in a given category -- which heightens the likelihood of finding a new customer. Little says he has something less than 100 subscribers but is adding 20 to 30 a month. The database now has about 5 million consumers in active shopping mode. Little says that categories like T-shirts, jewelry, apparel and electronics are especially strong out of the gate. He claims that in the T-shirt category, members are reporting that up to 50% of the conversions they are getting are from people who were not on their site before.

Little says that reticence about sharing data, even though it is anonymized and pooled, is the biggest hurdle for retailers looking at the model. “That is why we priced this option where we separated retargeting from giving them the option to buy co-op campaigns.” Marketers have access to the pool, which includes others in their category, but “they can’t target one another’s data specifically,” he says. The co-op members are assured that the data is not sold outside of the co-op, so it doesn’t end up with a DSP or exchange.

Little argues that while everyone in the market is selling behavioral data that is also based on people visiting various retail categories, the accuracy and purity of data contributed directly from fellow retailers is superior. “The data and where it comes from makes it better than behavioral,” he says. “Data that is sold to agencies is not performance-based. It may be category-based. You can pick category and demo and geo, but equating that down to CPA target to incremental conversions, I haven’t seen it happening.” The co-op represents a pool of users who have expressed interest in specific categories enough to go to a retail or lead generation site already. just raised $1.5 million in funds, including angel investors who originally invested in Fetchback as well.

Why Facebook and Twitter are not the most innovative companies

Both companies have turned their focus away from users and towards shareholders to get bigger, not better. Revenue is great, but not at the expense of the product

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The simplest reason Facebook and Twitter are not on this year's Most Innovative Companies list: Neither produced innovations worth celebrating. A spot on MIC, as we call it, is not a tenured position. Every year, we assess innovation and the impact of those initiatives. In the history of our list, fewer than one-third of the companies return from one year to the next. This year, only seven are consecutive honorees, an indication of how more companies in more corners of the world are innovating to seek a competitive edge, with the stakes only getting higher.

Facebook and Twitter deserve special comment because they have been among the rare perennials, and their recent moves reveal two companies engaging in innovation's evil twin: short-term thinking at the expense of long-term value. Facebook's most notable product achievement in 2012 was Poke, a facsimile of Snapchat, the trendy-with-teens (and sexters) photo app. Poke stumbled almost immediately. In fact, Facebook has made a cottage industry out of chasing hot Internet services (Pinterest and Yelp included), instead of developing new ideas to delight its billion users. Similarly, Twitter's product strategy feels wholly defensive. Its most notable new feature is photo filters, a plainly unoriginal addition.

Both companies have turned their focus away from users and toward shareholders to get bigger, not better. Revenue is great, but not at the expense of the product. Twitter's focus on improving ad revenue requires a consistent experience across the web, smartphones, and tablets, so it forced its once-elegant mobile apps to conform to a clunky desktop look, because that model works best for advertisers. That's the exact opposite of how product development is supposed to go.

Facebook, facing the strain of a tumbling stock price last summer, has transformed the implicit understanding of the site--my posts will be seen by those who want to see them--into an advertising opportunity. It freely admits that only a small percentage of posts make it to friends and fans, but it can fix that if you buy ads. To compound matters, Facebook's aggressive mucking with its privacy policies has bred a deep distrust of how the company uses the content shared on Facebook (and Instagram) among a significant, vocal segment of its users.

Neither service is a lost cause. Yet. But both would be well served to revisit what made them special in the first place: engaging with peers, not merely consuming content from brands and celebrities; being a creative platform for developers; and championing social media where users, not advertisers, call the shots.

14 Things High Schoolers Should Know Before They Go To College


Law School Students in the Classroom 2011

Most young people aren't prepared for college.

They're unprepared for the college-level coursework, financial responsibilities and freedom that they've been granted all of a sudden.

In a recent reddit thread, redditor Sic_vita_est asked the question "What should a high school senior know before going to college?"

We pulled out the best replies, edited slightly for clarity:

You don't have to go to college:

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"Seriously, most people don't have their stuff together at 22 (roughly when you graduate), and/or are just starting to get their stuff together around their junior year. That's tens of thousands of dollars they wasted either partying and failing classes, or not meeting people, or being in the wrong major."

"Not sure what you want to do? Not really all that in to school in general? Take a year or two, get your head on straight. If you decide to go at age 20 or 21, no one will think much of it other than you can buy alcohol earlier. So many kids go way into debt at crazy interest rates for degrees that do nothing for them, just because they can't think of anything else to do when they graduate from high school." —mmmsoap

Your professors are not your parents:

"Professors are there to teach the material and help your understanding of the material. They are not there to tell you that you're special, that you can do anything, or spoon feed you answers." —slyscafe

You won't be who you were in high school:

"The day after you graduate high school, your social standing in the class hierarchy no longer applies. It's a clean slate so don't act like you're the big man on campus." —xeskind30

Go to as many networking events as possible:

"This is just as important as going to class will be for the rest of your college career. Seriously, friendships are forged and memories are made at these stupid things. You'll still be talking about these events four years later at graduation."

"It is really tempting to settle in and nest when you first get there — unpacking your stuff, sorting out your room, etc. SKIP IT. It can wait a couple days while you run around campus doing random nonsense." —purplepeapod

Invest in your professors:

"I think getting to know professors is something most people don't realize is as beneficial as it is. This isn't just a 'know their names' because I had those. But I got close with a few teachers, and even though I wasn't an A student, they gave me good letters of recommendation. And their office was always open to me for advice, chatting, or homework help for other classes." —namer98

Get an internship:

"I interned for three out of my four years and had so many job offers after college it was insane. It gets you knowledgeable in your field, typically gives you money (don't settle on unpaid internships, they're a joke), and can give you 1-4 years of work experience which will influence your paycheck and job offers right out of college."

"I easily made double what my friends made (had 3 years of real experience), and got offers where others were still unemployed trying to desperately break into the mark. For my last year I actually was able to claim my paid internship as credits toward my degree. It's a win-win." —Scyth3

Or get a job:

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"I studied engineering, but while my other classmates were excelling in class and getting way better grades than me I held a job for 2.5 years (as a videographer), joined a service fraternity, and lead a local volunteer group, and got a 3-month internship."

"I was one of the first of all my graduating classmates to get a job even though others had much higher grades. So hold any type of job, find leadership positions in anything, and have a great time in college." —ivegotagoldenticket

Learn how to write:

"A great idea and thesis doesn't mean a thing if you can't communicate the message. Seriously, learn to write well. It will help you the rest of your life for any white collar career." —b_tight

Research and understand how college loans will affect you:

"Student loans are no joke. If someone had impressed upon me the reality of starting my adult life with $100k in debt, and specifically what the monthly cost of that debt vs. what my realistic salary expectations would be, I'd have completely reconsidered how I approached college." —Gingerinthesun

Take your scholarship seriously:

"If you lose it, you are screwed. I knew exactly what grade number I needed in each class every semester to keep my 3.25 average and not lose my scholarship." —hpstrprgmr

Get up when your alarm goes off:

"Put your alarm on the opposite side of the room. It forces you to walk when you wake up in the morning, and by the time you get there you should realize you need to stay awake." —Aptimako

Always go to class:

"Go to class. You have to take responsibility for your own future now. It's up to you whether you want to sleep all day or be successful in life. Make the right choice, even if it's the hard one."

"This is really, really hard to do when you have calculus at 9 a.m., but you just have to do it. Skipping class can be OK sometimes, but you should never make it a habit." —Punksworth

Try new things:

"Do things that you never would have done in high school. Do things that fall way outside your comfort zone. Do it because you can and because you'll never know what you love if you don't find it. And you find it by doing new things. I grew up with a mindset that you either did something perfect or you didn't do it at all. And I was scared to try new things. Go out and do new things. This is very sound advice." — StickleyMan

Make new friends and be social:

"College classes aren't like high school classes. They can be hard. You need to have friends in your classes to study with and to help you out when you don't know what you're doing. This can be vital." —Crepe_Cod

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How Big Data Is Transforming The Mobile Industry

JOSH LUGER JUL. 19, 2013

The world is awash in data.

CIBC, a Canadian bank, predicts that information-generation growth will increase 50 times over the next decade. IDC, a market research firm, similarly forecasts a 44-fold increase in data volumes between 2009 and 2020. Mobile is playing a large part in driving this explosion in data.

Apple upended the electronics business six years ago with the release of the iPhone. The iPhone ushered in an era when design, both of software and hardware, became the paramount concept in the tech world.

Could data be the paradigm that anchors the next revolution? Many think so.

In a recent report from BI Intelligence on Big Data and Mobile, we define big data, examine mobile's connection to it, analyze its potential, practical applications, and pitfalls, look at how it's collected, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about big data and mobile.

Here's an overview of the relationship between big data and mobile:

First, big data needs to be defined: Big data is most commonly defined as data sets that meet three attributes, known as the three "Vs": volume, variety, and velocity. But there is something more to it. "I like to say there's a fourth V: value," says Kipp Jones, vice president of product at Skyhook. In order for data to be meaningful at all, it needs to be captured and stored efficiently. Then someone has to manage the data, analyze it, and extract value from it. Data, big or not, doesn't add up to anything worthwhile if it doesn't have value to someone.

Mobile is particularly well-suited to a big data lens: Mobile big data isn't only a function of smartphone penetration and consumer usage patterns. The data is also created by apps or other services working in the background. Technically speaking, its not that different from data created using the traditional Web. The difference is that consumers are just producing more of it as we shift our behavior to digital channels, leaving a trail of data documenting our movements and actions. Even when we are ostensibly not using our phones, we are still creating reams of data.

This data can be used to optimize and personalize mobile experiences: Mobile big data can be used for a dizzying variety of purposes, but it is often used for the optimization and personalization of mobile services. App developers, for example, might use Flurry's analytics to improve their apps. Retention is a key metric for developers. Developers can compare their user retention numbers with all other apps and apps within their own categories, to gain insight into how they stack up, and what they might have to change to improve their numbers.

Or to help drive an explosion in mobile advertising: Location data is an essential component of mobile big data — perhaps the primary data type that differentiates mobile from Web-based big data. Location data is expected to help transform the mobile advertising industry. The ability to deliver real-time hyper-local, targeted advertising represents a potentially momentous evolution of the ad market.

In full, the report:

Defines what big data data isBabelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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Examines mobile's connection to big data

Analyzes big data potential, practical applications, and pitfalls on mobile devices

Looks at how big data is collected

Answers some of the most frequently asked questions about big data and mobile

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3 Questions to Ask Your New Digital Analytics Team MemberAdam Singer | July 15, 2013I loved the lede of The New York Times story on data last year: "Good with numbers? Fascinated by data? The sound you hear is opportunity knocking." Since then, we've continued to see a growing trend in the need for qualified analytics professionals at all levels in an organization, including leadership. The need is painfully real: Gartner predicts by 2015, big data demand will reach 4.4 million jobs globally, but only one-third of those jobs will be filled. So it's no surprise that finding top analytics talent, as with any specialization in-demand, can be challenging.Although there is increasing demand, you still need to look carefully to ensure you are getting quality talent. To help, I thought I'd share some questions to ask, and the types of responses to look for, when bringing on a new digital marketing team member. Having viewed things from the perspective of leading digital agency teams and now a marketer on an analytics product, I hope this is a balanced perspective and useful for you.1. We have several (varying) groups that need access to analytics insights, from product to marketing/PR and customer service. How would you efficiently get them all what they need?What to look for in an answer: If someone can share their process here for efficiently getting each group specific reports and analysis that goes with it, that's a great first step. But ideally, your hire would go beyond simply giving others their analysis and information. It's powerful to train different stakeholders to be proficient with the tools you're using and able to conduct their own analysis at whim. Your analytical lead should always be thinking of how she is going to democratize her knowledge throughout the organization. While it's probably not realistic to get everyone to be an A-Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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list analyst, it is possible to get everyone to think like an analyst and have at least a basic understanding of what your team does.2. How do you see a breakdown of time spent on analytics between data capture, reporting, and analysis?What to look for in an answer: According to our digital marketing evangelist Avinash Kaushik, the ideal breakdown is roughly 15 percent data capture, 20 percent data reporting, 65 percent data analysis. Of course, what to look for isn't the exact same numbers from Avinash. The point is to understand the importance of focusing a majority of time on analysis and providing insights for the rest of your team to take action on. Someone who articulates and understands that the reporting and capture - while important - are just the basic things to get right. That's the easy part that should be made as efficient and automated as possible. The real value lies in effective analysis that leads to action: the creative, human element that can't be replaced by scripts.3. How do you plan to be data-driven in improving your digital marketing efforts?What to look for in an answer: Ideally, the candidate would take you through the process of metrics > hypothesis > experiment > act > repeat. She would outline how she plans to establish all the elements of this, from implementation and analysis to developing theories to acting and iterating on all key strategies a brand has. But in addition to understanding how to actually win in business through being data-driven in theory, the candidate should share with you how she actually did this while on the client side or walked brands through establishing a data-driven practice while on the agency side (or both). Theory is nice, but experience is everything here, as there can be roadblocks at all of the steps and you want someone leading your efforts versed in what she's doing.Wrapping UpWhile many organizations (and particularly the marketing operations within) still operate on "gut feel" as opposed to data-driven, the opposite will be true tomorrow. And tomorrow's leaders are already here today, pushing things forward with a passion for data and interest in moving the needle for their organization. To sort the wheat from the chaff, ask the really tough questions and look for in-depth answers and experience from your analytics team members. Invest in them to thrive in your future.

The Rise Of Programmatic Directby Tyler Loechner, Friday, Jul 19, 2013It's amazing the difference a single letter can make.About a month ago, I wrote a RTBlog titled, "The Ruse Of Programmatic 'Direct.'" The post sparked some debates in the comments as to whether or not it really was a direct way to sell inventory.The purpose of that post was not to question what programmatic direct companies do, but to question whether or not the word "direct" belonged at all. Some of the big guys in the programmatic direct space tracked me down and made their cases. And I must say, it was pretty convincing.I had two different conversations, one with John Ramey, founder and CEO of iSocket; and the other with Anthony Katsur, CEO of Maxifier. Ramey started off by saying that he believes a lot of ad tech is BS, but that programmatic direct isn't.So what does Ramey say makes a deal direct? "When people choose who they specifically work with," he reasoned. He went on to note that with real-time bidding (RTB), people are just "pointing and shooting" because they don't know exactly who they are working with."Is it a guaranteed campaign or not? Did you specifically choose who you worked with?" he asked. Programmatic direct does not deal with biddable/non-guaranteed inventory.Good point."We've completely filled that manual gap in the middle with tech," Ramey claimed. "We've created piping directly from ad software into specific publisher software."Another way Ramey rephrased his argument was by essentially asking, "If we haven't considered Excel or Outlook middle men, why consider automated tech that essentially does the same thing (but better) a middle man?"Good question.

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Katsur said the goal of programmatic direct was to increase efficiencies. He pointed out how RTB is hovering around 20% of publisher revenue, and asked, "How do you support was is arguably 70-80% of a publisher's revenue? By introducing efficiencies. Why not be able to do more with the same people you have? Spreadsheets and people don't scale."Good point. But...I had a question that I was sure would point out the flaw in using the word "direct." I asked Ramey what would happen if iSocket were to go out of business tomorrow…what would the brands and publishers that had been using them do? (The question was entirely hypothetical, Ramey assured me that iSocket isn't going to explode tomorrow).Ramey answered that if iSocket were to explode tomorrow, there would be other companies to fill the void. And he's right about that. Plus, some publishers are building their own APIs to programmatically sell their inventory direct with buyers, which Ramey said classifies as programmatic direct.Good point. But...What about private marketplaces? Isn't that a way to guarantee your trade partners while working in an automated environment? I asked Ramey if private marketplaces were the arch nemesis of programmatic direct companies. He said that in some people's perception, "yes," but "in reality, no."Ramey called private exchanges "the top shelf of the basement," noting that they still deal with "leftover" inventory. "It found a home but it's not everything." He was careful to mention that he did not think private marketplaces were bad, but that they weren't in direct competition with programmatic direct despite that perception.Okay, I'm convinced. If a buyer is guaranteed specific inventory direct from the seller, then it's a direct deal. The rest - how the money is traded, how the ads are displayed, how the buyer and seller flesh out the details, etc. - is irrelevant to the term "direct" at that point.3 comments on "The Rise Of Programmatic Direct".Dave Martin from Ignited commented on: July 19, 2013 at 3:47 p.m.What about your other conversation with Katsur?Tyler Loechner from MediaPost commented on: July 19, 2013 at 3:53 p.m.My conversation with Katsur was a lot of background and priming. The one with Ramey was more of the argument (the conversation wasn't an was him presenting the argument) ---- they were both equally important conversations to the article, it just so happened that Ramey's came second and flowed more like an article with more quotable stuff. Thanks for the comment/question!Eric Wittlake from Babcock & Jenkins commented on: July 19, 2013 at 7:04 p.m.Tyler, I'm ok with direct, I actually take issue with the idea of calling this "programmatic." It has bothered me since my first introduction to these platforms. This is less programmatic than me logging into my brokerage account and buying 100 shares of FB. Programmatic buying has come to mean RTB, exchange, DSP (the limited definition version), etc, and it is the hottest space in digital. Instead of admitting that they are modern incarnations of FatTail, Ad Planner (Atlas), MediaVisor, Solbright, and countless others that once had this buyer / seller efficiency vision (and these are still valuable opportunities), they have picked up the programmatic moniker, making it sound like it is part of the fastest growing area in digital today. To Ramey's response that private exchanges are simply the top shelf of the basement, whereas this is *guaranteed* inventory, say what?!?! Although (sometimes) these buys include guaranteed placements, many of them are ROS, which can be both above or below the fold. Increasingly, many publishers are putting all inventory into the same pot, allowing very high RTB bidders to compete for premium inventory that is otherwise direct sold (and rarely completely sold out). A simple categorization of inventory is high quality simply because it is directly purchased is extremely misleading. I don't mean to knock these providers, I do believe there is value in the functionality they are offering and I'm looking forward to the day when they have more inventory available from the high quality niche publishers I often work with. I just don't believe the programmatic moniker is appropriate. -- @wittlakeBabelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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Introducing the Social-TV Ecosystem Chart 2.0

Fri, 19 Jul 2013 Dumenco)

Last month Ad Age asked for reader input as we worked with our editorial partner Trendrr , the social-media monitoring firm, on updating our Social-TV Ecosystem chart -- a graphic representation of key companies in the sprawling social-TV space. Today, we're presenting the results of that collaboration.

Some notes: We've bumped up the chart to a 2.0 version because it's structurally a little different from previous 1.x charts, in that we cut back and consolidated the number of "slices" of the pie to simplify things a bit. And, once again, we've added a bunch of companies while removing others. Some of the adjustments were for happy reasons (for instance, Bluefin Labs is gone because it got purchased by and absorbed into Twitter in February in a deal said to be in the $100 million

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range). Others, less happy ( Umami , maker of a social-TV iPad app, "concluded its beta trial period" in the spring, and last we heard, had put its intellectual property up for sale).

As always, this chart isn't the last word on the rapidly morphing social-TV sector, so we'll keep updating it. Stay tuned...

Simon Dumenco is the "Media Guy" columnist for Advertising Age. You can follow him on Twitter @simondumenco 

Audiência com Google e Microsoft é cancelada

Presidentes das duas empresas no Brasil foram convidados por deputados da Comissão de Defesa do Consumidor para debate sobre a política de privacidade de sites e ferramentas de busca, mas não compareceram

17 de Julho de 2013

Convidados pela Comissão de Defesa do Consumidor para audiência pública em Brasília, nesta quarta-feira, 17, o presidente do Google no Brasil, Fabio Coelho, e o presidente da Microsoft no Brasil, Michel Levy, não compareceram.

Motivado pelas recentes denúncias de espionagem de dados telefônicos e de e-mail de brasileiros feita pelo governo dos Estados Unidos, o encontro serviria para os parlamentares tirarem dúvidas quanto à política de privacidade dos sites e ferramentas de busca. Também participariam representantes da Secretaria Nacional do Consumidor e do Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (Idec).

Informados pelas respectivas empresas que o presidente da Google teria entrado em férias, enquanto a direção da Microsoft estaria passando por um momento de transição, de acordo com informações da Agência Brasil, os integrantes da Comissão de Defesa do Consumidor teriam ficado irritados.

“Talvez vamos ter que transformar isso em uma CPI para apurar o caso, porque é uma coisa muito grave”, afirmou José Carlos Araújo (PSD-BA), presidente da comissão e autor do requerimento para a audiência dessa quarta-feira, que acabou cancelada. Vale lembrar que, na semana passada, o Senado já aprovara uma Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) para investigar tais denúncias. Caso os deputados sigam o mesmo caminho, poderia ser realizada uma CPI mista entre as duas casas.

Nos Estados Unidos

Yahoo, Google e Microsoft estão numa cruzada para assegurar ao público que não sucumbiram a toda demanda feita pelos governantes a respeito de informações sobre os consumidores. Quando veio à tona o escândalo relacionado ao uso do programa Prisma pelo Departamento de Defesa dos EUA (NSA), as empresas solicitaram formalmente uma autorização para revelar mais informações sobre que tipo de informações foram requisitadas pelo governo americano.

O Yahoo parece estar à frente do grupo nessas questões. A companhia ganhou permissão para revelar mais detalhes de uma ação de 2008, quando questionou a constitucionalidade do pedido de informações do governo a respeito de usuários dos serviços da empresa.

O governo americano ainda avalia se dará ao Yahoo o direito de revelar apenas partes ou todo o material a respeito do caso.

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Com informações da Agência Brasil e do Advertising Age

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Convergence Analytics Now: 3 Ways This New Market Changes Everything

Andrew Edwards | July 11, 2013

In March of this year, ClickZ published a report I co-wrote called "Convergence Analytics: Digital Measurement in Transition." I am happy to say it was well-received.

In just over three months since publication, the convergence analytics market has grown so rapidly that this column now represents the first under a new section at ClickZ. Expect to see more about convergence analytics in this space, as well as at SES San Francisco this September.

Convergence Analytics Now

Convergence analytics has been called "multi-channel analytics," "big data visualization," "business intelligence for marketers," "real-time analytics," "enterprise analytics," and very recently even "omni-channel analytics." It's a safe bet that a hundred different vendors are fielding a tool (or suite of tools) that they will claim, in some way, shape, or form, can "measure data from any source" and "present it to the [target audience] in a visual, interactive interface."

The most remarkable aspect of the market right now is its relative incoherence as compared to more mature markets like "digital analytics" or "direct marketing." As the market begins to crystallize, both vendors and practitioners will need a core set of definitions around which to formulate requirements and offerings; hence the need for an overarching concept like convergence analytics.

The convergence analytics market encompasses all of these buzz factors and more. It represents the future of all digital analytics from this day forward. As has been said about other rapidly growing industries, "it's still early days," but we're seeing an explosive growth in offerings, and if you're not already dealing with CA today, expect that you'll need to do that in the not-very-distant future.

Convergence analytics, from a technology-centric viewpoint, represents an emerging market that concentrates on the confluence of digital analytics, big data, robust algorithms, and advanced visual presentation. From a marketing standpoint, it's about the "un-siloing" of data from a variety of places within the organization. Start with the combination of desktop, mobile, and social; then go from there.

How It Changes Everything

1. Web, social, and mobile: not cutting it anymore. When we ran our first CA survey, about half of the respondents said they defined "multi-channel" to include the above three disciplines. However, the other half said it included those plus more channels. The number of organizations needing to combine data from more than just these three sources is growing rapidly. "Web analytics" is already retired as a term in and of itself. "Digital analytics" seems fairly coterminous with the above three areas of interest. But just those three don't cut it anymore. Organizations now want to look at

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those plus demographics, campaign data, ad-buy data, e-commerce data, in-store data, call-center data, CRM data, unformatted data from a variety of sources, and so-called "big data," which is a buzzy way of saying "everything that can be tracked."

2. Connectors, connectors, connectors. As in real estate, in which "location" completes the three most important aspects of a property, connectors may prove to be the most important asset a convergence analytics vendor possesses. Much of the technology behind connectors (and the rest of CA) has been around for some time, yet now it is put together in new ways (the Wright brothers did this with bicycles, boats, and kites; we ended up calling it an airplane). Now existing technologies are coming together to form convergence analytics.

But the most important unit of CA vendor technology - the one they build their businesses around - are the connectors they build to a variety of data sources. If they don't work properly, nothing else in the analytics process works either.

In order to master convergence analytics, many practitioners will have to understand some previously data-scientist-only terminology like "ETL" (extract, transform, load) - which is what connectors really do. If you thought marketers had already needed to go a long way toward technology and data, it's only just begun.

Getting to know the details behind how data integration actually deploys will change the workday of every marketer from now on. And if you're not doing so already, get ready in the near future to ask your current or prospective analytics vendor about how many channels they connect to - and what they will do if you have a new data source for which they don't already have a connector.

3. Convergence analytics ownership in flux. Who will own convergence analytics? It's destined to become the clearing house for all marketing data (and much that isn't related to marketing); but it represents a much higher technology bar than any breed of tracking tools that have gone before. Will marketers really run convergence analytics the way they have run digital analytics? Will they want to? Will the CMO be responsible for a vendor solution that crosses not just marketing disciplines but also IT, sales, operations, and perhaps even finance? Will she want to? Will newly minted data scientists rule the convergence analytics roost?

All of this is unsettled and up in the air. But it's going to land soon - probably pretty near your desk. And when CA becomes the norm (as it soon shall), get ready for some major organizational changes. Whomsoever can claim to understand this new type of offering best and most comprehensively will likely carve out a new and very desirable niche for themselves within the organization.

The insights available from the control of an unprecedented amount of previously siloed data is going to be - unprecedented! And the winning organization will be the one that gets out ahead of these major transformations with the right people in the right place at the right time.

Image on home page via Shutterstock.

ClickZ and Efectyv have come together for the second time to create a follow-up survey that dives deeper to measure the importance of convergence analytics in the current online marketing environment. The results will be compiled and analyzed into a report that will debut at the Convergence Analytics Executive Summit at SES San Francisco this September. Please take a moment to answer the survey here.

It's Not Either/or: TV and Social Advertising Complement Each Other

Dilip Venkatachari | July 17, 2013

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For many brands, TV is the gold standard of advertising; it's tried-and-true, and the most memorable campaigns are shown on the living room screen. For those brands that cling to TV as their best (and maybe only) option, the emerging world of social advertising can be somewhat daunting. Their perception is that social and TV are on different planets in terms of targeting, measuring, and metrics, and many TV advertisers simply don't know what to do with social.

As such, many advertisers are sitting on the fence, believing the smartest move is to wait until social matures. Others are throwing responsibility for social ads over the cubicle wall to the digital team. Ultimately, those who sit the game out don't win. Waiting until social hits a certain level of establishment or keeping it siloed as a "digital-only" initiative result in brands missing out on a variety of cross-channel opportunities.

TV advertising is highly effective when it comes to making an impact, but it suffers from a dearth of data and metrics. Social, on the other hand, not only boasts tons and tons of data, but that data can be gathered in real time and enables much more nuanced targeting. As such, smart advertisers have learned to leverage social as an extension of TV advertising, using it as means of improving the effectiveness of a TV spot.

TV and social, in practice, are actually not so different. In fact, advertisers can essentially buy audiences the same way on both channels, and target messages based on viewership of different shows. By harnessing the power of social data, advertisers can effectively segment their audiences to show different messages to subsets. For example, male fans of "Modern Family" may see different ads than female fans, but social data can help segment audiences even further, such as serving ads to males, aged 18 to 24, living in St. Louis, who are fans of both "Modern Family" and "The Big Bang Theory" and like Taco Bell. Because social data is explicitly stated rather than inferred, it can help improve accuracy and efficiency of targeting no matter the channel.

Another drawback of television is that while it may reach a large audience, there is no guarantee of engagement. In addition to the prevalence of DVR, which certainly has had an effect on TV ad engagement, there is simply no way of measuring the impact of an ad in real time. The TV might be on but is anyone watching? If anyone is watching, do they care? Are they the most receptive people in the house to that message? All of these factors make a huge difference in the actual return on the often enormous expense of TV ad time.

However, supplementing TV with social enables brands to track awareness and affinity, identify any changes in interaction, and then react appropriately. Because of social's real-time capabilities, advertisers can also monitor response to TV ads in real time, target audience segments based on their reactions, and then quickly deliver relevant messages to an already engaged audience via social media.

For instance, a brand can run an ad during a given period of time or a specific event such as the Super Bowl, and gauge response to the ad in real time via social channels. The brand can measure both positive and negative response, and with the right resources, delve into further detail to find out exactly why the ad elicited those reactions. Was it boring? Offensive? Too risqué? Not funny enough? Then, using that insight, the brand can target each audience with different messaging tailored to their initial response, also in real time. It may sound too detailed and too individually focused to apply on a larger scale, but the fact is, we as an industry are already equipped with the algorithms and the technologies to make it happen.

In today's world of converging advertising channels, the TV versus social dilemma is not really a dilemma at all. Instead of choosing one or the other, make them work together to create a more complete picture of your audience at scale, and get campaign metrics that actually matter.

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Google prepara serviço de TV para internet, diz jornal

O gigante americano da Internet Google se aproxima, aos poucos, dos outros grandes da mídia para lhes propor a comercialização de seus conteúdos sob licença, por meio de um serviço de televisão na Internet, anunciou o Wall Street Journal na terça-feira. A expectativa é que o serviço transmita programas de televisão em fluxo contínuo, disseram fontes ligadas às negociações consultadas pelo WSJ.

Se o Google conseguir levar o projeto adiante, vai se somar a outras empresas que planejam lançar esse tipo de serviço com programas existentes. O gigante de informática Intel e o grupo de mídia Sony trabalham em ofertas similares, e a Apple já lançou várias ideias de comercialização sob licença de programas de TV a empresas midiáticas nos últimos anos.

Esses serviços de televisão por Internet podem ter um impacto importante nas emissoras tradicionais, criando novos concorrentes para os canais de TV por assinatura que já competem contra a venda de vídeos on-line.

Empresas como Netflix, Hulu, ou Amazon oferecem programas on-demand, mas os projetos de televisão por Internet como o do Google contemplam uma oferta de programas tradicionais que permitem aos internautas navegar como se passassem de um canal para o outro, "zapeando" como em uma televisão tradicional.

O Google já começou a apresentar seu projeto a um grupo de mídia, mas não é certo que alcance o acordo de transmissão sob licença, completou o jornal.

The Mobile Web Gains Traction in Brazil

JUL 16, 2013 eMarketer

The young and the wealthy lead on the mobile web

The Centro de Estudos sobre as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (, the research arm of Brazil’s Internet Steering Committee, reported in June 2013 that mobile phone penetration rose another 2 percentage points in Brazil last year, reaching 84% of the country’s population. And increasingly, these mobile phone users are accessing the web via their devices. found that the percentage of mobile phone users connecting to the internet via their phone rose by 6 percentage points last year, to nearly one-quarter of mobile phone users.

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Other activities that were popular on the mobile phone included listening to music, at 47%, and playing games, at 29%, indicating that many mobile phone users in Brazil are acquiring more advanced mobile phones, whether they are smartphones or feature phones.

The greatest percentage of mobile phone web users came from the wealthiest economic class, with nearly three out of five reporting that they went online via the phone. Among the upper-middle class, penetration fell to 35%. Mobile phone web use was also high among younger adults and those in their late teens, with 44% of those between ages 16 and 24 accessing the mobile web.

Interestingly, respondents ages 10 to 15 showed the second-greatest propensity toward mobile phone web use, indicating the extent to which the young are driving uptake. And the 25- to 34-year-olds surveyed also overindexed for mobile phone internet use.

eMarketer estimates somewhat lower mobile phone penetration: 71% of the population is expected to use a mobile phone this year in Brazil. eMarketer expects smartphones will reach just more than one in five mobile phone users, closer to’s calculation.


Helped by GE, Ayasdi positions itself at crest of Big Data’s second wave


Three founders at Stanford

Ayasdi founders Gurjeet Singh, Gunnar Carlsson, and Harlan Sexton

A the D11 conference in May, GE CEO Jeff Immelt outlined a vision for an “industrial Internet,” in which companies like his are turning to software to become more efficient. In particular, GE is especially enamored with Big Data, which can help the company anticipate industrial equipment maintenance needs.

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GE is so serious about Big Data, in fact, that it is investing hundreds of millions of dollars in Big Data initiatives. It got the ball rolling on that in April with a $105 million investment in platform-as-a-service company Pivotal, and in June it launched its own analytics platform, called Predictivity.

Now GE has taken another step towards its “industrial Internet” goal by taking a stake in Big Data startup Ayasdi, which today announced a $30.6 million Series B round of funding. Joining GE in the round is Citigroup’s Citi Ventures, and Institutional Venture Partners, who led the round. Existing investors Khosla Ventures and Floodgate also re-upped.

Ayasdi started life in 2008, but it spent its first four years working mainly on US government contracts for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). A result of a decade of research at Stanford University, Ayasdi prides itself on being able to interrogate large and complex data sets without anyone having to query the data – in other words, you don’t need to ask any questions of a data set to find out interesting stuff. To achieve those results, it relies on machine learning and “topological data analysis,” which, very roughly speaking, looks for and “measures” shapes within data sets. One of Ayasdi’s most pronounced successes to date has been discovering a previously undetected type of breast cancer.

Ayasdi has come out to the open market at just the right time, capitalizing on a second wave of Big Data in which tech companies and startups are beginning to make Big Data more accessible and understandable to businesses and individuals, just as companies like GE are betting big on its future. An acknowledgement of the same trend is the reason why Accel Partners last month launched its second Big Data fund, worth $100 million. While it closed a $10.3 million Series A round only in January, the same time it came out to the public, Ayasdi already has clients such as GE, Citigroup, Merck, Mount Sinai Hospital, and the Food and Drug Administration.

As Immelt described at D11, the application of Ayasdi’s technology, which is available on the public or private cloud, can result in great efficiencies. A GE jet engine, for instance, has about 20 sensors that capture data in real time, Immelt said on stage. If the company can monitor and act on that data to, for example, save an airline 1 percent in fuel burn, it represents a saving of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Ayasdi CEO Gurjeet Singh says his company can automate insights from data when a data scientist isn’t available. “Using our platform, a lot of people can be converted into data scientists,” he says. But that doesn’t mean data scientists will be made obsolete by the technology. “The need is so large that you’re not going to see a reduction in the need any time soon, but it’s certainly the case that [companies using the tech are] going to amplify the efforts of data scientists they have on staff.” Ayasdi’s goal, meanwhile, is to automate the process of discovering insights to the point where it takes no time at all, says Singh.

Singh says the company decided to raise such a big round because of intense interest from investors, and because the business has been growing much faster than anticipated. In effect, the $30.6 million raise serves as a Series B and a Series C all at once, meaning the company might not have to raise more money in the future. Ayasdi will use the money to double its headcount from 50 to 100 people within a year, Singh says, in part to manage the volume of incoming leads. “We haven’t had enough people on the staff to answer the phones.” Including DARPA grants, Ayasdi has now raised a total of $44.6 million.

It will also use the money to further develop its tech as a product, and to automate its machine-learning techniques, so that it requires less service work and is more scalable.

Ayasdi also announced today that it is partnering with Cloudera, a Big Data platform that will work with Ayasdi’s app and machine-learning algorithms to facilitate the faster delivery of insights gleaned from data sets.Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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Now you have to count Ayasdi alongside a slew of others – including Platfora, Domo, Wibidata, Data Gravity, DataStax, and Sumo Logic – in the forefront of Big Data’s second wave.

Smartphones responderam por 40% das vendas de celulares no Brasil de janeiro a maio


A migração da base de usuários brasileiros de telefonia móvel para smartphones segue de vento em popa. Levantamento apresentado pela GfK na feira Eletrolar nesta quarta-feira, 17, em São Paulo, mostra que de janeiro a maio deste ano os smartphones responderam por 40% das vendas de telefones celulares do País, em número de unidades. Um ano atrás, no mesmo período, a participação era de 21%. E em 2011 fora de 14%. O Brasil atingiu agora um patamar próximo ao que Alemanha e Japão haviam alcançado dois anos atrás. Em volume, as vendas de smartphones no Brasil aumentaram 197% entre 2011 e 2013 no Brasil, enquanto aquelas de celulares comuns caíram 29%. A título de curiosidade, a participação dos smartphones nas vendas de janeiro a maio em outros países foi a seguinte: China (85%), Alemanha (75%), Japão (74%) e Rússia (41%).


O crescimento dos tablets é ainda mais explosivo. A GfK compara o produto junto com notebooks e desktops. Se dois anos atrás, entre janeiro e maio de 2011, os tablets responderam por apenas 2% das unidades vendidas nesse grupo no Brasil, agora, neste mesmo período de 2013, a participação saltou para 28%. Em dois anos, as vendas de tablets cresceram 1.540%, enquanto as de desktops caíram 68% e as de notebooks subiram 43%. O Brasil está no mesmo nível de outros países, no que diz respeito à participação dos tablets nas vendas dessa categoria entre janeiro e maio deste ano: na China eles responderam por 19%; na Alemanha, 27%; no Japão, 25%; e na Rússia, 36%.

Uma das razões para o sucesso dos tablets no Brasil está na queda dos preços. Em maio de 2012, o preço médio era de R$ 1.100. Agora gira em torno de R$ 600. Segundo a GfK, 58% dos tablets vendidos no País nos cinco primeiros meses do ano custavam menos de R$ 500.

Brazil Reaches 100 Million Internet Users

By Sergio Kligin@US Media Consulting on July 11, 2013 in Brazil, Internet, Media, Online

According to recent figures released by IBOPE, there are now 102.3 million Internet users in Brazil. This is a significant increase from earlier in the year, in which IBOPE indicated that Brazil had 94 million Internet users.

This figure conflicts with that of comScore, which puts the number of Internet users in Brazil at around 89 million. The reason for this is that IBOPE counts young Internet users aged 2 to 15, while comScore tends to count users from age 15 on up.

While some may argue that IBOPE’s figure doesn’t accurately reflect the Internet market in Brazil (after all, how many 2 year-olds actually go online?), it’s interesting that the 102 million is not that far from the 89 million indicated by comScore. It’s also interesting that IBOPE is noting 9% growth in Brazil’s Internet users since the beginning of 2013. When you combine these figures with recent projections from Ericcson that there will be 350 million mobile subscriptions in Brazil by 2018, it’s clear that in just a few years, this 102 million figure won’t seem like all that much. The challenge, of course, will be how to reach this exponentially growing market of Brazilian Internet users, and

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for that it’s key to understand the tendencies among key segments, the preferences of the average Internet user and more efficient targeting via programmatic buying.

Why is the Media Industry Falling Behind on Digital Content Planning?

Jul 17, 2013 Jenine Kelly ADOTAS

It’s amazing how technology has changed the media landscape. Smartphones, tablets and connected TVs are all at – or approaching – critical mass in what has seemed like the blink of an eye, considering it took a daunting 25 years for television to stake its claim with the masses. The lines of content are blurred across these various new digital media, and content convergence is here with different content formats being consumed digitally on the same device. Now if only the media industry would converge its planning along with the content, it would make all of our lives a lot easier.

This whole argument and evolution really makes you wonder if this could be the end of the standard definitions of media as we know them, and how that will affect our media planning. For example, is the term “watching television” still relevant in 2013? Is watching “House of Cards” on your Connected TV or iPad even still considered “watching TV” since you’re not – after all – viewing it on a television set? And what is it called if you’re watching HBO Go on your mobile device? And it certainly isn’t correct to say you’re “listening to the radio” if you’re streaming music on Pandora or your favorite station’s website on your desktop, so is it any more correct to say that you’re reading a magazine if you’re technically reading magazine content on your e-reader?

Is “watching TV” even watching TV… if it’s not on a TV?

When planners are considering TV for media plans, they now need to consider not only whether it is local or national TV that is appropriate and what GRP levels are required to break through, but also how much of that weight needs to come from digital video given the exponential growth of time spent viewing videos cross-platform. This does not come naturally for the media planning industry currently and reflects a shift in behavior that must occur. Traditional reach/frequency tools don’t include a “digital video” option, so planners must use their instinct to know how much is the right amount.

Let’s take the Upfront market as an example. With the proliferation of TV content being viewed and streamed online and through mobile devices, planners and buyers can no longer put national broadcast and cable buys together without digital video being a part of the mix. In fact, according to Interpret, “The Evolution of TV Everywhere,” more than half of respondents streamed TV content online and almost a third through a mobile device. That’s where the Newfronts have come into play, but the question remains as to whether digital video will receive its fair share of the video media allocation this year. Not to mention that you can’t put a broadcast buy together without factoring social media into the mix. Digital is such an integral part of video behavior. In fact, Google and Sterling Brands Ipsos reported that 77 percent of all media interactions in multi-screen households were simultaneous interactions, but only select brands use multi-screen strategies to capitalize on this fragmented viewer attention.

Print gets a second chance… if it takes it.

Right now the majority of planners plan print in a very basic, reach-driving way. Traditionally, the print medium was not meant to engage and interact with the reader; therefore, print advertising was comprised of basic key art and copy. Today, with the growth of tablet and e-reader versions, magazines have the ability to have a dialogue with readers, offering a deeper level of engagement like never before. As magazine tablet offerings evolve, planners need to rethink the role that print

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plays in the media plan by tapping into strong reader affinities and adjusting the messaging to suit the medium to take advantage of this new opportunity.

While it’s no secret that the print industry has been hit pretty hard over the past few years, even those in these industry segments could benefit from the proliferation of digital tablets and e-readers if they can do it correctly. A Pew Research shows that approximately half of tablet owners said they are reading more news than before owning a tablet. Since the larger tablet size is easier to read than other mobile devices, their growth could very well be what “saves” the print industry. So now we just need publishers to get fully on board and embrace the digital platform. There’s no excuse for a one dimensional, static magazine experience via a tablet; but, unfortunately, there are still magazines whose electronic version mirrors their print product. In order to thrive in this market, publishers must embrace the digital world by offering a fully interactive and engaging content experience rivaling other digital experiences, since that is what print has become.

Even radio has gone digital

The industry approaches radio planning in a similar fashion to TV planning, in a very traditional GRP-driven way. Digital radio is usually not considered when buying against GRP goals because the industry has not figured out how to assign GRPs to digital offerings. Digital offerings have even changed the radio landscape in a huge way. Spotify and Pandora’s reach is now on par with many leading radio stations, making a no-brainer to factor digital audio into radio plans.

It’s a little crazy to think that the words “TV,” “radio,” “magazine” and “newspaper” could in little as five years be antiquated terms that may very well go away and be replaced with a more comprehensive term for consuming content across devices. (How does “Digital Content” sound?) The best advice I can give planners and buyers today is to make Digital Content an integral part of every communications plan and not a separate 10 to 20 percent media afterthought. Whether the marketing objective is awareness, purchase intent or increased sales, consumers are choosing to engage with content digitally, and that is how they should be marketed to as well.

Forrester: $2.1 Trillion Will Go Into IT Spend In 2013; Apps And The U.S. Lead The Charge

Ingrid Lunden

Forrester Research has now released its annual look at the state of IT spend globally, and the analysts project that there will be $2.06 trillion invested across software, hardware, and IT services by enterprises and governments in 2013. Within that, U.S. will be the biggest-spending country by a long shot, and — in a sign of the times — apps will be the single-biggest spending category of all.

Overall, Forrester’s is a more sombre assessment of IT spend compared to Gartner’s, which a couple of weeks ago released its own IT spending estimates (again, not including consumer spend) and put the figure at $3.7 trillion. And it is a more sombre assessment compared to its figures in January, when it noted growth of 5.4% growth for 2013 in local currency terms and 3.3% in U.S. dollars.

As with Gartner, Forrester also puts in the proviso that currency fluctuations are having an impact, specifically because of the strength of the U.S. dollar compared to other currencies. Measured in U.S. dollars, growth has been lowered to 2.3%; in local currencies it’s 4.6%. (Gartner’s figures were 2% in U.S. currency; 3.5% in constant currency.) “The continued recession in Europe and slowing growth in China will offset improvements in the US, Japan, and some emerging markets,” writes analyst Andrew Bartels.

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We’re reading through the long report for more insights; for now, here’s a look at some of the bigger takeaways:

Software is eating the world. Forrester’s big-picture look at spending puts software as the biggest general category for investments, at $542 million for 2013. “Software is where most of the big changes in technology are taking place,” writes Bartels. That is to say, while legacy, on-premise investments are “languishing,” those that focus on cloud-based implementations such as SaaS; and “smart computing” in the form of big data analytics and mobile apps are booming — following trends we’ve seen for a while now. Overall, software investments are set to grow 3.3% this year and 6.2% in 2014 — growth rates that he concedes “may not seem impressive [but still] stronger than any other tech category.” A full breakdown of software spend is at the bottom of this post.

forrester IT spend 2013

Tablets — and Apple — continue to lead the charge in hardware. If you look at the IT spending wheel above, it’s clear that PCs are the single-biggest category for computer equipment, at $134.2 million in 2013. But in fact PCs are a shrinking market. Traditional PCs, Bartels writes, will see “just a 3% rise, despite the launch of Windows 8 operating system.” So what’s growing? Tablets, and specifically the iPad. Forrester projects that sales of tablets to business and government will go up by 36% this year to $21 billion. Again, the big winner here continues to be Apple, taking $14 billion of that this year. Samsung Galaxy and the Surface from Microsoft are “helping to expand the tablet market, without putting much of a dent in the growth of the Apple iPad so far.”

Similarly, Apple, as well as Linux, continue to grow in the traditional PC category against Windows-powered machines, while the rest of the picture is relatively discouraging. There will be $135 billion spent on PCs in 2014, a rise of only $1 billion on 2013, with Windows-based devices down by $7 billion, and Apple Macs and tablets rising by $6 billion. “Elsewhere in the hardware market, spending on storage hardware will be flat, purchases of servers will decline by 1%, and sales of computer peripherals will fall by 3%,” Bartels writes. Indeed, earlier this year Forrester predicted that Apple would sell some $39 billion in hardware over the next two years.

The U.S. is eating the world. The strength of the dollar is one way that the U.S. is impacting global IT spend; the other is the fact that it is very much the biggest consumer of IT, accounting $819 billion in spend this year, according to Forrester’s estimates, rising to $875 million in 2014, inching up to be nearly the size of Western Europe and Asia combined in terms of IT spend.

Impressively for a market its size, of the big three regions, at 5.9% the U.S. also growing the most at the moment, nearly as much as the emerging (and still very small) market of Eastern Europe/Middle East/Africa (at 6.9%). By 2014, Latin America will emerge as the fastest-growing at a a rate of 10.7%. As to the others, Europe appears to be recovering somewhat after a huge, recession-led dip in 2012, spending $487 million in 2013; while Asia has this year taken up the baton as the region most hit by wider economic forces and will spend $492 million on IT across enterprise and government organizations.

Note: Forrester only lets press use one illustration per post, so I’ve had to update the post by cutting out the other graphics and inserting the data into the text instead.

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Microsoft reshuffles company structure

AAP July 12, 2013 8:29AM

Microsoft will restructure its business to compete with more nimble rivals. Picture: Fabrice Coffrini.

Microsoft Corp. is reshuffling its business in an attempt to promote faster innovation and a sharper focus on devices and services.

The move by the world's largest software maker comes amid lukewarm response to the latest version of its flagship Windows operating system and a steady decline in demand for PCs as people turn to tablets and other mobile gadgets.

CEO Steve Ballmer said in a memo to employees Thursday that the changes mean the company is "rallying behind a single strategy" and organising by function. While it has been widely

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anticipated, it's too early to tell how well the reorganisation will help Microsoft compete with more nimble rivals like Apple and Google.

"You don't make massive, sweeping changes like this unless something is wrong," said Colin Gillis, an analyst at BGC Financial, pointing to Wednesday's reports of declining PC shipments around the world.

Worldwide shipments of personal computers fell 11 per cent in the April-June period, according to data from research firms Gartner and IDC. Gartner Inc. said the PC industry is now experiencing the longest decline in its history, as shipments dropped for the fifth consecutive quarter. Analysts have blamed a massive consumer migration to tablets and other mobile devices for the fall-off. But many observers also believe Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system -which comes installed on most new PCs- has turned consumers off.

"We are ready to take Microsoft in a bold new direction,"

Ballmer said in a conference call with reporters and analysts. "We need to make the right decisions more quickly," he said.

Microsoft shares rose $1.01, or nearly 3 per cent, to close at $35.71 on Thursday. The Redmond, Washington-based company's stock is up 32 per cent since the start of the year, compared with a 17 per cent increase in the Standard &Poor's 500 index. Still, the stock is nowhere near its historic $59 high of late 1999.

The company's new divisions include engineering, marketing and business development. Microsoft named veteran executive Julie Larson-Green Head of its devices and studios engineering group, overseeing hardware development, games, music and entertainment. She had been promoted in November to lead all Windows software and hardware engineering after Steven Sinofsky, the president of its Windows and Windows Live operations, left the company shortly after the launch of Windows 8.

Terry Myerson will lead Microsoft's operating systems and engineering group, namely Windows. Qi Lu will head applications and services.

Ballmer stressed the company's focus on "one Microsoft" in his memo. He said Microsoft will move forward operating as a cohesive company rather than a "collection of divisional strategies."

"Although we will deliver multiple devices and services to execute and monetise the strategy, the single core strategy will drive us to set shared goals for everything we do. We will see our product line holistically, not as a set of islands," Ballmer wrote.

The shake-up is being driven by competitive pressures as two of Microsoft's once much-smaller rivals, Apple and Google, have emerged as the technology trendsetters. In a world that increasingly revolves around mobile devices and internet services, Microsoft has been scrambling to adapt to the upheaval. The company wants to ensure its relevance in the future while protecting the personal computer franchise that has always generated most of its revenue.

The changing of the guard has already been noted by Wall Street. Both Apple and Google boast market values higher than Microsoft, despite a surge in Microsoft's stock price during the past three months. The new pecking order would have seemed inconceivable when Google first went public nearly nine years ago. Apple's stock price is nearly 28 times higher than it was then while Google's is 10 times higher. Microsoft's stock price is up by just 30 per cent since then, largely because the company has fewer outstanding shares than it did nine years ago.

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Microsoft's lacklustre stock performance has amplified speculation that the company might consider replacing Steve Ballmer, who took over when co-founder Bill Gates stepped down as CEO 13 years ago.

The reorganisation could be Ballmer's attempt at placating shareholders with a dramatic overhaul that appears to borrow elements of Apple's and Google's setups. The winnowing of Microsoft's disparate divisions and Ballmer's rallying cry for "One Microsoft" suggests the company is trying to make its products work together more seamlessly, much like Apple has been doing since the late Steve Jobs returned as that company's CEO in the late 1990s.

At the same time, Ballmer appears determined to eliminate bureaucracy in hopes of making Microsoft operate more like a nimble start-up able to quickly innovate - a goal that Google CEO Larry Page set out to achieve when he took over leadership of that company two years ago.

Janney Capital Markets analyst Yun Kim said the reorganisation helps align Microsoft's various divisions around its devices and services strategy, but he added that he's taking a "wait and see" approach.

"We continue to look for signs on how the company can leverage its success in the Xbox business to re-energise its current efforts in the tablet and smartphone markets," Kim wrote in a note to investors.

BGC Financial's Gillis noted that major reorganisations "can serve as a negative distraction for months before potentially offering benefits."

Brasil possui 102,3 milhões de conectados

Número de pessoas com acesso à web em diferentes ambientes cresce nos últimos meses, segundo o Ibope Media

10 de Julho de 2013

Ao final do primeiro trimestre de 2013, mais de 102,3 milhões de brasileiros tinham acesso à internet, seja em seu ambiente de trabalho, em casa, escolas ou lan houses. O dado, divulgado pelo Ibope Media, aponta um crescimento de 9% na população com acesso à web do que o registrado no mesmo período de 2012.

A quantidade de pessoas que acessa a internet de sua própria residência também aumentou, atingindo o número de 73,7 milhões no segundo trimestre do ano. De acordo com o Ibope, esses índices já colocam a internet como mídia de massa e como um dos meios de maior penetração do País.

A pesquisa também monitorou o número de usuários ativos – aqueles que acessam a web com frequência regular. Esse número alcançou a marca de 56,4 milhões de pessoas no mês de maio, o que representa 5% mais do que o registrado em abril de 2013.

O tempo em que as pessoas ficam conectadas, no entanto, foi menor em maio do que no mês anterior. Segundo o Ibope, a média de tempo de navegação do brasileiro na internet foi de 61 horas e 34 minutos em abril. Em maio, esse tempo diminuiu para 60 horas e 3 minutos.

Leia Mais:,3+milh%F5es+de+conectados#ixzz2YxfTso8z

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Intel Cooks Up Future of TV -- a Potential Mess for Cable

An Unconventional Campaign for an Unconventional Platform

By: Michael Learmonth Published: April 08, 2013

Visualize the TV service you've always wanted: a gorgeous interface that does away with clunky (and often ad-strewn) programming grids; a simple remote that isn't a crushing array of buttons; a cloud-based DVR that doesn't require you to hit "record"; algorithms that learn what you like and recommend new shows; an easy sync with social networks; effortless co-viewing with friends far away; video on tablets, phones and other devices with screens; and the seamless integration of traditional TV and what's on the web.

Now imagine all of that comes in a beautiful box with a front-facing camera and the kind of industrial design that makes you not want to hide it in a cabinet.

This device is built. And it is in the hands of a select few secret testers at media companies, agencies and, of course, Intel's Santa Clara, Calif., headquarters.

About a year ago, Intel established Intel Media to build an "over-the-top" TV service, joining streaming-video players such as Netflix and Hulu. Its service, however, will be the first to deliver a full array of cable TV channels over the internet.

Intel has not announced a name, a price or a release schedule more specific than some time this year, but those who have seen it describe it as a significant advance over any existing cable or satellite platform. "I'm impressed because Intel makes chips; no one expected them to come out with a product like this," said Michael Bologna, head of advanced TV at Group M, who has spent several hours with the box.

Silicon Valley has the best interface designers in the world, but until now efforts to apply that expertise to TV have led to false starts like Google TV and products that don't go near far enough, such as Apple TV and Xbox Live. The difference between this and all previous efforts to reinvent cable TV is that Intel has taken the time and spent the money to become a cable operator itself.

As CEO Erik Huggers told attendees at the All Things D media conference in February, this isn't a service for cord-cutters or anyone who wants a cut-rate cable package. Rather, it's a better cable experience that is designed for (and will be marketed to) the kind of young, affluent and connected consumer who would like a TV service that works as well as their tablet or iPhone.

Among the many executives Mr. Huggers has hired to build Intel TV is Courtnee Westendorf, a longtime Apple marketing exec who worked on the launches of the iPod and iPhone over the past decade. She is planning a national TV campaign that will not resemble the traditional work from local cable providers.

"If I asked you about your favorite TV or film, whatever it is there is a flash of an emotion. That is what I want to deliver in the marketing," she said. There will be a new brand, but also a connection Babelfish Articles July 2013 - August 2013 17-8-13

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to Intel, which is an ingredient brand to consumers -- the "Intel Inside" on a host of PCs, laptops and other devices.

No one expects Intel to become a TV power overnight. But it represents an interesting challenge for cable and telcos, which as of now do not offer TV service outside their own wired footprint. Each new customer who opts for Intel TV is a customer dumping part of the "bundle" of services that cable and telcos like to sell, including broadband, TV and sometimes phone. Defecting subscribers will be relegating their cable and telco providers to "dumb pipe" status, selling connectivity and bandwidth but not services on top.

So, how will cable respond? Limiting bandwidth to make internet video services more expensive would draw the ire of the feds. So it's more likely that the cable industry will just follow Intel's lead. Tom Morgan, CEO of Net2TV, one of many startups building web-based video services, believes Intel will open the floodgates and that cable and satellite providers will, too, take their services "over the top" -- meaning you'd be able to get DirecTV, Comcast's Xfinity, Verizon's FiOS or AT&T's U-verse regardless of your broadband provider.

It may not happen this year, but soon enough, "each will go outside their network and go national," Mr. Morgan predicted. And that will lead to a world that the pay-TV-industry consumers have always wanted: one with true competition.

Addressable Ad Technology Brings Congressional Privacy Concerns

by David Goetzl, Jul 10, 2013

Advertisers covet addressable advertising. To use a cliche that needs to be banished, it obviously offers the potential to cut down on waste by only reaching dog owners with dog food ads.

But only a cynic would say marketers have no shame in the privacy realm with those type of pursuits. A few years ago at an industry conference, GroupM chief Irwin Gotlieb effectively said God help us all if we don’t adhere to a certain honor code.

Would a beer marketer really want to capitalize on technology from pay-TV operators that could detect what’s happening in front of the screen? So, if a viewer is drinking one of its brands, it could have an ad for it appear in that home, maybe before the last swig.

Apparently, Verizon thinks so – or at least wants the ability to do it. In an application that was denied, it sought a patent on technology that seemed able to use a camera in a set-top box to capture everything going on in front of the TV. Then, using the data, trigger a process to deliver a highly relevant ad.

Assuming it wants no part of that, poor Budweiser. Verizon called it out as a potential beneficiary, suggesting its technology can detect a Budweiser can “within a (viewer's) surroundings” and then “select an advertisement associated with the detected object (e.g., a Budweiser commercial).”

Actually, the application offers plenty to banish the dog food cliché (which it uses). A person running on a treadmill might get an ad for health food, for example.

But the technology goes further than simple detection of a product in a room. It offers the opportunity to gauge the state of a relationship or a viewer's state of mind -- then make judgments. Determination that a “couple is arguing/fighting with each other” might bring an ad “associated (with) marriage/relationship counseling.” Or, detection that a viewer appears stressed might bring ads for “aromatherapy candles, a vacation resort, etc.”

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The technology is forward-thinking enough to take into account the increasing use of second screens while watching TV. In some cases, it could determine whether a viewer is using a tablet or smartphone and what he or she may be doing on the device -- then deliver a targeted ad on that screen.

“Not only may the selected advertisement be specifically targeted to the (viewer), but it may also be delivered right to the user's hands,” the patent application reads.

A Verizon statement issued to multiple outlets late last year said the company has “a well-established track record of respecting its customers' privacy and protecting their personal information,” but it “prizes innovation.”

Of course, that was before the explosive report that Verizon has been giving access to the phone records of Americans to the National Security Agency. So, it isn’t likely to do much to fight the proposed “We Are Watching You Act” in Congress, which could curtail any cameras in a set-top-box playing in the addressable advertising game.

Verizon, which may have had no intention of using embedded camera technology, isn't the only one experimenting with viewer recognition systems. The Wall Street Journal reported an Intel executive said in February the company has a set-top box with facial recognition abilities to determine who is watching. Tech site GigaOM reported back in 2008 that a Comcast executive said the company was developing viewer recognition technology that could help deliver targeted ads.

The NSA matter and reports about the technology prompted Massachusetts Democrat Michael Capuano to introduce the “We Are Watching You Act” last month in the House. The privacy concerns even prompted bipartisanship as North Carolina Republican Walter Jones joined him.

“I actually thought it was science fiction when I first heard about it," Capuano told C-Span about the embedded technology. "I thought OK, what’s the punch line?”

It’s a pretty simple bill, but could really frighten TV viewers -- notably older, non-tech-savvy ones. When the detection cameras are in use, “We Are Watching You” must appear on the screen in a color and size that is pretty “easily readable,” the legislation requires. Consumers can decide to opt out and a video provider must provide them with service without the functionality.

Capuano said he gets the benefits for marketers. “I understand the desire for them,” he said. “The intent is to be able to micro-target ads”

The recognition technology isn’t only in play to deliver ad messages. It also has a role as recommendation technology, allowing operators to recommend potential viewing options – just like Netflix. Sony uses facial recognition in TVs to improve picture and sound quality for people depending on where they’re sitting.

If a viewer doesn’t want any risk of being watched, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts told C-Span, the technology can “easily” be disabled with a single click. While advertising may be a different arena, he did say younger people are more open to their personal information in the public sphere.

Who knows what the odds are of the Capuano-Jones legislation going anywhere. But it’s on the books and that alone should stunt the technology becoming an advertiser benefit.

What company would want to be part of any initiative that could have “We Are Watching You" overlaid on their ads? That’s so 1984.

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Opinião: 20 slides em 400 segundos

Uma surpresa recente foi um método criado por dois arquitetos japoneses que permite que se fale sobre qualquer tema em 20 slides, com 20 segundos dedicados para cada um. Conhece?

10 de Julho de 2013

No rigoroso método Pecha Kucha, uma ideia deve ser apresentada em 20 slides, com 20 segundos para cada um deles

Outro dia fui convidada a realizar uma apresentação ao time de recursos humanos do banco sobre o tema cliente. Até aí, tudo bem. A novidade é que eu deveria fazê-la utilizando um método chamado Pecha Kucha.

Apelei para São Google e descobri que o tal método havia sido criado por dois arquitetos japoneses que, cansados das intermináveis, confusas e chatíssimas apresentações tradicionais, propuseram-se a falar de todo e qualquer assunto em 20 slides. Nem mais, nem menos.

Porém não é só isso: os 20 slides devem ser exibidos em 20 segundos cada. Nem mais, nem menos.

A primeira vantagem do Pecha Kucha é que qualquer exposição dura exatos seis minutos e 40 segundos, o que permite aos organizadores montar uma agenda que abrigue mais speakers do que o normal e, portanto, que mais temas sejam cobertos, ou que mais perspectivas sobre um mesmo tema sejam mostradas.

Para o apresentador, alguns desafios se impõem. Primeiro, ter uma história central com começo, meio e fim muito bem definidos. Depois, pensar em 20 ideias que, encadeadas, nos ajudem a contar essa história de forma compreensível.

Isso feito, vamos montar os slides! Constata-se na prática o que já estamos cansados de saber: uma imagem fala mais que mil palavras.

Assim, você se vê entrando no incrível mundo do Creative Commons (e nos cafundós dos seus arquivos pessoais e dos arquivos dos amigos que pensam mais ou menos como você) buscando fotos, ilustrações, gráficos e pequenas frases que melhor traduzam o ponto que você quer fazer em cada um dos 20 slides.

Algumas horas depois, os quadros estão prontos e você, morto de cansado, descobre que a transição entre slides será automática e que você terá de treinar, treinar e treinar para garantir que a história que você inventou saia naturalmente, e que sua fala acompanhe o fluxo dos slides. Seu corpo, sua cabeça e seu coração devem estar sintonizados na mesma frequência.

É aí que aparece a segunda vantagem do Pecha Kucha: as chances de fazer uma intervenção relevante aumentam bastante porque o método exige que você se prepare muito bem para a apresentação, chegando a um nível de presença e concentração que só agregam clareza e precisão às suas ideias. Nada de raciocínios circulares, inconclusivos, confusos. Nada de falar ligado no automático.

Porém a vantagem mais importante é a terceira: se você seguir o processo direitinho, se surpreenderá com uma audiência atenta, entretida e animada por ter acesso a conteúdos

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interessantes apresentados de forma dinâmica e, literalmente, bem pensada. Uma audiência que reconhece que você se preparou para estar lá e retribui com foco total em você e na sua história. Sem bocejos. Sem cochiladas. Sem chamadas telefônicas, whatsapps ou escapadas na web, porque, afinal, essas coisas podem esperar seis minutos e 40 segundos.

Alguns podem estar pensando que é impossível abordar uma idéia com profundidade seguindo esse caminho. Mas, se você consegue fazer maravilhas em um filme de 30 segundos, imagine o que pode fazer com 400!

A verdade é que o tal Pecha Kucha foi uma das melhores surpresas que eu tive ultimamente. Mais do que isso, a experiência transformou definitivamente a minha forma de desenvolver as apresentações que faço todos os dias.

Por que você não tenta? Mais respeito às suas ideias. Mais respeito ao tempo que o outro te dedica. Eu achei sensacional.

Leia Mais:

Marketers misunderstand ROI

NEW YORK: Return on investment is not an accurate way to measure marketing effectiveness and marketers frequently misuse the term, a leading academic has claimed.

Writing in Forbes, Daniel Kehrer reported on the work of his colleague Dominique Hanssens, professor of marketing at UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Hanssens argues that marketing is an expense rather than an investment and that marketing costs appear on a company's profit and loss account rather than the balance sheet.

The consequence of this, according to Hanssens, is that marketers rarely mean ROI when they say ROI. In addition, ROI is a ratio when what is important is net cash flow.

Nor, as many marketers wrongly assume, is a higher ROI necessarily better, because the law of diminishing returns comes into play. "Should you stop spending when ROI drops, even if you continue to produce bigger profits?" asked Kehrer.

The answer for most is clearly no, and Kehrer pointed out that "the point at which you'd stop or make a change depends on the return of the last incremental amount spent, not the overall ROI".

This new figure is the return on marginal investment (ROMI), which Kehrer declared to be a much more useful return measure for gauging marketing effectiveness.

While ROI changed at different spending levels, the only thing one needed to know about ROMI, he said, was whether it was positive or negative.

Another problem with ROI as a measure of a specific activity was that it counted for little if wider marketing goals were not being met.

Kehrer argued that an ROI focus ignored a complex web of interactions that took place between the simple dollars-in/dollars-out calculation.

"Only by analysing as many of those intermediate processes as possible can we gain insights into what's working and what's not, and alter allocations to achieve better results," he concluded.

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Data sourced from Forbes; additional content by Warc staff, 11 July 2013


UGC works for loyal consumers

NEW YORK: Co-created ads are most effective when targeted at existing customers and can be made more so with a PR campaign that gives some background on the ad creator, a leading academic has argued.

Writing in Forbes, Prashant Malaviya, Associate Professor of Marketing at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business, noted that the level of brand loyalty was a crucial factor when considering user-generated content in a campaign.

Consumers who exhibited a low degree of brand loyalty were more likely to question the competence of the ad creator and be critical of the message, Malaviya suggested. Meanwhile, those with a high level of brand loyalty were more likely to relate to the ad creator and so be more open to persuasion.

Malaviya advised those marketers planning to incorporate user-generated content in their advertising that, by sharing information on the ad creator through a PR campaign, they could "establish credibility and strengthen identification through similarities with viewers".

He also argued that the effectiveness of consumer-generated advertisements were influenced by the environment in which they were viewed and would be more persuasive "if the audience is distracted or has limited cognitive resources to scrutinize the message".

But he also warned that UGC ads were not necessarily trusted more by consumers than those created by professionals and that they were unlikely to be particularly effective in attracting new customers or those not already loyal.

The truth of Malaviya's ideas may be demonstrated by a campaign from burger chain Wendy's that has announced plans to turn fans' tweets about a new product – the pretzel bacon cheeseburger – into "power ballad jingles".

This idea, reported Digiday, came about after customers went onto social media to complain they couldn't order the new burger locally as it was being trialled in select markets and the chain moved to harness the buzz.

The best tweets and comments will be incorporated into four songs and videos performed by professional musicians.

Data sourced from Forbes, Digiday; additional content by Warc staff, 10 July 2013


Predicta instaura novo modelo de análise de campanhas digitaisFerramenta Attract permite que os anunciantes monitorarem 100% do resultado das campanhas digitais

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12/07/2013 17:21 Predicta instaura novo modelo de análise de campanhas digitaisA Predicta apresentou um novo modelo de ferramenta de análise de campanhas digitais. O Attract é voltado para atrair clientes aos canais digitais de médias e grandes empresas. Ao invés de vincular o preço ao CPM (custo por mil impressões), instaura um novo modelo de precificação fixa – ou previsível – calculado pela quantidade de peças e com impressões ilimitadas.“Com um custo fixo e previsível – sem variação pelo número de impressões ou quantidade de cliques – fica muito mais fácil integrar todas as informações e torna o investimento em compra de mídia online um processo mais objetivo e racional”, afirma Marcelo Marzola, CEO da Predicta. “Como não vinculamos o preço às exibições de anúncios ou quantidade de cliques, nossos clientes que usam o Attract podem ter impressões e cliques ilimitados”, destaca.Com o Attract, a avaliação do investimento em mídia passa a ter um novo foco – o custo de aquisição (valor unitário médio por cliente atraído para os canais digitais de uma empresa) – em substituição ao subjetivo CPC (custo por clique).

CHART OF THE DAY: The PC Business ImplodesJAY YAROW JUL. 12, 2013The latest numbers for the PC industry aren't good.Gartner says sales were down 11% in the second quarter. This marks the fifth straight quarter of declining annual sales, notes Alex Cocotas of BI Intelligence.The traditional PC industry is contracting because of the iPad.Apple's iPad is a good-enough substitute for PCs. Instead of buying new, expensive PCs, people are holding onto their current computer and supplementing them with iPads, and other tablets.Microsoft's Windows 8 was supposed to fend off the rise of tablet computing. So far, it looks like it hasn't worked.

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