ARM Financial Reporting Enhancements in Acumatica 5.0, by Gabrial Michaud


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ARM Financial Reporting Enhancements in Acumatica5.0

Gabriel Michaud


Version 5.0

Goals of this Session

1. Tell you more about the ARM enhancements in 5.0

2. Show you examples of how these enhancements can be used

3. Give you a glimpse at 5.1, and other upcoming ARM enhancements

What is ARM?

What is ARM?

What is ARM?

“The Analytical Report Manager is a web-based report

access and management tool for creating and modifying

analytical reports. Report designers can use this tool to

design and run custom analytical reports using advanced

data selection criteria, data calculation rules, and

customizable report layout design features”

ARM Report Sample

Unit Set



Column Column …

5.0 Enhancements

Performance Improvements

• Completely refactored design, which now takes advantage of multiple cores available on modern servers

• Uses less memory









P&L (560 rows, 24 columns, 10 000 accounts,3500 subaccounts, 250K GLHistory entries)



Merging of Data Sources• At run-time, system combines data source from

unit set, column set, row set and report parameters

• Prior to 5.0, Acumatica didn’t support overlapping ranges of accounts/subaccounts

• In the example below, system is now able to intersect the accounts of the row set and the column set, and only include the right accounts in the calculation

Columns Devices Accessories

Rows ???010 ???020

iPhone 410??? $10 000 $2 000

Android 420??? $5 000 $1 000

All phones410???-420???

$15 000 $3 000

Columns Devices Accessories

Rows ???010 ???020

iPhone 410??? $10 000 $2 000

Android 420??? $5 000 $1 000

All phones 410???-420??? $17 000 $8 000

< 5.0 5.0

Account Ranges

• ARM allows you to include multiple accounts or subaccounts in a single cell by specifying a start and end account.

• But what if you want to combine non-consecutive ranges in a single cell? (ex: 401000 to 401500, and 401900, and 402000 to 499999)

• Prior to Acumatica 5.0, you had to create to hidden rows, and add them

• Major drawback: you loose drill-down

Account Ranges in 5.0

• Start Account, Start Sub and Start Branch now allows you to specify a list of accounts, a range of accounts, or a combination of both

• Syntax is similar to Microsoft Excel ranges: 400000:420000

• You can combine multiple ranges or accounts, separate them with coma: 400000:420000,425000,426000:426099

• Wildcards are also supported in ranges: 4260??

Handling of NaN/Infinity Values• Scenario: Variance & in Comparative Balance


• What if the first column is 0? Division by zero error!

• Before: =IIf( ISNULL(B,0)<>0 ,D/B, 0)

• Now: =D/B – much more simple!

Relative Calculations

• Scenario: in P&L, indicate percentage of account relative to total sales

• Formula: =B/Value(@BaseRowCode, 'B')

• @BaseRowCode refers to the row code specified in the row set

• Value(row, column) functions retrieves the value of a cell at a given position.


• Scenario: in Balance Sheet, assets should be sorted from highest value to lowest value

• New type of row: “Sort”

• Value has to contain sort expression: =SORT(fromrow, torow, column)

• Descending sort using =SORTD function. Example: =SORTD('00110','00140', 'B')

Unit Set Auto-Expansion

• Scenario: you have 50 branches, and 10 different departments and need to dynamically filter data based on the selected branch and department

• Configuring and maintaining all the combinations in unit sets is a time-consuming process

Unit Set Auto-Expansion

• Configured in the Data Source panel by configuring the “Expand” property

• GL reports: expansion possible by account and subaccount

• PM reports: expansion possible by account group, project, project task and inventory

• Non-expanding wildcard char = asterisk. Ex: EU-??-**-**-***, the system will generate 6 units in the tree view, with the following subacount data source: EU-00-??-??-???, EU-AD-??-??-???, EU-FN-??-???, EU-MR-??-??-???, EU-PU-??-??-??? and EU-SL-??-??-???.

Project Management Reports

• Completely Reviewed in 5.0; numerous design issues identified

• All the new features presented so far also apply to Project Management reports

• If you need to create PM reports, please migrate to 5.0 immediately

Looking Ahead –upcoming 5.1



• Scenario: you need to present your financials in whole dollars, thousands, or millions of dollars

• Was previously accomplished using column format: #,##0 or formulas – but it’s a bad solution

• Doesn’t play nice with Hide Zero / Suppress Empty settings and

• Breaks hyperlinking

• Doesn’t handle rounding differences

Rounding• In Acumatica 5.1, we will be adding a new

Rounding setting configurable in the Column Set:

• For Balance Sheet, it will be possible to calculate

rounding differences and use that in a formula to

ensure Assets = Liabilities

Lazy Loading

• Problem: when previewing a report containing unit sets, system has to process every unit before the report can be viewed

• Solution: load units on demand, as they are requested by the user

• In benchmarks, a very complex ARM report that used to take 40 minutes to rend now opens in less than 40 seconds

Other Enhancements

• Format Property on Row

• Denominated Accounts

• Visibility Conditions for Columns and Rows


To learn more on this and other 5.0 changes, check-out the technical release notes available on the portal

What else would you like to see in ARM?



Gabriel Michaud

Skype: gabrielmichaud

