Adding Value For Readers - what more can we do online to get our message across?

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A talk given at the ALPSP Seminar: Book Publishing Strategies for Associations and Societies (

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Adding Value for ReadersWhat more can we do to get our message across?

David Smith, Business Innovations Manager

Obscurity is a far greater threat to authors and creative artists than piracy. Tim O’Reilly – O’Reilly Media

Oh dear…

Who can we learn from?

Publishers don’t have loyalty cards…

And then there’s1. Customer Ratings2. Add to Wish List3. Tell a Friend4. Share Your Customer Images5. People Who Bought this also…6. Amazon Sales Rank7. Would You Like to Give Feedback…8. What do Others do After Viewing This?9. Tagging10.Are You the Publisher or Author…11.Rate This Item (and benefit yourself)12.Customer Reviews13.Customer Discussions14.Wiki info from the Amazon Wiki15.Listmania!

PLUS! The email messages – 1. You’ve bought… 2. You’ve browsed

And so to

Authors (as Bloggers) Bloggers (as Authors)

Chris Anderson (Ed in Chief of Wired Magazine)

Timothy Ferris – (‘ultra vagabond’… & NYT bestseller)

Seth Godin (marketing guru)

What About Publishers?

So there we are…

The value add is happening.

The conversation is occurring

The communities that surround books are self assembling

But probably not where you are, and certainly not under your control.

But you can change that. You have to.

Welcome to the new world.
