A Very Cheesy Asylum part 6




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A Very Cheesy Asylum Part 6

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,

I can see all obstacles in my way

Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind

It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)

Sun-Shiny day.

“Ick people just cannot clean up after themselves!”

The last week started off with Fuzzy saving us from roaches again. I just caught her picking up the bin for the third time. I have not seen who it is

kicking it over; thankfully it hasn’t been too often.


...My life flashed

before my eyes

Esme continues to think she’s at an earth resort.

Notice Jess in the background has maxed creativity and enthusiasm.

“Are you the sales assistant? I’d like to buy some new shoes.”

“Esme, I’m Gem, and this is not a resort.”

“Gems? No I don’t need jewellery I need shoes!” *Gosh good help is hard to get*

Sawyer “Want to go play catch?”

“You owwhh bet!”




Also my first non sleeping in food pee puddle. I think you win a pair of rain boots Scribbles.

I have an

amazing effect

on women

This was a lot of hours later.

Jess: “I see you peeking Sawyer”

Sawyer “I can’t my eyes are shut to keep out the caterwauling!”

It's gonna be a

bright ,bright,

bright Sun-Shiny


Fuzzy also maxed both creativity and enthusiasm. Looks like you got lucky with a default formal dress there.

But piano is boring and I want to see some aspiration failures! So I decided to swap the piano for the karaoke machine.

Thanks for the idea Fuzzy. :D

I had some aspiration hits.

Not a lot, but enough....

We have ‘Baby Flour Sack’! Take a bow Baby!


“Who’s my sweet baby? Time to take your nap in your lovely white and brown crib!”

Err Ani-Mei that is NOT a crib.

And we have Mr lampshade!

That’s Elvis

for you.

And once he appeared Fuzzy sang night and day as well as doing duets? Trio? With Chewy.

Yes that’s Sawyer quietly starving in the background-he does that a lot lately.

They say our

love won't

pay the rent

Before it's earned,

our money's all

been spent

I guess that's so,

we don't have a

lot, but at least

I'm sure of all the

things we got

I got you


I got you


Chewy “I got youuu baaabe!”

Of course we still have Gem and Chewy standoffs.

I’m going to

make you sing

a new song!

Called pain!

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Ani-Mei and Sawyer still fight.

And Sawyer is constantly starving.

With the food right under his nose.

“Scribbles stinks! –Again!”

For the most part the inmates did the same stuff and I ate grilled cheese like a maniac trying to get my LTW done before turning elder.

That wasn’t to be.

Soon we began turning elder all over the place. Many dropping nice large bundles of aspiration points.

Chewy and I

Sawyer and Gem.


“It’s my parade!”


“No it’s mine!”


“No one can see my face this way.”

Some people managed to escape the inevitable until later due to being asleep or on the dance sphere.


“Yah now I can join the French Pleat Club!”

Lastly at 2am went Ani-Mei.

Wonder who that is behind her?

Fuzzy In her day wear!

Fuzzy “I’m getting ready to blast out of here, just you see.”

Well at least no one can point and laugh at your old knobbly knees?

You want to see mine you say, nah you don’t want that.

We then saw a whole heap of break downs.

Shrink visit

I think it's gonna be a long

long time

Till touch down brings me

round again to find

I'm not the man they think I

am at home

Oh no no no I'm a rocket man

This spot became popular for shrink visits.

Ani-Mei being family got particularly hard hit.

“Well if that’s the initiation of the French pleat club, count me out!”

Finally I got to see the other aspiration failures. Romance.

*covers eyes from elder underwear*


“Donate to help crazy elders or you too may be in this state!”

“I’m getting out of this place!”

“Dr Von Ball I presume”

Although Gem as usual steals the lime light. And yes sim Jo in the background. I definitely got the worst grow up outfit.

“Well you lot are a bunch of crazies.”

Yeah like you can talk in that get up.

I gave myself a makeover because I can :P

I’m now the crazy Dr Jo Cheese. Oh hai there Fuzzy.

I quickly got stuck into the remaining 25 or so grilled cheese sandwiches.

I thought maybe, just maybe I would get to see popularity

Or not.

“Chocolate my best friend.”

Something’s never change.

Elderhood or even underwear didn’t slow down the fights. How very ungentlemanly like to fight an old woman in her granny panties Chewy.

“Jo, I think your plumbing broke!”

“Ohh ohh the happy puddle, lalala now he sticks so bad”

Fuzzy: “I now call together the meeting of the French pleat Cl_ what? Esme stop laughing!”

Esme *giggle snort*

“This grilled cheese tastes like fried eggs!”

Finally two days after turning elder the sweet smell of success!

“Hello, Restoration clinic?

“....Yes nine, that right... thank you!”






Ahmm Fuzzy? Could you finish your little moment?




Obviously the restoration clinic is short on female hair.

The scoring

Skill points

Ani-Mei: 1 cooking, 10 body,3 Logic, 4 creative. Lost 13 fights and won 43!

Chewy: 1 cooking, 6 body, 10 logic, 3 creative, 4 cleaning.

Esme: 1 cooking, 3 logic, 7 creative, 3 cleaning

Gem: 3 cooking, 3 body, 3 logic, 10 creativity,

Jess: 2 logic, 10 creativity

Fuzzy: 1 body,2 logic, 10 creativity, 6 cleaning

Sawyer: 1 cooking, 3 body, 5 creativity

Scribbles:1 cooking, 2 body,2 logic, 3 creative, 1 cleaning

The fights (For interest only)

Ani-Mei Lost 13 and won 43 so Sawyer won 13 and lost 43

Gem lost 27 and won 17 so Chewy lost 17 and won 27

100 points for playing through the asylum

Never used influence = + 20 points

+ 1 point for each skill by patients = 125

I can’t give points for aspiration points as they had points to start with and we made no new friends.

Every sim day that you remained institutionalized - 1 point (30 days)

= 215

“That’s all folks!”