A Social Side of the Regina Folk Festival



Regina Folk Festival is one of the amazing events that happens in Regina every Summer. They are no strangers to Social Media though, with over 13,000 friends on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram combined. With engagement scores through the roof, social is becoming a major part of how events interact with their audience and potential audience. The Regina Folk fest has to keep trying new innovative ideas to get people out to Vic park for the festival. Eventually in the future you'll see a crazy video on YouTube that gets a million views and is shot in Victoria Park in our beautiful Queen city. You'll see!

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what is the RFF “brand”?

Brand: a widely held set of beliefs and expectations about what you deliver and how you deliver it, validated by customers’ experiences.

1. How the heck are we doing so far?

What’s the ultimate goal of social media?  

the pope’s inauguration

The future of marketing is social objects  

We love to share what’s funny, fascinating, inspiring, unique, and weird.  

During the 3 minutes when the market plunged, that fake tweet

erased $136 billion in equity market value.

Remember Parkinson’s Law

2. What are some of the best festivals in the world doing?

3. What metrics matter?

4. What is RFF’s personality like online?

What are the three core values?  

5. What is success?  

The greatest festivals on earth have amazing photos and videos that tell a million stories.

Plan to take photos like this

In the future every website will have lots of video.

Create your own

social object.


Tools to make you smarter at Twitter





