A Different Way to Think About Sponsorship. Building vs. Badging



Matt Jones, SVP, Global Strategy & Creative at Jack Morton, presented at Sponsorship Australasia National Conference on 20 October 2011. He talked about how we need to think about sponsorship differently and ideas to make it a win-win-win situation.

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Your Logo. Here.

Your Logo. Here.

A presentation "about sponsorship.

By someone who is not "an expert on sponsorship.

No facts. No data. No results.

A few case studies. Some insights. I hope. Lots of opinions.

Brand Experience.

A discussion about "brands.

A discussion about experiences.

A discussion about "people.

A discussion about "sponsorship.

Think about people.

And the lives they live.

And the roles corporate brands want to play in their lives.

And how hard it is to do that.

And the relationships these same people have with other things.

Love Like sport and music "and art and fashion "and creativity and charity.

Love Like sport and music "and art and fashion "and creativity and charity.

Transactional. Emotional.

Meaning. Experiences. Authenticity. Stories. Passion. Communities.

Never… Media. Advertising space. "Product placement opportunities. For sale.

Love Things people want less of.

Love Things we all want more of.

So that’s the subject "of my presentation.

A better way to "think about sponsorship.

A better different way to think about sponsorship.

Badging. Building.

Badging. Building.

For both the brands involved.

For all the people involved.

Brand building.

Experience Brand building.

“Design for generosity” Clay Shirkey

Matt Jones "(a different one)

Make things better. Make better things.

Your Logo. Here. No Logo. Anywhere.

Your Logo. Here. No Logo. Anywhere.

There’s a lot "to get through.

This is a presentation "about how sponsorship "is an opportunity to "create a win-win-win.

Let’s talk about winning.

For brands.

Your Logo.

No Logo.

Awareness brands.

Experience brands.

What’s going on?

The battle for advocacy The battle for awareness.

The battle for advocacy The battle for awareness.

The battle for advocacy Fragmented.

The battle for advocacy Cluttered.

The battle for advocacy User-controlled.

The battle for advocacy Cynical.

The battle for advocacy Connected.

The battle for advocacy Community.

The battle for advocacy Social. Stories. Spread.

Experience brands.

Focus on the experience.

The battle for advocacy

Paid Owned Earned.

The battle for advocacy Story Telling.

The battle for advocacy

Story Telling Creating.

Experiences. Stories. Purpose. "Culture. Community.




Authentic purpose. Adding real value.

Creating stories. EBFWBM/Social Plumbing.

Rewarding communities. Brand2Everyone.

Your Logo. No Logo.

Here. Anywhere.

Communication. Community.

Impressions. Somewhere.


Impressions. Engagement. Somewhere. Anywhere.

The persistence "of media thinking.

Despite the"hyper-connected "world we live in.

Despite how we "all live/consume.

And it hurts sponsorship thinking.

78% of sponsorship strategies "and activation plans are developed with zero focus on the real business problem they are solving. Approximately.

What’s your business problem?

Experiences. Stories. Purpose. "Culture. Community.

And how sponsorship "is an opportunity to create "A win-win-win.

Let’s talk about winning.

For properties.

For rights-holders.

Can’t we find better terms?

You are passion.

You are community.

You are authenticity.

You are exactly "what brands need.

You are a chance to "create experiences.

You are a chance to "tell stories.

You are a chance to "reinforce purpose.

You are a chance to "be part of the culture.

You are a chance to "reinforce existing community. "

You are a chance to "create new community. "

Do your development "materials read like this?

Do you turn your fans, your followers, your members… …into a LIST?

We talked about a win-win-win.

What does winning mean… …for PEOPLE?

The experience economy.

Experience. Status. Influence. Realtime. Contribution. Community.

“You may think…I’m primarily in the business of serving good food. Actually, though, food is secondary to something that matters even more…creating positive, uplifting outcomes for human experiences and human relationships. Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel.” !Danny Meyer

The huge opportunity.



Win. Win. Win. Experiences.

Brands. This isn’t about Nike. Experiences.

Brands. Or about AON. Experiences.

Brands. It’s about the rest of us. Experiences.

Brands. Who all need a partner. Experiences.

Brands. With the right mindset. Experiences.

Any brand can provide $$$$.

Any property can provide

The right partners bring more.

The right partners get more.

Brands. Build, don’t badge. Experiences.

Brands. Collaborate, don’t activate. Experiences.

Brands. Be active, not passive. Participate, don’t associate. Experiences.

Brands. Commitments, not contracts. Experiences.

Brands. Long-term, not short-term. Experiences.

Two unique contributions. . One common purpose. Zero replaceability.

Brands. Ownable = Irreplaceable Experiences.

Brands. The answer. Experiences.

Brands. The My answer. Experiences.

Brands. Design. Ideas. Experiences. People. Authentic Passion. Mutual benefit. Media. Experiences.

Brands. Design. Ideas. Experiences. People. Authentic Passion. Mutual benefit. Media..

Brands. Design. Ideas. Experiences. People. Authentic Passion. Mutual benefit.

Brands. Think activation first. Experiences.

Brands. Then build your strategy. Experiences.

Brands. Your ‘Build’ idea. Then build your portfolio. Experiences.

Brands. Reject narrow definitions of ‘sponsorship’. Experiences.

Brands. Think broadly around "(experiential, story-creating purposeful, cultural, community) partnerships.

Brands. Always think in a venn. Experiences.

People Property


Universe of possibility

Experience Sweetspot

People Property


Brands. Get inspired. Experiences.

Sponsorship? Branded entertainment? CSR?

Sponsorship? Branded entertainment? CSR?


Sponsorship. Partnership.

Brands. Collaborate. Experiences.

Brands. Make something. Experiences.

Brands. Good. Experiences.

Brands. Good. Better. Experiences.

Sponsorship. Partnership. Branded entertainment. Branded content. Brand experiences. Good purpose.

ands. Who cares what we call it? Experiences.

ands. As long as we "don’t call it media. Experiences.

Generic. !Idea-free."Spam."Noise."Stalking."

The same goes for "endorsements, licensing "deals, and ‘ambassadors’.

ands. Who cares what we call it? Experiences.

As long as it’s "real and value-adding.

As long as it "solves mutual problems.

Brands. Above all, as long "as it’s a win-win-win. Experiences.

Brands. Lastly…and critical. Experiences.

Brands. The working relationship between the brand and the property. Experiences.

Brands. In-house or agency? Experiences.

Brands. Whose agency? Experiences.

Brands. Whose agenda? Experiences.

Brands. Should you disintermediate me? Experiences.

Brands. Who starts…"property builds then sellls? Experiences.

Brands. Versus…"brand buys, then builds? Experiences.

Brands. Neither. Experiences.

Brands. Collaboration. Creativity. Sustainability. Longevity. Mutual benefit.

People Property


People Property


People Property


Brands. Find an agency willing "to work for both parties. Experiences.

Brands. Collaborate with them too. Experiences.

Brands. Partnership, not projects. Experiences.

Lead with what you build. Lead with partnerships. Lead with experiences. Lead with communities. Lead with what you can own.

Lead with sponsorship. Lead Lead with employees. Lead with what you "Lead with what you own.

No Logo. Anywhere.

No Logo. Anywhere.


