7 Things Every B2B Marketer Should Be Doing Differently in 2012 (and Beyond)



A webinar I did for Inxpo. I had a lot of fun on this...hope you enjoy

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Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


7 Things Every B2B Marketer Should Be Doing Differently in 2012 (and Beyond) Craig Rosenberg

Thought Leader in b2b demand generationAuthor of the Funnelholic blog @funnelholicwww.linkedin.com/in/craigrosenberg

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Demand generation is still hard

“More than 60 percent of marketers report that their greatest marketing challenge for 2012 is generating more leads, and nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of respondents report that their marketing mix either doesn't meet sales demand or they're unsure of whether their mix is effective.”

Crain's BtoB Magazine and Bizo 2012 Marketing Survey

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


The Seven “things”

1. Content marketing – now it’s time to really act as a publisher2. Diversity of offer types (whitepapers, webinars, etc)3. Persona-based targeted marketing4. Account-specific campaigns5. Growth hacks (I am big on growth hacks)6. Mobile marketing7. Some social media thoughts

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


1. Create once, publish many2. Diversify your portfolio of offers3. Deliver a cadence of content

“Your objective…is to aim to identify people with a problem, a problem that your product or service can solve, and get those people to raise their hand and say “tell me more”

Howard Sewell, Spear Marketing

Content Marketing 101b

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Publish a range of content assets from a single core piece of content

Once raw piece of content can create articles, posts, whitepapers, e-books, FAQs, videos…

Create once, publish many

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


• Remember: Every buyer is unique in their preference for types of offers• If possible, mix your offers up in three ways:

– Offer types – Have a mix of white papers, webinars, video, blog posts

– Content – Don’t offer the same white paper over and over. Even if the content is similar, try different titles and content descriptions. Break an Ebook up into shorter white papers.

– Authors – Keep in mind, buyers prefer third party educational content. Mix that with your vendor-specific content

Create a diverse portfolio of offers

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


What publishers really do Think like a publisher –

content should be pushed on a consistent schedule

Think like a television network or radio show – get your audience to EXPECT content at a particular day/time

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


If you are relevant, they will engage

75% of executive respondents to an ITSMA survey said they would read unsolicited marketing materials that contains ideas that might be relevant to their business


Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Even if they don’t know you….

Of those respondents, 92% would pay attention even if it is from a company they have never done business with


Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


A buyer persona is a description of a specific person for whom your products and services are intended. It goes beyond statistics and demographics, and defines behaviors, motivations, likes/dislikes, traits, etc. Its intent is to help you reach your customers on a human level. (Jeremy Victor)

“(A buyer persona is) a short biography of the typical customer, not just a job description but a person description. The buyer persona profile gives you a chance to truly empathize with target buyers, to step out of your role as someone who wants to promote a product and see, through your buyers' eyes, the circumstances that drive their decision process.“ (Adelle Revella)

What is a buyer persona?

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


1 What do they do in their job every day? (responsibilities and activities)

2 What keeps them awake at night? (list 3-6)

3 What are their organizations biggest challenges?

4 How are they measured?

5 What do their buying processes typically look like?

6 Who else is on the buying committee?

7 Why would this persona buy your solution?

8 Why haven’t they bought your solution?

9 Where do they educate themselves?(online/offline)

10 How do they prefer to educate themselves? (eg. Webinars)

Step 1: Understand the buyer

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic



field sales








Site: downloads third party “buyers guide”

Re-target: clicks thru ITManagement banner on ESPN.com

Email: opens vendor incentive offer

Phone: no project right now; check back in 6 months

Email: completes IT priority survey and lists storage as top 3 priority

Phone: won’t make decision for 5 months

Site: views vendor demo start to finish

Phone: cannot connect after 10 dials

Site: does not attend live webinar

Re-target: downloads vendor whitepaper LP 9C

Email: opens webinar email

Phone: commits to view online demo

Email: does not open follow up survey

Phone: will make decision in 2 months

Re-target: no click thru on banner



Handoff to sales

Step 2: Map the buyer journey

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Monster.com Role-Specific Communities

Users have options to choose their communities based on their roles.

Monster.com sales-specific content community

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Account Specific Campaigns

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a way to build stronger relationships with your most valued

customers and prospects with highly targeted marketing interactions that demonstrate your in-

depth understanding of their business and technology issues. It’s a way to increase your

customer’s awareness of the total value you offer to heightens their interest in you.


Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Account-based marketing: Nuance's Net New Business Initiative• Highly Targeted: 650 Companies• Seven-touch campaign:

– Precise messaging for each target vertical and account– Vertically focused microsites– Direct Mail: Foam Finger with recipients name (Bob!)– Messages (email, phone) urging recipient to visit personal microsite– Book “Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us” by Emily Yellin about

customer service and call-center issues.• ROI: 14-to-1 ROI to date. “Tons of deals got closed for this” – Lauren

Goldstein, Babcock and Jenkins

Via Babcock and Jenkins@laurenondemand

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Highly Engaging, Highly Targeted

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Highly Personalized Engagement

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


• Focused and validated by stakeholders• Multiple contacts per organization

• Audience insights ruled supreme!• Relevancy, relevancy, relevancy

• Innovative, relevant, personalized• Integrated across multiple touch-points

• Early alignment with sales on priorities• Ongoing alignment & integrationAlignment




Account-Based Success Factors

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Growth Hacks

“What if we could “hack” our growth? Instead of paying $20 to acquire a new customer, we could focus on

projects that continue to bring us new customers long after we’ve finished improving. Paying for the hack once

and enjoying growth long after the fact sounds like a good deal to me”

Lars Lofgren, KissMetrics

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Simple Homepage


Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Product Integrations aka Facebook


Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


The Iphone hack of the century


Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


If you don’t think mobile is big, I can’t help you

• Last year’s mobile data traffic was eight times the size of the entire global Internet in 2000.

• Mobile video traffic exceeded 50 percent of all video traffic for the first time in 2011.

• By the end of 2012, the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the number of people on earth, and by 2016 there will be 1.4 mobile devices per capita.

• Nine in 10 young adults spend between one and five hours on their mobile devices daily.

• 91% of mobile workers use a smartphone for work.

1.) Optimize your website and downloadable content (Responsive Web Design)2.) Audio content works3.) Add social sharing buttons. 4.) Make mobile user-friendly forms5.) Provide click-to-call functionality6.) Make emails mobile-friendly.

B2B mobile marketing moves

• http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/29362/6-Ways-B2B-Marketers-Should-Optimize-for-Mobile-Browsing.aspx#ixzz21nhpmZFR

• http://b2bdigital.net/2012/05/09/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-b2b-mobile-marketing/

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


The 8 million tips for B2B social media

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Put social sharing on everything

• Reg forms• Thank you pages• Blog posts• White papers• Individual pages of whitepapers• Video• Infographics

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


Incent Social SharingExample A: Drop Box

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic


My final “thing”

Please have fun…thank you
