7 SEO errors to avoid


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SEO advice: 7 errors to avoid.

By Splash Copywriters


SEO: Why bother?

Well, you’ve gone to the effort of building a website, picking the right words and choosing effective images.

You want people to find you online.


… why ignore SEO?

Splash Copywriters are SEO copywriters.

Even if you have an SEO strategy, there are 7 SEO errors you need to avoid with your shiny website.

1. A missing sitemap.

A sitemap helps Google navigate around your site.

If you’ve got a great website, reap the rewards. Don’t waste your hard work.

2. Duplicate content.

Make sure all your web pages have fresh, original content.

It’s something Google pay a lot of attention to. Put the effort in, it’ll be worth it.

3. 404 errors.

Pretty simple.

If Google comes across a web page that isn’t working as it should, expect some sort of penalty.

4. Slow load times.

Google want to reward websites that work well. If yours doesn’t load up quickly, it won’t rank highly.

Pretty simple.

5. Hidden stuff.

Such as links, keywords and content.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s deliberate or not, if Google thinks you’re trying to trick them in some way, you’ll incur a penalty.

6. Spammy content.

Google won’t like it if they think you’ve got spam on your web pages.

Be aware of having too many adverts, excessive amounts of blog comments and suchlike.

7. Keyword stuffing.

This worked in 2006. Not anymore.

Forget keywords. Write for humans, not for search engines.

If you think logically, you’ll have a smattering of keywords will come naturally.

Splash Copywriters are experienced, creative copywriters who have written for some of the UK’s biggest brands.

We know how to write words that work, so if you think we can help you in any way, get in touch.

Call Matt on 07812 581 297 or take a look at our website:

