7 Key Elements of a Successful Corporate Training Program

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Corporate training programs are often boring, disconnected and unproductive. However, companies still spend billions of dollars annually on this. How can we make this better.

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7 Key Elements of a Successful Corporate Training Program

Balaji Viswanathan, NalandaU.com

Corporate Training is often boring, disconnected and inefficient.

1. Help employees clearly understand what training programs can speed up their career

progress in their desired direction.

2. Setup a training portal for employees to take training anytime, anywhere. Traveling to

learn is so 20th century.

3. Recognize completion of training. Place incentives for successful outcomes.

4. Make training a continuous process. Train, Practice, Challenge and evaluate at each step.


5. Focus a lot on mentoring as a part of training. Training plans should be driven by

the mentors.

6. Focus on the execution after the learning. Most training programs are disconnected

from day-to-day tasks.

7. Develop a culture of learning. Making training as a priority right from the top.

At NalandaU.com, we are constantly focused on making corporate training more productive. Reach

out to us for getting the best practices doc.
