50 tips for twitter in business 2014



Helpful tips for your twitter account, in case if you are using it for business.

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Don’t believe articles on when you should post, analyze your audience

Find people’s questions in your niche and answers them

You can’t run Twitter successfully with an egg avatar

If you don’t chat with followers at least give them some value

If your Twitter account is personal you are free to avoid answering tweets that you don’t like

If you put yourself as a professional you’ll have to answer all messages

Reply to everything except spam if you run your company’s twitter account

Disconnect all twitter accounts on mobile when going to a party with alcohol

If you’re out of ideas of what to share look at your competitors

Don’t just sell. Share value and build relationships

Look at your profile and ask yourself if you would follow it

Look whether your URL is mentioned and act accordingly

Find people who you might enjoy following using keywords

Keep some space available in case you get retweeted

Mention your Twitter whenever there is a possibility

Consider sending thank you for every share or mention

Keep your text-only tweets quotable

Watch carefully for autocorrect

Check hashtags for popularity before tweeting

Participate in your industry’s Twitter chats

Use #followfriday and #ff but keep it relevant

Don’t shout at your followers using only capitals

Carefully check your facts & quotes before posting them

Twitter is visual so post relevant pictures and photos

Organize people that you follow using lists but make them private

Share your content repeatedly in order to cover all time zones

Ask people about themselves, retweet answers

Automated tweets, replies & DMs influence the quality of your audience very badly

You just can’t be good for all

Auto DMs are evil. Still some love the dark side

Sometimes you can use a favourite feature instead of ‘likes’ on Twitter

Use software or apps to track clicks from your Twitter links

Twitter is a nice place to A/B test content

Don’t tweet about overshared news and things

Subscribe to Twitter’s official blog to stay current & alert

Join conversations and make sure it doesn’t look like you did it only for promotional goals

Twitter is social, not promotional

Tweet content that your audience will find relevant

Use abbreviations to keep it short and save some space

Put it in the end unless hashtag is part of the utterance

Twitter can be time consuming so try to leverage your efforts

Make sure your Twitter apps don’t post without your permission

Your account shouldn’t look like a fake. Enter your location and link to your website

Sexism or racism is a no-no for your business. So is abuse

Don’t ride on tragic or irrelevant but popular hashtags