5 parallels between athletic coaching and sales coaching



Sales coaching isn't so different than athletic coaching. Read on to find out why.

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5 Similarities Between Athletic Coaching And

Sales Coaching

1. If you want to get better at something, it takes practice.

2. A good coach takes you back to basics and breaks the process into steps, which makes it easier to pinpoint where you need work.

3. You can execute with poor technique, but repeatedly making the same mistake is inefficient and requires more effort in the long run.

4. A coach provides encouragement, tells you what you are doing well, and makes you believe you can succeed.

5. A coach helps you master one thing at a time.

You might succeed out of sheer will and eventually get to the finish line, but doesn’t it

make more sense to work with someone who can help you spot the areas where you need to

refine your skills? !

If your sales skills are a little rusty, a sales coach might be just what you need!
