4 Simple Steps All Business Owners Should Focus On In 2013



The Internet has changed everything. It’s changed the way find information, the way we communicate and most importantly it’s changed the way we do business. Over 90% of consumers look to the internet for information before making a purchase. I want you to have a great 2013, so here are 4 simple steps all business owners should focus on in 2013 for continued success and prosperity.

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By: Dennis Boyd Jr.

How Technology Has Changed the way you do business

4 Simple Steps to put your business among the elite

6 Solutions Everyone Should Know to succeed and prosper in their business

How You Can Stay Ahead of your competition

There was a 1,200% increase in QR Code scanning from July to December 2010 (1)

In the US, 172 million Internet users watched online video content in April 2011 (2)

“By 2015, smartphones will be the primary enabler of consumer shopping” ~ Nielsen 2010

Statistical Information sited from Mobio (1) and Deliver (2)

Kindergarteners are learning on IPads… NOT chalkboards

There are 1.9 Billion Internet users worldwide

84% of Internet users view videos online

2 Billion videos are watched on YouTube… Everyday

Statistical information sited from YouTube

Over 50% of the world’s population

is under 30!!!

Statistical information sited from U.S. Department of State (state.gov)

Developing Compelling Offers

Prominently Displaying Clear Call-To-Actions

Building Mobile-friendly Website Landing Pages and/or Establishing Call In Numbers (make it easy for your prospects to respond to your offer/ Visit Your Establishment)

Designing and Executing Your Follow-Up Routine 100% Of The Time

Workflow Is Key To Success

Target Your Marketing

Track Your Marketing

Consistent Marketing = Effective Marketing

New Customers = New Profits

Direct Mail Influences Consumer Purchasing

17.2% – The percentage of polled consumers who in 2009 said they would respond to a postcard ad or request for donation. (2)

167.9 – The billions of mail pieces processed by the U.S. Postal Service in 2011. (2)

98% – The percentage of consumers that bring in their mail the day its delivered

45.8 – The billions of dollars spent on Direct Mail in 2011. (2)

DMA Statistical fact book 2011 (2)

Start A Direct Mail Program (Daily, Weekly or Monthly)

Let A Professional Handle Your Direct Mail Marketing

Partner With Someone You Can Trust

Increasing Productivity and Sales

Attracting New Customers/Clients

Improving Brand Awareness

Cutting Costs

Strengthening Current Customer/Client Relationships

With Dennis, you’ve got a true business partner

Premium 6 Color Offset Printing

Full Color and B/W Digital Printing (Static and Variable)

Complete Intelligent Mailing Fulfillment and Data Management Services

Distribution and Warehousing

Online Print and Marketing Storefront Solutions

With Dennis, you’ve got a true business partner

Create and maintain simple and complex direct mail applications to ensure new levels of success for your business.

Get access to the experience, equipment and expertise you need to turn your direct mail into profit.

With Dennis, you’ve got a true business partner

Get all the help you need to integrate direct mail into your workflow and customize it to your operation and your needs.

With Dennis, you’ve got a true business partner

Dennis Boyd Jr., your Account Executive, will help to create and maintain print and mail solutions that meet your unique marketing needs. Dennis currently works full-time for a Michigan-Based printing company.

For more information on how you can get pricing for your next print project, or jump-start your next direct mail campaign, please contact Dennis at info@jelsons.com. You can also reach Dennis at (313) 437-2312.
