30 Quotes From Romance Of 3 Kingdoms!!!

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30 QuotesRomance Of 3 Kingdoms

"The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower. Tomorrow we will institute a sacrifice there and solemnly declare our intention

before Heaven and Earth. And we three will swear brotherhood and unity of aims and sentiments; thus will we enter upon our great task." -Zhang Fei

Liu Bei

Guan Yu Zhang Fei

"We three---Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei---though of different families, swear brotherhood, andpromise mutual help to one end. We will rescue each other in difficulty; we will aid each other in danger. We swear to serve the state and save the people. We ask not the same day of birth, but we

seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruling, and Earth, the all-producing, read our hearts; and if we turn aside from righteousness or forget kindliness, may Heaven and Human smite us!"

"They are many and we but few," said Liu Bei to his brothers. "We can only beat them by superior strategy."

"I'd rather betray the whole world

than have the wholeworld betray me."

- Cao Cao

"Never do an evil act just because it is trivial; neverleave a good act undonejust because it's small."

-Liu Bei

Lisu : The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch; the wise servant selects the masterto serve. Seize the chance whenit comes, for repentance ever comes too late.Lubu : If I could only find a master to serve!

The steed with the flowing mane was urged in at an angle, and now Lu Bu had tocontend with three surrounding warriors at whom he struck one after another,

and they at him, the flashing of the warriors' weapons looking like the revolving lamps suspended at the new year. 

I shall first propose you in marriage to Lu Bu and then, afteryou are betrothed, I shall present

you to Dong Zhuo, and you will take every opportunity to force

them asunder and turn sway theircountenances from each other,

cause the son to kill his adopted father and so put an end to the

great evil. - Wang Yun

"Thy handmaid has promised not to recoil from death itself. You may

use my poor self in any way, and I must do my best." – Diao Chan

"He seems to have corrupted my little girl and has stolen your wife. He will be an object of shame and ridicule to the whole world. And

those who do not laugh at him will laugh at you and me. Alas! I am old and powerless and can do nothing.

More pitied than blamed!"

- Wang Yun said to Lu Bu about Dong Zhuo

Dong Zhuo

"When one is born great, onecannot be patient for long

under another person's Domination." - Lu Bu.

Later Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo

"I shall be allowed to setoff to rejoin Uncle Liu Bei

so soon as I shall hearwhere he is, whether

It be far or near."

- Guan Yu said to Cao Caoafter surrendering to Cao Cao

"Truth and illusion are often disguised as each other, CaoCao likes to play this game, both with friends and foes."

- Liu Bei 

"With me? Compared with him I am asa worn-out carthorse to a palomino, anold crow to a phoenix. This man often

compares himself with the ancient sages Guan Zhong and Yue Yi but, in myopinion, he is far their superior. He hasthe talent to measure the heavens and

mete the earth; he is a man who overshadows every other in the world."

- Xu Shu Introduced Zhuge LiangTo Liu Bei

"Should you wish to take the overlordship, you will yield to Cao Cao in the north till the time of Heaven become, to Sun Quan in the south till the Earth may become favorable. You, General, will

be the lord of Human and complete the trinity. Jingzhou is to be taken first as a home, the Western

Land of Rivers next for the foundation of domination. When you are firmly established, you can lay your plans for the attainment of the whole empire."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not becomeangered, those who are

skilled at winning do notbecome afraid. Thus the

wise win before they fight,while the ignorant fight

to win." - Zhuge Liang

"My fault---Lady Mi was severely wounded; she refused my horse and threw herself into a well. She is dead, and all I could do was to fill in the well with the rubbish that lay around. But I placed the babe in the breast of my fighting robe and have won my way out of the press of

battle. Thanks to the little lord's grand luck I have escaped. At first he cried a good deal, but forsome time now he has not stirred or made a sound. I fear I may not have saved his life after all."

"Do the unexpected, attack the unprepared." - Zhuge Liang

Sun Quan drew the swordthat hung at his side and slashed off a corner of the

table in front of him,exclaiming,

"Let any other personmention surrender, andhe shall be served as I have served this table."

"He who wins people, prospers; he who loses them, fails. Your present plan should be to seek humans of

high aims and farseeing views, and you can establish yourself firmly."

- Zhou Yu

Without loss of time, Lu Suwent to Zhou Yu to relate

what Zhuge Liang had toldhim. Zhou Yu shook his

head when he heard it andbeat the ground with his foot, saying, "This man is

far too clever; he beats meten to one. He will have tobe done away with or my

country will suffer."

The naval forces were then lined up shooting on the bank to prevent a landing. Presently the soldiers arrived, and ten thousand and more soldiers were shootingdown into the river, where the arrows fell like rain. The whole twenty boats werebristling with arrows on both sides. As they left, Zhuge Liang asked all the crews

to shout derisively, "We thank you, Sir Prime Minister, for the arrows."

Your troops from the north are unused to ships, and the motion makes them ill. If your ships, large and small, were classed and divided into thirties, or fifties, and joined up stem to stem byiron chains and boards spread across them, to say nothing of soldiers being able to pass from one to the next, even horses could move about on them. If this were done, then there would be

no fear of the wind and the waves and the rising and falling tides.- Pang Tong said to Cao Cao

All Cao Cao's ships were firmlychained together not one could escape from the others and flee. There was a roar of bombs and

fireships came on from all sides atonce. The face of the three riverswas speedily covered with fire

which flew before the wind from one ship to another. Cao Cao

hastened toward the shore. ZhangLiao got Cao Cao out of the thick ofthe fire and dashed for the bank.

Cao Cao lost an incalculable number of troops. 

"What is at a peak is certain to decline. He who shows his hand will surelybe defeated. He who can prevail in battle by taking advantage of

his enemy's doubts is invincible."- Cao Cao

"You see before you Cao Cao, defeated and weak. I have reached a sad pass, andI trust you, O General, will not forget the

kindness of former days." - Cao Cao said to Guan Yu

Guan Yu was indeed a very mountain of goodness and could not forget the great

kindness he had received at Cao Cao's hands, and the magnanimity Cao Cao hadshown over the deeds at the five passes.

He could not press Cao Cao hard. He pulledat the bridle of his steed and turned

away saying to his followers, "Break up the formation!"

"Don’t fight with Liu Bei now!We are at grips with Cao Cao,

and victory or defeat is undecided and should Cao Cao take advantage

of this position to make a suddendescent, we should be in a parlous condition. If the pressure becomes

too great, Liu Bei may relinquish these cities, offer them to Cao Cao,and join forces with him to attack

our country. That would bea real misfortune."

- Lu Su said to Zhou Yu

"I cannot help being angry to think that we should have usedour resources for their benefit.

They get all the advantage."- Zhou Yu said to Lu Su

"O heaven, since thoumade Lingming, whydid thou also create

Kongming?" - Zhou Yu

In 215 The China’s land was divided in to three kingdoms, which were Shu of Liu Bei, Wei of Cao Cao, and Wu of Sun Quan.

 "Our lord has settled the empire, and his merits are manifest to the whole world. Moreover, he is of the Dynastic Family and it is fitting that he succeeds. Now that the

great announcement has been made, such self-abnegation is impossible." – Zhuge Liang

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn
