3 Steps To Qualify Leads & Decide How To Follow Up With Them In Less Than A Minute @erikluhrs...

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Leads can come in from any number of places. Don't waste time on dead ends, and definitely don't mistakenly eliminate someone who could have been your star client! What if you could qualify all your leads in seconds, and also learn how to follow up with those leads in the most effective manner. Erik Luhrs will help you do just that. This webinar will cover: * The one question that allows you to disqualify prospects and never second guess yourself again * The one trick that will always help you be motivated to do whatever type of follow up is needed * One obvious thing - right in front of your face - that you're ignoring that causes your lead qualifying to be too long and often wrong Presented by Erik Luhrs, who is known as "The Bruce Lee of Sales." He is the creator of The GURUS Selling System(TM) and the author of the book BE DO SALE. He is the only expert in the world on Front-Loaded Lead Generation(TM), Persona-Positioning(TM) and Lead Generation Message Linguistics(TM). Erik works with elite companies, sales teams and consultants to help them increase their volume of qualified leads, while also cutting their sales cycles in half and doubling conversion rates. He is also a Master Practitioner of NLP, and certified in The Silva Method and Accelerated Learning. And he has been featured by Selling Power, Entrepreneur, Fox Business News, Sales Gravy, Focus.com, Chief Executive and BNET.

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3 Steps to Qualify Leads and Decide How To Follow Up With Them In Less

Than 1 Minute

Presented by: Erik Luhrs

Jigsaw Thought Leadership Webinar 6/21/2012

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Do you spend more time sorting and qualifying leads than contacting them and making sales?

Do you wish leads had some kind of code so you could tell a dud from a stud instantly?

Do you struggle trying to figure out the "right" way to follow up with leads?

Erik Luhrs


3 Steps to Qualify Leads and Decide How to Follow Up with Them in Less than 1



1 – One obvious thing that you're ignoring that causes your lead qualifying to be too long and often wrong

2 – One trick that will always help you be motivated to do whatever type of follow up is needed

3 – The one question that allows you to disqualify prospects and never second guess yourself again

How did I learn this?

They spent very little

time sorting through

LOTS of leads and

very little time

following up, and

they make LOTS of


OVERVIEW – Refer to your tool



Element 2 – Qualification - Constitution


Element 3 – Handling a Lead – Assignment


Element 4 – Metrics - Reasons



• Activity - like send an email

• Get replies

• Review the reply to see what it says, who its from, are they viable (in our opinion), research the company, etc

• Spend days or weeks following up over and over

Problems you’re not aware of

• Wasting time you can't get back

• Reinforcing bad behavior – practice makes permanent

• Completely screwing your dollar per hour/activity ROI

Why you do this…

It’s what they taught you to do

They taught you nothing and you copied others

What is the REAL problem?

• You have not PRE-built qualification and follow up into a system

- The more you are involved and guess, fruitlessly follow up, etc the more un-systematized you are


Build a mini-system

•Choose an activity

–Sending emails

How-To • Break into all phases

– send – response – sort – follow up

• Automate sending

• Build the response levels into the email

– 3 different links depending upon interest, industry, problem, etc

• Formulate your response ahead of time dependent upon how they responded

– Send to webinar OR send to call form OR send to email list

• Ultimately you want to do this for all your tactics


• Save time

• Can measure effectiveness of more pieces of system

• Allow people to sort themselves out more quickly

• Know how to follow up because it is already designed that way

How do I know it works? • This is probably what

you and your company do already, but in a more general way

• It's simply that this piece has fallen through the measurement-cracks

• If you’re measuring something then you already do this – If you're not measuring,

then you're really screwed up



What do we normally do? • Look at follow up

list • Sigh • Pick up phone, send

email...all blah • Find something else

to distract us – organize desk – have impromptu

meeting – more marketing

Problems you’re not aware of

• Putting off sales

• You are enabling negative feelings, which makes you less effective all around

• Creating an opening for competitors – prospects like attention

Why you do this…

• Follow up is not fun

• You don't like being blown off or told NO

• Follow up feels like a losing battle

What is the REAL problem?

You are expecting a bad outcome, a non-sale, a blow off, etc

•You are creating it by not doing follow up

Solution? Create excitement through

ease and assurity • Reverse engineer

– How would you most like to follow up with these people • Design the follow up system to feed that method

• EX: You want to call only excited leads that are fully educated and have no barriers to buying? – Use questionnaires – Use videos – Use description of preferred client and their results

• These all pre-qualify and anyone who comes all way through is basically poised to buy


• Less time

•More fun for you

• Easier sales

•Better state of mind so you are more effective

• This is the basic framework for internet marketers

• Their companies may pull in less than yours does, but I'll bet they make a lot more money than you do

• So follow the model

– it works

– that is why they do it

• And the people on their list tend to feel very connected to them - very loyal

Does it work?


Front-Loaded Lead Generation

Weekly Video Training Program

BONUS First 5 people to sign up right now get a one-on-one Lead Generation Problem /Solution Session with me




Hold onto a business card forever or keep pushing someone forward in out CRM

Keep following up...forever

Judge them based on (imagined) potential worth of a sale...if it ever happens

Keep feeling annoyed and frustrated

Problems you’re not aware of

• Mental weight

– every “maybe” is an unclosed door in your mind

• Devaluing yourself

– their money is more valuable then your ease of work / life

• Wasting time

– chasing "maybe" VS creating YES

What is the REAL problem?

You have forgotten that you are working to live and not living to work

• You are putting professional before personal

So what is the answer?

Design YOUR qualification list

• How do "I" FEEL about them? – attitude

– passion level

– appreciation level

– belief alignment

– action orientation


• Stop chasing money and simply stay in touch with people you like

• Release a lot of mental stress

• You can clear the deck and re-prioritize

• You are in control

• Unanswered questions / no closure – someone who broke up with

you, even though things were great

– holding a grudge against a family member who died

– angry about being taken advantage of financially and not being able to do anything about it

• Then you finally decided to let go – you feel better instantly

– you think better

– thinking better leads to better job performance, which leads to...more sales

Does it work?



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