22 march 2012 weekly report 53211808


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Department of Control System and Instrumentation Engineering KING MONGKUT’s UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI

Name-Surname Mr.Noppakorn Rumrattana

Student ID. 53211808 Group Name Habi Thai(Habitทย)

Engineering Team Members

Apitorn(Gang),Sopon(O),Marin(U),Weerawat(Chetoss) Pongsakorn(Art)

Product Design Team Members


Weekly Progress

Today,Team engineering won’t go to bangkuntien and achitecture will go to bangmod.In the morning my group conversation about the growing of projects and the future plan to do in next days. In the afternoon My group is the 4th team to present working process that our prepared.Teacher advised about the point that will modify to support feedback from people in the outside.The major point that will be fix is the color of projects, the led display and timer set. Team Engineering presented result of mosquito counter,power supply and the circuit design to teacher. In the evening engineering will test about how understanding about working process, function and duty of each others in their group and explain what duty of their will responsible.

Figure 1. HabiThai product design

Figure 2. Display Interface

Engineering Analysis

Strong Point - The synchronize between architecture and engineering working process.

Week Point - The complicate about function that architecture think and hard to understanding in it.

Next Week Job

- Present working process and furtherance of projects.
