20120528 annual report2011



Makaia´s Annual Report 2011

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2011Annual Report




Catalina EscobarExecutive Director

In 2011 we celebrated our Fifth anniversary and are proud to share it with you. Through these years there have been major adjustments, but our commitment to social and economic development of Colombia and Latin America remains stronger than ever. As you will be able to appreciate in this report, 2011 was a year of significant achievements for Makaia. Our digital literacy actions reached more than 7,000 people, many in underserved communities in the country. We also consolidated partnerships, deepened our clients' international relations, and continued to position ourselves as a national and international leader organization in the strengthening of other social organizations, Information and Communication (ICT) adoption and international cooperation for development.Internally, we redefined our service portfolio and organizational structure based on our experiences and achievements and, above all, in consistence with our commitment to continuous improvement. For this reason we give a special recognition to our team, whose dedication, professionalism and hard work enabled this year's achievements and will continue to push us forward in 2012.We thank all our partners, clients and all the communities we reached for their confidence, and we reiterate our strong commitment with their development and welfare.

Annual Report Makaia 2011



Makaia is a non-profit organization that promotes the institutional strengthening of civil society organizations, local authorities, other non-profit organizations and Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives committed with the social and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The institutional strengthening of these organizations requires to build and improve their capacities to provide better

services, to be more effective mobilizing resources, to monitor and evaluate projects and to have up to date and relevant information according to the national and international context. Makaia means "to build" or "make" in Miskito (Indigenous language from Honduras). The name represents Makaia´s objective of building alliances and relationships oriented to the social and economic development.

About Makaia

Makaia's Service Portfolio was redefined in 2011 to better meet the internal, external and knowledge management needs of social organizations and projects.


Annual Report Makaia 2011

Managerial Strengthening of Social Organizations and Projects

Internal Management External Management

?Improve the management of your relations with donors, partners and beneficiaries

?Improve and optimize your organizational

capacities and processes

Information and Communication Technologies for Development

Libraries for Development

ICT use and adoption strategies for the development of individuals, communities and territories

Turn libraries into effective community development centers through the access of information and knowledge



Technical Know-How

Knowledge ManagementDesign and Implementation

of Development Projects and Strategies

?Count on Makaia as a partner to implement

projects in Colombia and Latin America

?Access up-to-date and relevant content about

cooperation and development



Activity Report

Managerial Strengthening of Social Organizations and Projects

Internal Management

¢Advising to Londoño Gomez (local constructor company) in the development of a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for 2011 (www.londonogomez.com)

¢Advising on the design process, creation and implementation of Telecentro La Frontera located at Comuna 2 in the city of Medellin. With this project Makaia reached and advised a total of 35 telecentres in the city of Medellin since 2007.

¢Advising to the Telecentre Network of Medellin in the development of a business plan, through the strengthening of the economic, social, political and organizational sustainability.

Makaia is a member of:

Annual Report Makaia 2011



¢Eight mappings of opportunities for international and national cooperation for: Comfenalco Antioquia (2), Teccnova, Foundation for Intercultural Foundation, Interactuar, Hospital San Vicente de Paul, Medellin Reading Observatory and Metropólitan Area, and SOMA Foundation. With these, Makaia has reached a total of 39 mappings for projects and organizations.

¢Advising to Interactuar (http://www.interactuar.org.co) in the design of a visit agenda abroad (Europe) with the purpose of finding partners on issues related to the organization.

¢A d v i s i n g t h e T r u s t f o r t h e A m e r i c a s (www.trustfortheamericas.org) in the formulation of a fundraising strategy and a mapping of international opportunities.

¢Advising to Medellín Digital in the postulation to AHCIET Digital Cities Award in the categories of Large City and Health and ICT. Medellín was awarded the first place of the Iberoamerican Award of Digital Cities in the Large City Category and the Third Place in the ICT and Health Category.

External Management

¢A d v i s i n g t o J u n t o s C o n s t r u y e n d o F u t u r o (www.juntosconstruyendofuturo.org) and Mahavir K-mina ( h t t p : / / w w w. m a h a v i r - k m i n a . o r g ) i n t h e i r internationalization and partnership building process. With both organizations Makaia permanently monitored the international environment, contacted possible partners, participated in calls for proposals and implemented an online fundraising campaign through GlobalGiving raising more than US$14.000 from 348 individual donors.

¢Advising to Creame, Technology Based Business Incubator (www.creame.com.co), in the strengthening of its international relations and external partnerships management. As part of this support the following actions were performed:

- Permanent monitoring of the international environment in entrepreneurship related subjects.

- Participation in collaborative work networks.- Creation of an Angel Investor Directory.- Organization of the 1st Latin American Angel Investor

Network Meeting- Trainings to entrepreneurs on international negotiation

and protocol

Annual Report Makaia 2011



Knowledge Management

¢Three courses were offered on International Cooperation for NGOs as part of the "Integral Management of NGOs Diploma” offered by the Antioquia NGO Federation, reaching a total of 64 leaders of different social organizations.

¢Training on the use of ICT to 12 micro-enterprises from the manufacturing and food sectors of Antioquia affiliated to Interactuar (www.interactuar.org.co).

¢Study to assess the current status of the city of Medellin in the technical preparation and adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This included the development of Digital Cities Strategies for the year 2020 in the areas of education, health, entrepreneurship, disaster prevention and relief, communities, participation, contents, security, mobility, innovation, tourism, culture and government. This study was conducted in partnership with CTIC Foundation from Spain (www.fundacionctic.org). Study results are available at: ciudaddelconocimiento.medellindigital.gov.co


technical education programs “Jóvenes con Futuro” (Youth with Future) and “Formación de Adultos” (Adult Education), which was changed to online registration, leveraging the installed capacity of the city's ICT access centers.

Advising to the Social Development Secretary of the Mayorship of Medellin in the readjustment of the registration process of the

¢Launch of the International Cooperation Guide for the Private Sector http://www.gestrategica.org/guias/cooperacion/index.html

Annual Report Makaia 2011



¢Implementation of the National ICT Adoption Project in the Departments of Antioquia, Chocó, Risaralda, Caldas and Quindío. Makaia is the local partner for this national wide impact project led by the Ministry of ICT of Colombia, Colnodo and the Saldarriaga Concha Foundation. In the following map the impact areas were Makaia participated in the project can be observed.

The main activities performed as part of the Project were:

¢Adoption of the ICT Access Centers: eleven (11) ICT Access Centers in the departments of Antioquia (Cocorná, Concordia, El Retiro, Medellín, Bello, Salgar), Chocó (Nuquí, Quibdó and Condoto) and Quindío (Montenegro) were advised. The strengthening process took place in five (5) Schools, two (2) Houses of Culture, one (1) Library and one (1) CACI (Communitarian Internet Access Centers). Among these access centers six (6) are located in rural areas and five (5) in urban areas. Including this 11 ICT Access Centers Makaia has advised 26 ICT Access Centers since 2007.

Design and implementation of development projects and strategies

Map of Colombia – Makaia's Impact Zones in the Framework of the National ICT Adoption Project

Annual Report Makaia 2011



¢Digital Literacy: 7,400 persons from target populations such as afro-descendants, indigenous populations, people affected by the rainy season, LGBT (lesbian, gay,bisexual and transgender), seniors, homeless people, people with disabilities, farmers, fishermen, children, women and youth, participated in digital literacy training trough 83 ICT Access Centers. With these beneficiaries Makaia has reached a total of 12.697 since 2007.

Seniors' Certificate Presentation, Escolme, Medellín

Coffee Growers at Salgar, AntioquiaJuradó Chocó

Annual Report Makaia 2011



¢Content development: In support of digital literacy process a multimedia training aimed to deaf people was developed. This multimedia teaches deaf people the computer parts, how to use the mouse and the keyboard.

Other practical contents for the work with deaf people were developed: http://www.makaia.org/recursos.shtml?apc=h1d1---&x=1682. and a video showcasing the work done: http://vimeo.com/41114561

Certificate Presentation to Deaf People, Fundación ProDébiles Auditivos

The multimedia can be seen in the following link: http://www.telecentros.org.co/recursos_materiales.shtml?apc=qcxx-1-&x=35638.

Keyboard Mouse

Annual Report Makaia 2011



¢Advising Indigenous communities: 7 indigenous communities belonging to 4 ethnic groups (Embera Chamí, Embera Katío, Embera Dóbida y Senú) located in Antioquia and Chocó received advice on communication for development subjects.

¢Regional Meeting and Forums: A Forum was performed in Medellin under the subject “From digital to knowledge cities”, a Meeting took place in Quibdó on the topics of ICT and Entrepreneurship, and in Pereira a last meeting was held on ICT and Social Inclusion.

Embera Chamí CommunityPueblorrico, Antioquia Katio's Community - Frontino, Antioquia

Meeting in Pereira, RisaraldaMeeting in Quibdó, Chocó

Annual Report Makaia 2011

Bibliotecas para el Desarrollo



¢Participation as member of the coalition that leads the Project “Beyond Access: Libraries Power Development” that seeks to promote globally the role of the public libraries as development agents in their communities. The project is led by IREX, EIFL, IFLA, Makaia, Civic Regeneration, Tascha, Riecken Foundation, and READ Global, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Within the framework of this project the Workshop Information and Knowledge Access in Colombia took place in Bogota, and was attended by 22 people from different sectors.

¢Advising to the Metropolitan Area Libraries Network of Medellin (http://www.reddebiblioteca.org) in international management and the strategic execution of the resources received as part of the ATLA 2009 Award.

¢Advising on the design of the National ICT Use and Adoption Project led by the National Library of Colombia, Ministry of Culture.

¢Creation and implementation of the 1st Phase of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area Reading Observatory, as part of an agreement with the Fundación EPM and the Mayorship of Medellín.

Copacabana Library, Antioquia

Rural Library Laboratorio del Espíritu, El Retiro, Antioquia

Annual Report Makaia 2011



Event Participation

Makaia participated as speaker in the following international events:

- Participation in the Contest Ventures 2011, where Makaia reached the final round in the Social Category.

- 3rd Telecenter Global Forum – Santiago de Chile – April 2011

- Infoplazas Regional Meeting – Chitré, Panamá – October 2011

- Salzburg Global Seminar – Salzburgo, Austria – October 2011

- Beyond Access Organizer Committee – Washington, USA – November 2011

- Discussion workshop on ICT Access in Colombia – National Library – Bogotá, Colombia – December 2011

Infoplazas Regional Meeting, Panamá3rd Telecenter Global Forum, Santiago, Chile

Annual Report Makaia 2011




Work Team




Corporación Juntos Construyendo Futuro

Créame – Technology Based Business Incubator



Fundación Caritas Diocesana Pereira

Fundación CTIC

Fundación EPM

Fundación Iberoamericana del Conocimiento

Fundación Las Golondrinas

Fundación Mano Amiga

Fundación Mi Sangre

Mahavir Kmina

Medellín Digital

Ministry of Information and Communication Technology

Parquesoft Pereira

RedSid Manizales


Catalina Escobar Executive Director

Estefania Velez Administrative and Project Coordinator

Andrea Rojas ICT Project Leader

Maria del Mar Garza Cooperation and Partnership Coordinator

Edna Vásquez Administrative Assistant

Annual Report Makaia 2011
