2010 Customer Experience Impact Report

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The 2010 customer experience impact report cited that 82% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company as a result of a negative experience. What is different from years past is that companies now understand this phenomenon and have seen the impact that a negative experience can have on its reputation and bottom line (heard of “United Breaks Guitars” anyone?). Companies invest in customer service to avoid bad experiences, but what is the impact of a positive one? The 2010 Customer Experience Impact Report, commissioned by RightNow and conducted by Harris Interactive®, unveiled some significant results on how much consumers are willing to spend to ensure a superior customer experience and the overall influence customer experience has on a company’s top and bottom line.

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Customer Experience Impact Report 2010

Consumers will pay MORE

85%of respondents stated they would be willing to pay

up to 25% MOREto ensure a superior customer experience

Great Experiences Get the Customer!

55% became a customer of a company because of their reputation for great customer service

40% began purchasing from a competitive brand because of their reputation for great customer service

Great Experiences Create Advocates

55% are willing to recommend a company due to outstanding service, more so than product or price

Great Experiences Drive Revenue

66% of respondents cited Customer Service as the biggest driver for encouraging greater spending

One Bad Experience Can Cost You

of respondents have stopped doing business with an organization due to a poor customer experience


Why Did They Stop?

Respondents gave the following as reasons:

73% cited rude staff as the issue

55% cited issues that weren’t resolved in a timely manner

A Bad Customer Experience Leads to:

of respondents have taken action as a result of a negative experience and

79% told others about it


Motivation for Telling Others?

85% wanted to warn others about the pitfalls of doing business with that company

Motivation for Telling Others?

66% wanted to discourage others from buying from that company

Motivation for Telling Others?

55% wanted to vent anger

Motivation for Telling Others?

24% wanted to see if the company would take action to resolve the issue

Returning After a Bad Experience?

92% noted they would consider going back IF:

They received a follow up apology/correction from a supervisor/corporate office (63%)

They were offered a discount (52%)

Shown proof of enhanced customer service (49%)

Impact of Social Networking

58% of respondents expect a response to a comment on a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter

And, even though 42% expect a response within a day, ONLY

got a response 22%

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