100 AHAs from D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer®


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100 AHAs from the Relationship Manual

©2015 James D. Feldman


Your Customer ®

In the beginning, there was the Customer;

at the end is a sale.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Create great Customer Service Experiences by

D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer®©2015 James D. Feldman

Customer Service is just like D-A-T-I-N-G. The objective

of both is to get the second opportunity.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The Customer is still King

and they know it.

Think of the main task as

bringing the Customer back. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer® is about how you

DAZZLE your Customers and build relationships. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer® is all about ATTITUDE,

which determines your altitude.

Listen more than you talk. ACT delighted.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer® is about how you TREAT

each Customer uniquely. Fit their needs to a "T”

and see what may result in your date. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

©2015 James D. Feldman

D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer® is about how you NURTURE your

employees so they take care of your Customers. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer® has one objective…to

GUARANTEE you continue to have Customers in the future. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Amateurs built the ark.

Professionals built the Titanic.

Learn from others.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

What does not make sense is investing to attract new

Customers, then failing to match that effort

with D-A-T-I-N-G follow through. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

It's called a Customer Return Policy. Don’t ‘why’ them.

WOW them with long term benefits to bring them back.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

We are in a deep depression and deterioration in the way we

treat our Customers.

Create a WOW Customer RETURN POLICY.

©2015 James D. Feldmanhttp://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Being your own Customer on a regular basis is something that

you must do to become Customer Driven. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Learn from your mistakes.

Customers trust people not companies.

There are four Customer trusts:

Quality • Speed • Convenience • Attentionhttp://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The most

important skill

to become


driven is to

listen. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

©Torben Rick

Customers may not always be RIGHT.

However, there is no percentage in

telling them they are WRONG. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The market place looks totally different

from where the Customer is standing.

Make all decisions from their perspective. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The first temptation is to run the company to suit

yourself, not your Customers.

Suit them, or they will suit themselves. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Your Customers are not concerned with Yesterday. It’s

what you did for them today that really matters. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman


Your Customer ®

You don't know everything. You can't forecast reactions. Narrow

your gaps in knowledge instead of widening it. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

A very small

percentage of


Customers will

take the time to


©2015 James D. Feldman

Most will quietly go away. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Stretch your goals by stepping out of your comfort

zone if you want to make Shift Happen.


©2015 James D. Feldman

Thank your Customer for complaining.

Make a complaint a positive experience for both of you. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Complaints can help you to recover lost ground and

improve your relationship with your Customer. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

95% satisfied Customers is not good enough.

5 dissatisfied Customers tell 20 creating a domino effect.

Satisfied Customers tell 1 person. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

As long as a buyer is right you have a Customer.

If you tell them they are wrong you have a prospect.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Do Not Pass The Buck.

Accept responsibility immediately

so your Customer complains only once. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

For many companies they make it easy to buy and

very difficult to return or complain.

©2015 James D. Feldman

A satisfied employee will create

and keep satisfied Customers.

A dissatisfied employee will cost you Customers.


©2015 James D. Feldman

Reactions to what you communicate to your

Customers is very difficult to forecast. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Don’t get in trouble by saying…

"I thought someone else was taking care of that."

Excuses indicate a roadblock to action. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The 'center of gravity' of your business

should be as close as possible to the point

where the business meets its Customers. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The challenge for Customer satisfaction is to provide

more, with less resources, for Customers who demand

extra for less money. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Seeing your Customers, Suppliers, and Employees

as people is what Customer Driven is about. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

You must know the exact cost to acquire a Customer.

And the lifetime value of that Customer. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The problem is to learn how to define the end results

and then create the ‘moves’ to achieve them. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

A satisfied Customer with your complaint resolution will

tell at least 5 people about their experience. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

3 P's make most

of my decisions.

P=Profit (Save or make money?)

©2015 James D. Feldman



P=Payback (I Owe Me?


I Owe Others?)

2 out of 3 Ps

is a minimum



Changes in the company are driven

from the bottom up.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses ©2015 James D. Feldman

To solve the puzzle a quality product is required,

but quality alone will not retain your

Customers or bring in new ones. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Imagine everyone having a sign that says, WIIFM!

Make them feel important. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

It's always up to you to make the first move. Customers

expect you to keep them satisfied. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Quality Products

+ Competitive Prices

x (Satisfied, Trained employees)

x (Efficient Systems)

= Customer Driven Organizations.

©2015 James D. Feldmanhttp://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Organizations need to ‘push’ the awareness

of the tremendous need for dedication

to Customer Satisfaction. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Organizations should empower their employees

to solve Customer complaints quickly,

without need for supervisors' approval. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The highest expectation of Customers are to be treated

like royalty. If you don't they will find someone that will.


©2015 James D. Feldman

Strive for Perfection or Else.

If you think 99% is good enough,

2 plane landings daily at O'Hare will be unsafe. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

©2015 James D. Feldman

Never say, "YOU will have to..." The only thing definite is death

and taxes, the rest is something we can work on. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Customer Driven organizations have the

ability to attract, keep, and 'shift' Customers

to long term relationships. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Become your own Customer. Call often.

Everything begins and ends with the Customer.


©2015 James D. Feldman

Irrate Customers want to vent.

Do not interrupt them.

If possible, shake their hands upon agreement.


Never say, NO. Say…

"We are not able to do

what you requested but,

we can offer

you this instead.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Never say

"I Don't Know",


©2015 James D. Feldman


"That's a

good question.

I will check

and find out.”

A Customer is a

human being with feelings

& money to spend with you.

A consumer is a statistic.

Know the difference.

©2015 James D. Feldman http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

When faced with a

business decision, ask

"What will this do

to help bring the

Customer back?" http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Targeted Resolution Process

©2015 James D. Feldman

Define Problem




Gather Information



Take Action


Celebrate diversity.

Be non-judgmental.

Have an open mind.

Listen with your eyes.

Agree upon a

WIN/WIN solution. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Customers want Authenticity. Share

your thoughts.

Cultivate transparency.

Be open.

Listen for


not just

facts. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Customer Service is not a department.

It is everyone's responsibility to keep your

G-R-E-A-T Customers happy. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

ATTITUDE is everything.

67% of all Customers leave because of a poor attitude,

or indifference from company employee. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Customers are



have access to resources,

product information,

and prices.

Treat them with respect. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Never say,

"They didn't get

back to me.”

Expecting someone

to get back to you

stops the action.

Take the initiative.

http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses ©2015 James D. Feldman


the Customer may be talking.

Don’t talk,

the Customer may be listening.

©2015 James D. Feldman


When your Customer tells you what they want,

if it’s possible, give it to them.

Debating the resolution will lose a Customer. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman


©2015 James D. Feldman

Don’t talk bad about your Customer to anyone.



©2015 James D. Feldman

Everyone is a salesperson in some way.

When you service a Customer, you're selling

them a return visit to your business. And every

salesperson is also a potential Customer.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Don't let what you think you know about your Customers'

request prevent you from

learning what you need to do to solve it.


©2015 James D. Feldman

You don't want satisfied Customers.


is the minimum requirement to stay in business.

You want Loyal Customers.


©2015 James D. Feldman

Clearly define your Customer Mission

by communicating it to all levels of your organization.

Develop measurement systems. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

You can't exceed the expectations of your Customers if

you haven't satisfied your employees, first. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

©2015 James D. Feldman

People don't buy products.

They buy the product of the product.

They buy solutions to their problems.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

It's simple math.

Retaining 5% of your Customers can make a 75%

difference in your profits and increase referrals. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

There are only 2 valid business purposes:

To create Customers


It's not about price

that brings them back. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Customers have come to expect immediacy.

Instant gratification is really time based.

Customers want it now. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman


We've learned to gravitate

to the least mediocre treatment we can find.

The by-product of mediocrity is price sensitivity. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Regardless of the industry, with few exceptions,

the creation of a Customer is a lost art.

Despite it sales are made.

©2015 James D. Feldman


Over 100 years ago

the founder of AT&T

was asked,

"What's your


He responded,

"Our business

is service.”

Every business

today is a

‘service’ business.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Customers are the

"center of gravity"

of business activity.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Henry Ford said it best,

"If we are not Customer driven our cars won't be either.”http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

©2015 James D. Feldman

Exceptional Customer service is the best competitive

differentiation in today's global marketplace. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Be Genuinely Helpful

Don't take anything personally

Don't make assumptions

Reinforce Values

Create A Joint Resolution

Be Impeccable with your word

Follow up and stay in touch


©2015 James D. Feldman

Truly great Customer service affects every individual,

every process, every level, of every organization.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Thinking strategically about Customer service pays off. Provide

Customer service that is worth celebrating. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Customers are now connected.

Every Customer defines great service differently.

And for them that's the correct one. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

To gain more Customers and build your business, first

concentrate on the Customers you already have. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

©2015 James D. Feldman

Great Customer Service is not what you put into it, but what the Customer gets out of it.

Evaluate Reactions. Celebrate Successes.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

Listen to your Customer.

Handling complaints is the most

misunderstood, overlooked,

and undervalued part

of Customer service

because we talk

when we should be listening.

. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

All businesses exist to create, service, and retain Customers,

while making a profit as they deliver exceptional service.

Your Customers always want to talk about their most

favorite topic: themselves, wants or needs. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Businesses are losing Customers every day

because they aren't treating Customers

the way they say they will. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

To rise above the

competition use

innovative creativity to

be unconventional in

your solutions. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Garnish your

Customer service

with unexpected,

pleasant extras to let

your Customers know

they're special to you. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Think. Don’t assume what the Customer wants.

Ask them. You may be surprised at the response.http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

Customers pay you to sweat all the details so it's easy

and pleasant for them to use

your products and services. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

The companies that get into trouble are the ones that

can't respond quickly enough and adapt to

Customer challenges. It’s all about speed. http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

A Crash Course On Customer Service:

The 2 most important words:http://tiny.cc/BrightIdeaCourses

©2015 James D. Feldman

A Crash Course On Customer Service:

The MOST important word:


©2015 James D. Feldman

©2015 James D. Feldman

No matter how difficult…

Keep Your Sense of Humor


Your Customer ®

©2015 James D. Feldman

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Your Customer ®

©2015 James D. Feldman

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