10 Trends For Social Media In 2010 Social Media Arizona 2010

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Presenation on 10 social emdia trends impacting marketers and businesses in 2010

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10 Social Media Trends For 2010

Before We Can Go Forward …

…We Must Look Back!

2009 - Tipping Point For Social Media

The name given to the moment when a virus reaches critical mass.

"Tipping Point“

The Workers Have Appropriated the Means of Production

emarketer 2009

90M Americans generated content last year.

• 88% in social communities• 15% in virtual worlds• 25% on blogs

YouTube is the #2 search engine globally.

25% of search results for the top 20 brands linked directly to user generated content.

Mass Media Has Lost Its Effectiveness

Word of Mouth…

…Became World Of Mouth


Did We Jump the Shark?

What’s Next?

Trend 1. Social Media - Shift from Technology to People

It’s Not About Technology Stupid….

…Being Social is About Relationships

"Social media in 2010 will cease being the shiny new object and instead become part of the everyday lexicon of business.”

…Charlene Li

What Will They Write About Next?

Shift from Exploratory to Definition Phase

Budget Allocation Shifts to Social Media

Trend 2. The Struggle Continues: ROI & Social Media


Social Media


“What do you want to measure – the “social” or the “media”?

- David Alston of Radian6


ROIIncrease in Revenue

Decrease in Cost Time

Objectives:• Reach• Awareness• Coverage• Continuity

Measures:• # of visitors• # of page views• Time on site• Conversions

• Leads/Subscriptions/Sponsorships

Objectives:• Loyalty• Advocacy• Trust• Influence• Engagement

Measures:• Sentiment • Comments • Feedback • Mentions • Readership

Staffing; 60%

Outside Resources,


Technology; 20%

Social Media Marketing Budget

Marketing Sherpa 2010

Social Media is not cheap

Social media does not scale efficiently

Social media does not deliver the frequency of revenue generating events

Social media does not deliver the velocity in time to value

But They Are NOT the Objectives

Warning, Warning.

Sales, Leads and Website Visits are Nice...

The Challenge for Marketers

In the transition of investment to Social Media:

• No value is created until someone has posted, referenced, commented or engaged with you.

• It takes real people & effort to make social media marketing pay off.




Thought Leadership










Awareness Engagement Listening Innovation

Ed’s Social Media Value Drivers

We will not understand the value of Social Media until we understand what is being said, who is saying it, what influence they have, the effect of

what they are saying and the effect of what we are saying.

Trend 3. The Long Tail of Community Grows

Community Thought Leadership

“A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the


...Henrik Ibsen

Community Thought Leadership

Traditional Thought Leadership

Community Thought Leadership

Company Driven(Brand as a Champion)

Community Driven(Many influencers &

advocates)Focused on Monologue Focused on

DialogueClosed Content Open ContentStated Position Evolving Position

Trend 4. The Convergence of Social-Mobile

Mobile Connections

Mobile phones will be the dominant Web accessing device

by 2013, outstripping PC’s (1.8Bn vs 1.7Bn)

Gartner 2010


Convergence of Social Mobile


Location Awareness




Meet My Big Brothers

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office: Yahoo is developing a search app which takes the location of the mobile device, a time of day, an event, information

from the user's calendar, past behavior, weather, social networking data, aggregate behaviors, information about proximity of a social contact.

Augmented Reality

Overlaying of digital information onto physical assets

Augmented Reality is Here

What does this mean for your Web presence?

How do you optimize in this environment?

What's your social media strategy?

How will you manage your brand experience?

Marketers: Ask Yourself This…

Trend 5. From CRM to Social CRM

Trend 6. Social Gaming Goes Mainstream

Social Gaming Has Reached a Tipping Point

How Can Marketers Use Social Gaming?

Marketers can use Social Gaming to:

Foster Engagement

Create Tools for Contribution

Syndication of Branded Content

Foursquare (Yelp Meets Farmtown)– Location-based check in

reality game– If Yelp is about the restaurant,

Foursquare is about the Mac & Cheese at the restaurant

– Gaming-Competition• Rewards for checking-in• Badges• Mayor of an establishment• Free business sponsored giveaways

for members

Trend 7. The Monetization of Social Media

Social Gaming Is Monetized

Major brands will shift their online marketing focus away from

traditional campaign micro-sites and towards community platforms as social media begins to dictate their marketing activity in 2010.

“We would like to place our activities and brands where people are, rather than dragging them to

our platform,…” Coca Cola Marketing Manager

Social Marketizing

Mobile local search ad revenues are expected grow to $130 million by 2013, with mobile local searches increasing to 35% of all searches by 2013… BIA/Kelsey, 2009

I Saw it on Facebook!

Most social media advertising is traditional banner or the ubiquitous fan page

“The challenge is understanding...how you get everyone into the mindset of

creating a continuous stream of content.”

Jo Lyall, Head of Invention and Digital, Mindshare

“The battle is now to understand how to continue engagement with a consumer outside of a campaign site I’ve driven them to. It’s a much more complicated

planning challenge.”

Cheryl Calverley

Senior Global Manager, Unilever

Is my product the kind of product people want to talk


The Challenge for Marketers

Trend 8. The Evolution of Marketing Role

The Times They Are a Changing

Leadsloth, MIO 2009

We Tell You Tell us what you think of what we tell you

Lets tell each other

80% of Your Customers Now Find You CMO 2009


Marketing as a Publisher




Trend 9. Security & Data Privacy Grow in Importance

Increasing Web 2.0 Risk

Cyber attacks take advantage of the trust factor prevalent among users of social media tools and

sites. They can quickly capture passwords, infiltrate the social network and replicate their attack and load key logger or other malware.

Facebook Privacy PolicyInformation We Receive Information You Share With Third PartiesHow We Use Your InformationHow We Share InformationHow You Can View, Change, or Remove InformationHow We Protect InformationOther Terms

The value in social media companies is in the relational data they hold on you.

Trend 10. Social Optimization

Hundreds of channels, tens of tactics, many personas =

Need for Social Media Optimization

1. Blogs (Johnson & Johnson, Delta Air Lines)2. Bookmarking/Tagging (Adobe( ), Kodak)3. Brand monitoring (Dell, MINI)4. Content aggregation (Alltop, EMC)5. Crowdsourcing/Voting (Oracle, Starbucks)6. Discussion boards and forums (IBM, Mountain Dew)7. Events and meetups (Molson, Pampers)8. Mashups (Fidelity Investments, Nike)9. Microblogging (method, Whole Foods)10. Online video (Eukanuba, Home Depot)11. Organization and staffing (Ford, Pepsi)12. Outreach programs (Nokia, Yum Brands)13. Photosharing (Rubbermaid, UK Government)14. Podcasting (Ericsson, McDonalds)15. Presentation sharing (CapGemini, Daimler AG)16. Public Relations – social media releases (Avon, Intel)17. Ratings and reviews (Loblaws, TurboTax)18. Social networks: (British Airways, Saturn)19. Sponsorships (Coca-Cola, Whirlpool)20. Virtual worlds (National Geographic, Toyota)21. Widgets (Southwest Airlines, Target)22. Wikis (Second Life, T-Mobile Sidekick)

5 Rules of SMO (2006)• Increase your linkability.• Make tagging and bookmarking easy. • Reward inbound link.• Help your content travel.    • Encourage the mashup.

Social Media Optimization: implementing changes to optimize a site so that it is more easily

linked to more highly visible in social media searches on custom search engines (such as Technorati), and more frequently included in

relevant posts on blogs, podcasts and vlogs..Rohit Bhargava

New Rules of Social Media Optimization


• Keywords• Links• Attributes• Density

SEM• Web design• Creative• PPC mgt.


• Sharing• Engagement• Community• Syndication


• Listening• Responses• Advocates• Sentiment

Online Brand Experience

Reporting & Analytics

Thank You

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Friend: facebook.com/cedwardbrice


• Several blogs & sources were used in the research of this presentation:– http://www.briansolis.com/– http://www.chrisbrogan.com/– http://darmano.typepad.com/– http://www.linkedin.com/pub/manish-mehta/9/1b1/795– http://www.marketingsherpa.com/exs/SocialMM09excerpt.pdf