旅遊趨勢研究 Touriesm trend research 150421


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  1. 1. 2015. 04. 21
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  4. 4. SMMDDC / (M) / (D) (M) (D) ?? (C) (S)
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  7. 7. 1 Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1 The Role of Food Tourism in Sustaining Regional Identity: A Case Study of Cornwall, South West England. 2008 Introduction Food Tourism and Tourism Studies Food Tourism and Tourism Poiicy Methodology Results and Findings Retention and development of regional identity Enhancement of environmental awareness and sustainability Social and cultural benefits: Celebrating the local and contesting global standardisation The conservation of traditional heritage, skills and ways of life Food tourism and sustainable deveiopment Conclusion
  8. 8. 2 Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2 Food and tourism: an effective partnership? A UK-based review () 2013 Introduction Food and tourism Agricultural, food and tourism policy in the UK The role of social capital in the pursuit of sustainability policy and agendas Methodology Results and ndings: industry challenges and solutions Knowledge exchange and networking Supply chain development Fear of change Marketing Conclusion
  9. 9. 3 International Journal of Tourism Research The Role of Regional Food Festivals for Destination Branding Introduction Destination branding for regions The role of food and food tourism Regional food festivals Methods Results The characteristics of regional food festivals Regional food festivals for destination branding Discussion
  10. 10. 4 Food Policy Modeling the factors affecting rural consumers purchase of organic and free-range produce: A case study of consumers from the Island of Arran in Scotland, UK Introduction Theoretical model and development of hypotheses Food safety concern Ethical lifestyle Health consciousness Price perception Attitude and intention Control variables Methodology Sample and measures Analysis method and strategy Analysis and results Sample characteristics Reliability and validity Summary of results Conclusions and implications
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  16. 16. (Everett and Slocum, 2013; p797) Exploratory research is a viable research methodology when addressing an existing issue from a new perspective (Mason, Augustyn, & Seakhoa-King, 2010). Sarantakos (2005) explains that exploratory research is helpful when a researcher is trying to operationalise complex concepts and assists in the development of new phenomenon. Stebbins (2001): exploratory research generally employs qualitative methodologies
  17. 17. Issues Regarding Tourism
  18. 18. vs ? ? Warm Food Beauty - - -
  19. 19. vs Food Tourism The desire to experience a particular type of food or the produce of a specic region (Hall & Sharples, 2003) Food tourism has been hailed as a vehicle for regional development, strengthening local production through backward linkages in tourism supply-chain partnerships
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  23. 23. - - FB + W to M +
  24. 24. vs 500/110 cm
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  27. 27. Lee, I. and Arcodia, C. 2011. The Role of Regional Food Festivals for Destination Branding. Introduction +
  28. 28. 18 + 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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  30. 30. Everett and Slocum, 2013, Food and tourism: an effective partnership? A UK-based review
  31. 31. 1 Brundtland Report: development seeking to meet the need of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED, 1987, p. 8) Social capital () networks together with shared norms, values and understandings that facilitate co-operation within or among groups
  32. 32. - 2 social capital, stems from trust and reciprocity between community members which is embedded in traditional social network and is often the result of obligations, threat of censure and exchange (Coleman, 1988).
  33. 33. 1 Knowledge exchange and networking food + tourism Supply chain development Fear of change ?
  34. 34. 2 Regionalisation of policy Marketing The Land of Food and Drink
  35. 35. 20142015 20082 silks 2010416 Carlson Companies Carlson Companies http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20141126000687-260110
  36. 36. ? 522017 2448 2017 8150 2 305415%
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  39. 39. Issues Regarding Communication
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  44. 44. 1995 2010 2012 20 2010 !?
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  47. 47. 99% 10,000 http://www.idn.com.tw/news/news_content.php?catid=4&catsid=5&catdid=5&artid=2 0130306charles001
