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Hadoop Big Data Intro

2/16/2013Hadoop/BigData IntroProvided agenda Addition:Theory from papersAddition: Demo/code samplesAddition: System architectureGoal: develop some theory


Introduction to Big Data

Basic Concepts

Hadoop Overview of Hadoop Working with HDFS / Map Reduce Architecture Anatomy of File write / read Admin and Development

Introduce other components of Hadoop ecosystem

Agenda (2)

Hive / HBase / Pig / Sqoop Map Reduce Features - ArchitectureWorking

Job Execution

We can cover this circa 2005 agenda in 3h w/some additions. Need hands on lab to understand the content.

Big Data defn.

Big data, too big to run SQL queries on

Lots of data (cover Google approach which is what Hadoop is based on)

Modifying the Hadoop Components, JIRABuilding Applications on Hadoop, Compet GapAstayanaxDevOps, Packaging, Chaos Monkey, AWS, Zookeeper10x


Replacing Legacy Systems

Big Data Basic Concepts

Storing large amounts of data and doing something with themSome sort of analyticsEasy: Tableau, Datameer

Competitive AdvantageSmall scale analytics: R, stats 202 , DemographicsWeblog

Large scale analytics: cs246

Should be able to define analytics POCs based on the next slide which are domain specific

Big Data Analytics

Big Data started in 2000, 2 design problems @Google, 1998-2000

There is a separate Big Data product for each use case. Google Design Problems/GFS:Store internet pages on hard drives

Unstructured dataCollect HTML and Links; images?

20+ billion web pages x 20KB = 400+ TB

1 computer reads 30-35 MB/sec from disk

~4 months to read the web

~1,000 hard drives to store the web

Source Jure Leskovic Slides cs264

Google M/R

Once the data is on 1k machines... How to run an algorithm over 1k disk drives?

Traditional method: read file into memory. Can't put webpages into memory & reading data would saturate network.

Soln: Map Reduce. Move the code to the data via mappers and reducers which are placed on the same computer as the data

GFS paper/MapReduce Paper. Hadoop = GFS+M/R

Google GFS

Stored the html/links/images were stored in BigTable. Store html pages into files. Many pages per file. Why? Seeks $, store crawl

2 parts:What is a file system? SB=Collection of inodes

When you create and delete files you are adding/removing inodes from the superblock. When you add contents to a file and save it like adding text in word you are adding data blocks to an inode.

R/W in a file system

Read the contents of foo.txtGo to superblock, find location of datablocks from pointer in superblock for foo.txt and read them into memory

Write into foo.txtGo to superblock, write contents into new datablocks and append addresses of datablocks into superblock entry for foo.txt.

Distribute file system across servers

Superblocks=>GFS master =>Hadoop NameN inodes=>chunkservers=>Hadoop DataNode

R/W in distributed file system

Read from HDFS foo.txt:Go to namenode, find datablock where data is, read data into memory on client machine. What is the difference?

Write into HDFS foo.txt:Go to namenode, find empty block, tell client to send data to an empty block on the datanode, append the addresses of the new blocks into NN for foo.txt. What is the difference? Client, Network

Hadoop HDFS, List of files in system, blocks file contents


List of files

NN+DN website http://:50070/

Where is the DN? Port:50075

Logs demo

Running in single node PD modeJVM processes are threads vs. separate JVM processes for each service.

Global vars in mappers good in PD not in cluster

/etc/init.d. Do not download and install tar ball

File R/W system issue

Cache/Disk Drives

Before writing from memory to disk power goes out. Lost data

Write to Memory

Write to Disk


Commodity servers fail, One server @G may stay up 3 years (1,000 days)

If you have 1,000 servers, expect to lose 1/day

With 1M machines 1,000 machines fail every day!

Google 3y vs else once 3w? Why? 20Servers?

GFS paper/restart failed M/R tasks. Not in Hadoop

Most system designs neglect failure except Netflix ChaosM

What is Hadoop?

An implementation of GFS/Map Reduce in Java. Used at Yahoo, LinkedIn, Facebook, Netflix, TwitterWhat did each contribute? Use cases?

Doug Cutting (Cloudera)/Lucene

v1.0 vs v2.0

Hadoop Components, HBase, Flume, Sqoop, Zookeeper, Oozie, Pig, Hive


HDFS is a distributed file system. Hadoop Distributed File SystemUnlimited capacity, add more capacity add more nodes

A file SB info is stored in a NN server. Inodes or datablocks are stored in DN server.

Replicate for data locality & error detection/recoveryReplicate a data block 3x. Why?

HDFS: Append only file system (copy Google Paper)


What is your file system on your laptop?Append only or Random R/W?

When is append only bad? Digression:RMW. Editing a word document is what? Append only or RMW?

Design exercise: 200Gb in files. How many files are there?

Does this fit in memory?

HDFS Design exercise

Many files combined into smaller number of large files. How to access smaller files? Slower to access for reads

If RMW; add modify into new blocks in HDFS. Find the new blocks and read them into memory is slower than sequential access on a single node file system

Faster to delete old file and create a new file with sequential blocks in place.


1) on write write to disk everytime write to memoryWhy Good?

Why Bad?

2) lose the data when the power goes outWhy Good?

Why Bad?

FSCK; File System Check Consistency

Agenda: Admin and Development

HDFS/MR Administration. HBase,etc. different24x7 SLAHot standbys for maintenance

HDFS:Recovery from User error, restore the file I just deleted

HDFS/MR Recovery from failures, (not automated in Hadoop)

MR lagging mapper, cascading failures


Apache S/W development practicesJenkins, Jira tickets


HDFS Schemas

Do you store 20B files on HDFS by file name?What happens with multiple files with same name? e.g. test.txt?

Create metadata, partitions

HDFS Schemas:Avro

ParquetDremel column store/encoding

Map Reduce Intro(1)

Map Reduce Designed in 2000, when there was very little memory in commodity PCs, ~4GB or less. These aren't enterprise class servers.

This isn't the case today. MultiCPU/MultiCore 192gb machines are much more reliable with different use cases

M/R idiom is being replaced with non MR systems.

What we don't coverGoogle F1

Map Reduce Intro

There are 3 parts to how Map Reduce works:Mapper



There are 3 parts to a Map Reduce programMappers



These 2 concepts aren't the same. People get these mixed up.

Map Reduce Part 1

1k node cluster; bring the code to the data. Reduce network traffic

Programming idiom

Divide task into mappers.

Examples of what can be divided and combinedTry dividing first, assume you can combine anything you can divide

Divide input file into single lines, send one line to each server, process each line

Word Count

I can count a text file of words with a single program.

I can split the file into a mappers and have the mappers count the words in parallel



Word Count

The mappers output K/V pairs onto the network. These are not Java Strings or Java objects! Keys: Comparable, Writable

Values: Writable

Network saturates with multiple M/R jobs.


Shuffle/Reduce Part 2/3

The K/V pairs are sent to the network. The K/V pairs are sent to certain destinations based on 2 rules:1) each K goes to the same reducer

2) all keys are in sorted order

3) Output in 2 forms, _SUCCESS and part-00000

Custom partitioner to send K to specific Reducer

Grouping Comparator: group keys to reducer

Sorting Comparator: can modify sort order for compound keys

Map Reduce Word Count

M/R Program/Mapper

public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {String line = (caseSensitive) ? value.toString() : value.toString().toLowerCase();for (String pattern : patternsToSkip) {line = line.replaceAll(pattern, "");}StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(tokenizer.nextToken()); output.collect(word, one); reporter.incrCounter(Counters.INPUT_WORDS, 1);}

M/R Program Reducer

Class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducerpublic void reduce(Text key, Iterator values, OutputCollector output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {int sum = 0;while (values.hasNext()) {sum +=;}output.collect(key, new IntWritable(sum));}}

M/R Program Driver

public class WordCount extends Configured implements Tool conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class);conf.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class);conf.setMapperClass(Map.class);conf.setCombinerClass(Reduce.class);conf.setReducerClass(Reduce.class);conf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class);conf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class);

AVRO/Protocol Buffers

Avro is a serialization format for Mappers.

Splittable and human readable. Not as small as PB.

Avro object

Protocol Buffers

Used internally at Google, compact serialization

proto bufs ,not just serializtion, closest to binary. Used internally in Hadoop.

Why do we need Avro,Protobufs?

Binary: no parser, fast, small. OK for objects maybe this is like Hibernate


Add a server to send/receive objects and do the serialization/deserialization

Map Reduce References

What can I do with each text line? Easy: ETL patterns:Match patterns

Count num occurences tokens

Processing files

Harder: Machine Learning/DMWhat can't be easily done?K-means clustering

Ullman book: Mining massive datasets:

Jimmy Lin book:


2 versions of M/Rv1: old api import xxx.mapred, JT/TT

v2: new api, import xxx.mapreduce, RM/NM/JH

YARN, in Hadoop 2.x maintains backward compatability to M/R v1.Devs start shifting to Hadoop 2.x YARN for new bug fixes

YARN Dameons












Encrypted/Pluggable Shuffle/Sort

Httpfs rewrite or proxyserver

V2 user authentication/permissions. Apache SentrySeparate authorization policies per database/schema

Users have to customize for shared data structures (tables/metadata,(hbase,search,zk). Not in any distro!

Schema metadata needs fine grained auth.

Web app proxy/part of RM to reduce attacks on exposed RM web server

Map Reduce Demo

Word Count demoHDFS DataNode: http://localhost:50075/

HDFS NameNode: http://localhost:50070/

ResourceManager http://localhost:8088

JobHistory Server http://jhs_host:19888.

Logging mistakesAdding logging to M/R jobs prop to data size and number times program run. 1TB file means 1TB logs. Processing 100GB 10x

Logs fill up disk crash system

Zookeeper logs

M/R Pipelines

The successful organizations never write direct Mappers/Reducers. They use higher level tools like Pig,Hive, etc..

Defn: Workflow:series of M/R jobs

Pipeline: output of one M/R job is the input to another

Apache Crunch modeled after Google FlumeJava

Google FlumeJava

Introduction of data pipelines based on multiple M/R stages

Define a parallel collection with a set of parallel operations

Much easier to use than M/R programming. Contrast w/UDFs. Less lines of source:

Apache Crunch

Not just M/RFaster to specify w/API a data processing pipeline you can customize instead of writing Pig/Hive scripts, MRPipelines

YARN, next version of M/R

Supports Apache Spark, SparkPipelines

Can keep in memory vs. spill to disk, MemPipelines

Case Study of old systems

Older generation of Hadoop Components, Hadoop, Pig, Hive.

Gives insight to stability/capability of products

Hive at LinkedIn (bottom left). All 3 similar



Hive bottom left corner


Netflix, Block Diagram

Yahoo Block Diagram, Pig, Hive, Spark, Storm


Targeting Content, not Search

3k Pig jobs in production

Hive in small use for analysts, Pig in heavy production use. Non MR in use now. Matches Google's progression

Mapper Failures

What happens? Google's paper restarts failed tasks. NS

Hadoop isn't auto recovery

Hadoop Mapper/Reducer Worker Failure:Completed ok, in progress reset

Reschedule on another worker

Speculative Execution


Master failure, abort and return fail to client

M/R Runtime

Balancing Cluster capacity#m>>num nodes

