Solar Powered Vehicles The Future Of Transportation


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Solar Powered Vehicles -The Future Of Transportation

Solar powered vehicles utilize the solar energy by converting it into electrical


Some vehicles have battery system that stores the energy and makes it work.

Some solar vehicles are designed to direct the power directly to the motor without using a battery.

Some facts about solar panels :-

:- You can drive roughly 12,000 miles per year if your vehicle has 9 solar panels on the rooftop.

:- By using solar energy, the carbon emission can be reduced to 27% from 50% in gasoline.

:- Also the user gets independent energy rather than depending on oil & gas companies.

How it works?

The solar vehicles use photo-voltaic cells which convert the solar energy to electricity .

They're made up of semiconductors, usually silicon, that absorb the sunlight for transferring into energy.

The sun's energy creates a flow of electrons and that flow generates electric energy.

The generated electricity powers the battery and specialized motors in solar cars.

The current solar vehicles have electric-gasoline engine, automatic self-parking and additional solar panels to support

the air-conditioning system.

Types of solar array and benefits of the different

mounting system

:- Horizontal :- Vertical

:- Adjustable :- Integrated

:- Trailer :- Remote

This type of arrays can be installed like a canopy. It stores most of the power and offers a

little interaction with wind.

:- Horizontal

If the arrays are pointing to the right direction, then it can get more energy.

And this is limited to morning, evening, and winter time.

:- Vertical

Adjustable arrays are beneficial when sun is low and you need to generate power from it. Here the vehicle face less

aerodynamic issue due to wind.

:- Adjustable

These shade types get optimal power when they are in angle. The vehicles usually cover all the places with this array for

getting better outcome.

:- Integrated

These arrays give stability to the vehicle which also transform the energy directly to motor or through battery.

:- Trailer

These solar arrays are mounted in other location instead of in the car but still generates a maximized energy for vehicle use.

:- Remote

Benefits of Solar Vehicles:-

:- No noise pollution as the solar panels work silently on vehicles.

:- Solar panels don't generate any polluting gases that can create greenhouse effect as like gasoline vehicles.

:- As solar energy is freely available, the users are independent and don't need oil for vehicles.
