Get greener in 2018 with Toyota of Orlando tips


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Which green driving habits will you adopt in 2018?

Toyota of Orlando

Let’s face it – the planet is going to get any cleaner by itself. It’s up to us to do everything

we can to create a clean, green planet for future generations to enjoy.

That’s why we’ve created this list – check out these six easy ways to get greener in 2018.

Will this be the year you clean up your act?

Carpooling actually has quite a few perks. Not only will you save money on gas by sharing

driving duties, you’re also doing Mother Nature a favor by having less cars out on the road (so

fewer emissions). Consider joining a carpool for work or school to cut down on road time and

fuel costs.

1) Consider a carpool.

Another easy way to go green is to cut down the amount of time you’re out on the road, thus cutting

down on emissions AND fuel usage (because remember, the more fuel you use, the more fossil fuels

are being consumed). Try to condense trips and do them all in one swoop, opt for traffic-free times, and

take the most direct route to your final destination. This will also lower your fuel costs by helping you make the

most out of a tank of gas.

2) Cut down on drive time.

Do yourself and the planet props by scheduling routine car care. Routine Orlando car maintenance

ensures your car is running efficiently and cleanly so you get the fuel efficiency you deserve and your car isn’t putting out any more emissions than it needs

to. Our techs can also inspect your ride for any issues. Things to add to your list? Oil changes,

emissions checks, and tire rotations.

3) Schedule regular auto service.

Need motivation to clean out your car? Here’s some – cutting down your car’s

weight can boost fuel efficiency. So get all of that junk out of the trunk and the backseat

and travel with the bare minimum… we know you’ll see a difference.

4) Get rid of junk in the trunk.

Being a better driver not only keeps you safer, it also makes your performance

cleaner. When you slam on the accelerator you burn more fuel and subsequently,

natural resources. Drive responsibly and smoothly to keep your performance green.

5) Follow road rules.

The BEST way to go green during your drive time is to get behind the wheel of a hybrid car. Toyota hybrids use

a gasoline engine and electric motor to reduce emissions and cut fuel usage… which both helps the

environment and your budget. Choose from options like the Toyota Prius, Toyota Camry Hybrid, Toyota Prius c,

Toyota Avalon Hybrid, Toyota RAV4 Hybrid, Toyota Prius v, or Toyota RAV4 (with many more on the way).

6) Consider a green car.

Ready to make it happen? Start today – call Toyota of Orlando at (407) 298-4500 to

schedule an appointment to test drive a hybrid OR to get on your routine auto service game.

We’ll see you soon!

Start making your life greener today!
