Urban communication


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Maaike Rijnders @maaikerijnders m.rijnders@fontys.nl

Utrecht Media Battle 11 sep. 2012

in 1950 leefde 56% van de Nederlanders in de stad, in 2010 was dat 83% en voor 2050 wordt 92% geprojecteerd.

“More than half of the world’s population live in cities. Very many, especially the young ones, lo-ve it there. They like it when people, including themselves, work together to make the city a more empowering place – Love Thy city, we call this. “ • (Carl Rohde, trendwatcher, Science of the Time)

Even if it is not beautiful all over: my city gives me wings.”

“Taking something that was there as a statement of class and status and making it something that doesn’t just take up space in already crowded cities, but is useful when you feel like taking in a nap outdoor.” (science of the time coolhunt, Paris)

“Urban interventions can have an important role on bringing social cohesion in

neighbourhoods”. (George Yúdice, Professor of American Studies Program and of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University)

“It challenges us to question if the cities we have are the cities we need while adding a touch of magic to mundane

places and situations.” (Robert Klanten, Urban interventions, 2011)

The work is an intelligent and critical commentary on the planning, use, and commercialization of public space. “ (Robert Klanten, Urban Interventions, 2011)

Sprekende beelden van Rome(congres of the wits”(arguti))

Situationisten en FLuxus

FLUXUS: “let the citizens themselves decide what spaces and architecture they want to live in and how they wish to live in.” (Guy Debord, The Society of Spectacle, 1970)

An artist like Banksy is a good example of the continuation of the Fluxus philosophy.

Urban participating artJR, TED prize winner 2011

“In this art scene, there is no stage to separate the actors from the spectators.” (TED jury, 2011)

Boa Mistura, Sao Paolo

D-tower, Doetinchem

“With the emergence of mobile devices, media consumption is increasingly occurring in public. It could be argued that the ‘media event’ is in the process of returning to the public domain.” (Scott Mc Quire, senior lecturer M&C, Melbourne)

• Hernieuwd urbanisme• Participerende burger• Technologische innovaties

Ook als marketingtool

Volkswagen, The fun theory

Trajectum Lumen

GLOW , Eindhoven

Urban screens

Urban screens

Nasdaq Building, Times Square, Fox and Fowle

Dubai, in wording, 33 mtr hoog

Bbc big screens

Van prive naar sociale belevenis

Dropstuff: “museum zonder muren”

Saving face (Lancel & Maat)

SOLOMO: Social, Local, Mobilede stad als virtuele playground

Urban gaming

Augmented reality

Despite Google’s testing, it’s very far from public beta. (The New York Times’ Nick Bilton, citing unidentified sources , wired 4-4-2012
