The Polish ways of remembering the dead


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Written by: ctd~cecile

The Polish Ways of Remembering the Dead

“All Saints Day or Day of the Dead”

Poland is a new democratic country and Halloween is celebrated not by trick or treat but in a more traditional way. Every 1st of November it’s the Day of the Dead for Poland. It is some kind of a festivity commemorating All Saints Day – those who had sacrifice for the Catholic faith and also setting aside to pray for the soul who has yet to find their way to Heaven. This is a national holiday not only for Poland but to all Catholics in the world.

One of Poland’s tradition is the lightning of candles (Zaduski), bringing flower or wreaths on the graves of deceased relatives. The most popular flower (kwiat) used are yellow and white chrysanthemums and asters. The znicze, candle can burn for hours, which they believe serves as a guide to help the souls of the dead find heaven. At night the cemeteries can often be seen glowing from long distance. Small lanterns are used to decorate the cemeteries wherein the metal covers help protect the flames from the wind.

Written by: ctd~cecile

Thousands of candles are being lit on this day which gives you the solemnity of the event. Krakow, Rakowicki, and Salwator are the large cemeteries that are found in Poland that are populated during this day. A lot of Polish travel long distances to visit family graves just to celebrate the day of the dead.

For Polish people prayers to be said for the deceased is important. It has been a practice that a Wypominki is given to a priest. This is a piece of paper that has a black border and the name of the deceased is written on it for prayer intention and request.

Written by: ctd~cecile

A Polish family would set places for the souls of a dead family member. Food being placed on those plates are then set aside and given to the poor. This has been an old tradition that is being practice till today.

It’s a festivity of the souls, flowers, and candles if I were to describe it. But the most important thing is, that we keep in mind the saints that have brought us salvation and remembering our beloved dead who has been a part of our life and has mould us to be what we are today.

A Prayerfull Wszystkich Swietych and Dzien Zaduszny everyone!!!
