Ten Days in the Capsule



The story of this project started with a craigslist advertisement. The story ends with a true collaboration on the project. The experimental project resulted in a photographic and written narrative of a truncated relationship based on social norms that both Zach Webber (the creator of the concept) and myself (the photographer) don’t necessarily fit into in our own minds. We wanted to try living this life in a way that is not making fun of those who choose this path, but rather to try it on for size so to speak. There were many unexpected emotional layers that surfaced for both of us during the project, mainly resulting from unexpected real reactions in fictional situations. Mostly we are proud of how convincing this project was for us as well as the people we encountered along the way. We didn’t know what to expect going into the project and the outcome was the result of this organic collaboration we found developing a real working relationship within the boundaries of a fictional relationship. We also found that while pretending to partake in a scripted relationship, we fell into the same script seemingly by default. Please read more details here: http://sevendayrelationship.blogspot.com/As the next stage of this project, we would like to set up a website to start other people in their own versions of a capsule relationship which would then be photographed and documented as each couple saw fit. We want to start a movement of people questioning social norms and playing out normative relationships conceptually.

Citation preview

Day One: The Meeting

Day Two: First Date

Day Three: Love and the Proposal

Day Four: The Bachelor/ Bachelorette/ Bridal Shower Party

Day Five: The Wedding/ Honeymoon

Day Six: At Home

Day Seven: Pregnancy

Day Eight: The Baby

Day Nine: Seperation

Day Ten: The Ending and Continuation

We Remember: The Capsule Relationship

by Ellie Brown and Zach Webberellie@elliebrown.com

