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Cyberia Café Website creation

By Laura Cheeseman

Creating in Photoshop

I originally created my design in Photoshop in the last task (4) and so I decided to use the design for this task. I used the slice tool to separate the buttons and other sections.

Creating in Photoshop

Creation of the menu

The menu was created by placing layers on the image which was imported from Photoshop. The pictures of food were from the internet.

Creation of the menu

The text was then added in another layer. The name was in english, the description is in Latin dummy text.

Creation of the menu

The other images were added in the same way. The arrows are links to the other parts of the menu (starters, mains and desserts)

Creation of recipe page

The recipe page uses images from the internet and the text is Latin dummy text.

As well as being able to see a different recipe by using the arrows the users will also be able to select the food they want by clicking the image of the food. This was done with image rollover.

Creation of recipe page

Creating links

Originally I had created flash buttons however when it came to linking them it did not work so I had to use the function rollover image. This worked fine however I was disappointed in making all the buttons in flash for nothing. This method was also used for the arrows in the menu area.

Creation of flash button

To create a banner (Which was placed at the bottom of the page) I used flash in which the logo image was used. The logo was made larger to make it appear as if it was moving. I chose to not use flashing colours or anything too eye-catching as these forms of banners tend to any the customer and may deter people from the site.


This is what the final home page looks like