One Direction 2 Years


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One Direction

2 Years

Since the time of The X Factor…

…You guys were / are special ...

…Just seeing a smile from each of you ...

...Together with you, I also smile!

Liam, you taughtme …

…to have a big heart…


Zayn, you showed me what beauty is (laughs)…

…but seriously, you taught…

…to know what to say at the right time!

Niall, mhúin tú dom...

...giúmar maith lena...

...aoibh gháire tógálach!

Louis, you taught me…

…to be funny, shouting or…

…speaking very softly (laughs)

And Harry (sorry let you lastly) You gave me inspiration…

…and also made me go crazy…

…with his husky voice and beautiful (laughs)

Anyway, you guys have taught me to never give up ...

…taught me not to be afraid of life…

…taught me that dreams come true!

I love you guys...

I love you with all my heart!

I thank God for two years in One Direction…


You guys, deserve it!


• Lavinia Reis Lima, one Brazilian Directioner