Modern dance philosophy


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MODERN DANCE PHILOSOPHY From Isadora Duncan to Maga Magazinovic

MODERN DANCE PHILOSOPHY Isadora Duncans influence on work of Maga Magazinovic

The dancer of the future will be one whose body and soul have grown so harmoniously together that the natural language of that soul will have become the movement of the body. This is the mission of the dancer of the future.She is coming, the dancer of the future: the free spirit, who will inhabit the body of new women; more glorious than any woman that has yet been; more beautiful than all women in past centuries: The highest intelligence in the freest body. Isadora Duncan

ISADORA DUNCAN (1878 - 1927) the founder of western modern dance

As a child she had been taught conventional dance steps and could easily have made a profitable career in music hall. But it became her mission to elevate dance into a language of liberation and transformation, to make it a vehicle for big emotions, big ideas and great art.

Duncan was a natural mover and she had reserves of obsessive energy. For inspiration she read the Greek poets, Nietzsche and Havelock Ellis.

For music she chose Beethoven, Chopin, Wagner - great romantic composers who had never previously been used for the dance stage.


Her words :Nature is the source of the dance. The movement of the waves, of winds, of the earth is ever in the same lasting harmony. We do not stand on the beach and inquire of the ocean what was its movement of the past and what will be its movement in the future. Every creature moves according to its nature that is according to its feelings and physical structure. The movements of the savage were natural and beautiful. So too were the movements of the classical Greeks wearing simple tunics and sandals.In my school, I shall not teach the children to imitate my movements but to make their own. The primary or fundamental movements of the new school of the dance must have within them the seeds from which will evolve all other movements, each in turn to give birth to others in an unending sequence of still higher and greater expression, thoughts, and ideas.


Innovation in dance practice by Isadora Duncan :developing and labeling a concept of natural breathing, which she identified with the ebb and flow of ocean waves.defining movement based on natural and spiritual laws rather than on formal considerations of geometric space. Barefoot dancing and loose hair.rigorously comparing dance to the other arts, defending it as a primary art form worthy of "high art" status.developing a philosophy of the dance dance as art and not as entertainment deemphasizing scenery and costumes in favor of a simple stage setting and simple costumes. By doing this, Duncan suggested that watching a dancer dance was enough.

My motto is: no limits. Virtuous people are simply those who have not been tempted sufficiently


MARIJA MAGA MAGAZINOVIC(1882-1968) Serbian philosopher, first modern dancer and activist

Initiator of free dance in Serbia, socialist and humanist; the first female trainee at the National Library, the first woman journalist in Politika newspaper; class teacher at the Higher Women's School, a professor of philosophy at the First Girls' High School; nurse during the Balkan wars; studied acting at the Max Reinhardt School and ballet in Charlotte Shniter St in Munich, attended classes of free dancing of Isadora Duncan; learned the play at Dalkroz; listened to lectures Lenin and Plekhanov in Zurich; established a school for contemporary plastics; dancer, choreographer, teacher; author of several books on rhythm and ballet; founder of the Student folk group with whom she toured Europe. Retired as a professor at the gymnasium; Retired led folklore group in Abraeviu and taught in Ballet school, mother and grandmother ...

Through it all I've gone trough dance as art and I loved it more than just acting. The plays are always expressions of another person. In dance you express only yourself. , Magas experience from Isadoras classesMaga Magazinovi wanted to penetrate and comprehend the reasons for animosity Isadora Duncan to the classic dance.Basically essential closeness of the two famous artist M. Magazinovi and I. Duncan is understanding a woman and her social position. Of course, let spontaneity modern woman for whom they were fighting, whether it's about deconstructing the codes of social behavior, which are always imposed by a rigid form of behavior women in a man's world, or spontaneity in a performance, essentially had the same goal - the liberation of women of solid discipline that limit its expression and presentation.Maga Magazinovi researches plastic aspects of movement which are pure and abstract and aimed at incarnating the harmony of the individual, achieved through pure forms of movement. Characteristic clothing and transparent white fabrics, which remind one of Greek togas, point to the influence of Isidora Duncan. As with Isidora Duncan, Maga Magazinovi's dance fragments incarnate and emphasize natural female beauty and spirituality.ISADORA DUNCANS INFLUENCE ON WORK OF MAGA MAGAZINOVIC

From Magas book My life

MAGA MAGAZINOVIC CONTRIBUTION TO SERBIAN MODERN DANCEWork Mage Magazinovi left a deep imprint in the understanding not only of modern dance, emancipation of women and gender equality, but also in access to physical culture in all its domains. Gymnastics is also seen as the oldest and the most modern system of physical culture, who demanded the harmony of body and soul. For Maga Magazinovi, physicality is an expression of spirituality.In revising national dances, Maga Magazinovi includes the folklorist experience of the Serbian and South Slav dances, filtered, cleansed and transformed through the experience of modern dance.Ms. Magazinovi - Gesemann believes that we Yugoslavs have in our customs, knightly games and songs so many motives for the realization of plastic beauty and so much talent for the art of the game, we could of course borrowing what is best, state of the art with other cultural people, build our racial , body, Yugoslav culture and artistic play. She says that for us it is not required Russian ballet, which in itself is wonderful, but we are alien and strange, because in the history of artistic culture, we did not even baroque rococo epoch from which the French classical ballet, and of him and the Russian originated.