Fire Up Your Colorful Inspiration Seminar



the most creative inspiring seminar and workshop in 2008

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22 July 2008 Creative Workshop at Digital Studio CollegeFire Up Your Comic Creation by Chris Lie

Fire Up Your Animation Workshop by Deswara Aulia

23 July 2008 Creative Seminar at Blitz Megaplex Grand IndonesiaFire Up Your Colorful Inspiration

Anuchai Secharunputong, Steven Read, Chris Lie, Andi S. Boediman

organized byDigital Studio & Concept Magazine

F e a t u r e d w o r k s h o p

s p e a k e r

C hris Li e is f a m ous for h is works on G I Jo e c o m i cs. At Pr ese nt, C hris h a nd l es m a ny m u ltin a tion a l c o m p a n i es c li e nts su c h a s AXN , C a rto on N e twork Asi a , Burg e r King , MTV a si a , THQ a nd m a ny o th e rs.

Chris LieWorld C lass C o m ic Artist

Anu c h a i h a s b e e n r a nk e d a s on e o f th e b est c o m m e r c i a l pho to g r a ph e r in th e world by Ar c h ive m a g azin e . His pho to g r a phy h a s won C lio a nd h is a c h i eve m e nts a r e a nnoun c e d in 200 b est Ad pho to g r a ph e rs Worldwid e Bo ok , 2004-2007 . (www. lu e rze rs a r c h ive . c o m ).

Anuchai SecharunputongThe Best C o m m e rc ia l Photogra phe r

And i se es h imse lf a s a c r e a tive ev a ng e list. His works h a s b e e n pub lish e d a nd showc a se d int e rn a tion a lly a nd h a s won p r estig ious a w a rds su c h a s West e rn Art D ir e c tor C lub a nd Int e rn a tion a l D esign e rs N e tworks. Th e Found e r o f th e su c essfu l D ig it a l Stud io C r e a tive Edu c a tion .

Andi S. BoedimanC re a tive Industry Evang e list

I n f o r m a t io n & Tic k e t R e s e r v a t io nElly: elly @ denugraha @

021-270 1518 (DS Blok M)021- 633 0950 (DS Cideng)021-458 41018 (DS Kelapa Gading)

Tic k e t s

(before June 27th)

Early bird & Students Rate

(After June 27th)Regular Rate

s e m i n a r

(23 july 2008, Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia)

350.000 IDR

500.000 IDR

w o r k s h o p

(22 July 2008, Digital Studio College)

750.000 IDR

900.000 IDR

“F ir e -Up Your C o lourfu l Insp ir a tion“ is a p a rt o f 1001 Insp ir a tion D esign F estiv a l

* To Be Affi rm e d Im m e d ia te ly

Ad ez is a long tim e c h a r a c t e r a n im a tor turn into a p ro du c tion c o ord in a tor th a t b ring to g e th e r a t e a m o f a n im a tors to c r e a t e a fu ll sc e n e for fi lm p ro du c tion . His c r e d its in c lud e a f ew TV C o m m e r c i a ls a nd Sing to th e D a wn-th e fi rst 3d a n im a t e d fi lm in Ind on esi a .

St eve n Re a d r esp onsib l e a s th e C G sup e rvisor o f Sing to th e D a wn . Th is US$5 m illion 3d a n im a t e d fi lm is a jo int c o ll a b or a tion b e twe e n Ind on esi a – Sing a p or e . St eve n a lso h igh ly invo lve d a s t e c hn i c a l a dvisor in th e a c c l a im e d a n im a tion m ovi e su c h a s Ha p py F e e t a nd Bro th e r’s G rim m .

Steven Read*Form er C G Sup ervisor of Ha ppy Fe e t

Seminar Topic:“The Making of Sing to the Dawn” : Understand the complex process to create a 3D animated fi lm

Seminar Topic: “Revolutions in Comics” : Learn how comic visual vocabulary has infl uence the language of fi lm.

Workshop Topic: “Storytelling and Comic Making Workshop” : Learn to engage readers through the power of storytelling in visual language

Workshop Topic:Experience the working process of creating a real world scene for a 3d animation fi lm production

Seminar Topic: “The True Color of Creativity” : The secret of color and composition that tells a story about my perception and the beauty of color with all the extra meanings behind it

Seminar Topic:“The Power of Color in Visual Design”. Find the tips and techniques to control color & how color can affect our emotion

F e a t u r e d w o r k s h o p

s p e a k e r

Deswara AuliaProduc tion C oord ina tor a tInfi nite Fra m eworks.

Supported by

Organized by

Strategic media partner

Gold Sponsor Silver SponsorPlatinum Sponsor Bronze Sponsor

Media partners

the magazine

Anuchai Secharunputong (The Best Commercial Photographer)

Anuchai Secharunputong telah dipilih sebagai fotografer komersial terbaik oleh majalah advertising Archive. Karyanya telah memenangkan Cannes, Clio dan banyak penghargaan advertising di seluruh dunia. Ia akan berbagi pengalaman bagaimana ia mendapatkan gagasan dan mengeksekusi karya-karya award winningnya. Pengalaman ini tentunya akan sangat menarik bagi mereka yang terlibat di industri advertising, fotografi dan desain.


CANNES 2007 LIONS WINNER Tesco Superstore

Chris Lie adalah seorang artis komik Indonesia yang karyanya telah mengglobal seperti GI Joe dan Drafted. Ia menangani klien-klien seperti AXN, Cartoon Network Asia, Burger King, MTV Asia,THQ dan banyak lagi. Ia juga meraih juara ke-2 AXN-Asia Drawing Contest 2002 dan hadiah pertama JakArt@ 2001.

Pada seminar, Chris Lie akan mengulas kosa visual sinematik komik dan film yang saling mempengaruhi. Untuk workshop, ia menyajikan teknik tutur melalui bahasa visual pada pembuatan komik. Sangat menarik bagi pecinta komik, desain dan film

Chris Lie (World Class Comic Artist)

Karya Steven Read yang paling gres adalah film animasi Sing to The Dawn yang merupakan kolaborasi Singapore dan Indonesia. Sebelumnya, ia merupakan Technical Director dari Happy Feet–pemenang Oscar di tahun 2007 dan ia juga pernah bekerja dengan sutradara Terry Gilliam sebagai Digital Sequence Lead pada film The Brothers Grimm.

Dalam seminar Fire Up Your Colorful Inspiration Seminar pada tanggal 23 Juli 2008, Steven Read akan mengungkap proses pembuatan film animasi yang sangat colorful ini, mulai dari kreasi karakter hingga desain produksi. Tentunya hal ini sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka yang berada di industri film dan animasi, khususnya aplikasi computer graphics film.

Steven Read (Former CG Supervisor of Happy Feet)

Andi S. Boediman (Creative Industry Evangelist)Andi S. Boediman akan membahas tenang WARNA, salah satu elemen desain yang mampu berbicara melalui emosi. Sebagai analogi, audio adalah setengah dari pengalaman menonton film, begitu pula warna yang merupakan setengah dari komunikasi tetapi sering digunakan hanya berdasarkan intuisi. Pembahasan ini akan mengulas bagaimana peran warna di dalam desain, produksi grafika, hingga motion graphic, animasi dan film.

Bagaimana warna berkomunikasi? Bagaimana emosi yang diciptakan oleh warna? Bagimana komposisi dan kombinasi warna mampu menciptakan pengalaman visual yang konsisten dengan pesan? Lebih daripada itu, bagaimana maestro film menggunakan warna sebagai bagian dari bahasa tutur di dalam penyampaian cerita?

Deswara ‘Adez’ Aulia (Senior Producer Infinite Frameworks)

Film Sing to the Dawn ini menelan dana US$5 million diproduksi bersama antara MediaCorp Raintree Pictures, Singapore's Media Development Authority dan Infinite Frameworks. Dengan tim lebih dari 70 orang yang berbasis di Batam, film ini merupakan produksi internasional yang melibatkan tim dari UK, Canada, Singapore dan Indonesia.

Untuk mempelajari proses dan teknik produksi animasi pada film lebih lanjut, Deswara Aulia dari Infinite Frameworks akan mengajak Anda di dalam prosess produksi animasi yang sesungguhnya melalui Fire Up Your Animation Workshop pada tanggal 22 Juli 2008.

F e a t u r e d w o r k s h o p

s p e a k e r

C hris Li e is f a m ous for h is works on G I Jo e c o m i cs. At Pr ese nt, C hris h a nd l es m a ny m u ltin a tion a l c o m p a n i es c li e nts su c h a s AXN , C a rto on N e twork Asi a , Burg e r King , MTV a si a , THQ a nd m a ny o th e rs.

Chris LieWorld C lass C o m ic Artist

Anu c h a i h a s b e e n r a nk e d a s on e o f th e b est c o m m e r c i a l pho to g r a ph e r in th e world by Ar c h ive m a g azin e . His pho to g r a phy h a s won C lio a nd h is a c h i eve m e nts a r e a nnoun c e d in 200 b est Ad pho to g r a ph e rs Worldwid e Bo ok , 2004-2007 . (www. lu e rze rs a r c h ive . c o m ).

Anuchai SecharunputongThe Best C o m m e rc ia l Photogra phe r

And i se es h imse lf a s a c r e a tive ev a ng e list. His works h a s b e e n pub lish e d a nd showc a se d int e rn a tion a lly a nd h a s won p r estig ious a w a rds su c h a s West e rn Art D ir e c tor C lub a nd Int e rn a tion a l D esign e rs N e tworks. Th e Found e r o f th e su c essfu l D ig it a l Stud io C r e a tive Edu c a tion .

Andi S. BoedimanC re a tive Industry Evang e list

I n f o r m a t io n & Tic k e t R e s e r v a t io nElly: elly @ denugraha @

021-270 1518 (DS Blok M)021- 633 0950 (DS Cideng)021-458 41018 (DS Kelapa Gading)

Tic k e t s

(before June 27th)

Early bird & Students Rate

(After June 27th)Regular Rate

s e m i n a r

(23 july 2008, Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia)

350.000 IDR

500.000 IDR

w o r k s h o p

(22 July 2008, Digital Studio College)

750.000 IDR

900.000 IDR

“F ir e -Up Your C o lourfu l Insp ir a tion“ is a p a rt o f 1001 Insp ir a tion D esign F estiv a l

* To Be Affi rm e d Im m e d ia te ly

Ad ez is a long tim e c h a r a c t e r a n im a tor turn into a p ro du c tion c o ord in a tor th a t b ring to g e th e r a t e a m o f a n im a tors to c r e a t e a fu ll sc e n e for fi lm p ro du c tion . His c r e d its in c lud e a f ew TV C o m m e r c i a ls a nd Sing to th e D a wn-th e fi rst 3d a n im a t e d fi lm in Ind on esi a .

St eve n Re a d r esp onsib l e a s th e C G sup e rvisor o f Sing to th e D a wn . Th is US$5 m illion 3d a n im a t e d fi lm is a jo int c o ll a b or a tion b e twe e n Ind on esi a – Sing a p or e . St eve n a lso h igh ly invo lve d a s t e c hn i c a l a dvisor in th e a c c l a im e d a n im a tion m ovi e su c h a s Ha p py F e e t a nd Bro th e r’s G rim m .

Steven Read*Form er C G Sup ervisor of Ha ppy Fe e t

Seminar Topic:“The Making of Sing to the Dawn” : Understand the complex process to create a 3D animated fi lm

Seminar Topic: “Revolutions in Comics” : Learn how comic visual vocabulary has infl uence the language of fi lm.

Workshop Topic: “Storytelling and Comic Making Workshop” : Learn to engage readers through the power of storytelling in visual language

Workshop Topic:Experience the working process of creating a real world scene for a 3d animation fi lm production

Seminar Topic: “The True Color of Creativity” : The secret of color and composition that tells a story about my perception and the beauty of color with all the extra meanings behind it

Seminar Topic:“The Power of Color in Visual Design”. Find the tips and techniques to control color & how color can affect our emotion

F e a t u r e d w o r k s h o p

s p e a k e r

Deswara AuliaProduc tion C oord ina tor a tInfi nite Fra m eworks.

Supported by

Organized by

Strategic media partner

Gold Sponsor Silver SponsorPlatinum Sponsor Bronze Sponsor

Media partners

the magazine

+ bonus seminar

Info & Invitation

+6221- 270 15 18 (Elly/Denny)

+6221- 633 0950 (Digital Studio Cideng) +6221-458 41018 (Digital Studio Kelapa Gading)