Deconstruction of 'totp' magazine


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Cover…Masthead at the top to let the audience know the name of the magazine and to advertise it.

The title positioned in the middle of the page to draw attention to the feature article.

The Dominant image to show who the feature artist is and to draw readers attention to the feature artist.

The puff brings the readers attention to a part of the magazine and gives more information.

Sell lines to show the reader what else is in the magazine to make people buy it.


Sub images to attract the audience and to show the audience what will be in the magazine.

The logo on the top of the magazine cover makes it clear to the readers who owns the magazine - BBC

Plug to persuade people to buy the magazine for something inside.

The magazine has a bright colour theme to attract attention.

Contents…The title ‘inside the mag’ and ‘contents’ let the readers know what page they are on and what’s on it.Sub titles are

used to make it easier for the reader to find the page they are looking for.

Sub images to show the audience what to expect on certain pages in the magazine.

The magazine uses bright colours for the contents page to make it exciting and fun and to highlight the important parts.

Gutter lines to separate the columns of page numbers. This makes it easier to read and see what page number is with what page.

Double page spread…

A quote is written at the top of the page to replace the title. It attracts the audience and makes them want to read what is below it.

The dominant image shows the readers who is the feature in that part of the magazine.

The sub image makes the article more interesting and attract the readers attention.

Bright colours attract the readers and makes it more fun and easy to read.

Byline to give more information on what is going to be in the article.

Caption to give more information on what is going on in the image and who is in it.