Deconstruction of 'Q' magazine


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The feature artist/s have a big photo on the front of the cover to make the readers aware of who the main focus of the magazine is.

Cover…Big Logo/title of the magazine at the top of the page to draw attention to the magazine and to clearly advertise it.

Big writing and bold font for the name of the feature artist to make sure the readers know the name of the artist/s.

Puff – The quote on the front cover from the feature artists article to give a sneak peak as to what the article is about.

Barcode on the bottom of the cover so it does not distract from the main focus or block the cover photo and so it can be scanned.

Cover lines are put all over the cover to show some of the articles in the magazine.

Different fonts are used all over the cover to emphasize certain parts and to act as a key. The bolder fonts are the more important parts, in this case the other artists mentioned in the magazine.

Logo/ name of magazine in top left corner to remind the readers what magazine they are reading, and to advertise more.Big, bold font to make

readers aware it’s the contents page.

Cover photo to show a preview of one of the articles in the magazine and who the said article is about.

Brightly coloured font to make it clear what the page number is for each article

Bold font to easily show who the article is about.

Caption for photo to let the audience know who is in the picture and what is going on in the picture.A sub image to show

another artist featured in the magazine that is not as important as the feature artist.

Date to make the readers aware of how recent the magazine is and the articles within it.


Gutter line to separate the different sets of page numbers clearly

Bright coloured fonts to attract the audience to the page and the information on it.

Bold lettering to make the title of the page easy to see and read.

Chronological order of pages to make it easy to find the page or the title of the article.

Caption to give more information on the people in the pictures, the date the pictures were taken and what was going on in the photo.

Page numbers in a different colour to make them stand out to the readers, as it is the main reason for a contents page.

Bright colours in the photos to attract the audience and to create a feeling of happiness and excitement.

Gutter line to separate the sets of page numbers to make it clear for the audience to see

Sub images to show what other artists are involved in the issue of the magazine.

Bold title in a font that is easy to read so the audience know what the article is about.

Big picture of the artist in the article to show he readers who the person is and also to attract attention and tell the audience who the article is about without them having to read the title to find out.Picture with bright colours to attract the audience more and to show the artists personality and music genre.

Page number, date, and name of magazine at the bottom of the page to make the audience aware of the above things. It makes the audience aware of what page they are on for future references.

Smaller picture to show a different angle to the article and gives more visual information with the lengthy article, making it a more interesting read. Caption to

describe the image in more detail, and to tell the readers who is in the picture.

Sub heading to give more information.


Dominant image to show the readers who the feature artist is. This image takes up one whole page which brings the readers attention to what the artist looks like, making their face more memorable.

Caption to give information on the image and the artist within it.

Big, bold title to make it clear to the readers who the artist is on the previous page and who the article is about. It also attracts the readers attention.

Gutter lines to separate each column of writing. This makes it easier to read as there is not confusion and it does not look messy.

Bleed line to keep the writing on the page and make it easy to read.

Kicker – an intro, usually under the title, to give a small, vague summary of what the rest of the article is going to be about.

A portrait image often used to give the impression that the artist is open and true and has nothing to hide. Often suggesting their music has a meaningful message to them.

Big title to attract the audience and to make it clear what article is on that page. It also makes the audience aware of what the article is about.

Double page spread of a photograph of the feature artist. This makes it obvious for the audience to see who the article is about and what the artist fully looks like when performing.

A caption to give information on the artist in the photograph in case people don’t know who it is. The caption also includes the date to give information on when the picture was taken and what is going on in the picture.

Sub heading to give a more detailed version of the title.

Article written in a column to avoid covering up the photograph and to make it easier for the audience to read.

Kicker to give information on the following article, in this case the date of the documented events.