Blair Golden




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Blair Golden.

entretiend'oiseau August 11, 2007

The silhouettes in this photograph are absolutely stunning, although each of the birds is opaque, each still has a specific body language and individuality about them; to me the silhouettes almost personify the birds, which I find absolutely beautiful.

The “old feeling” in this image is a signature trait of Golden, the texture and the colors caused by it keep each and every image interesting, and in this case, adds to the concept I think when I see this. It’s almost showing freedom is a thing of the past, that to find it again we’re going to have to look at the past; but at the same time, there may have been no concept at all. But if you think of one, doesn’t that mean there is? Golden’s work always keeps me thinking.

Blair Golden. letters to the wind

July 30, 2007

“I find that I am almost disturbed by how much I like your work. It is obviously objectively good, but you seem able to infuse your work with a nostalgia and longing that I find very powerful.” - Dan Scott  

“when i share my pictures with people, I’m not sure if they really fully understand the feelings that i am trying to provoke. usually, i try to influence a sense of tragic calmness. i think that the juxtaposition of these two human experiences: tragedy and comfort/stillness/calm, are both beautiful and ever so powerful and dramatic.”

Blair Golden.

Blair Golden uses emotion over technicality in his photographs, he’ll take a photograph of anything he finds beautiful. Whether it be portraits, still life, or landscape, all of his pictures have a concept behind them, a story he rarely explains. He uses focus, saturation, and textures to accomplish and portray concepts in his images. He uses cameras such as the canon digital rebel xt, polaroid, and lomographic cameras.

im hoping imwrongMarch 2, 2008

Blair Golden.

descent April 26, 2007

Blair Golden is A college student; he is currently studying photography and advertising at Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California. His focus in his photography is conceptual over technical, an “indie” style. He is nineteen years old, his birthday being july 3, 1989.

Blair Golden.

Some of Golden’s mentors include JuerGen Teller, francesca woodman and paoloroversi. He was featured in the online magazine “Pages” in August of 2007. He dedicates many of his images to close friends, such as David Rin. He features fellow underground and indie photographers frequently in his writings such as Leslie Morrison and ElifKarakoç.

arlingtonwestJuly 10, 2007

Blair Golden.

Golden focuses on the feelings and the emotion portrayed in the subject matter, more themselves. He’s a young photographer, not yet even twenty years of age, and has yet to do much traveling abroad; he’s photographed mostly in the san fransisco bay area. He’s been featured in many online news article for his indie style.

October symphonyNovember 11, 2007

Blair Golden.

Taylor Downs.

Give and “old feeling”

Make something

Convey emotion, without

See something beautiful, out of somethingTypically regarded much less.

Visible faces or obvious expression.

Conceptually Beautiful.

To my pictures.

Golden takes pictures anywhere he sees something of interest; Anywhere he sees something beautiful, in his eyes. Something he

Is known for doing; however, is editing a texture into the image,Giving it a different feeling; whether It be giving an old, rustic,

sad, or Enlightening feeling. Nearly every single one of his Photographs has depth, he rarely only takes portraits orStill life, he takes conceptual pictures, whether they be

Obviously so or open to anyone’s interpretation.