Art History Mid Term



October 2014 Art History Mid Term

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The lion manGermany

Complex thinking creative imagination

Woman from willendorf


Fertility statue

• Stonehenge • Most complex from time period• Likely ceremonial purposes, stones

transported to location

Spotted Horses and Human Hands

Pech-Merle Cave

Use of negative space

12 votive figures

Square temple, Iraq

Images depicted to be gods

Followed conventions of Sumerian art

Head of a man (Akkadian ruler)Ninua, Iraq

Earliest known hollow cast sculpture using the lost wax casting process

Ishtar Gate and Throne Room WallSymbolic of Babylonian powerCrenellations are notched walls

Notches are caled crenels, built as military defense

King Tut Funeral Mask

• Made of gold• Built to honor dead• Shows beard, symbol

of power

Map of Ancient Egypt

Lower end near top because of how the nile flows (north to south)

Seated Scribe

Sculptors of Old Kingdom featured everyday people as well as royals, scribes had high status in society

Ti Watching a Hippo Hunt2450-2350 B.C.

Saqqara, Egypt (Lower)Old Kingdom

from his mastabapainted limestone relief

success in a hunt meant triumph over evil, success in life

hierarchy of scale with Tirepresents bounty, wealth and leisure

Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut

Structure not intended to be tomb (ruler made to be put to rest in the valley of the kings), positioned against high cliffs and oriented

towards the Great temple of Amun at Karnak, a few miles away from the nile

Represents authority, union of nature and architecture, and antiquity

Judgement of Hunefer Before Osiris

Illustration from a Book of the Dead, 19th Dynasty

Book of Dead supposed to help those in afterlife, no 2 books the same, contains a variety of spells,

Young Girl Gathering Saffron Crocus


Good eye for detail in color selection and

surface detail, shows a typical seen of a young

girl “becoming” a woman

Knossos Interior-with fresco walls (restored)- Minoan columns- reconstruction resembles 19th century feeling, architectural bias- past manipulated to function in the present

Bull’s Head Rhyton

Common subject of Minoan art, No proof that bull was worshipped as a God

Berlin Kore

1st Archaic korai, believed to be a priestess or attendant, holds

a symbol of Persephone

demonstrates this change in clothing style.

Due to the unique preservation of this kore (thought to have been wrapped in a sheet of

lead) traces of paint have been found on the stone.

Kritos Boy

• Relaxed pose• Lifelike• Contrappasto (weight


Aphrodite of Melos

• Classical styles• Heavier set• Shows beauty• Intricate detail of



bronze, idealized youthcommemorated a victory by a drive

in the Pythian Games

Old Woman

It probably represents an aged courtesan on her way to a festival of

Dionysos, the god of wine.

Veneration of Dionysos was widespreadduring the Hellenistic period, and

ancient literary descriptions give an idea of the extraordinary processions and

festivals held in his honor. The flattened composition of the figure is typical of sculpture created in the late second century B.C. The original work may

have been dedicated in a sanctuary of Dionysos. The Roman copy could have

decorated a garden.

Reclining Couple on a sarcophagus

Made of terra cotta, evolved from earlier terra cotta cinerary

Husband and wife featured

Features earthly comforts for the dead

Pont du Gard, France

Carried water, aquaduct

Used flow of gravity

Conveys balance, proportions, rhythmic harmony of great work

of art, fits in with landscape



Designed and constructed during reign of Hadrian, empty space gives the feeling that one could rise upward and escape the spherical

hollow of the building to commune with the gods

Sophisticated design

609 AD Pope dedicated it to Saint Mary of the Martyrs, keeping it alive in the middle ages

Garden Vista Villa• Fresco• Rome• Peace, calm• Shows environment

Wall with Torah Niche

House-synagoguge, Syria. 244-245 AD

1st Dura-Europus synagogue

men and women shared hall, contained residents rooms

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

Junius Bassus was a high-ranking Roman official, who served in the Roman senate and held the office of "Praefectus Urbi" for

Rome, more or less what we would consider as the office of the Mayor.  As a politician from a prominent family, upon his death, he would have had a memorial bust displayed in a prominent

public place, like in the Forum or along the Appian Way.  Instead, his elaborately sculpted sarcophagus was his memorial, with

scenes depicting stories from both the New and Old Testaments....

The Good Shepherd

Significant changes in content and design, conception of Jesus has changed

Young adult, halo, imperial robes

Stylized elements of landscape
