Razor Revealed Jeavon Leopold | Twitter: @crumpled_Jeavon We are Crumpled Dog

Umbraco OktoberFest 2014

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Razor Revealed

Jeavon Leopold | Twitter: @crumpled_Jeavon

We are Crumpled Dog

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You are on page 222/01/2015

I have been working with Umbraco since version 3.0 (circa 2007)

• Technical Director at Crumpled Dog – Umbraco Gold Partner in London’s TechCity/Silicon Roundabout

• Umbraco MVP – Honoured to be voted by the global community as one of the five 2104 MVPs

• Umbraco Community Member – I am known for answering

many questions in the Razor forum and have 7,500 karma

• Umbraco Core Contributor– I have made many bug fixes and

even added a few features here and there over the years.

Most recently I worked with Per Ploug Hansen and James

South on the v7.1 Core Image Cropper API

• Umbraco Package Hacker – I have created a few packages

of my own and collaborated on many more

Who am I?

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What is Razor?

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It’s a ASP.NET MVC View Engine

• Created to be easy to pick up by designers, front end developers and general tinkerers

• C sharp (C#) HTML (does also support VB HTML, but we don’t talk about that)

• You add code to your script by using the @ character

• You use braces { } for code blocks and semicolons ; to break statements and all other standard C# syntax@{ var myCounter = 1; }

• When you display content using the @ character ASP.NET HTML encodes the output, so character such as <, > and & are rendered without begin interpreted as HTML

• You use standard C# conditional and loop logic, such as foreach, while and if

• You can use the @: or the <text> element to combine code, text and markupif (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday){

@:Today is Thursday the @DateTime.Now.Day}

• Comes with some helpful helpers for converting strings to other typesvar mycount = myString.AsInt();

• Razor Views should be fairly simple, if they have lots of logic in them, then you probably need to think differently

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Razor and Umbraco

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DynamicNode Macro Scripts (Umbraco v4.7.2+)

• Do not use the legacy Macro Scripts ever!

• DynamicNode scripts inherit@inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext

• You access Umbraco content using Model

IPublishedContent in a View, Partial View or a Partial View Macro (Umbraco v4.10.0+)

• Generally IPublishedContent Views & Partial Views inherit@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage

• IPublishedContent Partial View Macros inherit@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage

• You access Umbraco content using CurrentPage (dynamic) or Model.Content (strongly typed)

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Dynamic vs Strongly Typed

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@[email protected]("myProperty")

IntelliSense, pre-compilation errors in Visual Studio or WebMatrix & any errors at all

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Task 1a: Children Collections

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Render a list of links linking to all nodes of document type alias “umbTextPage” that are children ofthe homepage on the homepage

Dynamic model has the magical pluraliser

@foreach (var page in CurrentPage.umbTextPages)


<div class="3u">

<!-- Feature -->

<section class="is-feature">

<a href="@page.Url" class="image image-full">

<img src="@page.Image" alt="" />


<h3><a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></h3>

@Umbraco.Truncate(page.BodyText, 100)




Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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Task 1a (cont): Children Collections

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Typed model has the OfTypes method

@foreach (var page in Model.Content.Children.OfTypes("umbTextPage"))


<div class="3u">

<!-- Feature -->

<section class="is-feature">

<a href="@page.Url" class="image image-full">

<img src="@page.GetPropertyValue("Image")" alt="" />


<h3><a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></h3>

@Umbraco.Truncate(page.GetPropertyValue<string>("BodyText"), 100)




Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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What is that @Umbraco.?

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Say hello to the UmbracoHelper, loads of helpful methods for your scripts


.Content(int id);


.ContentAtXPath(string xpath, params XPathVariable[] variables);

.ContentSingleAtXPath(string xpath, params XPathVariable[] variables);

.TypedContent(int id)


.TypedContentAtXPath(string xpath)

.TypedContentSingleAtXPath(string xpath)

Content helpers

.Field(string field)

.NiceUrl(int nodeId)

.NiceUrlWithDomain(int id)

Working with Media



.TypedMedia(int id)


Working with Members.Member(1234);.TypedMember(1234);

Member Helpers.MemberHasAccess(int nodeId, string path);.MemberIsLoggedOn().IsProtected(int pageId, string path)

Fetching misc data.GetDictionaryValue(string key);.GetPreValueAsString(int prevalueId).Search(string term, bool useWildCards, string searchProvider).TypedSearch(string term, bool useWildCards, string searchProvider)

Templating Helpers.Coalesce(params object[]);.Concatenate(params object[]);.CreateMd5Hash(string text);.If(bool test, string valueIfTrue, string valueIfFalse).Join(string seperator, parmas object[] args) .ReplaceLineBreaksForHtml(string text).StripHtml(string html).Truncate(string html, int length, bool addElipsis).RenderMacro(string alias, object parameters).RenderTemplate(int pageId, int? altTemplateId)

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Task 1b: Children Collections

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Render a list of links linking to all nodes of document type alias “umbTextPage” or “umbNewsOverview” that are children of the current page

Dynamic model has a Where method which you can pass a filter string

@foreach (var page in CurrentPage.Children.Where("DocumentTypeAlias == \"umbTextPage\" || DocumentTypeAlias == \"umbNewsOverview\""))

Typed model, we just add parameters to the OfTypes method

@foreach (var page in Model.Content.Children.OfTypes("umbTextPage",


Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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Task 1c: Children Collections

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What if there were more document types?

Dynamic model we can use a Where method with the ContainsAny string extension and pass in a list object


var docTypesToInclude = new List<string>() { "umbTextPage",

"umbNewsOverview" };


@foreach (var page in CurrentPage.





<li><a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></li>




Typed model, I think we have it covered already?

Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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Task 1d: Children Collections

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What about other filtering conditions and ordering?

Dynamic model we can add brackets and add and/or (&&/||) operators and the OrderBy method

@foreach (var page in CurrentPage.Children.Where("(DocumentTypeAlias == \"umbTextPage\" || DocumentTypeAlias == \"umbNewsOverview\") && featuredPage").OrderBy("Name desc"))

Typed model, we add the Where and OrderBy methods and pass in a lambda

@foreach (var page in Model.Content.Children.OfTypes("umbTextPage",


.Where(x => x.GetPropertyValue<bool>("featuredPage"))

.OrderByDescending(x => x.Name))

Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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You are on page 1222/01/2015

Partial Views

• Easy to create in the Umbraco UI

• Can be strongly typed so you can pass in the model context for rendering

• Can be passed parameters using a ViewDataDictionary object

Functions & Helpers

• In-script reuse

• Both can be passed parameters

Global Functions & Helpers

• Makes functions and helpers reusable across different scripts

C# Extension Methods

• Logic can be reused between Razor and other C# logic (e.g. WebApi or Surface Controllers)

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Empty attributes?

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A very useful little feature of Razor is that if you attempt to render a null value into a HTML attribute it will not render the attribute at all!

var current = CurrentPage.Id == page.Id ? "current_page_item" : null;

<li><a class="@current" href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></li>

umbracoNaviHide ConventionDynamics model@foreach (var page in CurrentPage.Children.Where("Visible").OrderBy("Name desc"))

Typed model@foreach (var page in Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.IsVisible())

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Tree Traversal

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IPublishedContent has XPath like axes for traversing content, returning collections or single nodes



Ancestors(int level)

Ancestors(string nodeTypeAlias)


AncestorsOrSelf(int level)

AncestorsOrSelf(string nodeTypeAlias)


Descendants(int level)

Descendants(string nodeTypeAlias)


DescendantsOrSelf(int level)

DescendantsOrSelf(string nodeTypeAlias)

AncestorOrSelf()AncestorOrSelf(int level)AncestorOrSelf(string nodeTypeAlias)AncestorOrSelf(Func<IPublishedContent, bool> func)Up()Up(int number)Up(string nodeTypeAlias)Down()Down(int number)Down(string nodeTypeAlias)Next()Next(int number)Next(string nodeTypeAlias)Previous()Previous(int number)Previous(string nodeTypeAlias)Sibling(int number)Sibling(string nodeTypeAlias)

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Task 2a: Navigation

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Create a reusable (needs to work at all node levels) main navigation using a Partial View

Dynamics model

@inherits UmbracoTemplatePage

<nav id="nav" class="skel-panels-fixed">


@foreach (var page in CurrentPage





var current = CurrentPage.Id == page.Id ? "current_page_item" : null;

<li><a class="@current" href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></li>




Files: /Views/Partials/umbTopNavigation.cshtml

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Task 2a (cont): Navigation

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Typed model

@inherits UmbracoTemplatePage

<nav id="nav" class="skel-panels-fixed">


@foreach (var page in Model




.Where(x => x.IsVisible()))


var current = Model.Content.Id == page.Id

? "current_page_item"

: null;

<li><a class="@current" href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></li>




Files: /Views/Partials/umbTopNavigation.cshtml

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Task 2b: Navigation – homepage?

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Dynamic model – Use a Razor helper

@inherits UmbracoTemplatePage

<nav id="nav" class="skel-panels-fixed">



var home = CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1);


foreach (var page in home.Children.Where("Visible"))







@helper RenderNavForNode(dynamic page)


var current = CurrentPage.Id == page.Id ? "current_page_item" : null;

<li><a class="@current" href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></li>


Files: /Views/Partials/umbTopNavigation.cshtml

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Task 2b (cont): Navigation – homepage?

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Typed model

@inherits UmbracoTemplatePage

<nav id="nav" class="skel-panels-fixed">



var home = Model.Content.AncestorOrSelf(1);


foreach (var page in home.Children.Where("Visible"))







@helper RenderNavForNode(IPublishedContent page)


var current = Model.Content.Id == page.Id ? "current_page_item" : null;

<li><a class="@current" href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a></li>


Files: /Views/Partials/umbTopNavigation.cshtml

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Task 3a: strongly typed partial view

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Convert task 1 to a strongly typed partial view

Typed model

@foreach (var page in Model.Content.Children


.Where(x => x.GetPropertyValue<bool>("featuredPage"))

.OrderByDescending(x => x.Name)){

@Html.Partial("umbFeatures", page)


Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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Task 3b: dynamic strongly typed partial view

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What, are you sure?

Dynamic model

@foreach (var page in CurrentPage.Children

.Where("(DocumentTypeAlias == \"umbTextPage\" || DocumentTypeAlias == \"umbNewsOverview\") && featuredPage")

.OrderBy("Name desc"))


@Html.Partial("umbFeaturesDynamic", (IPublishedContent)page)


Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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Task 3b (cont): strongly typed partial view

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When using the dynamic model sometimes you find you need to use the typed model for something such as a complex filter. You can switch back to dynamic for rendering by using the AsDynamic() method.

Dynamic strongly typed partial view (ish)

@inherits UmbracoViewPage<IPublishedContent>


var currentPage = Model.AsDynamic();


<div class="3u">

<!-- Feature -->

<section class="is-feature">

<a href="@currentPage.Url" class="image image-full"><imgsrc="@currentPage.Image" alt="" /></a>

<h3><a href="@currentPage.Url">@currentPage.Name</a></h3>

@Umbraco.Truncate(currentPage.BodyText, 100)



Files: /Views/Partials/umbFeatureDynamic.cshtml

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Task 4a: passing parameters to a Partial View

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Pass a ViewDataDictionary object a the Partial View



new ViewDataDictionary(this.ViewData)


{ "numberOfEvents", 5 }



Files: /Views/umbHomePage.cshtml

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Task 4a (cont)

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Retrieve the ViewDataDictionary value


var events = CurrentPage





Use a Razor function to make it tidy


private int NumberOfEvents()


if (ViewData["numberOfEvents"] != null)


return (int)ViewData["numberOfEvents"];


//default 4

return 4;



Files: /Views/Partials/umbEventsWidget.cshtml

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Task 5 – put it all together

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Only show events that have not yet passed, this is a job for a lambda expression and a function (convert ToDynamic if you want to)


var events = Model.Content







.Select(x => x.AsDynamic());


Files: /Views/Partials/umbEventsWidget.cshtml

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Task 6 – use a global Razor Class

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MyHelpers.cshtml in the App_Code folder

Helper – pass Umbraco Helper




public static string EasyDateFormat()


return DateTime.Now.ToString("F");


Files: /App_Code/MyHelpers.cshtml

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Task 7 – use a C# class in App_Code

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MyStuff.cs in the App_Code folder

Using the Function

@using UmbOktoberFest2014.App_Code


The C# method

namespace UmbOktoberFest2014.App_Code


public static class MyStuff


public static string EasyDateFormat()


return DateTime.Now.ToString("F");




Files: /App_Code/MyStuff.cs

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Task 8 - ToContentSet method

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Items within collections relate to their tree siblings not the other items in the collection, using the ToContentSet methods changes the below methods to be related to the items position within the collection.



.IsPosition ()

.IsModZero ()

.IsNotModZero ()

.IsNotPosition ()

.IsLast ()

.IsNotLast ()

.IsEven ()

.IsOdd ()

@{var events = Model






.OrderBy("eventEndDate desc")

.ToContentSet();}<h2 class="major"><span>Upcoming events</span></h2>

<ul class="style2">@foreach (var eventItem in events){

<li><article class="is-post-summary">

<h3><a href="@eventItem.Url">@eventItem.IsFirst() @eventItem.Name</a></h3>

<ul class="meta"><li class="timestamp"></li>



</ul>Files: /Views/Partials/umbEventsWidget.cshtml

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Task 9 - CsvContains

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Display a list of all news articles that have picked the event - Dynamic Model


var releatedNews = CurrentPage






foreach (var newsItem in releatedNews)


<div class="3u">

<!-- Feature -->

<section class="is-feature">

<a href="@newsItem.Url" class="image image-full">

<img src="http://placehold.it/350x150" alt="" />


<h3><a href="@newsItem.Url">@newsItem.Name</a></h3>





Files: /Views/EventItem.cshtml

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Task 9 (cont) - CsvContains

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Display a list of all news articles that have picked the event – Typed Model


var releatedNews = Model.Content



.Children(x => x.GetPropertyValue<string>("relatedEvents")



foreach (var newsItem in releatedNews)


<div class="3u">

<!-- Feature -->

<section class="is-feature">

<a href="@newsItem.Url" class="image image-full"><imgsrc="http://placehold.it/350x150" alt="" /></a>

<h3><a href="@newsItem.Url">@newsItem.Name</a></h3>





Files: /Views/EventItem.cshtml

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Partial View Macros

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Macro’s were amazing (even XSLT ones), but we now have MVC with it’s native Partial Views so when should we use a Partial View Macro?

• When you want your content editor to be able insert a Macro in the RTE, Sir Trevor, v7.2 Grid or Macro picker property editor etc…

• Sites that have to use WebForms template so that they can use legacy user controls

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Task 10: What about Media and Cropping?

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Lets convert the standard Image media type from “Upload” to “Image Cropper” use media pickers together

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Value Converters & other questions

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If there is time left, then install the Value Converters Package, see what breaks and then fix it.



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Crumpled Dog020 7739 5553 | [email protected] | www.crumpled-dog.com