Terminal Happiness Command Line Zero to Command Line Hero @liamdempsey

Terminal Happiness

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Page 1: Terminal Happiness

Terminal HappinessCommand Line Zero to Command Line Hero


Page 2: Terminal Happiness

Brad ParbsWeb Dev Studios Leading Worndpress Developer


Every I learned from …

Page 3: Terminal Happiness

Simple comparisons

•  bashprofile ≅ functions.php in a WordPress theme

•  Bash is just a development language, like PHP or javascript

•  Various programs and apps use Bash to perform certain tasks

•  It’s not scary!

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 4: Terminal Happiness

1.  Command line is ugly2.  Command line requires reading3.  Command line does stuff super fast4.  Command line does stuff behind closed

doors5.  Command line is almighty powerful

The problems

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 5: Terminal Happiness

•  Use iTerm 2•  Install zsh to apply themes

Address the ugly

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 6: Terminal Happiness

A Beginner’s Guide to the Best Command Line Tools

The required reading

•  Clearly structured •  Well-organized •  Broken down into step-by-step approach •  Not overly technical •  Lots of code samples and snippets

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 7: Terminal Happiness

Command lines performs tasks quickly – and that will save us time.

Take advantage of the speed

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 8: Terminal Happiness

Learn what command line can do and the unknown becomes less daunting.

Study the unknown

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 9: Terminal Happiness

The power of the command line was meant to be harnessed by mere mortals. Learn to wield its power and you will be glad you did.

Embrace the power

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 10: Terminal Happiness

What does A DESIGER do with the command line?

Page 11: Terminal Happiness

Sets up project folders

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 12: Terminal Happiness

Jump to local installs

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 13: Terminal Happiness

Jump to local cloud server

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Page 14: Terminal Happiness

Play nicer with WP-CLI

Page 15: Terminal Happiness

•  https://webdevstudios.com/2015/02/10/a-beginners-guide-to-the-best-command-line-tools/

•  https://github.com/bradp/dotfiles •  https://github.com/liamdempsey/dotfiles •  http://iterm2.com/ •  http://explainshell.com/ •  http://www.shellcheck.net/ •  http://wp-cli.org/


@liamdempsey | #burbswp