A brief class that introduces the benefits TypeScript provides to large scale projects. Prerequisites: JavaScript 202 TypeScript 101

Strange Loop 2017 - TypeScript 101

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A brief class that introduces the benefits TypeScript provides to large scale projects.

Prerequisites: JavaScript 202

TypeScript 101

🎓 Professor Frances Coronel




Syllabus(1) TypeScript vs JavaScript 🎭

(2) The Rise of TypeScript’s Popularity 📈

(3) Homework Assignments 📚

W8, what is TypeScript? 🤔• free & open-source programming language

developed & maintained by Microsoft

• strict syntactical superset of JavaScript

• eases development of large scale applications written in JavaScript

• extends JavaScript by adding static types, classes, modules, interfaces & generics👶 5 years old

(1) TypeScript vs JavaScript 🎭

.ts .js

The Nitty Gritty 💻npm i -g typescript

Installing TypeScript

Compiling our file to JS

tsc multiplication.ts

Configuring options

touch tsconfig.json

npm i -g tslint

Optional Installing TSLint

JavaScript is TypeScript but TypeScript is not JavaScript.

Superset vs Subset 🔘

1. Referenced a symbol/variable which is not declared in program

2. Not able to fully infer the type of a particular variable and warns against using it as is

3. Even if your source code has TypeScript errors, it will still produce JavaScript code which you can execute

Spell Checker

What Types Provide

✓ modular development ✓ can be learned easily ✓ non-invasive ✓ long-term vision ✓ clean output

To Type or Not To TypePros of JavaScript

• EVERYWHERE • awesome libraries • flexible

Cons of JavaScript

• dynamic typing • lack of modularity • verbose patterns

(2) The Rise of TypeScript’s Popularity 📈

Companies ❤ TypeScript

Developers ❤ TypeScript

(3) Homework Assignments 📚

Option 1. 🎥 Watch the creator of TypeScript talk about TypeScript at the #MSBuild Conference

“What’s New In TypeScript” by Anders Hejlsberg

Option 2. 🎓 Enroll in an edX course on TypeScript created by Microsoft that starts tomorrow

Option 3. 🎮 Screw homework and go play instead!


Thanks for listening! ☺




Slides will be uploaded ASAP at


Credits1. Mathematical Finn Photo: https://glarbinator.deviantart.com/art/Mathematical-Finn-417768395

2. TypeScript Official Website: http://www.typescriptlang.org/

3. Severus Snape Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnOyBLT07R8

4. GitHub Icon: https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/ionicons

5. Twitter & LinkedIn Icons: https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/free-social-icons

6. Fonts: Segoe UI, SF Pro Text, Input Mono

7. Google Trends: https://g.co/trends/2M11R

8. TypeScript and JavaScript Logos: egghead.io

9. Stack Overflow 2017 Survey: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2017

10. TypeScript GIFs: http://twittervideodownloader.com/ & @typescriptlang

11. EdX Course: https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-typescript-2-microsoft-dev273x-0#!

12. List of Editors: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/TypeScript