Model.search Tse-Ching Ho 2010-04-25 Ruby Conf Taiwan 2010

model.search: customize your own search logic

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This is a lightning talk in Rubyconf Taiwan 2010. I talk about the principles of how to customize your own Model.search method for rails 3. Meta search is an implementation for this purpose and also an available replacement of searchlogic for now.

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Model.searchTse-Ching Ho2010-04-25

Ruby Conf Taiwan 2010

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ActiveRecord v.s. Arelmodule ActiveRecord class Base class < self def unscoped @unscoped ||= Relation.new(self, arel_table) finder_needs_type_condition? ? @unscoped.where(type_condition) : @unscoped end def arel_table @arel_table ||= Arel::Table.new(table_name, :engine => arel_engine) end end endendmodule ActiveRecord::NamedScope::ClassMethods def scoped(options = {}, &block) if options.present? relation = scoped.apply_finder_options(options) block_given? ? relation.extending(Module.new(&block)) : relation else current_scoped_methods ? unscoped.merge(current_scoped_methods) : unscoped.clone end endend

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Scope with Arelclass Product < ActiveRecord::Base scope :name_like, lambda { |param| where(self.arel_table[:name].matches("%#{param}%")) } scope :attr_like, lambda { |attr, param| where(self.arel_table[attr].matches("%#{param}%")) } scope :attr_gt, lambda { |attr, param| where(self.arel_table[attr].gt(param)) }endProduct.name_like('Ruby')Product.attr_like(:name, 'Ruby') SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE ("products"."name" LIKE '%Ruby%')Product.attr_gt(:price, 100) SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE ("products"."price" > 100)

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Match => LIKE

NotMatch => NOT LIKE

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NotMatch ?products = Product.scopedputs products.where(products.table[:name].matches('%Ruby%')).to_sql SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE ("products"."name" LIKE '%Ruby%')

products = Product.scopedputs products.where(%Q{"products"."name" NOT LIKE '%Ruby%'}).to_sqlputs products.where(%Q{"products"."name" NOT LIKE ?}, '%Ruby%').to_sql SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE ("products"."name" NOT LIKE '%Ruby%')

products = Product.scopedproducts.where(products.table[:name].notmatches('%Ruby%'))

products = Product.searchproducts.name_not_like = 'Ruby'

products = Product.search('name_not_like' => 'Ruby')

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NotMatch !require 'arel'# lib/arel/algebra/predicates.rbmodule Arel::Predicates class NotMatch < Binary; endend# lib/arel/algebra/attributes/attribute.rbmodule Arel class Attribute def notmatches(regexp); Predicates::NotMatch.new(self, regexp) end endend# lib/arel/engines/sql/predicates.rbmodule Arel::Predicates class NotMatch < Binary def predicate_sql; 'NOT LIKE' end endend# lib/arel/engines/memory/predicates.rbmodule Arel::Predicates class NotMatch < Binary def operator; :"!~" end endend

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Rails 2.3 => Search Logic

Rails 3 => Search Logic

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Write Your Own Search Method !!!

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Meta Search


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module MetaSearch::Searches::Base def search(opts = {}) search_options = opts.delete(:search_options) || {} builder = MetaSearch::Builder.new(self, search_options) builder.build(opts) endendActiveRecord::Base.send :include, MetaSearch::Searches::ActiveRecord

Product.search('name_not_like' => 'Ruby')

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MetaSearch::Buildermodule MetaSearch class Builder attr_reader :base, :relation, :join_dependency delegate :joins, :includes, :all, :count, :to_sql, :paginate, :find_each, :first, :last, :each, :to => :relation def initialize(base, opts = {}) @base = base @associations = {} @join_dependency = ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods::JoinDependency.new(@base, [], nil) @relation = @base.scoped end def build(opts) @relation = @base.scoped opts.each_pair {|k, v| self.send("#{k}=", v)} self end endend


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MetaSearch::Buildermodule MetaSearch class Builder def method_missing(method_id, *args, &block) if match = matches_attribute_method(method_id) condition, attribute, association = match.captures.reverse build_method(association, attribute, condition) self.send(preferred_method_name(method_id), *args) elsif match = matches_where_method(method_id) condition = match.captures.first build_where_method(condition, Where.new(condition)) self.send(method_id, *args) else super end end endend



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MetaSearch::WhereMetaSearch::Where.add(['not_like', 'not_contain', 'notmatches', { :types => [:string, :text, :binary], :condition => :notmatches, :formatter => '"%#{param}%"'}])@@wheres['not_like'] = { :name => 'not_like', :aliases => ['not_contain', 'notmatches'], :types => [:string, :text, :binary], :condition => :notmatches, :formatter => Proc.new {|param| eval '"%#{param}%"'}, :validator => Proc.new {|param| !param.blank?}, :splat_param => false}#=> Where.new(@@wheres['not_like'])

Where.new('not_like') == Where.get('not_like') # if new with string

Arel:: Attribute#notmatches

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More Possibilities ?

Article.where(:created_at > 100.days.ago, :title =~ 'Hi%').to_sql SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE ("articles"."created_at" > '2010-01-05 20:11:44.997446') AND ("articles"."title" LIKE 'Hi%')


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About Me

Tse-Ching Ho 何澤清




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