1 Title: Harmonious Development: Standardizing The Deployment Process via Vagrant and Puppet Achieve – Quality on Time Prepared For: Acquia October 4, 2012

Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

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Through the magic of virtualization technology (Vagrant) and Puppet, a companion Enterprise grade provisioning technology, we explore how to make the complex configuration game a walk in the park. Bring new team members up to speed in minutes, eliminate variances in configurations, and make integration issues a thing of the past. Welcome to the new age of team development!

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Page 1: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet


Title: Harmonious Development: Standardizing The Deployment Process via Vagrant

and Puppet

Achieve – Quality on Time

Prepared For: Acquia October 4, 2012

Page 2: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Achieve Internet Overview

7+ years developing media and entertainment web


Over 60,000 development hours developing Drupal

web & mobile-optimized solutions

Deep expertise in UX (theming), Globalization,

Integration, and Performance

Company commitment to quality, transparency,

continuity, reliability and client experience

Page 3: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Key Clients: Media & Entertainment


Page 4: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Key Clients: Other


Page 5: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Pop Quiz

<?php/** * Transform upper camel case to lower camel case. * * @param string $word * Upper camel case word. * * @return string * $word with first letter in lower case. * * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.lcfirst.php */function my_module_camel_case($word) { return lcfirst($word);}

echo my_module_camel_case('HelloWorld');

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+ =

Page 7: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Agenda (Cont.)

What’s all the fuss?

What is Virtualization?

Vagrant – Creating (and destroying) environments on the fly

Provisioning (via Puppet)


Future Directions

Q & A

Page 8: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

What We Are Not Covering

Performance Tuning

These are examples only

Version Control

All provisioning can be placed into VCS

Puppet vs. Chef

Page 9: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

What’s all the fuss?

“Write once, run anywhere” -- Sun Microsystems

“Write Once, Debug Everywhere” -- Anonymous /


“In many distributed computing environments,

failures are reported in a way that violates even

the simplest notions of consistency.” -- IEEE

Software, Bradford Glade. K. Birman

Page 10: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

The Good Old Days

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How It Compares

Old Approach

Old Approach… Today

Page 13: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

The Drupal Ecosystem

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Site Building Roles

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How It All Fits

Virtual Box(Virtual Environment)

Vagrant(Virtual Machine Builder)


VeeWee(Vagrant Box


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VirtualBox v4.1.18


Vagrant v1.0.3 (http://downloads.vagrantup.com/)

Puppet v2.7.19

Veewee v0.3.0.beta1


Ubuntu v8.04 Hardy Heron

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Virtual Box

Virtual Box(Virtual Environment)

Vagrant(Virtual Machine Builder)


VeeWee(Vagrant Box


Page 18: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

What is Virtualization?

Technical Definition….

A logical representation of a computer in software. By decoupling the physical hardware from the operating system, virtualization provides more operational flexibility and increases the utilization rate of the underlying physical hardware.1

In a Nutshell….

Putting a small computer [guest/virtual machine] (operating system, memory, video display, peripherals, etc.) into the confines of another bigger physical system [host].

1. "Virtualization in education". IBM. October 2007

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Open Source virtualization software for Windows, Mac, and Linux

Can host multiple operating systems at once (within memory and CPU resources)


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Virtual Box(Virtual Environment)

Vagrant(Virtual Machine Builder)


VeeWee(Vagrant Box


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Manages your virtual machines

Works with VirtualBox

Extremely customizable

Over 50+ pre-built base boxes


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Why Vagrant?

Creates consistent, reproducible environments

Rapid setup – Start development in a few quick steps

Reduce duplicated effort

Increased reliability

Allows you to tinker around, more on this later…

Cost savings!

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Agenda - Revisited

What’s all the fuss?

What is Virtualization?

Vagrant – Creating (and

destroying) environments on the


Provisioning (via Puppet)


Future Directions

Q & A

Page 24: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Using VagrantObjective:Part 1: Create a Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Virtual Machine (VM)

One Time Steps:List available boxes:$ vagrant box list

Add a new Vagrant base box to inventory if not available:(@see http://www.vagrantbox.es/)Usage: vagrant box add <alias> <location>$ vagrant box add hardy /path/to/hardy.box

Create a directory for your Vagrant VMs$ mkdir <vm_dir>/myproject

Create a Vagrant file (do this in <vm_dir>/myproject)Usage: vagrant init <alias>$ vagrant init hardy

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Using Vagrant

Let’s Rock!!

Start up a virtual machine:$ vagrant up

Delete a virtual machine:$ vagrant remove

Connect to virtual machine:$ vagrant ssh

Success! Instant VM. Do the happy dance!

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Using Vagrant

Other Useful Commands

Go to lunch:$ vagrant suspend # Save state of virtual machine$ vagrant resume # Start virtual machine up again

Reboot:$ vagrant halt # Shutdown the VM$ vagrant up –no-provision # Restart VM, skip provisioning*

* = Online documentation says no reprovisioning will occur…

Reload configuration (automatically does a provisioning)$ vagrant reload

Reprovision a system:$ vagrant reprovision

Repackage running system:$ vagrant package

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Example 1

$ mkdir <vm_dir>/myproject$ vagrant init hardy

Customize our VM Instance (Excerpts of Vagrantfile)config.vm.network :hostonly, "”

# Host: <vm_dir>/<project_name> == Guest: /vagrantconfig.vm.share_folder "v-root", "/vagrant", ".", :owner => 'www-data', :group => 'www-data’

# Configure the VM with puppet.config.vm.provision :puppet, :module_path => "modules", :options => ["--environment", "local"] do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests” puppet.manifest_file = ”myproject.pp”End

$ vagrant up

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Example 1

Scenario: Admin for a Day

Wonder what this does… (WARNING)*

$ sudo chmod 444 /etc/sudoers

* Warning, doing this on a Production system may have an adverse effect on your career. This will remove any ability to sudo.

Solution (Assuming all configuration is provisioned):$ vagrant destroy$ vagrant up

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Instant development environments!

No physical hardware required.

Creates a safe environment for configuration


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Virtual Box(Virtual Environment)

Vagrant(Virtual Machine Builder)


VeeWee(Vagrant Box


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Provisioning = preparing a device/server for usage, aka configuration

Allows enforceable system configuration

Similar to Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager/SMS or Apple’s Profile Manager

Uses a Resource Abstraction Layer (RAL) to interact with the host.Core Resource Types include: notify, file, package, service, exec, cron, user, group

RAL can be used to read and modify resources

Configurations can be store in manifests. See resources for prebuilt modules.

Page 32: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Puppet: Miscellaneous Info

Facter: Inspects operating system “facts” that can be used in modules.$ facter

… id => vagrantinterfaces => eth0,eth1,loipaddress => => => => => truekernel => Linuxkernelmajversion => 2.6kernelrelease => 2.6.24-26-serverkernelversion => 2.6.24lsbdistcodename => hardylsbdistdescription => Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTSlsbdistid => Ubuntulsbdistrelease => 8.04lsbmajdistrelease => 8memoryfree => 1.85 GBmemorysize => 1.98 GBmemorytotal => 1.98 GBnetmask => => => => => => Ubuntuoperatingsystemrelease => 8.04…

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Puppet: Miscellaneous Info (Cont.)

Describes a resource, use -s to summarize$ puppet describe <resource>

Inspect individual resource in “Puppet-speak”$ puppet resource service apache2service { 'apache2': ensure => 'stopped', enable => 'true',}

Test a manifest on the local system$ puppet apply --modulepath=<module_path> <manifest>.pp

Page 34: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Agenda - Revisited

What’s all the fuss?

What is Virtualization?

Vagrant – Creating (and destroying)

environments on the fly.

Provisioning (via Puppet)


Future Directions

Q & A

Page 35: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Puppet: Important Notes

Common Pattern:Package, File, Service

Resources are processed asynchronously! Use dependency relationships (require/before) if any ordering is necessary.

@see http://forge.puppetlabs.com/ for prebuilt Puppet modules.

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Puppet Main Manifest

class myproject { $site = ’myproject'

# Vagrant specific setup, set up hostname, hosts file class { 'vagrant': site => $site, }

# Cool stuff class { 'vim': }

# LAMP stack class { 'linux': } class { 'apache': } class { 'mysql': } class { 'php': error_reporting => 'E_ALL & ~(E_WARNING|E_NOTICE)', } class { 'phpmyadmin': }

# Drupal class { 'drupal': server_type => 'dev', }

# Solr class { 'tomcat': } class { 'solr': }

# Site specific stuff apache::site { 'default': vhost => 'default', ensure => 'absent'; $site:

ensure => 'present'; } apache::mod { 'rewrite': ensure => 'present' }

mysql::schema { $site: user => $site, password => $site, }

class { 'drupal::prepare': site => $site, admin_pw => 'admin', }}

class { 'myproject': }




Site specific Site/DB

Page 37: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Example 2: Puppet Module

# Class: apache## This module installs apache and sets up the virtual.## Mike Lee <[email protected]># 2012-09-07## Tested platforms:# - Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron## Parameters:# N/A## Actions:# Installs and configures apache. Will automatically create the site file.## Requires:# N/A## Sample Usage:## Make sure apache is present.# class { 'apache': }## Enable/disable sites.# <site_name> = Simple site name. The vagrant domain will be added automatically.# i.e. <site_name> = "example" creates a site named "example.vagrant".# <docroot> = Docroot. Defaults to /vagrant/<site_name>/docroot.# If this is overridden, this must be the ABSOLUTE path to the docroot.#

# apache::site {# 'default':# vhost => 'default',# ensure => 'absent';# '<site_name_1>':# ensure => 'present';# '<site_name_2>':# docroot => '/custom/path',# ensure => 'present';# }## Enable/disable modules.# apache::mod {# 'rewrite': ensure => 'present’# }

/modules/apache/init.pp (Header)

Base usage

Advanced usageEnable host/mod

Page 38: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Puppet Sample Module

class apache { $apache2_sites = '/etc/apache2/sites' $apache2_mods = '/etc/apache2/mods'

# OS Specific settings case $::operatingsystem { ubuntu: { $package_name = 'apache2' $conf_template = 'site.conf.debian.erb' } default: { notify { "${module_name}_unsupported": message => "The ${module_name} module is not supported on ${::operatingsystem}.", } error("OS support for ${::operatingsystem} needs to be configured") } }

# Define new type: site define site ($ensure = 'present', $vhost = undef, $docroot = undef) { if $vhost { $site_name = $vhost } else { $site_name = "${title}.vagrant" }

if $docroot { $path = $docroot } else { $path = "/vagrant/${title}/docroot" }

case $ensure { present: { file { "/etc/apache2/sites-available/$site_name": ensure => file, require => Package[$apache::package_name], content => template("apache/${apache::conf_template}"), }

exec { "/usr/sbin/a2ensite $site_name": unless => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_sites}-enabled/$site_name", notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], require => Package[$apache::package_name], } } absent: { exec { "/usr/sbin/a2dissite $site_name": #onlyif => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_sites}-enabled/$site_name", # readlink not returning 0 notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], require => Package[$apache::package_name], } } default: { err("Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'") } } }

/modules/apache/init.pp (Code)

Define type: site

OS Specific

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Puppet Sample Module

# Define new type: mod define mod ($ensure = 'present') { case $ensure { present: { exec { "/usr/sbin/a2enmod $title": unless => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_mods}-enabled/${title}.load", notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], require => Package[$apache::package_name], } } absent: { exec { "/usr/sbin/a2dismod $title": #onlyif => "/bin/readlink -e ${apache2_mods}-enabled/${title}.load", # readlink not returning 0 notify => Exec['force-reload-apache'], require => Package[$apache::package_name], } } default: { err("Unknown ensure value: '$ensure'") } } }

# Force reload all the time, doesn't take that much more in resources. exec { 'force-reload-apache': command => '/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload', refreshonly => true, }

package { $package_name: ensure => installed, }

service { $package_name: ensure => running, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, require => Package[$package_name], }}

/modules/apache/init.pp (Code)

Define type: mod


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Puppet Sample Module

# Puppet generated file. DO NOT EDIT!# Managed by Class['apache']

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected]

DocumentRoot <%= path %> ServerName <%= site_name %>

<Directory <%= path %>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory></VirtualHost>

ERB Templates: Create files on the fly./modules/apache/templates/site.conf.debian.erb

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Construct fully functioning development

environments on the fly!

Bring new team members up to speed in a few

simple commands.


Everyone is working with the same virtual machine.

Page 42: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Agenda - Revisited

What’s all the fuss?

What is Virtualization?

Vagrant – Creating (and destroying)

environments on the fly.

Provisioning (via Puppet)


Future Directions

Q & A

Page 43: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet


Virtual Box(Virtual Environment)

Vagrant(Virtual Machine Builder)


VeeWee(Vagrant Box


Page 44: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Next Steps: Veewee

Want your own custom Vagrant Box or one doesn’t exist?

Veewee has predefined definitions for creating a variety of Vagrant base boxes.

Installation Requirements (Mac OS X)- Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

$ curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

- Install Xcode, Command Line Tools for Xcode (required by Homebrew)

- Install Homebrew$ ruby <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)

- Install apple-gcc42 $ brew update $ brew tap homebrew/dupes $ brew install autoconf automake apple-gcc42 $ rvm pkg install openssl

GCC Required!

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Next Steps: Veewee

Veewee Installation (Mac OS X)

$ rvm install 1.9.2$ git clone https://github.com/jedi4ever/veewee.git$ cd veewee

(official – Never worked for me…)$ gem install bundler$ bundle install

(unoffical)$ gem build veewee.gemspec$ gem install veewee-*.gem (run as sudo)$ unalias veewee

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Next Steps: Veewee

Veewee Base Box Creation (Mac OS X)

In veewee directory:- Copy new iso into [currentDir]/iso (optional, saves veewee from finding)

Create VM definition off of template:Usage: veewee vbox define <box_name> <template>$ veewee vbox define hardy ubuntu-8.04.4-server-i386

Customize VM Definition:- Edit <veewee_dir>/definitions/<box_name>/definition.rb

Build virtual box (This should start VirtualBox)Usage: veewee build <box_name>$ veewee vbox build hardy # go get a coffee

Usage: veewee vbox validate <box_name>$ veewee vbox validate hardy

Build Vagrant base box:Usage: vagrant basebox export <box_name>$ vagrant basebox export hardy

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Next Steps: Puppet Enterprise

Allow for remote management of puppet nodes.

“One server to rule them all.”

Clone your configurations to EC2.

Audit your configurations.

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Be mindful of Puppets asyncronous execution order:

Make sure dependecies are properly set.

Starbucks syndrome:

Switching networks can sometimes cause your VM’s networking to get confused. Halt and restart to correct.

Provision everything… or as much as you can:

This will make resetting your environment go much more smoothly.

Page 49: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet


VirtualBox v4.1.18


Vagrant v1.0.3 (http://downloads.vagrantup.com/)

Puppet v2.7.19

Veewee v0.3.0.beta1


Ubuntu v8.04 Hardy Heron

Page 50: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Further Resources

Prebulit Vagrant Base Boxes (


Puppet Forge (http://forge.puppetlabs.com/)

Learn Puppet (http


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…makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past. -- Vagrant

Created a disposable test bed to play with configuration changes

Created reusable modules to easily build customized setups

Provided canned environment for those who simply want to jump into a project. Allows team members to focus on core competencies.

Allows you to quickly and efficiently archive projects and come back to them later




Page 52: Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Achieve Internet Pillars of Expertise

Technical Foundation Built On the Following Core Areas of Expertise and Knowledge:

1. User Experience (UX) / Theming

2. Globalization/Localization

3. Performance & Deployment

4. Integration

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Michael LeeSenior Architect

[email protected]


/pub/michael-lee/4/297/a6bDirect: 858-453-5760

Thank You