geometry commands Jared Erickson CUGOS June 20th 2012

Geometry Commands

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Geometry commands is a geometry command line application that follows the unix philosophy.

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Page 1: Geometry Commands

geometry commandsJared Erickson


June 20th 2012

Page 2: Geometry Commands

What is it?Command line application for


Page 3: Geometry Commands

Buffer a pointecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom buffer -d 100

Reproject a Pointecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom project -s "EPSG:4326" -t "EPSG:2927"

Generate random pointsecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom buffer -d 100 | geom random -n 200

Page 4: Geometry Commands
Page 5: Geometry Commands

"Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams,

because that is a universal interface."

Page 6: Geometry Commands

Write programs that do one thing and do it well...

buffer centroid envelope convexHull voronoiDiagram

Page 7: Geometry Commands

Write programs to work together... Unix Pipes

stdin -> program -> stdout

... program -> stdout -> stdin -> program ...

buffer | centroid | envelopewkt -> buffer -> wkt | wkt -> centroid -> wkt | wkt -> envelope -> envelope

Page 8: Geometry Commands

Write programs to handle text streams...


LINESTRING (0 0, 5 5, 10 10)POLYGON ((0 0, 0 10, 10 10, 10 0, 0 0))

Page 9: Geometry Commands

Geometry Commands

• Java command line application

• JTS - Geometry

• Proj4j - Projections

• Args4j - Command line parsing

• https://github.com/jericks/geometrycommands

Page 10: Geometry Commands

Commandsgeom list

list arc arcpoly area boundary buffer centroid combinecontains convexHull coordinates count countpoints coveredby

covers crosses delaunay densify drawdump ellipse difference hausdorffdistance disjoint distance distanceline envelope equals interiorpoint interpolatepoint

intersection intersects isclosed isempty isrectangle isring issimple isvalid iswithindistance kochsnowflake linemerge locatepoint type grid endpoint get startpoint mincircle minclearance mindiameter minrect node normalize octagonalenvelope overlaps placepoint pointatangle

polygonize project random randomwalk rectanglereflect relate reverse rotate scale shear sierpinskicarpet similarity

simplify sinestar snap squircle subline supercircle symdifference text touches translate union voronoi within

Page 11: Geometry Commands

Processecho "POINT (10 10)" | geom buffer -d 5

POLYGON ((15 10, 14.903926402016152 9.024548389919358, 14.619397662556434 8.08658283817455, 14.157348061512726 7.222148834901989, 13.535533905932738 6.464466094067262, 12.777851165098012 5.842651938487274, 11.91341716182545

5.380602337443566, 10.975451610080642 5.096073597983848, 10 5, 9.024548389919358 5.096073597983848, 8.086582838174552 5.380602337443566, 7.22214883490199 5.842651938487274, 6.464466094067262 6.464466094067262, 5.842651938487274

7.222148834901989, 5.380602337443566 8.086582838174554, 5.096073597983847 9.024548389919362, 5 10.000000000000004, 5.096073597983849 10.975451610080647, 5.380602337443569 11.913417161825455, 5.842651938487277 12.777851165098017, 6.4644660940672685 13.535533905932743, 7.222148834901996 14.157348061512732, 8.08658283817456 14.619397662556437,

9.024548389919369 14.903926402016154, 10.000000000000012 15, 10.975451610080654 14.90392640201615, 11.913417161825462 14.619397662556429, 12.777851165098024 14.157348061512717, 13.535533905932748 13.535533905932725, 14.157348061512735 12.777851165097996, 14.619397662556441 11.913417161825432,

14.903926402016156 10.975451610080622, 15 10))

Page 12: Geometry Commands

Compareecho "POINT (10 10)" | geom buffer -d 5 | geom

contains -o "POINT (5 5)"


Page 13: Geometry Commands

Reprojectecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom project -s "EPSG:4326" -t


POINT (39722967.09614658 19129704.97907105)

Page 14: Geometry Commands

Drawecho "POINT (10 10)" | geom buffer -d 5 | geom draw

&& open image.png

Page 15: Geometry Commands

Call command per linecat > points.wkt

POINT (1 1)POINT (2 2)

cat points.wkt | while read line; do geom buffer -d 10 -g "$line"; done;

POLYGON ((11 1, 10.807852804032304 -0.9509032201612824, … , 10.807852804032311 2.9509032201612437, 11 1))POLYGON ((12 2, 11.807852804032304 0.0490967798387176, … , 12 2))

cat points.wkt | while read -r line; do geom buffer -d 10 -g "$line"; done

POLYGON ((11 1, 10.807852804032304 -0.9509032201612824, … , 11 1))POLYGON ((12 2, 11.807852804032304 0.0490967798387176, … , 12 2))

Page 16: Geometry Commands

Combinecat points.wkt | while read -r line; do geom buffer -d 10 -g

"$line"; done | geom combineMULTIPOLYGON (((11 1, 10.807852804032304 -0.9509032201612824, 10.238795325112868 -2.826834323650898, 9.314696123025453

-4.555702330196022, 8.071067811865476 -6.071067811865475, 6.555702330196023 -7.314696123025453, 4.826834323650898 -8.238795325112868, 2.9509032201612833 -8.807852804032304, 1.0000000000000007 -9, -0.9509032201612819 -8.807852804032304,

-2.826834323650897 -8.238795325112868, -4.55570233019602 -7.314696123025453, -6.071067811865475 -6.0710678118654755, -7.314696123025453 -4.555702330196022, -8.238795325112868 -2.8268343236508944, -8.807852804032306 -0.9509032201612773, -9

1.0000000000000075, -8.807852804032303 2.950903220161292, -8.238795325112862 4.826834323650909, -7.3146961230254455 6.555702330196034, -6.071067811865463 8.071067811865486, -4.555702330196008 9.314696123025463, -2.826834323650879

10.238795325112875, -0.9509032201612606 10.807852804032308, 1.0000000000000249 11, 2.950903220161309 10.807852804032299, 4.826834323650925 10.238795325112857, 6.555702330196048 9.314696123025435, 8.071067811865499 8.07106781186545,

9.314696123025472 6.555702330195993, 10.238795325112882 4.826834323650862, 10.807852804032311 2.9509032201612437, 11 1)), ((12 2, 11.807852804032304 0.0490967798387176, 11.238795325112868 -1.826834323650898, 10.314696123025453

-3.5557023301960218, 9.071067811865476 -5.071067811865475, 7.555702330196023 -6.314696123025453, 5.826834323650898 -7.238795325112868, 3.9509032201612833 -7.807852804032304, 2.0000000000000004 -8, 0.0490967798387181 -7.807852804032304,

-1.826834323650897 -7.238795325112868, -3.55570233019602 -6.314696123025453, -5.071067811865475 -5.0710678118654755, -6.314696123025453 -3.5557023301960218, -7.238795325112868 -1.8268343236508944, -7.807852804032306 0.0490967798387227, -8

2.0000000000000075, -7.8078528040323025 3.950903220161292, -7.2387953251128625 5.826834323650909, -6.3146961230254455 7.555702330196034, -5.071067811865463 9.071067811865486, -3.5557023301960076 10.314696123025463, -1.8268343236508788

11.238795325112875, 0.0490967798387394 11.807852804032308, 2.000000000000025 12, 3.950903220161309 11.807852804032299, 5.826834323650925 11.238795325112857, 7.555702330196048 10.314696123025435, 9.071067811865499 9.07106781186545,

10.314696123025472 7.555702330195993, 11.238795325112882 5.826834323650862, 11.807852804032311 3.9509032201612437, 12 2)))

Page 17: Geometry Commands

Dumpecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom buffer -d 100 | geom random -

n 100 | geom dump > random.wkt

POINT (23.161455744394658 -77.95246871808072)POINT (58.930083365685135 -61.904759742385096)POINT (-68.59023262463613 -54.78626222287515)POINT (-82.5800340659446 -28.375102984177744)POINT (62.05862576956568 45.25807594023459)POINT (74.43518384825472 -10.092639433362095)…

Page 18: Geometry Commands

Draw multiple geometriesecho "POINT (10 10)" > geoms.wkt

cat geoms.wkt | geom buffer -d 10 >> geoms.wktcat geoms.wkt | geom combine | geom draw && open


Page 19: Geometry Commands

Draw multiple geometriesecho "POINT (100 100)" > geoms.wkt

cat geoms.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom buffer -d 10 >> geoms.wkt cat geoms.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom buffer -d 20 >> geoms.wkt cat geoms.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom buffer -d 30 >> geoms.wkt cat geoms.wkt | geom combine | geom draw && open image.png

Page 20: Geometry Commands

Point at Angleecho "POINT (10 10)" > center.wkt

cat center.wkt | geom pointatangle -a 0 -d 10 >> center.wkt cat center.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom pointatangle -a 45 -d 5 >> center.wkt cat center.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom pointatangle -a 90 -d 10 >> center.wkt cat center.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom pointatangle -a 135 -d 5 >> center.wkt cat center.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom pointatangle -a 180 -d 10 >> center.wkt cat center.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom pointatangle -a 225 -d 5 >> center.wkt cat center.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom pointatangle -a 270 -d 10 >> center.wkt cat center.wkt | geom get -n 0 | geom pointatangle -a 315 -d 5 >> center.wkt

cat center.wkt | geom combine | geom draw && open image.png

Page 21: Geometry Commands

Backticsecho "POINT (10 10)" > point.wkt

echo "POINT (0 0)" | geom buffer -d 10 | geom contains -o "`cat point.wkt | geom get -n 0`"


Page 22: Geometry Commands

Generate Random Pointsecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom buffer -d 100 | geom

random -n 20

MULTIPOINT ((28.654023089302072 -44.01821817278271), (81.83017489687163 -23.86819073039706), (2.105166479839937 36.12893454538721), (4.227942694802536 -75.42526935983172), (70.36226203781283 55.09734125747187), (-24.57828687972821

40.21049354265716), (43.29398472591029 91.04707992971149), (-10.753927532104086 29.320031764200024), (-81.14902146405959 8.312362640063384), (29.670956290372317 1.1014786268571584), (42.092039630473465 83.01841893953664), (-3.8268655554251154 -33.81236693090035), (-54.61643432275327 -69.03248995687024), (18.216453654179105 -46.68047579703787), (69.16611402164975 31.101723885056686), (-43.36423562242582 -76.70347656510657), (84.68024160811188 -46.630576818012635), (-52.67048441979452 -65.85207992789142),

(-82.00381658701411 -14.714381798142469), (72.18321150088343 -60.363316389278076))

Page 23: Geometry Commands

Random Walkecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom randomwalk -n 100 -a 45

-d 10 | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 24: Geometry Commands

Koch Snowflake

echo "POINT (1 1)" | geom envelope -e 100 | geom kochsnowflake -n 1000 | geom draw && open image.png

Page 25: Geometry Commands

Sierpinski Carpetecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom envelope -e 100 | geom

sierpinskicarpet -n 1000 | geom draw && open image.png

Page 26: Geometry Commands


geom text -t "Hi" | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 27: Geometry Commands

Sine Starecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom sinestar -l 0.9 -n 12 -p 1000 -w 500 -h 500 | geom draw && open image.png

Page 28: Geometry Commands

Rectangleecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom rectangle -p 30 -w 500 -h

500 | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 29: Geometry Commands

Ellipseecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom ellipse -p 30 -w 500 -h

500 | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 30: Geometry Commands

Squircleecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom squircle -p 30 -w 500 -h

500 | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 31: Geometry Commands

Supercircleecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom supercircle -o 3 -p 100 -

w 500 -h 500 | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 32: Geometry Commands

Arcecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom arc -a 45 -e 90 -d -p 20 -

w 500 -h 500 | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 33: Geometry Commands

Arc polygonecho "POINT (100 100)" | geom arcpoly -a 45 -e 90 -d -p

20 -w 500 -h 500 | geom draw -c && open image.png

Page 34: Geometry Commands

PostgreSQLpsql -U postgres -d postgres -c "select St_asText

(the_geom) from washington_2927 where fid=5" -t | geom draw && open image.png

Page 35: Geometry Commands

PostgreSQLpsql -U postgres -d postgres -c "select St_asText

(st_collect(the_geom)) from washington_2927" -t | geom draw && open image.png

Page 36: Geometry Commands

PostgreSQLpsql -U postgres -d postgres -c "select St_asText

(the_geom) from washington_2927" -t | geom combine | geom draw && open image.png

Page 37: Geometry Commands

GeoScript: convert to kmlecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom buffer -d 10 | geoscript-

groovy -e "println geoscript.geom.Geometry.fromWKT(System.in.text).kml"

<Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>11.0,1.0 10.807852804032304,-0.9509032201612824 10.238795325112868,-2.826834323650898 9.314696123025453,-4.555702330196022 8.071067811865476,-6.071067811865475 6.555702330196023,-7.314696123025453 4.826834323650898,-8.238795325112868 2.9509032201612833,-8.807852804032304

1.0000000000000007,-9.0 -0.9509032201612819,-8.807852804032304 -2.826834323650897,-8.238795325112868 -4.55570233019602,-7.314696123025453 -6.071067811865475,-6.0710678118654755 -7.314696123025453,-4.555702330196022

-8.238795325112868,-2.8268343236508944 -8.807852804032306,-0.9509032201612773 -9.0,1.0000000000000075 -8.807852804032303,2.950903220161292 -8.238795325112862,4.826834323650909 -7.3146961230254455,6.555702330196034 -6.071067811865463,8.071067811865486 -4.555702330196008,9.314696123025463 -2.826834323650879,10.238795325112875

-0.9509032201612606,10.807852804032308 1.0000000000000249,11.0 2.950903220161309,10.807852804032299 4.826834323650925,10.238795325112857 6.555702330196048,9.314696123025435 8.071067811865499,8.07106781186545

9.314696123025472,6.555702330195993 10.238795325112882,4.826834323650862 10.807852804032311,2.9509032201612437 11.0,1.0</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon>

Page 38: Geometry Commands

GeoScript: draw shapefilegeoscript-groovy -e "println new

geoscript.geom.GeometryCollection(new geoscript.layer.Shapefile('states.shp').features.collect

{it.geom}).wkt" | geom draw && open image.png

Page 39: Geometry Commands

GeoScript: write shapefileecho "POINT (1 1)" | geom buffer -d 100 | geom random -

n 100 | geoscript-groovy -e "new geoscript.workspace.Directory('.').create(new

geoscript.feature.Schema('random', [['the_geom','Point','EPSG:4326']])).add(geoscript.geom.Geometry.fromWKT

(System.in.text).geometries.collect{new geoscript.feature.Feature(['the_geom': it],null)})"

Page 40: Geometry Commands

Geocodingcurl "http://geocoder.us/service/csv/geocode?zip=95472" | awk -F ", " '{print "POINT ("$2 " " $1 ")"}' | geom buffer -d

10 | geom draw && open image.png

Page 41: Geometry Commands

USGS Earthquakescurl http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/catalogs/

eqs1day-M2.5.txt | awk -F ',' '{if (NR!=1) {print "POINT ("$8" "$7")"}}' | geom combine | geom draw && open


Page 42: Geometry Commands

WMScurl -o map.jpg "http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms/vmap0?LAYERS=basic&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&BBOX=-123.07,46.66,-121.14,47.48&WIDTH=500&HEIGHT=400"

echo "POINT (-122.429452 47.125627)" | geom buffer -d 0.2 | geom draw -w 500 -h 400 -e "-123.07,46.66,-121.14,47.48" -i map.jpg && open image.png

Page 43: Geometry Commands


• Install Java

• Download

• https://github.com/jericks/geometrycommands/downloads

• Put on path

• export PATH = /whereever/you/put/it/geom/bin

Page 44: Geometry Commands


• View commands

• geom list

• Get help on a command

• geom buffer --help

• Man pages

• man geom

• man geom-buffer

Page 45: Geometry Commands

Web Site (Sphinx)

Page 46: Geometry Commands

Extend• Create a Java class that implements Command


• or extends GeometryCommand

• or extends OtherGeometryCommand

• Add command line options by creating an Options subclass with Args4J annotations

• Java Service Provider Interface

• META-INF/services/org.geometrycommands/Command

• Add line with the full path (package and class name)

Page 47: Geometry Commands

Thank you!