Ch. 11 – Thinking and Language

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  • 1. Ch. 11 Thinking and Language

2. History of Studying Thinking Tied to philosophy in the past Rene Descartes 1st truth I think, therefore Iam No way to really measure or assess thinking atall in the past, now MRI, CT Scans, etc Thinking Sometimes called Cognition inthe research 3. Thinking Units of ThoughtImage visual mental representationSymbol abstract unit of thoughtConcept label for a class of related objects/eventsPrototype representative exampleRule statement of relation between objects 4. Symbols abstract unit of thoughtthat represents an object or quality 5. Prototype a representative example of a concept differs from person to personEx Someone in good shape; fun games, cutegirl, car, athlete, etc 6. Kinds of Thinking Directed (Convergent) systematic/logicalthinking to reach a specific goal or answer Nondirected (Divergent) free flow of thoughtswith no particular plan; depends more onimages Metacognition thinking about thinking, yourawareness of your own cognitive processes 7. 2 minutes in a womans head 8. Problem SolvingStrategies specific methods for approaching problems to deal with them Subgoals, working forward/backward Algorithms step by step procedure for solving a problem Heuristics (3) rule of thumb strategy (299)1. Availability prominent/easily recalled info isthe answer-ex lottery, overestimate2. Representativeness use probability andassociations to make guess3. Anchoring ideas or standards used to answer 9. 9 dots puzzle connect all, 4 lines, cant pick up your pencil 10. Obstacles to Problem Solving Mental Set habitualpattern of problemsolving Rigidity when amental set gets in theway of solving aproblem newspaperex Functional Fixedness unable to imaginenew uses for someobject 11. Creativity ability to generate novel and valuable ideas. Flexibility- ability toovercome rigidity Recombination newapproaches/combination of oldapproaches in a newway Insight-light bulbsuddenly realize theanswer. 12. Language a system of symbols and rules used for meaningful communication. 13. Structure of Language Phonemes smallest parts (sounds) Morphemes smallest units of meaning Syntax rules of arrangement in a language 14. Language Development Behavioralists (B.F. Skinner) OperantConditioning Social Learning theorists modeling Biological theorists (Chomsky) other factorsplay a role, but children inherit capacity/pre-programming for language LAD Language Acquisition Device 15. How Language Develops Cooing 2 months Babbling 4 months Single worlds 12 months 2 years two words toexpress meaning 2-3 telegraphic speech 5 languagedevelopment complete,continue to acquirevocabulary throughout life 16. Gender and Cultural Factors Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis language andthought are connected, language in factshapes thinking Semantic Slanting making statements sothey evoke a specific emotional response.e.g. Pro Choice Abortion Name calling labeling people in order toinfluence their thinkinge.g. Only an idiot would not go to college 17. The Manslater 3min