The Whys of NoSQL

DataStax: The Whys of NoSQL

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The Whys of NoSQL

1 Jargon Galore

2 Schema

3 Modeling and Internals

4 Deployment

5 Conclusion

2 © 2015. All Rights Reserved.

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SQL Jargon

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NoSQL Noise?


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Rigid Schema

Schema Free

Schema on read

Schema Easy to change

In flexible Writes are schema free, reads are freaking slow

Reads/Writes are schema aware Schema changes are O(1) operations


Too Slow

Optimized for Agility of change when needed, not theoretical extremes

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Normalization, Joins, Referential Integrity

Database normalization is the process of organizing the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a relational database to minimize data redundancy.

Referential integrity is a property of data which, when satisfied, requires every value of one column of a table to exist as a value of another column in a different table. A JOIN is a means for combining

fields from two tables (or more) by using values common to each.

Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/

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Not all Data Access is equal

1:168K random vs. sequential

1:10 random vs. sequential

Source - https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1563874

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Disk Density

Source http://silvertonconsulting.com/blog/2010/04/22/save-the-planet-buy-fatter-disks-and-flash/#sthash.sh2nwqtX.dpbs

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2014 2013 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980

HDD Price / GB Minimize Data Redundancy?

Disk Price / GB

OS Cache

C* Read and Write paths

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Memtable 1 Memtable 2 Memtable N

SSTable 1 SSTable 2 SSTable N

Commit Log

Persistent Storage

Off Heap

In Process Memory

Reads (memtable + N SSTables where N >= 1)

Mandatory Flush


Max # of SSTables = N (based on compaction)

Creation of new memtable during flush operation (cleanup tombstones, cleanup token ranges, etc.)

Time (memtable_flush_in_ms controls the frequency)


SSTable Compacted



Execution Engine

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Key takeaways

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Optimal utilization of physical resources (random access, sequential IO and CPU) No Read before Write (well mostly!) Plan for Compaction (like commercial paper, you need a regular pay back) De-Normalize for optimal application response (use 2NF instead of 3NF)

Deployment Semantics

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Single Box DR GR


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p by

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San Francisco

New York



Linear Scaling

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End Point Report Excerpt: Balanced Read/Write YCSB Test

So what's the catch?

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Conclusion Best in class performance, backed by physics

Enables pragmatic business agility, Delivering delightful customer experience, Always on, Linear Scale architecture delivering optimal ROI

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