RUBY 2.0 Pripovjedač: Nikola Šantić

Code@Six - Ruby 2.0

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RUBY 2.0

Pripovjedač: Nikola Šantić

Page 2: Code@Six - Ruby 2.0


Pripovjedač: Nikola Šantić

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Ruby je programski jezik

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Nijedan jezik nije LOŠosim Visual Basica

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Nijedan jezik nije LOŠosim Visual Basica

i PHPa

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Nijedan jezik nije LOŠosim Visual Basica

i PHPai javascripta

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Postoje LOŠI jezici

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Ali Ruby je odličanStvarno

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11 razloga zašto je odličan

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if (sequel == 7) print("yes!")end

series.push("Mission to Moscow")


1. Zagrade!

if sequel == 7 print "yes!"end

series.push "Mission to Moscow"


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2. if-ovi bez granica

if character == "Harris" print "MAHONEY!!!"end

print "MAHONEY!!!" if character == "Harris"

unless character.russian? play_academy_themeend

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3. Sve je objekt

"police academy".upcase=> "POLICE ACADEMY"

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3. Sve je objekt

"police academy".upcase=> "POLICE ACADEMY"

mission_to_moscow = Movie.new=> #<Movie:0x00000106f95a40>

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3. SVE je objekt

"police academy".upcase=> "POLICE ACADEMY"

19.years.ago=> Sat, 18 Jun 1994 00:55:38 UTC +00:00

mission_to_moscow = Movie.new=> #<Movie:0x00000106f95a40>

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4. Najljepši literali

'Ovo je string bez posebnih znakova \n/'"Ovo je policijska akademija #{ 6 + 1 }"

/police academy [0-9]+/i

oscar_reception_date = nil

us_gross = 126_247

%w(Lassard Jones Tackleberry) == ["Lassard","Jones","Tackleberry"]

{de: "Mission in Moskau", it: "Missione a Mosca", hu: "A rendõrakadémia Moszkvában" }

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5. Enumeratori

(1..20).each do |i| puts iend

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5. Enumeratori

(1..20).select{|i| i.even?}

(1..20).each do |i| puts iend

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5. Enumeratori

(1..20).select{|i| i.even?}.map{|i| "Razbojnik #{i}"}

(1..20).each do |i| puts iend

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5. Enumeratori

(1..20).select{|i| i.even?}.map{|i| "Razbojnik #{i}"}.each do |i| puts iend

(1..20).each do |i| puts iend

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6. Zamjena dvije varijable nikad nije bila tako laka

x, y = y, x

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7. Duck typing

if mission_to_moscow.respond_to?(:remake) mission_to_moscow.remakeend

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"Tackleberry".methods=> [:==, :===, :eql?, :hash, :casecmp, :+, :*, :%, :[], :[]=, ...

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8. Dinamično programiranje

"Tackleberry".methods=> [:==, :===, :eql?, :hash, :casecmp, :+, :*, :%, :[], :[]=, ...

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8. Dinamično programiranje

"Tackleberry".methods=> [:==, :===, :eql?, :hash, :casecmp, :+, :*, :%, :[], :[]=, ...

class Character def speak # bla bla endend

jones = Character.newjones.speak

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8. Dinamično programiranje

"Tackleberry".methods=> [:==, :===, :eql?, :hash, :casecmp, :+, :*, :%, :[], :[]=, ...

class Character def speak # bla bla endend

jones = Character.newjones.speak

def jones.make_noises puts "beep! boop!"end


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9. Random nasljeđivanje

class RandomSubclass < [Array, Hash, String, Fixnum, Float].sampleend

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10. method_missing

class RussianAcademyProxy def initialize(academy) @academy = academy end

def do_russian_stuff # ... end

def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @academy.send(method, *args, &block) endend

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11. Najlakše brisanje diska IKAD

require 'fileutils'FileUtils.rm_rf('/')

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Navodno trebam pričati o Rubyju 2.0

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• Dec 1996 - 1.0

• Aug 2003 - 1.8

• Dec 2007 - 1.9.0

• Aug 2010 - 1.9.2


FEB 24th 2013 - 2.0

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Nije strašno.Potpuno je kompatibilno s 1.9

Koliko je strašno?

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Što je novo?

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# encoding: utf-8 više ne treba!

proctooooor = "(╯°□°)╯"

Default UTF-8

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Keyword argumentswrap("Blue Oyster Bar")=> "***Blue Oyster Bar***"

wrap("Blue Oyster Bar", before: "8=", after: "=>")=> "8=Blue Oyster Bar=>"

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Keyword arguments


wrap("Blue Oyster Bar")=> "***Blue Oyster Bar***"

wrap("Blue Oyster Bar", before: "8=", after: "=>")=> "8=Blue Oyster Bar=>"

def wrap(string, options={}) before = options[:before] || '***' after = options[:after] || '***' "#{before}#{string}#{after}"end

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Keyword arguments


wrap("Blue Oyster Bar")=> "***Blue Oyster Bar***"

wrap("Blue Oyster Bar", before: "8=", after: "=>")=> "8=Blue Oyster Bar=>"

def wrap(string, before: '***', after: '***') "#{before}#{string}#{after}"end

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class Character def speak puts "Hello" end

include RussianCultureend

russian = Character.newrussian.drink_votkarussian.speak=> "Hello"

Character.ancestors=> [Character, RussianCulture, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

module RussianCulture def drink_votka end

def speak puts "привет" endend

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class Character def speak puts "Hello" end

prepend RussianCultureend

russian = Character.newrussian.drink_votkarussian.speak=> "привет"

Character.ancestors=> [RussianCulture, Character, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

module RussianCulture def drink_votka end

def speak puts "привет" endend

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module RussianCulture

def speak puts "привет" super puts "прощание" end


russian.speak=> "привет hello прощание"

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class Stringdef russian?

match(/"\p{Cyrillic}+.*?\.?"/ui) ? true : falseend


"привет".russian? #=> true


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module RussianQuery refine String do def russian? match(/"\p{Cyrillic}+.*?\.?"/ui) ? true : false end endend

"привет".respond_to?(:russian?) #=> false

using RussianQuery"привет".russian? #=> true


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(1..Float::INFINITY).map{|i| i.to_s}.select{|s| s =~ /3/}.first(10)

Lazy enumerator


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(1..Float::INFINITY).lazy.map{|i| i.to_s}.select{|s| s =~ /3/}.first(10)

Lazy enumerator

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• %i{first second third} == [:first, :second, :third]• to_h• array.bsearch{|x| x >= 4} • __dir__• Bolji GC

I još

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RVM: rvm get head && rvm install 2.0.0

Kako? Gdje?

rbenv: rbenv install 2.0.0-p0

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