cinematic quests 4/23/2014

Cinematic quests

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cinematic quests



introgoals:quickly set up (compelling) quest cinematicsminimize animator dependenciesempower designers


introgoals:quickly set up (compelling) quest cinematicsminimize animator dependenciesempower designerslots to cover lots of informationchris / giac / reddy / dave jump in


introgoals:quickly set up (compelling) quest cinematicsminimize animator dependenciesempower designerslots to cover lots of informationchris / giac / reddy / dave jump inmovie icon:

movie icon is to remind me that theres a movie to play, and its not just an image4

cinematic2new cinematic systemfully replaces previous systemnumerous track types


cinematic2new cinematic systemfully replaces previous systemnumerous track types:

position-rotation-scalebehavior (play anim clips)dialoguecameracamera-shakelightmaterial

vfxhideaudiomusic (drives cinematic time)atmosphereratesync

position-rotation-scale track to scale, rotate, translate an object using curves behavior track to play anim clips (and later sequence AI behavior) dialogue track to trigger lipsynched dialogue lines camera track to animate the camera using a maya clip or in-editor curves (also handles dof and fov) camera-shake track to shake the camera light track to update light properties (color, falloff, spot angle etc) using curves material track to update material properties vfx track to trigger vfx hide track to hide / shot actors (no need to teleport out of view) audio track to trigger wwise audio events for playing sfx / setting wwise state music track to play music which is used to drive the cinematic timeline atmosphere track to update atmosphere properties using curves rate track to modify overall playback rate using a curve (slowmo) sync track to allow scripts to sync with specific points on timeline6

cinematic2new cinematic systemfully replaces previous systemnumerous track types:

position-rotation-scalebehavior (play anim clips)dialoguecameracamera-shakelightmaterial

vfxhideaudiomusic (drives cinematic time)atmosphereratesyncmaya style curve editor

these tracks use our curve editor7

cinematic2new cinematic systemfully replaces previous systemnumerous track types:

position-rotation-scalebehavior (play anim clips)dialoguecameracamera-shakelightmaterial

vfxhideaudiomusic (drives cinematic time)atmosphereratesyncmaya style curve editor

will be talking about dialogue and camera tracks today specifically for quests8


heres the new cinematics editor9


game view (it *is* the game running all update code)10


the outliner similar to the scene editor shows everything in the cinematic11


sound panel (shows all sound banks and sound events) search / create favorites / audition events12


properties panel (for currently selected thing)13


timeline and playback controll14


shots list (can be edited and rearranged)15


tracks list16

dialogue tracktriggers dialogue for a specific actorone or more tracks per actorone or more actions per track

actions are used by most tracks they refer to the individual things being triggered by the track17

dialogue two bitslipsyncautomatically generatedfacial expressionsdesigner (or whoever) generated


lipsync - emesphoneme smallest structural unit of sound which can convey meaning


lipsync - emesphoneme smallest structural unit of sound which can convey meaningviseme facial positions and movements representing a specific phoneme


lipsync - emesphoneme (aural) smallest structural unit of sound which can convey meaningviseme (visual) facial positions and movements representing a specific phoneme


lipsync - emesenglish uses around 40 phonemesengine maps phonemes to visemes at runtimecurrent setup maps to 12 visemesuser editablecan be different per character

phoneme to viseme mapping is editable directly in the performance editor22

lipsync - visemes

sorry these are old!23



basicsanim performance clipsingle line of dialogue created in localization system referenced by tag: DIRK_LTK_Q_CHAOS_001animation data:phonemesexpressionsgestures


basicsanim performance setgroup of clips for a single charactervault asset, loaded by luna DIRK.performanceset


basicsdialogue line:textrecorded wav (or robovoice)


basicsdialogue line:textrecorded wav (or robovoice)auto generated mouth movementmanually created expressionsmanually created gestures


workflow - lunacreate new .cinematic2Asset Wizard:


workflow - lunacreate new .cinematic2


workflow - cinematics editorcreate shotsOutliner Shots Add Shot:


workflow - cinematics editorcreate shotsOutliner Shots Add Shot:


workflow - cinematics editoradd actorsdrag from Vault to Outliner Actors:


workflow - cinematics editorcast actorsdrag from Actors list to shot:


workflow - cinematics editorcast actorsdrag from Actors list to shot:


workflow - cinematics editoradd AnimPerformance trackTrack List Add Track Anim Performance:


workflow - cinematics editoradd AnimPerformance trackTrack List Add Track Anim Performance:


tip - renamecurrently through Property Panelselect track, edit properties:

note: tracks with same name are merged


workflow - cinematics editordrag .performanceclip from vault


workflow - cinematics editoradd .performanceclipdrag from Vault to track:


workflow - cinematics editor


workflow - cinematics editor

playback cropped to shot duration


workflow - cinematics editor

extend shot duration


workflow - cinematics editor

extend shot duration


workflow - cinematics editor


tip - keys

~ toggle between debug and cine cameraF frame selected object / whole scenedel delete selectedctrl+c copy selectedctrl+v paste selectedctrl+x cut selectedspace toggle playbackshift+space rewindshift+; forward one shotshift+ back one shotW translate manipulatorE rotate manipulatorR scale manipulator


workflow - cinematics editor

pure auto generated dialogue linejust mouth movementno facial expressionsno head / body movement


workflow - cinematics editor

pure auto generated dialogue linejust mouth movementno facial expressionsno head / body movementedit in performance editor


workflow - performance editorper character:set up phoneme viseme mappingset up expression pose paletteset up gesture clip palettetest palette already set up by Davemore to come


workflow - performance editorper line:phoneme animation auto generated from localization lineassign facial expressionsassign body gestures

localization file is exported form localization database (jon / qa support ?) causes auto generation of new / updated lines50

performance editorseparate to cinematics editorselect .performanceset in vault


performance editor

use performance editor to set up the performance (will be integrated into cinematics editor next project)52

performance editor

3d view53

performance editor

clips in the performance set54

performance editor

animation palette (expressions + gestures)55

performance editor

phoneme -> viseme map56

performance editor


performance editor

phonemes (automatically generated)58

performance editor


performance editor


performance editorauto analyzed phonemes


performance editormouth moves, no expressions


workflow - performance editorper line:phoneme animation auto generated from localization lineassign facial expressionsassign body gestures

expressions affect the face frowns, smiles, winks etc theyre contained in a single anim clip specify frame number for particular pose and name represent joints at the 100% expression (eg. FULL FROWN)63

performance editorassign expressions from palette


performance editorassign expressions from palette


performance editorassign expressions from palette

creates an envelope cheap curve blend in, hold, blend out (will use curves next time)66

performance editordrag envelope points to edit:


performance editordrag envelope points to edit:

drag to envelope to move:


performance editorright-click to add new points:


performance editorright-click to add new points:

can add multiple points and move to get something which blends in, holds, blends down, holds, blends up, holds, blends out70

performance editorrinse and repeat

note:each add point requires a save (very quick)each point / envelope move done directly (instant)


performance editormultiple expressions can overlap


performance editormultiple expressions can overlap


performance editorheres one Dave made earlier:


workflow - performance editorper line:phoneme animation auto generated from localization lineassign facial expressionsassign body gestures

gestures are short pre-created clips which are designed to be reused and sequenced together and overlapped to create many variations75

performance editorassign gestures from palette


performance editorassign gestures from palette


performance editorassign gestures from palette


performance editorrinse and repeat

drag multiple gestures to cover the whole timeline79

performance editorrinse and repeatoverlap to automatically blend


performance editorheres another one Dave made earlier:


performance editortip solo (just this track)


performance editortip mute (ignore this track)


workflow - cinematics editorsequence multiple lines on timelineadd AnimPerformance track for each actorassign .performanceclips from vault

each track can contain multiple actions (triggering multiple lines) or can add multiple tracks84

poc test


cameras(optionally) assigned per shotedited in luna using AnimCurvespiecewise Bezier curves with per key time and tangent controlattempt to match maya curve editor


workflow - cinematics editorcamera tracks are added to panes

right click Pane -> add CameraTrack87

workflow cinematics editorcamera tracks are added to panes


workflow cinematics editoradd to all shots or selected shots

Select the shot89

workflow cinematics editoradd to all shots or selected shots

Hold Control and select the pane90

workflow cinematics editoradd to all shots or selected shots

This allows you to only add a camera track to a single shot91

workflow cinematics editoradd to all shots or selected shots


workflow cinematics editorcamera curve tracks added via menucurrent position / rotation of the camera is used when adding curves


workflow cinematics editorselect one or more curves to open curve editor window


workflow cinematics editor


workflow cinematics editor

List of keys that are being edited and a legend indicating the color of each96

workflow cinematics editor

Property panel showing the cameras current settings if no points are selected; otherwise shows the properties of the selected points97

workflow cinematics editor

Timeline and curve editing area98

workflow cinematics editor

Vertical lines indicate shot boundaries99

workflow cinematics editor

Playback buttons dont yet work in this view, use the ones on the main window100

workflow cinematics editor

Move playhead to desired time101

workflow cinematics editor

Adjust the camera (either while looking through it or by moving the camera widget). Use tilda (~) to toggle camera views. 102

workflow cinematics editor

Property panel updates with the camera position and rotation103

workflow cinematics editor

Right-click anywhere in the track area to access the menu for adding keys104

workflow cinematics editor

Curves will be shown105

workflow cinematics editor

Repeat for additional keys106

workflow cinematics editor

Toggle visibility to work with single elements of the curve107

workflow cinematics editor

Select control points on the curve to access their individual properties; can select multiple points at a time and edit them at once; you can drag a control point to adjust the curve.108

workflow cinematics editor

When the tangent types are set to Free, you can freely move the tangent control point to adjust the curve109

camera keystangent types:Linear (matches maya)match slope from previous / to next key


camera keystangent types:Linear (matches maya)Flat (matches maya)slope is horizontal


camera keystangent types:Linear (matches maya)Flat (matches maya)Smooth (maya Auto)slope based on neighbor keys


camera keystangent types:Linear (matches maya)Flat (matches maya)Smooth (maya Auto)Freeuser editable


shotsoptionally associated with a camerashots without hold last cameraby default, stepped in order shot1, shot2, shot3, endeach shot can specify a loop shotcan be itselfscript plug advances / sets specific shot


shotsstandard sequence



shotsstandard sequence


loop intro idle (quest)12345


shotsstandard sequence


loop intro idle (quest)12345

loop intro + branching outro (quest)12345


shotsedit duration @@@ videorearrange order @@@ video


workflow - lunatrigger in gameadd cinematic2 script nodespecify .cinematic2 actor(optionally) specify actor assignmentsset up input / output triggers

talk about triggering in game starts with .cinematic2 script node similar to previous .cinematic script node - specifies the .cinematic2 actor (placement + refers to asset) (optionally) specifies actor assignments sets up input and output triggers119

script node

inputs + triggering + outputs

*lots* of plugs! well remove of the unused ones120

script node

cinematic actortrigger plugtriggered outcompleted out

standard inputs cinematic actor reference trigger plugstandard outputs triggered / completed121

script node

cinematic actorscene actorscene actortrigger plugtriggered outcompleted out

scene actor inputs if specified, will use existing scene actor for cinematic actor it not specified will spawn new actor122

script node

jump to shotcinematic actorscene actorscene actortrigger plugtriggered outcompleted out

jump-to-shot allows triggering a specific shot from script123

script node

jump to shotcinematic actorscene actorscene actortrigger plugtriggered outcompleted outsync out

sync outputs allow synchronizing timeline with script (unlock door at specific point in the cinematic) adding UI support to set them on the timeline124

workflow - lunaplace cinematic2 actor Cinematic2Actor.actor


workflow - lunaplace cinematic2 actor Cinematic2Actor.actorassign .cinematic2 from vault


workflow - lunaplace cinematic2 actor Cinematic2Actor.actorassign .cinematic2 from vaultlocation / orientation defines cinematic origin overriden by IsWorldSpaceCinematic


workflow - lunaplace cinematic2 actor Cinematic2Actor.actorassign .cinematic2 from vaultlocation / orientation defines cinematic origin overriden by IsWorldSpaceCinematic ScriptDriven: disable to spawn at zone load (PlayBackShot to specify particular shot)


workflow cinematics editorzone preview:

Automatically populated based upon placement of Cinematic2Actor nodes within zones129

workflow cinematics editorzone preview:

You can manually specify whatever regions you want130

workflow cinematics editorzone preview:

Drag and drop a region from the vault131

workflow cinematics editorzone preview:

Load the region into the game using the context menu132

extra bits frames / secondstime in frames vs seconds

Use the View menu or the button on a property panel field to toggle time between frames and seconds (adjusts the property panel, the timeline, and tooltips)133

extra bits frames / secondstime in frames vs seconds

extra bits frames / secondstime in frames vs seconds

extra bitsspecialized hero tracksany trackgenerallyanim (behavior)cameradialogue

extra bits tab dockdrag tabs to dock:


extra bits tab dockdrag tabs to dock:


extra bits tab dockdrag tabs to dock:


extra bits tab dockdrag tabs off to pop out:


extra bits tab dockdrag tabs off to pop out:


extra bits tab docksave your layout


coming soonspecialized hero trackscamera / behavior (hero / prop anim)sync tracktrigger script node plugs from timelineevent tracktrigger arbitrary game event from timelinelighting groups

summarywe have a new cinematics editor!hopefully make compelling quest intros

summarywe have a new cinematics editor!hopefully make compelling quest introslots of informationsome areas covered more than otherscome talk to us

end!thanks for turning upquestions ?