Official host city posters

2014 World Cup Brazil Curiosities

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Official host city posters

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A soccer player balancing the ball on the back of his neck. What else do you see here? His silhouette forms a heart, symbolizing the Cariocas love of soccer. Each layer represents the iconic symbols of Rio: the beach, the mountains, the Sugarloaf peak, the sea and the sky.

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The mascot is called “Tatu-bola”, which in Portuguese means Armadillo ball, because he can curl into a ball.

This guy is found only in Brazil.

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Is the name of the 2014 World Cup ball. But what is the meaning?

It is a slang for Brazilians and all things Brazilian, such as

the language – Brazilian Portuguese


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- Host cities -

• Manaus – hosts one of the coolest stadiums, Arena Amazônia, a sustainable project inspired by the rainforest

• Fortaleza – which means fortress in Portuguese, was ruled by the Dutch(1630-1654). You will find amazing beaches near the city.

• Natal – major tourist destination and the safest capital city in Brazil.

• Recife – home of “Frevo” a unique and local type of carnaval music and dance that makes impossible not to watch.

• Salvador – famous for Carnaval, beautiful beaches and rich history. The Fonte Nova stadium is centrally located, near the famous Pelourinho (the historic city center during Portuguese colonial rule).

• Brasília – capital of Brazil, was listed as a world heritage site due to its modernist architecture.

• Cuiabá – sits in the geographic center of South America. Not far from the Pantanal, the world’s largest wetland.

• Belo Horizonte – also known as Beagá, is the third largest city in Brazil. Nearby colonial towns of Ouro Preto e Tiradentes are worth a visit.

• São Paulo – cultural and gastronomic hub, a vibrant and impressive megalópolis.

• Rio de Janeiro – postcard of Brazil, with iconic and breathtaking sites. Home of samba and bossa nova. The Maracanã stadium will host the final match

• Curitiba – Brazil’s green capital and the most sustainable in the country.

• Porto Alegre – means Happy Harbour in English. This city boasts a subtropical climate and shares cultural traits with Uruguay, such as drinking of the chimarrão.

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Resembling a traditional indigenous basket, the

Arena Amazônia is a sustainable project. Plant

screens control the temperature in the stadium,

and its roof drains the rain.

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Embrace your inner Brazilian, learn the language

and get ready for the PARTY!