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10 Gym Apps Every Gym Rat Needs

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1 Get in the best shape of your life with thousands offree workouts and custom training programs thathelp you crush your fitness goals

J OHNSON & J OHNSON OFF I C IA L 7 MINUTEWORKOUT APP3Perfect for home work outs or fitness on- the-go!

F I TSTAR4 Get and stay in shape with dynamic programs thatcontinually adjust to your feedback, goals, andcapabilities

SWORK I T 5 Personalized workouts that fit your schedule andyour goals vs. rearranging your schedule to work out

POCKET YOGA6 Keep up with your practice at your own pace inthe comforts of your own home

STRAVA RUNN ING & CYCL ING7 Record activities, compare performance over time,

compete with community, and share the photos,stories and highlights of your activities with friends

F I TOCRACY 8 Make exercise fun! Track your workouts, earn points,unlock achievements, beat quests, and slay thelaziness dragon

CA LOR I E COUNTER BY MYF I TNESSPA L 9 Lose weight with MyFitnessPal, the world’s mostpopular health and fitness app!

CARROT F I T10 Make getting in shape suck so much less withCARROT's hilarious fitness app

J E F I T 2 Have your own personal trainer & workout trackerapp to help you stay motivated

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