Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

What Happens After You Die?

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Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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What Happens After You Die?

A Closer Look at Near-Death Experiences and the Possibility of Afterlife

By Eliza Palmer

Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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Published by Mind & Body PublishingAtlanta, Georgia USA

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author. DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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Books by This Author• Stop F**king Around• The Path to Happiness• Ultimate Memory Mastery• The Introvert's Social Survival• Calm Down and Breathe, Woman!• How a 30-minute Memory-Improvement Book Can

Save Your Life• Destination: Happiness: Find Happiness in Work,

Family, and Life in 12 Simple Steps

Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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Table Of ContentsIntroduction

I. Near-Death Experiences Defined

II. Near-Death Experiences according to Science

III. Near-Death Experiences and Religion

IV. What to Gain from Near-Death Experiences


Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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What exactly happens to people after they die? Is it all just a dark abyss of nothingness or do we go somewhere, like to a very different realm that is beyond human comprehension, to space, or to heaven? Does our consciousness continue to live on as invisible energies here on earth or does it float somewhere in space with other dead people’s consciousness? Is the soul just a work of brain chemistry or is it separate from the physical body?

If near-death experiences are considered a glimpse of an afterlife, why is it that some near-death patients not experience them? There is also the peculiar thing about NDE experiencers describing very detailed accounts of what occurs around them during the time when their brains are not supposedly working anymore.

Such a peculiar thing it is. This phenomenon certainly titillates the curious mind and whether you believe in an afterlife or not, one thing is for certain, an NDE greatly affects the experiencer. The problem is that neither the existence of an afterlife nor the lack of it has been strongly proven.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/What-Happens-After-You-Die-ebook/dp/B00VSQPI5W

Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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Chapter One: Near-Death Experiences Defined

A near-death experience is a personal experience that is associated with impending death. People who report having gone through a near-death experience are usually those who have been pronounced clinically dead or have had a close encounter with death.

Common elements of the experience include an out-of-body sensation, serenity, warmth, absolute dissolution, and presence of light. There are more elements that experiencers report, which will be discussed later in the first part of this chapter.

Presently, two popular theories attempt to explain the phenomenon of NDEs: Scientists claim that these experiences are a result of neurological functions while parapsychologists and philosophers claim that these are evidences of life after death.

The complete book is available on Amazon:


Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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Chapter Two: Near-Death Experiences According to Science

Now that we’ve delved into the basics, let’s talk about what science has to say about NDEs. In this chapter, we will discuss the several natural explanations that science has to offer for the things that a person experiences during their NDE, which will then be followed by the ways of which an NDE can be manufactured.

And since most material scientists do not believe in an afterlife, I thought it was only right that we follow this part with a section dedicated to discussing the opinion of people who believe in the same thing too, agnostics and atheists. Obviously, this group does not believe in an afterlife so we will immediately talk about the experiences of those atheists who had already gone through NDE and what aspects of their beliefs have changed after the experience.

We also attempt to analyze the several statistics that came from a study conducted on atheists who had NDE and take a look at the remarkable account of one famous atheist whose NDE skewed his denial in the existence of an afterlife.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/What-Happens-After-You-Die-ebook/dp/B00VSQPI5W

Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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Chapter Three: Near-Death Experiences and Religion

You cannot talk about NDEs without getting religion and spirituality involved. Most people who have gone through an NDE will often associate their experience with their current religion, which strengthens their current beliefs even more. There are also those who decide they don’t want to be constricted by any religion so they evolve and lead a more spiritual life without letting religion get in the way.

Now, after reading all of the stuff you just read until now, you probably think that NDEs are all about peace, love, angels, and bright lights. Remember, distressing NDEs exist too so in keeping with an objective look at NDEs, we will also discuss the negative aspects of NDE.

Conventional belief tells us that there is a heaven and a hell so typically, when a person experiences a negative NDE, they will more likely associate it with hell. The aftereffects vary from every person. Some interpret the experience as a second chance, which prompts them to change for the better, or they see it as a warning for what’s about to come and it haunts them for years.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/What-Happens-After-You-Die-ebook/dp/B00VSQPI5W

Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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Chapter Four: What to Gain from Near-Death Experiences

We are finally at the last leg of our journey to exploring NDEs. We’ve already looked into the scientific side and religious side of NDEs. Now I’d like to talk about human consciousness and its relation to NDEs. Again, there are no absolute findings that prove whether human consciousness lives separate from the body or not, but it is fun to speculate about these things.

We’ll discuss a few studies that delve into NDEs and the human consciousness. I say few because the study of human consciousness during NDE is still relatively fresh. Sam Parnia is one of the few researchers who has delved into this field of study when he conducted a research on the NDEs of cardiac arrest patients. You’ll learn more about the results of this study later.

In the next part, I have gathered all the lessons we can possibly learn based on all the research findings and testimonies on NDEs. For now, we can never really tell for sure if NDEs are just mere brain chemistry or they’re more than that, but that doesn’t mean we can’t derive lessons out of it.

The complete book is available on Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/What-Happens-After-You-Die-ebook/dp/B00VSQPI5W

Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer

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We weren’t able to find absolute answers in this book, but I hope that you were able to learn many lessons in it as I did when I was doing my research. I encourage you to take whatever lesson you can from NDE stories and perhaps live your life according to those lessons.

As for me, I won’t tell you where my stand on this topic is. I have made a promise not to reveal any sort of bias on this topic, so you can make an objective decision of your own on what to believe. I am very sure of one thing though. Writing this book and learning about NDEs has changed my life in terms of what I believe in, how I act, and how I see situations.

I hope the same happens to you too. I encourage you to be curious. Don’t settle for traditional beliefs because they will only limit you. Instead, question those beliefs. Challenge them. Don’t be contented with what’s comfortable and don’t settle only for what the majority thinks is right.

The complete book is available on Amazon:


Copyright © 2015 Eliza Palmer