Tuga it 2016 - What's New In C# 6

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What’s New In C# 6

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Paulo Morgado

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Agenda• Improvements in Auto-Properties• Expression Bodied Function Members• The 'using static' Directive • Null-Conditional Operator• String Interpolation• 'nameof' Expressions• 'Add' Extension Methods in Collection Initializers • Index Initializers• Exception Filters• 'await' in 'catch' and 'finally' blocks• C# Interactive

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Improvements in Auto-PropertiesInitializers for Auto-Propertiespublic class Person{ private string firstName = "Jane" private string lastName = "Doe";  public string FirstName { get { return firstName; } set { firstName = value; } }  public string LastName { get { return lastName; } set { lastName = value; } }}

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Improvements in Auto-PropertiesInitializers for Auto-Propertiespublic class Person{ public string FirstName { get; set; } = "Jane"; public string LastName { get; set; } = "Doe";}

C# 6

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Improvements in Auto-PropertiesRead-Only Auto-Propertiespublic class Person{ private readonly string firstName = "Jane"; private readonly string lastName = "Doe";

public string FirstName { get { return firstName; } }

public string LastName { get { return lastName; } }

// ...

public Person(string first, string last) { firstName = first; lastName = last; }}

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Improvements in Auto-PropertiesRead-Only Auto-Propertiespublic class Person{ public string FirstName { get; } = "Jane"; public string LastName { get; } = "Doe";

// ...

public Person(string first, string last) { FirstName = first; LastName = last; }} C# 6

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Expression Bodied Function MembersExpression Bodied Method-Like Function Memberspublic Point Move(int dx, int dy){ return new Point(x + dx, y + dy);}

public static Complex operator +(Complex a, Complex b){ return a.Add(b);}

public static implicit operator string(Person p){ return p.First + " " + p.Last;}

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Expression Bodied Function MembersExpression Bodied Method-Like Function Memberspublic Point Move(int dx, int dy) => new Point(x + dx, y + dy);

public static Complex operator +(Complex a, Complex b) => a.Add(b);

public static implicit operator string (Person p) => p.First + " " + p.Last;

C# 6

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Expression Bodied Function MembersExpression Bodied Property-Like Function Memberspublic string Name{ get { return First + " " + Last; }} public Person this[long id]{ get { return store.LookupPerson(id); }}

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Expression Bodied Function MembersExpression Bodied Property-Like Function Memberspublic string Name => First + " " + Last; public Person this[long id] => store.LookupPerson(id);

C# 6

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The 'using static' Directive

using System; class Program{ static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Math.Sqrt(3 * 3 + 4 * 4)); Console.WriteLine(DayOfWeek.Friday - DayOfWeek.Monday); }}

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The 'using static' Directive

using static System.Console;using static System.Math;using static System.DayOfWeek; class Program{ static void Main() { WriteLine(Sqrt(3 * 3 + 4 * 4)); WriteLine(Friday - Monday); }}

C# 6

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The 'using static' DirectiveExtension Methodsusing static System.Linq.Enumerable; // The type, not the namespace class Program{ static void Main() { var range = Range(5, 17); // Ok: not extension var odd = Where(range, i => i % 2 == 1); // Error, not in scope var even = range.Where(i => i % 2 == 0); // Ok }} C# 6

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Null-Conditional OperatorProperty and Method Invocationint? nullable = (people != null) ? new int?(people.Length) : null;Person first = (people != null) ? people[0] : null;

int? firstCount = (people != null) ? people[0].Orders.Count() : (int?)null;

int firstCount = (people != null) ? people[0].Orders.Count() : 0;

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Null-Conditional OperatorProperty and Method Invocationint? length = people?.Length; // null if people is nullPerson first = people?[0]; // null if people is null int length = people?.Length ?? 0; // 0 if people is null int? firstCount = people?[0].Orders.Count();

C# 6

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Null-Conditional OperatorDelegate Invocationvar handler = PropertyChanged;if (handler != null){ handler(this, args);}

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Null-Conditional OperatorDelegate InvocationPropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, args);

C# 6

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String Interpolation

string.Format("{0} is {1} year{{s}} old.", p.Name, p.Age);

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String Interpolation

$"{p.Name} tem {p.Age} ano{{s}}."

$"{p.Name,20} tem {p.Age:D3} ano{{s}}."

$"{p.Name} tem {p.Age} ano{(p.Age == 1 ? "" : "s")}."

C# 6

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String InterpolationFormattable StringsIFormattable christmas = $"{new DateTime(2015, 12, 25):f}";var christamasText = christmas.ToString(string.Empty, new CultureInfo("pt-PT"));

C# 6

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String InterpolationFormattable StringsFormattableStringFactory.Create("{0:f}", new DateTime(2015, 12, 25)) public abstract class FormattableString : IFormattable{ protected FormattableString(); public abstract int ArgumentCount { get; } public abstract string Format { get; } public static string Invariant(FormattableString formattable); public abstract object GetArgument(int index); public abstract object[] GetArguments(); public override string ToString(); public abstract string ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider);} C# 6

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String InterpolationFormattable StringsFormattableString christmas = $"{new DateTime(2015, 12, 25):f}";var christamasText = christmas.ToString(new CultureInfo("pt-PT"));

C# 6

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String InterpolationFormattable Stringspublic static IDbCommand CreateCommand( this IDbConnection connection, FormattableString commandText){ var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (commandText.ArgumentCount > 0) { var commandTextArguments = new string[commandText.ArgumentCount]; for (var i = 0; i < commandText.ArgumentCount; i++) { commandTextArguments[i] = "@p" + i.ToString(); var p = command.CreateParameter(); p.ParameterName = commandTextArguments[i]; p.Value = commandText.GetArgument(i); command.Parameters.Add(p); } command.CommandText = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, commandText.Format, commandTextArguments); } else { command.CommandText = commandText.Format; } return command;}

var id = 10;var nome = “Paulo";IDbConnection cnn = new SqlConnection();var cmd = cnn.CreateCommand( $"insert into test (id, nome) values({id}, {nome})");cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

C# 6

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'nameof' Expressions

void M1(string x){ if (x == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("x"); var s = "ZipCode";}

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'nameof' Expressions

void M1(string x){ if (x == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x)); var s = nameof(Person.Address.ZipCode);}

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'nameof' ExpressionsSource Code vs. Metadatausing S = System.String;void M<T>(S s){ var s1 = nameof(T); var s2 = nameof(S);} using S =

System.String;void M<T>(S s){ var s1 = "T"; var s2 = "S";}

C# 6

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Collection Initializers'Add' Extension Methodspublic class C<T> : IEnumerable<T>{ // ...} public static class Cx{ public static void Add<T>(this C<T> c, T i) { // ... }}

var cs = new C<int>();cs.Add(1);cs.Add(2);cs.Add(3);

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Collection Initializers'Add' Extension Methodspublic class C<T> : IEnumerable<T>{ // ...} public static class Cx{ public static void Add<T>(this C<T> c, T i) { // ... }} var cs = new C<int> { 1, 2, 3 }; C# 6

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Index Initializers

var numbers = new Dictionary<int, string>();numbers[7] = "seven";numbers[9] = "nine";numbers[13] = "thirteen";

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Index Initializers

var numbers = new Dictionary<int, string>{ [7] = "seven", [9] = "nine", [13] = "thirteen"};

C# 6

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Exception Filters

try{ //...}catch (SqlException ex) when (ex.Number == 2){ // ...}catch (SqlException ex){ // ...}

Exectued in the context of the throw, not the catch.

C# 6

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'await' in 'catch' and 'finally' blocksasync Task M(){ Resource res = null; Exception ex = null; try { res = await Resource.OpenAsync(); } catch (ResourceException e) { ex = e; }  if (ex != null) await Resource.LogAsync(res, e);  if (res != null) await res.CloseAsync();}

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'await' in 'catch' and 'finally' blocksasync Task M(){ Resource res = null; try { res = await Resource.OpenAsync(); } catch (ResourceException e) { await Resource.LogAsync(res, e); } finally { if (res != null) await res.CloseAsync(); }} C# 6

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C# 6C# Interactive

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dotnet/roslyn, New Language Features in C# 6• https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/wiki/New-Language-Features-in-C%23-6

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simple talk, What's New in C# 6• https://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/.net-framework/whats-new-in-c-6/

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Revista PROGRAMAR, As Novidades Do C# 6• http://www.revista-programar.info/artigos/as-novidades-do-c-sharp-6/

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C# 6 - Programação com Produtividade • http://www.fca.pt/pt/catalogo/ebooks/informatica/programacao/c-6-programacao-com-pro


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Thank You!

Paulo Morgadohttp://PauloMorgado.NET/https://twitter.com/PauloMorgadohttp://netponto.org/membro/paulo-morgado/https://www.facebook.com/paulo.morgadohttps://www.linkedin.com/in/PauloMorgadohttp://www.revista-programar.info/author/pmorgado/https://www.simple-talk.com/author/paulo-morgado/http://www.slideshare.net/PauloJorgeMorgadohttps://docs.com/paulo-morgadohttp://www.fca.pt/pt/catalogo-pesquisa/?filtros=0&pesquisa=paulo+morgado

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