Practical tips for building apps with kotlin Adit Lal | @aditlal

Practical tips for building apps with kotlin

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Page 1: Practical tips for building apps with kotlin

Practical tips for building apps with kotlin

Adit Lal | @aditlal

Page 2: Practical tips for building apps with kotlin


What is Kotlin?

Perfect for Android

Migration guide

Best Practices

Summary - QnABuilding with kotlin

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100 % interoperable with Java

Developed by JetBrains


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What is Kotlin?

Statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser

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OOP language

with functional


Modern and powerful language

Safe concise & readable


First class tool support

What is Kotlin?

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• Null safety

• Conciseness

• Lambdas

• Higher order functions

• Mutability protection

• Static typing + Smart Casts

We will cover :

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Kotlin works on same byte code

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Kotlin - Syntax

• Types follow variable/function names

• Functions start with fun keyword

• Default constructor in class signature

• Semicolons not required

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Kotlin - Syntax

private fun sum(first: Int , second: Int): Int { return first + second }

Access modifier


Function name

Param name Param type

Return type

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Kotlin - Syntax

// Omit access modifier fun sum(a: Int , b: Int): Int { return a + b } // Inline return fun sum(a: Int , b: Int): Int = a + b

// Omit return type fun sum(a: Int , b: Int) = a + b

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Kotlin - Syntax

val name: String ="John" // final

var name: String ="John" //Mutable

ex: name= "Johnny"

Two types of variables

val name ="John" // Types are auto-inferred

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Kotlin - Syntax

//java String sName = person.getSecretName()

//kotlin person.secretName = “Batman” var fName = person.secretName

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Kotlin - Null Safety


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Kotlin - Null SafetyTypes default to non-nullable

Mark nullable with the addition of a ?

var a: String = "abc" a = null

var b: String? = "abc" b = null

var l = a.length var l = b.length

// compilation error

// OK

// error: variable 'b' can be null

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Kotlin - Null Safety


Safe accessor  ?

Elvis operator  ?:

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val toDisplay: String = serverResponse

Kotlin - Null

// if response is null, we'll display a default


val toDisplay: String = response ?: defaultMessage

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Kotlin - Null

// cascading null safety

val maybeName: String? = maybeNullValue?.someProperty?.name

val maybeNullValue: MyValue? = /*..*/

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Kotlin - Null

// safe operation maybeNullValue?.let { //executed if not null }

val maybeNullValue: MyValue? = /*..*/

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if (obj instanceOf MyType) { value = ((MyType)obj).getXValue();

} else { // handle else }

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Kotlin - Smart casting

if (obj is MyType) { value = obj.x } else { // handle else }

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// Wont Compileclass Student : Person()

class Person

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open class Person


//It works nowclass Student : Person()

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Higher order functions

Functions that can take functions as arguments and also return function as the


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fun <T> forEach(list: List<T>, funcToCall: (T) -> Unit) { for (elm in list) { funcToCall(elm) }


val list = listOf("Alice", "Bob", "Claire") forEach(list, ::println) forEach(list, { str -> println(str) })

Higher order functions

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Kotlin - Features

… and More

• Visibility Modifiers • Companion Objects • Nested, Sealed Classes • Generics • Coroutines • Operator overloading • Exceptions • Annotations • Reflection • and more

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Kotlin - Features

… and Even More

• Infix extension methods • Interfaces • Interface Delegation • Property Delegation • Destructuring • Safe Singletons • Init blocks • Enums • Multiline Strings • Tail recursion

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Perfect for

• Versatile language

• Complete interop with Java

• Compact runtime

• Enhance development speed with

less code

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“But I’m comfortable and experienced with Java.”

Common Concerns

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“I don’t want to convert my entire codebase to a new language.”

Common Concerns

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•Compiled to byte code (like Java)

•No impact on performance

•Some Kotlin code faster

•Lambdas that can be inlined

•Built-in operations faster than DIY implementations


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How to migrate

Start in small steps - Convert a Java / Android app (side project)

Try the kotlin plugin converter

Understand how code is converted from Java to Kotlin

Experiment with kotlin features and tweak code

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•Add Gradle dependencies (plugin, runtime, etc.)

•Start writing .kt files instead of .java ones

•No need to migrate everything at once

•Kotlin classes can co-exist with Java ones

• IntelliJ has a Java-to-Kotlin converter

•Not perfect but good start

• Works with pasted code

Try kotlin

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class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) val view = findViewById<View>(R.id.view) view.alpha = 1f } }

Android & Kotlin

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class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) val view = findViewById<View>(R.id.view) view.alpha = 1f } }

Android & Kotlin

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• View binding (like Butter Knife) • No instance variables required • How?

Android extensionsapply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'

• Import synthetic layout import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main..*

• Use view by ID E.g. toolbar.title = "Home"

• Under the hood: synthetic calls replaced by functions

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class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) val view = findViewById<View>(R.id.view) view.alpha = 1f } }

Android & Kotlin

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Android extensions

class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) val view = findViewById<View>(R.id.view) view.alpha = 1f } }

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Android extensions

import kotlinx.android.synthetic.activity_main.*

class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) view.alpha = 1f } }

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view.setOnClickListener{ toast(“Hello") }


view.setOnClickListener(object : View.OnClickListener { override fun onClick(v: View?) { toast("Hello") } })

view.setOnClickListener{ view -> doSomethingWithView() }

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fun Context.inflate( res:Int, parent:ViewGroup? = null) : View {

return LayoutInflater.from(this) .inflate(res, parent, false) }

activity.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, container) //Fragment

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public class Person {

private String name; private String surname; private String id;

/* Setters and getters - 20 lines */

@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { //another few lines here }

@Override public int hashCode() { //some more lines }

@Override public String toString() { //some more } }

Data classes

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Kotlin -

data class Person( val name: String, var surname: String = "", val id: String )

Data classes

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Kotlin - Data classes

equals() & hashCode()


copy() function

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fun evaluateObject(obj: Any): String { return when(obj){ is String -> "Ahoy !!" is Int -> "Lucky no is $obj" else -> "Object is in space" } }

KotlinWhen expression

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// Java if(name.toLowerCase().contains(str)) {

... }


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// Kotlin if (name.contains(str, true)) {

... }


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for (i in 1..100) { ... } for (i in 0 until 100) { ... } for (i in 2..10 step 2) { ... } for (i in 10 downTo 1) { ... } if (x in 1..10) { ... }

Android Kotlin tricks

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fun ImageView.loadUrl(url: String) { Glide.with(context).load(url).into(this) }



//Then ivAvatar.loadUrl("some_fancy_url")

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fun View.visible() { visibility = View.VISIBLE } fun View.gone() { visibility = View.GONE }

//call view.visible()

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fun View.setHeight(height: Int) { val params = layoutParams params.height = height layoutParams = params }

//call tvTotalPrice.setHeight(50)

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fun Activity.showOnUiThread(init: Activity.() -> Unit) : Activity { if (!isFinishing) {

runOnUiThread { init()

} } return this



//call showOnUiThread(updateUIWithNewData())

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fun Activity.hideKeyboard(): Boolean { val view = currentFocus view?.let { val imm = getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager return imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.windowToken, HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS) } return false }


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Adopting kotlin into android code

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class MyActivity : AppCompactActivity(){ // wont be init here lateinit var obj: CustomObject

override fun onCreate(...){ obj = intent.getExtras().get("key") // this will init the variable } }

lateinit Modifier

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When to use lateinit

If you’re variable is mutable

If you’re sending a object from another component/ screen — ex Intent extras

lateinit Modifier

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val myUtil by lazy { SomeUtil(parameter1, parameter2) }

Lazy Initialisation

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val hashMap = HashMap<String, String>() hashMap.put("keyA", "valueA") hashMap.put("keyB", "valueB") hashMap.put("keyC", "valueC")

//change to val map = mapOf( "keyA" to "valueA", "keyB" to "valueB", "keyC" to "valueC" )


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fun listItemsToDisplay(): List<ListItem> { return listOf(users) + friends() + recentSearches() }


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fun parseResponse(response: Response?) = when (response?.code()) { null -> throw HTTPException(“Oh no”) 200, 201 -> parse(response.body()) in 400..499 -> throw HTTPException("Invalid request") in 500..599 -> throw HTTPException("Server error") else -> throw HTTPException("Error! Code {response.code()}”) }


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Convert .java Automatic migration might not always result

the best code//Java private static final String MY_EXTRA=


//Kotlin class SomeClass : AppCompatActivity() { companion object {

} //Other stuff here }

private val MY_EXTRA = “extra_sauce”

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KotlinDo this instead

//Kotlin class SomeClass : AppCompatActivity() { //Other stuff here }

private val MY_EXTRA = “extra_sauce”

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KotlinDo this instead

//Kotlin class SomeClass : AppCompatActivity() { //Other stuff here }

private const val MY_EXTRA = “extra_sauce”

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class SomeClass : AppCompatActivity() { var someString = “” var someValue : Payment = /*..*/

override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) if (someValue != null) someString = someValue!!.getCost() }


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class SomeClass : AppCompatActivity() { var someString = “”

var someValue : Payment

override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) if (someValue != null) someString = someValue!!.getCost() }


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class SomeClass : AppCompatActivity() { var someString = “”

var someValue : Payment

override fun onCreate(b: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(b) someValue?.let{

someValue!!.getCost() } }


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val password: Password = PasswordGenerator().run { seed = "someString" hash = {s -> someHash(s)} hashRepetitions = 1000

generate() }

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val generator = PasswordGenerator().apply { seed = "someString" hash = {s -> someHash(s)} hashRepetitions = 1000 } val pasword = generator.generate()


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class MyFragment : Fragment(){ companion object { @JvmStatic fun newInstance(b:Boolean): MyFragment { val fragment = MyFragment() val args = Bundle() args.putBoolean("isValid",b) fragment.arguments = args return fragment }


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fun handleView() { for (item in list) if (item is TextView) item.text = getString(R.string.play) else doRandomOperationOn(item) }

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fun handleView() { list.forEach { item -> when (item) { is TextView -> item.text = getString(R.string.play) else -> doRandomOperationOn(item) } }


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class MyRecyclerAdapter(

val items: List,

val listener: (Item) -> Unit





recycler.adapter = MyRecyclerAdapter(items) { navigateToDetail(it) }

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fun View.fadeOut(duration: Long = 500): ViewPropertyAnimator { return animate() .alpha(0.0f) .setDuration(duration) }

Optional params

icon.fadeOut() // fade out with default time (500) icon.fadeOut(1000) // fade out with custom time

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inline fun SharedPreferences.edit( func: SharedPreferences.Editor.()-> Unit) { val editor = edit() editor.func() editor.apply() }

//Then preferences.edit { putString("foo", "bar") putString("fizz", "buzz") remove("username") }

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❤ KotlinJava to Kotlin



Koans - http://bit.ly/KotlinKoans

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Thank you

