Designing Testable Software OpKoKo 16.2 Ekerö October 21, 2016 @DanielDeogun

Designing Testable Software

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Page 1: Designing Testable Software

Designing Testable SoftwareOpKoKo 16.2

Ekerö October 21, 2016


Page 2: Designing Testable Software


About Me

Daniel Deogun Coder and Quality Defender

- VP Academy, Core 3, Stockholm

- Current assignment Hi3G / Nordic Choice Hotels

- Speaker, Teacher, Lead Developer

- Author of Secure by Design, Manning publ (in progress)

- Interests: DDD, DDSec, TDD, BDD, DbC, …

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- Put the test hat on when designing a system

- Testing is quite hard and require a lot of good design

- You get pretty far by thinking test first

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The Spec of the New “System”

Easy to add / remove / update functionality

Have same functionality as the “old” system

Must be resilient

Easy to maintain

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Where do you begin?


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Test Hat On

Let’s put the test hat on

and see what we need…[2]

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Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

How do we report progress?

Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?How do we report progress?

Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?

Do we want “exactly” the same behavior?

How do we report progress?

Have same functionality as the “old” system

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Behavior Driven Development in a Nutshell

BDD tries to capture the behavior of a system, not how it’s implemented

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BDD in Practice

Given … When … Then …



Gherkin notation

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BDD in Practice Scenarios Act As a Client

Given … When … Then …

public class Scenario {

public void given() {…}

public void when() {…}

public void then() {…}


convert to

executable test acting as a client



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Application Behavior Captured by Scenario Tests

BDD Scenarios


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Application Behavior Captured by Scenario Tests

BDD Scenarios

But what about dependencies to other systems?



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Application Behavior Captured by Scenario Tests

BDD Scenarios

But what about dependencies to other systems?



Let’s have a look at 3 important principles…

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Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_inversion_principle

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Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)


Dependency implementation


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Dependency Injection (DI) Explained

public class Monkey {private final Banana banana;

public Monkey() { this.banana = new Banana();}…


Monkey depends on Banana but the Monkey creates the banana.

public class Monkey {private final Banana banana;

public Monkey(final Banana banana) { this.banana = notNull(banana);}…


Monkey depends on Banana but banana is given (injected) to Monkey

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Liskov’s Substitution Principle

Let ϕ(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then ϕ(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.

- Barbara Liskov and Jeannette Wing [3]

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LSP - “For Dummies”

If C is a subtype of P, then objects of type P may be replaced by objects of type C without violating behavior or invariants

- Common Sense

class C extends P {…}

final P p = new C();

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The Beautiful Trinity

DIP + DI + LSP = True


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DIP, DI, and LSP Allows Isolated Testing

Let’s use DI to inject dependencies

Let’s use DIP to remove dependencies to low level implementations

Let’s use LSP to ensure invariants and behavior



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Pros & Cons BDD & Spec by Example

+ Easy to verify business rules and expected behavior + A good way to learn how the system works + Creates confidence

- Deciding what to test may be hard - Feature driven scenario organization may create duplicated tests - Requires deep domain knowledge

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?

Do we want “exactly” the same behavior?

How do we report progress?

Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?

Do we want “exactly” the same behavior?

How do we report progress?

Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?

Do we want “exactly” the same behavior?

How do we report progress?

√?Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?

Do we want “exactly” the same behavior?

How do we report progress?

√?Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?

Do we want “exactly” the same behavior?

How do we report progress?


√?Have same functionality as the “old” system

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How do we verify this?

Is there any documentation?

Is there a domain expert?

Do we want “exactly” the same behavior?

How do we report progress?


√?Have same functionality as the “old” system

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

Easy to maintain

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

How do we avoid breaking things?

Easy to maintain

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

How do we avoid breaking things?

How do we design for change?

Easy to maintain

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

How do we avoid breaking things?

How do we design for change?

Easy to maintain

What does easy to maintain mean?

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Test Driven Development




Prove need

Smallest code change


TDD tend to focus on how something is implemented rather than its behavior

A good practice is to use BDD when doing TDD

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public void test_ticker() {Ticker ticker = new Ticker();


assertEquals(1, ticker.value());}


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public void test_ticker() {Ticker ticker = new Ticker();


assertEquals(1, ticker.value());}

TDDpublic void should_increment_ticker() {


int expectedValue = ticker.value() + ticker.incrementStep();



TDD á la BDD

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public void test_ticker() {Ticker ticker = new Ticker();


assertEquals(1, ticker.value());}

!- Never verify more than one behavior in each test - Don’t use a common set up method

TDDpublic void should_increment_ticker() {


int expectedValue = ticker.value() + ticker.incrementStep();



TDD á la BDD

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“…mock objects are simulated objects that mimic the behavior of real objects in controlled ways. A programmer typically creates a mock object to test the behavior of some other object, …”


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Use DI to Inject Mocksprivate final List<Item> items = mock(List.class); private final ShoppingCart shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(items);

public class ShoppingCart { private final List<Item> items; public ShoppingCart(final List<Item> items) { this.items = notNull(items); } public boolean add(final Item item) { return items.add(notNull(item)); } public boolean remove(final Item item) { return items.remove(notNull(item)); } …

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The Great Frustration

Incorrect mocking makes you spend more time updating test code than production code

And the reason is…

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The Great Frustration

Incorrect mocking makes you spend more time updating test code than production code

And the reason is…

Nobody puts Barbra in the corner!

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Violating LSP Yield Brittle Tests

private final List<Item> items = mock(List.class); private final ShoppingCart shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(items);

public class ShoppingCart { private final List<Item> items; public ShoppingCart(final List<Item> items) { this.items = notNull(items); } public boolean add(final Item item) { return items.add(notNull(item)); } public boolean remove(final Item item) { return items.remove(notNull(item)); } …

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Violating LSP Yield Brittle Tests

@Test public void should_remove_item() { final Item coke = new Coke(); BDDMockito.given(items.remove(coke)).willReturn(true); final boolean result = shoppingCart.remove(coke); assertTrue(result); }

public class ShoppingCart { private final List<Item> items; public ShoppingCart(final List<Item> items) { this.items = notNull(items); } public boolean remove(final Item item) {

return items.remove(notNull(item)); } …

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Violating LSP Yield Brittle Tests

@Test public void should_remove_item() { final Item coke = new Coke(); BDDMockito.given(items.remove(coke)).willReturn(true); final boolean result = shoppingCart.remove(coke); assertTrue(result); }

public class ShoppingCart { private final List<Item> items; public ShoppingCart(final List<Item> items) { this.items = notNull(items); } public boolean remove(final Item item) {

return items.remove(notNull(item)); } …

public class ShoppingCart { private final List<Item> items; public ShoppingCart(final List<Item> items) { this.items = notNull(items); } public boolean remove(final Item item) { return items.removeAll(items.stream() .filter(i -> i.equals(item)) .collect(toList())); }

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Violating LSP Yield Brittle Tests

@Test public void should_remove_item() { final Item coke = new Coke(); BDDMockito.given(items.remove(coke)).willReturn(true); final boolean result = shoppingCart.remove(coke); assertTrue(result); }

public class ShoppingCart { private final List<Item> items; public ShoppingCart(final List<Item> items) { this.items = notNull(items); } public boolean remove(final Item item) {

return items.remove(notNull(item)); } …

public class ShoppingCart { private final List<Item> items; public ShoppingCart(final List<Item> items) { this.items = notNull(items); } public boolean remove(final Item item) { return items.removeAll(items.stream() .filter(i -> i.equals(item)) .collect(toList())); }


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The “items” mock doesn’t satisfy LSP

Invoking an unmocked method on the items object causes a failure

Beware: Mockito uses default mocking behavior on some types (e.g. List, int, boolean, etc)

private final List<Item> items = mock(List.class); private final ShoppingCart shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(items);

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Tip of the Day

Make domain classes final to “prevent“ mocking![8]

org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: Cannot mock/spy class se.omegapoint.opkoko.MyDomainClassMockito cannot mock/spy following: - final classes - anonymous classes - primitive types

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Branch By Code Using Feature Toggles


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Branch By Code Using Feature Toggles

Release toggles • Compile time dependency • Ex: use DI and start app with different configuration

Ops toggles • Runtime dependency • Ex: special API only available for operations

Experiment toggles • Runtime dependency used for A/B testing • Ex: toggle is based on user information

Permission toggles • Runtime dependency • Ex: Toggle is based on payment information

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How Do Feature Toggles Affect Testing?

Release toggles • test what’s enabled (in production)

Ops toggles • make sure they only work for operations

Experiment toggles • test the selection algorithm

Permission toggles • test applicability

We cannot test every possible combination

Make an educated choice

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

How do we avoid breaking things?

How do we design for change?

Easy to maintain

What does easy to maintain mean?

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

How do we avoid breaking things?

How do we design for change?

Easy to maintain

What does easy to maintain mean?

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

How do we avoid breaking things?

How do we design for change?

Easy to maintain

What does easy to maintain mean?

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Easy to add / remove / update functionality

How do we avoid breaking things?

How do we design for change?

Easy to maintain

What does easy to maintain mean?


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Must be resilient

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How do we measure “resilience?”

Must be resilient

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How do we measure “resilience?”

How do we test resilience?

Must be resilient

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How do we measure “resilience?”

How do we test resilience?

Can we find the “upper bound?”

Must be resilient

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System Integration Resilience

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Circuit Breaker

“A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overcurrent or overload or short circuit.”

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circuit_breaker

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Circuit Breakers Avoid Killing Backend

circuit breakers

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Schematic view of a Circuit Breaker

- Release It! Michael Nygard, The Pragmatic Bookshelf

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Bulkhead Pattern



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Separate Thread Pools Avoid Cascading Failures

circuit breakers

Separate thread pools

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Request Collapsing Pattern


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“Internal” Resilience


Bad input data

Corrupt responses

Design by Contract

Message driven

Domain Driven DesignNull values

Default values


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Hostile Environment

Imagine an environment whose only purpose is to bring your application to its knees

Each endpoint is a potential “threat”

Put your application under heavy load, inject bad input, return corrupt data, etc

Make this a stage in your delivery pipeline

Monitor memory consumption, response times, etc

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How do we measure “resilience?”

How do we test resilience?

Must be resilient

Can we find the “upper bound?”

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How do we measure “resilience?”

How do we test resilience?

Must be resilient

Can we find the “upper bound?”


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How do we measure “resilience?”

How do we test resilience?

Must be resilient

Can we find the “upper bound?”


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How do we measure “resilience?”

How do we test resilience?

Must be resilient

√Can we find the “upper bound?”


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The Spec of the New “System”

Easy to add / remove / update functionality

Have same functionality as the “old” system

Must be resilient

Easy to maintain

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- Put the test hat on when designing a system

- Testing is quite hard and require a lot of good design

- You get pretty far by thinking test first

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Q & A


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References[1] Torsten, math teacher, https://flic.kr/p/ndFN4Q License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

[2] Emily Moe, IMG_7788, https://flic.kr/p/aH4rwk, License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/

[3] Liskov’s Substitution Principle, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle

[4] Tsutomu Takasu, Horse racing event, https://flic.kr/p/6Yy3NZ, License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

[5] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Emblem-evil-computer.svg/500px-Emblem-evil-computer.svg.png

[6] Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck, drawn by cartoonist Carl Barks, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Louie_Dewey_and_Huey.png

[7] Questions, https://flic.kr/p/9ksxQa] by Damián Navas, License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/

[8] Chuck Coker, Light Bulb No. 1, https://flic.kr/p/66KLFn, License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/

[9] DRVMX, Titantic, https://flic.kr/p/gNLK84, License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/